Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1496:

[I really want to 039 climb out of the text and kill me, I don't need to write a text, it's too stuck! !! !! 】

What's the difference between the temperature at 12 o'clock in the night?

If it is normal, few people can feel it.

But tonight is obviously different. The sun had disappeared long ago, but the burning sensation in the air seemed to be gradually warming with the passage of every minute; worse, no wind had been blown for several days. It's not air that floats outside the window, but hot suffocating sand ready to pounce on your face at any time.

Just as someone conveyed the instructions, the last few people in the city did not turn on the air conditioner for various reasons, and the outdoor unit turned around one after another. People who don't have air conditioners can't hold on anymore. Bars, 24-hour convenience stores, company units ... Where there is a trace of coolness, just go drill.

Thirty minutes later, with a soft click, several night vision lights in the apartment on the 38th floor suddenly went out. The house fell into an absolute darkness-the slight "humming" sound that had been lingering in the bedroom for a while and stopped quietly.

The central air conditioner is not blowing anymore.

After the air-conditioning stopped for a while, Lin Sanjiu turned irritably in his dream. Without the 26 ° air conditioner, a layer of sticky sweat quickly formed on her body. This layer of sweat was like an airtight cover, and she was awakened by heat after a while.

Hmm ... the remote seems to be on the nightstand ...

The idea flashed in her stupid mind, and she was about to reach out and feel suddenly that something was wrong. Lin Sanjiu was so excited that he stopped his hands immediately and did not move. After a while, he squinted his eyes quietly and looked upwards.

A snow-white face hung directly above her face, and two black cave-like eyes were staring straight at her in the dark.

Again! --Again--!

There was a scream in Lin Sanjiu's head, but a dry throat could not be heard-her heartbeat sounded more and more urgent, and the white face listened slightly to her ears, Brushed and approached Lin Sanjiu.

Two weeks ago, she woke up thirsty in the middle of the night, got up, and bumped into this face all at once. At that time, Lin Sanjiu screamed in horror, crawled on the ground and turned on the lights, only to find that it turned out to be Ren Nan--

Ren Nan didn't know when she was sitting next to her, a face expressionless in the dark, I don't know how long I just stared at her like this-just like tonight.

Ren Nan said at that time that he had always sleepwalked since he was a child.

If it wasn't Lin Sanjiu's skepticism, maybe she really believed it. At this time, she held back her fear and pretended not to wake up. She reached out and rubbed her eyes, and asked with a tremor, "Ren Nan, have you slept again?"

Ren Nan's face cracked into a smile in the dark silently, and his tongue was very clear: "Yeah, I'm getting old again. Didn't I scare you?"

"Yes, a bit ..." Lin Sanjiu almost got out of bed and stood at the door-the illusion of being able to escape at any time calmed her down a little, then she felt the steamer-like in the room again. temperature.

"Why is it so hot? Did you turn off the air conditioner?"

Ren Nan didn't say anything, but just stretched out his hand, and the heavy curtains quickly receded to both sides, revealing a floor-to-ceiling window. Through this window, Lin Sanjiu usually sees the bright night view of half the city. But tonight, the city has lost the light that never extinguished before, and even the stars have disappeared with interest, and some are just dead.

In the house with closed doors and windows, it was sultry and breathless.

"The burden of electricity is too big. It looks like the city is out of power." Ren Nan's voice was still smiling, revealing a good deal of time. As he said, he slowly got up, bypassing the foot of the bed, and stepped towards the door step by step.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly had a big alarm bell in his head. Before he approached, he turned sharply and ran to the living room. Taking care of the layout of the apartment in the past three months finally provided her with a little reward: in the darkness of reaching her fingers, she still rushed into the entrance of the living room smoothly, before she could change her breath, she slammed Reached for the elevator button.

The expected red did not light up-such an expensive apartment has no backup power system?

"Back-up power only supplies corridor lights, elevators-especially private elevators, they don't care." Behind her heard a voice for six months. Ren Nan was still so gentle, but Lin Sanjiu heard a whistle of water when he bit his voice. As if ... Ren Nan couldn't control the drool in his mouth ...

In the darkness, the fuzzy silhouette of Ren Nan, who was walking towards her, stopped in the center of the living room.

Lin Sanjiu just felt dizzy in his head. Her sixth sense was right-she regretted for a while: "You ... what do you want to do?"

"You are quite awake," Ren Nan took a sip of water. "Should have been feeling for a long time? But you should still learn to listen to your own intuitive opinions ... otherwise you won't come back with me Coming. You have probably done a lot of psychological struggle these days ... Thank you for your trust in me. "

Lin Sanjiu didn't notice it, but her hands clenched into fists were shaking.

