Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1503: Scream of Usher

There is a noble explanation and a gloomy explanation for the move of the Queen of the Night Star.

The noble explanation is that the girl did not intend to lie at all, but was afraid that they would lie, so she subconsciously put away the text after they finished speaking.

... Lin Sanjiu is really willing to think more people, but not so naive.

The remaining dark explanation is naturally that the other party knows that he will also be affected by words, and he is unwilling to tell the truth, so he puts the words away.

But in this way, how to explain that the girl was not affected by hunger and locust writing? If she was immune to the hungry locust-and now it looks like that-then she should also be immune to honesty?

After Lin Sanjiu put away the paper, the latter never sent her a second message. The doubts in her heart could not be written down to tell Yu Yuan, because the Queen of the Night Star walked half a step in front of her, and from time to time she had to look back at her and talk to her. The girl just turned her head again at this time, and the wide jaw angle was clear. As she spoke, she said, "You, is a legendary humanoid object?"

After a while, Lin Sanjiu realized that she was talking about Yu Yuan. The advantage of the data body is that it doesn't panic-he is said to be nothing, and he has no trace of emotional response.

"Yes," although she felt a bit ashamed to lie to the benefactor, but it involved Yu Yuan and had to be sorry for the girl. "You see it?" She asked tentatively.

"Unaffected by words, then it must be not human!" The Queen of the Night Star turned her head and said "Ha", "I happened to have happened before. I have never encountered such a humanoid object, but now I can see it. So, you can recognize it at a glance. "

She suddenly motioned to Lin Sanjiu to keep up with her, and said with a smile, "I, I have a good impression of you, so I have to teach you one. If you can recognize it, that humanoid thing is useless, the biggest value No. You must have spent a lot of money to buy this? Don't spend this wrong money in the future. "

If the three humanoid objects in the card library could be heard, it must have been protested now. Lin Sanjiu didn't say anything, just nodded and said "um".

The night star queen glanced at Yu Yuan from the corner of her eyes. "However, they might still be able to fight? I haven't tried anything like this ..."

The use of humanoid objects is not an important topic worth exploring.

Lin Sanjiu said "um". She was concentrating on the message that the Queen of the Night Star said that she was "not affected by words, it must not be human". First of all, it means that non-humans can not be affected by words, and there are many places where she can use her brain. Second, it is equal to The girl acknowledged herself, and she was also influenced by words.

She is not human, not without, but too small. At this distance, Lin Sanjiu can clearly perceive some physical signs on her, such as breathing, heartbeat, superior carotid arteries ... No matter the source location or the regularity of performance, it belongs to the human evolutionist.

And it belongs to the human evolutionist, the more-well, the more ordinary group.

Anyway, the person who saved himself once, Lin Sanjiu temporarily changed an adjective.

In order to achieve an evolutionary leader, in addition to combat power, there are qualities such as mind, reaction, insight, etc .; Lin Sanjiu tried a little, the other party leaked important information, and also showed that the Queen of the Night Star was not a superman. Waiting for characters.

How did she become one of the game creators?

"How long have you been here?" Lin Sanjiu thought about it, but still didn't ask directly.

Unexpectedly, in just a few seconds of silence, the Queen of the Night Star seemed unhappy again. She regained a half-step lead and walked in front of Lin Sanjiu. After the latter had been questioned twice in a row, she said without looking back, "What are you asking?"

"I want to know about this place."

"You asked so much from the east and the west, messy, I don't know how to tell you. You wait for me to go back and introduce you!" The Queen of the Night Star stopped suddenly, facing an open cement He said, "There is a valley not far ahead. This is a dangerous place. You must listen to me."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the ceiling above him, and the surrounding concrete walls. "valley?"

"Each of us has the ability to transform our own living environment," the Queen of the Night Star seemed willing to tell her about her specific abilities. "The shuddering king transformed that room into a study, and the person in front of him, A lot of space has been converted into valleys. "

The shuddering prince was so sad that Lin Sanjiu didn't dare ask who lived in front of him; no matter what he called himself, anyway, her name was Zhang Guya.

The wide concrete floor gradually descended, forming a gentle slope. The two walked downhill with the Queen of the Night Star for a while, as if it was just a blink of an eye, the vision suddenly changed to a new world—the walls became a wilderness full of grass, and the dark and dry woods replaced the cement road, from time to time There was a dark crow passing under the vast haze sky.

