Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1508: They don't know what they are doing

When immigrants become the data body, the reason why they are asked to give up their emotions is because the data body knows the strength of the emotional force. In a normal society before the doomsday world, an adult made an average of 35,000 size decisions every day. Most of the decisions are based on emotions rather than logic.

If you consider that every decision, no matter how small, will bring consequences and impacts to people, rolling down day by day, and finally achieving what a person calls "fate"; tie fate to emotions, and then lament the impermanence of fate It is the most rash, stupid, and irresponsible characteristic of humans in data body cognition.

However, the data body knows when and how emotions should be used.

For example, the people around the cage now have different looks on each face, but they are written by Yu Yuan in "greed"-everyone stared at him for two seconds before they started to gradually Other reactions surfaced.

"Impossible," the blue shirt sniffled, but refused to turn away from Yu Yuan. "I think this is a person. You see, there are pores on this skin, you can see blood vessels ... look at this hair, this tooth, and the gums."

Yu Yuan, who was looked at like a beast, opened his mouth very cooperatively.

The middle-aged man raised a fat-skinned face, rolled his eyes from under the thick eyelids, looked at him for a long while, and slowly said, "You don't understand-this, a humanoid object, looks like It's exactly like people. "

"Have you seen it?" Asked the blue shirt.

"Of course." He held up his hands, leaned slightly, narrowed his eyes, looked at Yu Yuan and said, "Well ... I also touched several humanoid objects that year. Hey, I have been in the past many years ago, so I won't say it."

"It would be nice if this humanoid thing was a woman," the shuddering king said with a pity.

Allan Po laughed twice, and the atmosphere was a little more lively among the men present. "Then we can say good, one person a week, it won't be bad anyway." Short Liu Hai added.

The night star queen, the woman who was very shy, and another middle-aged woman with curly hair, looked down like they did not hear.

From this point of view, Lin Sanjiu's and Lily, who were rescued in time, may not have much hope of being rescued, at least not by these people. In his updated text live broadcast, Yu Yuan added an explanation: "They have the power to mobilize the use of text, but they obviously do not have the ability to reverse the text into a person, otherwise they will not even produce their personalities and companions. "

Lin Sanjiu saw what emotions would occur during this period, and Yu Yuan could figure it out, but he didn't go to his heart. After the wind just passed, the Queen of the Night Star said: "I have a way to check whether he is a humanoid object. I can ..."

Before she finished, she was interrupted.

"You wouldn't have known it was a humanoid object, right? That's why you got this cage and locked yourself with him." Allan Po looked at her suspiciously, and said more and more, "You don't have to Tell me, because he is an item, you have to poke it in and try, we are not stupid. "

The Queen of the Night Star apparently planned that, and her face sank suddenly. In fact, Yu Yuan had long thought about this, but since the girl died just now, he knows that this group of people will not allow anyone to try whether this is true or false.

However, the possibility of hardening under the hatred of the Queen of the Night Star still exists, and it is not small-for example, now.

When she was about to turn around, but suddenly a screw turned towards Yu Yuan, the data body nodded secretly in her heart. He took a step in the opposite direction and lightly turned a half-circle against the railing, allowing the Queen of the Night Stars to catch the air; to be honest, the human body he wrote can only meet the basic doomsday operation needs, but in this group Self-protection in front of people is enough.

When he changed places with the Queen of the Night Stars, the girl would flutter again, and everyone around him finally reacted.

"What are you doing!" The middle-aged female whose eyebrows faded into blue and her eyeliner was still very dark suddenly burst into flames and yelled at the Queen of the Night Stars: "You go over there, what are you going to do, Young man with bad water in his stomach! "

She said, as she pierced her arm between the railings, cursed: "Do you think we can't put text in your text? I tell you, I can give you such a small size with my own ability * The cub hit back. "

The rest of the crowd also made a noise, and others suddenly became smart and took the middle-aged woman's arm out, telling her to reach out less. In the curse of the middle-aged woman, Allan Poe tried to preside over the situation: "Don't touch it for now, let's discuss it ..."

For a while, they were noisy, shoved and stopped, and no one remembered that there was a Lin Sanjiu trapped in the room. The creators of the eight games, each looking red and red, saliva wetted his lips, and his head was steaming because of anxiety; the dead young girl was lying alone by the door of the room, her temperature became colder, More and more green.

Yu Yuan stood on the spot, and looked around at the people who were very noisy. A word from the Bible appeared in his mind: "Father ... they don't know what they are doing."

"Hey, hey," as they managed to calm down a bit, Allan Po asked: "Are you signing a contract or something? How do you recognize the master or say, change the master?"

The question that Lin Sanjiu had just asked on the paper just now, she was still writing answers one by one, which was too slow. Yu Yuan felt the [Hongyan Family Book] in her heart, guessed her answer based on a partial answer written by Lin Sanjiu, and then said, "I need my host to say a word to the head of the receiving population. 'I voluntarily will [Reincarnation] Ownership is transferred to XX '. Then I will automatically become XX's item. "

This is to be able to give Lin Sanjiu a little more time. In order to prevent them from moving their minds about installing him, Yu Yuan added: "Or put me on, wait for 150 days, and then take it out, and my ownership will change."

"Simple, tell the woman that if she doesn't change the ownership, we won't let her out." The shuddering prince has always been the most ruthless. "After changing the ownership, let her be trapped alive inside. "

"Who is it for?" The blue shirt asked quietly.

They came clearly to deal with Lin Sanjiu, and now they have forgotten their original purpose. If you look at the logic just now, they obviously can't use words to write some rare and special items for themselves-otherwise, one person can write one, which would be jealous.

It seems that their text scheduling ability can only be used to create games.

"Every one of us is interested in this humanoid object, which is inevitable." Fat men still have a big picture. "Specific attribution, we can discuss slowly, from a long-term perspective. I think, at first, Xiao Ye wants to keep the text cage Cancel it, ah, we can tie it with a rope. "

"Yes, right." The crowd echoed, "Still Zhang thought well."

Although they couldn't deal with each other in words, in the end there were many people, and despite the reluctance, the Queen of the Night Star finally yielded. Yu Yuan showed the attitude of a humanoid object all the time: he pretended to hide two circles, did not hide, and the rope loops thrown by them caught his neck; he neither coughed nor struggled, like a good cow It seemed to be dragged over and tied to the only protruding object nearby-the door handle of the room.

The dead body was at Yu Yuan's feet, and he looked down at the young girl's spread hands, as white as fake.

The eight people saw that he had been chained honestly, and then re-discussed the division of the loot. They also know that this discussion is meaningless, because everyone wants a second life, and eventually the trembling king proposed: "That woman is not a good thing, and you may not know how many bad things you have done before you can afford this human form. Items. I guess there is something else on her, let's divide it equally. "

In this way, the suggestion of stumbling Lin Sanjiu alive can hardly make people feel can't wait--they have a lot more things to discuss, and you can say everything to me for a while.

In the gap nobody noticed, Yu Yuan had quietly bent down, grabbed one of the female corpse's hand, and pressed it on the door handle.

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