Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1497: Who says environmental description is not important

Lin Sanjiu rolled out ahead for a few times, another jumped up and jumped up, and had to glance backwards in a hurry, he had to continue to run forward like a flee; Yu Yuan stumbled, and sometimes she also dragged one by one hand Only then can we barely keep up.

The fool also knows that this time I am involved in the game, I'm afraid I can never come out again: the game writer sits at the other end of the white document and looks at it, even if she knocks the sky out of the hole, it is impossible to crack the game ——The opponent only needs to apply a patch to the game and change the conditions to drive Lin Sanjiu into a dead end.

Just like the ground folds that bulged when the plates collided millions of years ago, from the vast white snow, the general characters of the mountains continued to tremble and stand up; the text after text became a distant mountain and a grassland. The sound of the admiral's voice is colored in nothingness, and the tide generally spreads across the earth, gradually exhibiting one side of the world.

Just reconfirmed, but found that the echo seemed to tremble in my head, there was still only silence in my ears, and my own heavy breathing.

On the white paper, the black text appeared one by one, followed closely behind Lin Sanjiu's duo, and unfolded into a world. The blue sky was about to spread on her head. Several times, she almost stepped on the grass that suddenly appeared from the front-she and Yu Yuan, now must be like two small flies on a white paper. Stumble, even if you are good, you don't know when the next word will rise from your feet.

After all, here is a blank piece of paper, that person can write at any point.

"Come on, hurry up!" Lin Sanjiu called back to Yu Yuan, only to find that the latter was more than a few steps slower, and he was almost packed in a thatched cottage that suddenly formed. She hurriedly threw it out with the rest of her consciousness, and dragged him to the side before the last stroke turned into straw; the teacher murmured muttering, "Every time I recover, I use it, so when? Can all be recovered? "

Lin Sanjiu now has no time to pay attention to her.

On this piece of white paper, as long as the strokes fall and the text rises, they will quickly spread into a real world. When she looked back, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: after running long distances, they were just like one TV scene after another.

In this piece of "viewing tents" sporadicly distributed because they followed them, some still blew a breeze to catch Lin Sanjiuyi corner after the ground dust was settled; some were hanging on the wall On a large-screen TV, the light and shadow flickered on the TV; and the peasant woman who suddenly stood up from behind the well and grabbed her ... If they were hit by either, they would both be stirred into the game.

"Where are you going?" Yu Yuan was wrapped in Lin Sanjiu's arms in his arms, and his two feet stumbled while running, his face still didn't look much. "He can write wherever he is."

"That's true," Lin Sanjiu almost wanted to carry him, but Yu Yuan was a little taller than her, which was really inconvenient-"But, except where there are words, right?"

"Do you want to hide in a game that has already taken shape?" Yu Yuan said calmly.

Those games are projected to the ground, and they just walked through the text structure several times just fine. That person can't write on the character, right?

Lin Sanjiu said, "Yes."

"I don't think that will work."

When she heard the words, she turned her head and did not wait for her to ask "why". Then suddenly the teacher in her head exclaimed-at the same time, she bumped into something seriously, and suddenly her ears, shoulders, and knees hit as if It was about to fall out from the other end of the body, so painful that her vision was a bit flaky.

"Back a few meters," Yu Yuan's tone was flat.

They ran from the back ... The idea hadn't even surfaced yet, Lin Sanjiu jumped back subconsciously; when she landed on both feet, she could see clearly. It turned out that there was a line in front of the transparent obstacle. Character-At this time, the last "Qi" character is melting into the figure, forming another stranger. The man blinked small black bean-like eyes, opened his arms at them, quickened his pace, and rushed up.

She quickly dragged Yu Yuan, enduring the buzzing pain in her head, and turned to run in the other direction.

"Do you know if we can run back?"

"Can't say I know." Without looking at Yu Yuan, his tone sounded like he was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. "I just thought deeply. For example, you can understand that the world is like a handwritten book; although every page you write must be ordered together to form a complete book, but At the time of writing, it must have been written on a piece of paper, page by page. Each game is a page, bound on the surface of the planet, and this game world is formed. "

"So we happened to be on a blank piece of paper," Lin Sanjiu yelled as he ran, "Is he spotted it, and then he pulls this piece of paper out for writing alone?"

"You understand that correctly."

This sentence is not what Yu Yuan said.

The voice came from the depths of the white earth beneath the feet, and the male voice sounded a little admired. Lin Sanjiu really couldn't think of what kind of creatures created such a world.

"So what do we do now?" She was full of anger, especially to see Yu Yuan indifferent, but added a fire. As soon as this was said, she felt that her heart was shrunk by something, and hurriedly bumped Yu Yuan with her shoulders, catching him and rolling to the side; where they almost fell, there was an extra one Woman squatting on the ground.

"He started catching people with game characters," Yu Yuan said. "Smaller, more flexible, we are harder to hide."

If it was a piece of "paper" that was pulled out separately, it meant that no matter which direction she ran, she would hit the same invisible boundary. Looking back, there are many new words in the heavens and earth near and far, and they are plucked from the ground, gradually forming a part of the game: the loess slope, which is criss-crossed by the ox rut, and descends from the village all the way It fell on the blank white paper ground; there was a rain, and the wind blew a trace of cool rain against a mass of pure white-before long, this whole "paper" would be filled with text. At that time, she had nowhere to run.