"Small wine, do you sweat a lot in such a hot day?" Ren Nan suddenly asked with concern a sentence that couldn't be beaten.

Lin Sanjiu froze and touched his arm subconsciously. She only sweated a little bit—but—what was this asking?

Ren Nan was very satisfied and nodded in the dark. "Little wine is awesome! Don't let me train you for six months ..."

What is he talking about-he couldn't understand a sentence!

Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth to say something, only to find that his teeth were fighting fiercely. The idea she had been floating up and down for days allowed her to ask a word she thought she would never say: "You ... want to eat me?"

The dark figure issued a satisfied praise: "How intuitive is this intuition."

Lin Sanjiu was irritated by his attitude-fear, anger, confusion, mixed with emotions, she seemed to be so helpless, and the following words poured out like a tide: "Don't kid me Who the **** is it! Why did you find me? I tell you, do n’t mess around, all my friends know I live with you ... "

She deliberately raised her voice, secretly hoping someone could hear it, and quietly touched the open kitchen on the side of the living room.

Ren Nan sighed. "Anyway, you've been with me for six months, and I'll give you a sense of death." Then he raised his hand and hit a ring finger.

There was a sudden "bang", and a glass wall in the living room suddenly shattered into hundreds of pieces-accompanied by the fuzzy screams from far away, a heat wave that Lin Sanjiu had never experienced wrapped glass fragments. , Swept into the apartment. Only the last bit of coolness left by the central air conditioner was immediately swallowed up.

How and why is it so hot? It's almost like someone roasted the whole city on fire!

Before waiting for Lin Sanjiu to react, Ren Nan's gentle voice has sounded again: "From this evening, this world is not the earth you are familiar with. In this new world, according to your measurement method, It's ... oh, fifty-six degrees Celsius. "

Lin Sanjiu was stupid. At fifty-six degrees Celsius, it's enough for a person to get severe heat stroke, dehydration, and death a few times. Together with this idea, she touched her back neck. Unexpectedly, Lin Sanjiu did not sweat much.

"Look! I have only raised you for a few months, and you have evolved two things: 'high temperature adaptation' and 'keen intuition' ... it is indeed a high-potential seed that I saw at first glance. If it were not for the new world, Too early, I really want to raise you for two more years, and then eat again ... "Ren Nan's tone was a pity. He took a loud sip and came towards Lin Sanjiu. "Little wine, I haven't eaten a good boy with a high potential for a long time."

After the glass wall shattered, some light shone in the living room. With this little light, Lin Sanjiu could see Ren Nan's face at this time.

In the past, Peugeot's facial features of male models have been opened up by him, and they gradually become invisible. The clear saliva was no longer restrained, and it kept flowing down the corner of the mouth-and at this time, Lin Sanjiu had been forced back into the corner of the kitchen.

"I, I still don't understand! What the **** are you? Why should you eat me? And, what evolution, ability-don't you want to give me an understanding, tell me!"

Even a delay of one minute is a chance! Lin Sanjiu quietly stretched his hands to the knife stand on the fluid platform behind him through the time of shouting.

Big mouth paused, closed a little, and exposed some of Ren Nan's original features. "Well ... why are you so stupid? Of course I am human, Ren Nan is my name-but I am not the same as you backward species. I am from another 'new world'. Humans who have survived in the new world Will evolve different abilities ... I have abilities that you would never even think of. "

Ren Nan wiped his wet jaw. "I urge you to put down the knife. My eyesight is very good. Let me eat it obediently, I promise not to hurt--"

"Fuck your mother's fart!" Lin Sanjiu, who was still scared and angry, was holding a sharp knife, and rushed in anger, without saying a word.

Yin Liang's boning knife was extremely fast, and pulled a bright line in the dark-when he saw that the tip of the knife was about to get into Ren Nan's chest, he only took a slight step to the side, Lin Sanjiu said Emptied. With a pinch at her feet, she stepped on a piece of glass and could no longer keep her balance and fell heavily to the ground.

A mouth that cracked to the cheeks didn't give her a chance to stand up at all, and the wind generally struck Lin Sanjiu-she only had the time to turn over in a panic, and severed the boning knife in her hand. Dumped out. Ren Nan took a moment to hide, but she was cut through a shallow wound by a knife.

With a short click, the knife fell into the distance.

Ren Nan, embarrassed and angry, pressed Lin Sanjiu to the ground, staring at her black eyes almost as large as the tip of a needle. "The steak should look like a steak!"

In the low light, Lin Sanjiu watched in despair as Heiying rushed towards his throat.

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