"Why is it dangerous here?" Yu Yuan consciously played a humanoid object, and Lin Sanjiu had to take the responsibility of interrogation.

"That's dangerous for you, it doesn't matter to me." The Queen of the Night Star walked very stably on the dirt road between the barren grasslands, looking really afraid. "Allan Poe can't hurt me, but well, if he were to see you ..."

"... What about him?"

The queen of the night star paused. Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt that she didn't know it.

"You have a disease in your heart, and it ’s better to listen to my instructions. Except for my soft-heartedness, there won't be a second person here willing to help you." The girl emphasized, "you came in in an abnormal way Once it is discovered, everyone will say what's wrong. I'll ask him to inquire about Ji Shanqing. You should hide behind you and don't be found. "

"He has something to do with that apartment game?"

"We usually write our own games, and we don't know what each other has created." This time, the Queen of the Night Star answered very quickly, "I just heard a volunteer mention it once. I wrote a game in an apartment ... "

What is their relationship with volunteers?

This problem surfaced, Lin Sanjiu swallowed again. The focus now is to save the gift pack, the rest are not important. She now knew a little about how to deal with the Queen of the Night Star, and immediately thanked him and said, "That's it. Thanks to you, otherwise how can we know this ... this Allan Po."

It stands to reason that this is the truth, but she said it uncomfortably.

The Queen of the Night Stars only answered, "You think I want to help you. One thing is worse than one thing. You do n’t know how much trouble you have."

Allan Poe—No, Zhang Gu's residence is a large house located deep in the valley. The country house looked far away, and it looked like a gloomy defeat, indeed reminiscent of the collapse of Usher; several people gradually approached, and the look of the night star queen became more and more serious. As she was about to walk towards the gate of the mansion, she let them squat in a bush near the road and whispered, "Don't run around, just wait for me here, and if things change, I'll come here Meet with you. "

"What might change?"

"What if he catches someone and sees me and asks, what if I get angry and attack me?" The girl glanced at Lin Sanjiu and said, "How can you even think of this?"

Ain't hurting you?

Lin Sanjiu swallowed this sentence back, perfunctory a few words, watching her turn and walk towards that Usher House. The two sat in the bushes, watching her knock on the gate of Usher House all the way, and was brought in by someone who could not see his face, and Yu Yuan finally opened his mouth.

"I don't quite understand."

"You said."

"With your fighting force, you can always use the female uniform to force out all the information here. You do n’t do this, I understand, the burden of moral burden is too heavy. After all, she saved you." Yu Yuan said flatly, "But why isn't she afraid of this possibility?"

Lin Sanjiu thought about it. "Maybe she thinks she can help me find someone, so I dare not attack her ..."

It was just that this conjecture could not even convince herself.

"She must be confident that you can't hurt her. If she is the creator of the game and protected by this world, then the trembling prince looks very guarded and uses special items." Probably only the data body I can speak this title normally, without embarrassment.

"I can't figure it out," Lin Sanjiu said with a sigh. "I have more than one question. Don't they transmit? How did they become creators? Where did they come from in writing? How many people are there in total? Is there any purpose? I have too many questions, but I get too little information from her. "

"Then we might as well go in and listen to what they have said." Yu Yuan raised his chin in the direction of Usher.

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but smile, saying, "I thought the data body wouldn't have such thoughts. I'll wait for you for a while."

Even if Yu Yuan is no longer in the past, it is not difficult for the two of them to sneak into the House of Usher-at least, Lin Sanjiu thought so before he set off. It wasn't until the two made a few laps around Usher House and finally rejoined under a window that they whispered to each other and asked the same question: "Can't you get in?"

"This is not a building in itself," Yu Yuan quickly realized the reason, and whispered, "This is just a surface, and it is actually a concrete box-like room underneath. All the sky, the windows, the backyard. , It doesn't actually exist. The only way to get there is the door, but only the creator of the game has permission to open it. "

"Then how do we get in?" Lin Sanjiu was troubled.

She didn't say a word, just listening to the sudden exclaiming of a female in the room. It was the Queen of the Night Star no doubt-"What are you doing? Help!"

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