Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1504:

[Thinking about making everyone wait and wait more, the end result is that you may have to wait a long time ... I have been in a recent state, not the writing state, but the overall mentality, which makes my life boring, hopeless, and helpless. 】

"You don't know that a place with abundant supplies such as a supermarket often has the most changes ..."

Lu Ze and Lin Sanjiu walked carefully in the dark shelves, staring at each other's back from time to time. They were holding a bottle of red wine in their hands-no way, there was a little lethality at the supermarket entrance, and everything else was useless. Of course, it is not reliable to use red wine to deal with fallen seeds, but it can still be done when you throw it out.

Mather was flattened by them deliberately, placed between the two corpses in the doorway, and looked like the dead at a glance. It's just that she will be upset if she wakes up ...

"Let's go to the deli area—" Luze whispered. He just wanted to say that after starting to eat in the deli area, he smelled a thick stench in his nose. Unwilling to pick up a box of vegetable and potato salad, just throw it away: "All is broken! It has turned into water!"

"Isn't this of course?" Lin Sanjiu asked back with tears of laughter.

After spending twenty minutes, the two talents walked the supermarket from start to finish. Except for a few corpses lying deep in the supermarket, everything was normal. There is no need to continue vigilance, and the two put down the red wine bottle-it was always weird to hold it-walking back side by side.

"Although there is no direct sunlight, but the underground supermarket is out of light, it is too dark ... Do you know where there is a flashlight?" Lu Ze was a little annoyed. "Since this extreme hell, I have been in the dark On. "

"Look for a while, I don't know if it's sold, after all, it's a high-end imported supermarket." Lin Sanjiu's time to talk, the two have arrived in the food area, each grabbed a few packets of food , In my arms. "However, I remember they sell scented candles ... as long as there is light."

While whispering to Lin Sanjiu, Lu Ze groped and opened the packaging bag.

"Hey, this is potato chips ..." He just screamed in surprise, only to hear a sudden echo in the quiet quiet supermarket: "Lu Ze, you get out of me!"

It was Martha's voice.

"Mather? Marther, you're awake!" When Luze heard, he hurried to Lin Sanjiu and ran, and returned to the door within a few steps. Looking at the light cast from the outside, Martha was standing in disgust between the two bodies. The contrast between her red hair and black face seemed particularly obvious.

Luze explained a few words hesitantly, and pleased Martha with the potato chips in her hand for a long time, and then she snorted from her nose, which was to expose the matter. Immediately, she set her eyes on Lin Sanjiu, and seemed to hesitate for a while.

Somehow Lin Sanjiu was a little nervous, he put down his food and looked at Martha and asked, "Is there a problem with my data?"

"It's not a problem ... maybe my previous samples were too small," Marce smiled comfortably, and said, "your data is different from what I measured before."

"How do you say?" Lin Sanjiu asked afterwards.

"You ca n’t understand it, just look at it yourself!" As soon as Martha's words fell, her nails on her index finger immediately stretched—unlike in the past, this time, her nails had a touch of gold. Yellow rays.

Mather looked around and found a somewhat dark place, and motioned for the two to follow. Then she wrote the words in the air with her index finger-every word that was written appeared pale gold and floated in the air.

Lin Sanjiu wanted to suppress the surprised expression, but unsuccessfully.

"On the left is your value." Mather wrote as he explained, "I will write Luzer's as well, to make a comparison for you."

[Basic Ability of Lin Sanjiu]

High temperature adaptation: Effectively resist high temperature environment up to 125 °.

Keen intuition: The spirit is not good at all times, but the spirit is more frequent.

The third basic capability is being generated.

[Body value of Lin Sanjiu]

Height: 168cm

Weight: 56 kg

100 meters average speed: 11.6 seconds

Nerve response speed: faster

Vision: 5.0

Fat content: 18.5%

Muscle content: 45.7%

Potential value: high

When Martha finished writing, Lu Ze first issued a surprised "erh?" Mather gave him a white look, and then said to her, "Your values ​​are more than that. I picked out the important ones. After a while we have finished comparing them, I will write them down one by one."

Lin Sanjiu nodded to her and quickly read all his data.

She is very good at playing small physical fitness, and she is quite agile. In the physical education class where girls all have headaches, she has always been like a fish, and in the college entrance examination, she added a lot of points by sports. Of course, from small to large, she has not been ridiculed by boys for "developed limbs" or anything ... In short, except for a potential value, other data are normal to her.

When Lin Sanjiu was fascinated, Lu Ze's data also appeared in the air one by one.

[Luze's basic capabilities]

Extreme climate adaptation: able to survive extreme high and low temperatures.

Physical fitness: physical fitness improved.