"We continue to stay here, sooner or later, we will be involved in the game," Lin Sanjiu did not dare to touch the world formed by words, and he did not dare to touch the people formed by words. The woman, pulling Yu Yuan, asked loudly, "But this place is a separate and separated space. If it is not next to it, how can we go out?"

"Actually if you think about--"

Lin Sanjiu bustled his arm secretly.

"Ah." Yu Yuan even said "Ah", "Ah" was bland-he probably didn't feel pain, otherwise he should pass out when he fell out of the elevator shaft.

"What do you want?" Lin Sanjiu didn't know if the person at the other end of the white paper was still monitoring her. In order to keep the situation natural, he pretended to ask a question.

Before Yu Yuan answered this time, she lowered her head and looked at the hand that held her arm. "Well ... you think about it, we don't need to run," he obviously changed his mouth. "Just make him invisible to us."

"Do you have a way?"

"I write ... I have an item that can come in handy."

During the conversation, the two people knew each other's heart. This was at best a contingency plan that delayed time. This piece of white paper, which is drawn separately, is not connected to the white paper where other games are located, but it does not mean that it is a closed road.

The biggest way is under their feet-now that Bai Cong's text can cross the white paper and go to the other end, then they can naturally; they just need to find a way.

Seeing how much Yu Yuan did, Lin Sanjiu saw him ran out and pulled a large ball of white cloth from his jacket; she was holding her breath while waiting for this special item to work, and saw Yu Yuanyang's hand pushing the white cloth forward Throw and say, "Enough is enough, go in."

Could it be space in space? It is indeed a data body, and a space object is a shot.

Lin Sanjiu stepped on the white cloth, and his heart suddenly disappeared.

"You step on it and grab a corner," Yu Yuan gestured, "wrap your head with a cloth when you squat down. You have to hurry up, I see someone coming after him."

Lin Sanjiu lifted his eyes and swept away, and indeed saw a long black shadow that was cast and dropped on the ground after half-cutting the stone wall from a distance. He had to pull a white cloth over his head and hide with him. Under the cloth, said in an airy voice: "Please tell me, this cloth has a special effect."

"No, I am too late to write special items."

... then squatting in a cloth bag, just like the two chickens that the peasant woman wrapped up in the market? Isn't this fooling yourself?

"That man was writing on paper, and what he saw should be paper and characters. If we had two human figures on the paper just now, then it is no wonder he would find ... but we are all white now. Now. "

"Even if you're right, those who have written words have eyes, they can see us!"

Yu Yuan was silent. "Before these words are not connected and a complete game is not formed, it is still unknown whether they have normal functions ..."

Across the white sheets-now Lin Sanjiu can see that it's a sheet-she pointed to a faint shadow in front of her and asked: "Look at it."

Yu Yuan looked at it.

"Did you come straight to us?"

Yu Yuan nodded.

"That's not running yet!"

Lin Sanjiu lifted the sheets out, dragging Yu Yuan's collar and dragging him back-she had a good grasp of the timing, and the sheet fell on a person in front of him in the future. One arm that came out to catch people was covered with a white cloth, as if the mummy was resurrected. She pulled on Yu Yuan, turned around and ran to the small world gathering place that had already been realized, and asked with a voice as she ran, "Do you still have that kind of white sheet?"

"How many are there?" Yu Yuan said truthfully.

When it's their turn, there are as many as necessary.

"Then you get two more for me," Lin Sanjiu said, and he bent down quickly, avoiding a bunch of branches hanging low on his head. On the right hand side was a wood formed by words, and the land, shrubs, and weeds were unwillingly covered by a distance, and they were almost on their feet.

"Where are you going?" Yu Yuan said, pulling a white sheet from his arms.

"I think one of your inferences may be right," Lin Sanjiu kept his voice low, trying not to let the other person on the other side of the paper hear it. "That person looks at us, maybe it's neither text nor blank paper. It's very conspicuous ... if that's the case, then I have a way to get us to the other side of the paper."

"any solution?"

"Don't you think that with a bag of white cloth, he can't see it?" Lin Sanjiu felt that although this idea is similar to elementary school students writing typos on correction fluid, anyway, Yu Yuan is also a data body. — "Let's grab a text-formed thing and wrap it with a white cloth to see if he can take it back in surprise. If the text is taken back, then take us by the way Now. "

"Did you forget that when you touch the text, you will become involved in the part of the game that it forms ..."

At this point, Lin Sanjiu also thought of it. To be honest, she can think that she was actually inspired by Yu Yuan, although she doesn't want to admit it now.

"You look at the environment around us," she said. "The game that the person is going to design for us is obviously in the era when people need Ishii to draw water, live in thatched cottages, and go out by ox carts. It is an ancient background game. I do n’t I know whether he was anxious to write the wrong word, but just now when he tried to grab us with words, a group of words appeared, obviously not belonging to this ancient game ... if it cannot form part of the game itself, we catch it, Is it okay? "

Yu Yuan looked around and understood.

"It's the TV on that wall," he whispered. "That TV is not part of the game."

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