Speed ​​optimization: much faster than before.

Eagle Eye: It greatly increases the visual range, and the sight will be relatively clear in the dark.

Climb and Jump: Agile as a cat.

The sixth basic capability is being generated.

[Lu Ze's body value]

Height: 174cm

Weight: 70 kg

Speed: 120

Strength: 89

Maximum strike force: 101

Potential: 192

After just writing a few items, Lin Sanjiu already understood—Mather saw this and stopped her nails. "You see it now, too? Luzer's value was derived after being highly conceptualized by my abilities, like ... well, like a game character."

Lin Sanjiu nodded, his eyes lingered several times on the "potential value" line.

"But I do n’t know why, but your value cannot be conceptualized—not that it is not impossible, but not necessary. Each of your data is a real measurement, which is a conclusion that can be drawn in a fitness test ... this That's it. The most important thing is the potential value, "Marce explained calmly.

"Everyone—at least, of all the people I met, the potential value is a specific number. Unless there are some rare opportunities encountered, this number will not change ... and you are the first exception . "

Luzer's "192" still glowed a faint light in the air.

Lin Sanjiu frowned-at the same time, Martha's voice continued: "... in the evolution of humans, Luzer's potential value is relatively high, that is, you should at least talk to him It's the same level ... "


Lin Sanjiu suddenly looked up: "Ren Nan! The potential value of Ren Nan is 204. I used his abilities on his corpse, so many of his data have been written out. So, my value is true. It ’s not the same! "

Lu Ze screamed as if he was hit in the stomach with a punch: "Why is that guy's potential value higher than mine? Impossible, I'm a potential little king ..."

"You're almost a dumb little prince." Marthe sighed slightly and turned to face Lin Sanjiu: "Yes, do you understand now? Your information is too unusual ... I can't give it now What reasonable explanation did you make. "

"It's all right--" Lin Sanjiu smiled. She was not very clear about these values, abilities, or whatever. Now that she knows that her information is different, she puts it down for a while. She was just about to ask Martha to sit down and eat. Suddenly Lu Ze froze and asked, "You said ... you still have Ren Nan's body?"

"Yeah." Lin Sanjiu said as he touched his pocket. She didn't want to touch an empty space, and then she responded-she changed her clothes before setting off, and the card for Ren Nan was left in the pocket of her previous pants. "It's upstairs, what's wrong?"

Lu Ze patted his thigh hard: "Great! Now the sun is out, let's rest and go up at night, search for his body ..."

Thinking of Ren Nan's strange death, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. "Why search his body?"

Under the golden light of the text, her amber cat eyes were lighter and brighter.

Lu Ze was proud of his face: "Of course, I went to see what he left behind. People like him who have gone through several worlds usually have something valuable on them, maybe it will be of great use."

"You are the one who cleared you out, and everything is yours, too." Marce added in a timely manner, as if she was afraid of her misunderstanding.

Lin Sanjiu didn't care about this, she smiled: "Okay, let's go up at night to see. Now?" She said, and handed a packet of digestive cake to Mather.

Martha took out two pieces and ate, and said, "I look good in this place. I eat and drink and there is no sunlight. After a while, let's find something that can be illuminated. Clean the supermarket first ..." She said, He lifted his chin toward the corpse not far away.

This is-although the air is very dry, but at such a high temperature, no one can guarantee that the body will not rot.

All three were thirsty and hungry. At the moment, the wind swept away and ate a small pile of food and drank some water. Luze jumped up first: "Go, let's go find those scented candles!"

It is already known that there is no danger in the supermarket. This time, a few people are moving faster. In the supermarket, a soft candle light is illuminated soon-with the candlelight, a soft aroma also fills the supermarket.

"We have also experienced two worlds, this is still the first one with such a romantic atmosphere." Lu Ze smiled and said to Lin Sanjiu as he walked, his dead man's shoulders turned upside down.

"Do you still feel romantic when you carry the corpse?" Lin Sanjiu lifted the corpse's feet, some cried and laughed. "King of heaven, please hurry up!"

They carried the corpse and moved up the elevator step by step. Mather looked at the elevator for a moment, and turned back to make a safe gesture-the military gesture she and Luzer learned in the world of war. The two quickly speeded up a few steps, went to the first floor, and threw the dead on another pile of corpses.

These were once living people ... Lin Sanjiu couldn't bear it, sighed in his heart, and asked, "How many more?"

"No more, there are only two or three of the skin care products left." Lu Ze wiped a sweat, and the white rabbit-like skin was red.

As they said, the three of them got off the elevator and walked towards the skincare area.

——A sudden “bang” sound echoed clearly in the supermarket.

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