Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1509: Quiet data body

[This chapter is coming soon]

After seeing Martha again, Lin Sanjiu was really relieved. Although there are still a lot of doubts, it is only a matter of slowly unwinding-the next thing is to slap out the vole. Since I saw him in the negative floor last time, it means that the voles also live in this building, looking for rooms one by one, afraid to find them?

But to the surprise of Lin Sanjiu, for three days in a row, she didn't even see a vole's shadow.

For the past three days, she quietly got up and searched after everyone fell asleep in the morning. She had seen every single room in the negative floor, and had nothing to gain. For the sake of insurance, Lin Sanjiu turned the negative second floor to the bottom, and still couldn't find the man.

Isn't it in this building? If that's the case, it can be a little tricky. Because the life officer of this building, Xiao Yu, did n’t know what was being stimulated recently, her nerves have always maintained a high degree of tension. Whenever she sleeps, she moves a chair to the stairs and seems to be afraid of someone. The way out during the day.

The fourth day, which was calm and unproductive, passed, and Lin Sanjiu was lying on the bed, secretly anxious.

These days, her "keen intuition", like a siren, has been buzzing deep in her head, disturbing her, and always feels that something is wrong. I beat people in the oasis at night, but I can forget this anxiety temporarily, but I couldn't hide when I was in bed.

Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes, took a deep, slow breath, and spit it out slowly. After repeating this a few times, her mind was fully betting on her breath, and her thoughts gradually melted away like the snow and ice in summer, and faded out of the corner of consciousness.

There is a thick black and blue in my mind, nothing can be seen, like the deep sea where everything is silent. Lin Sanjiu's current state is wonderful: instead she looks like an outsider and is watching quietly

Deep in the consciousness of "Lin Sanjiu". Looking down the waves, in the gentle pat of the water waves, she suddenly noticed that there was a giant monster invisible in the water.

It's so big that when you look at it at first glance, you thought it was the sea!

The giant seemed to be gravitational, and slammed Lin Sanjiu over and over-faster and faster, and finally when she thought she was about to run into it, the giant made a sudden noise, From the water's surface--

At the same time, Lin Sanjiu opened his eyes sharply, took a moment to sit up, and took a few breaths.

She clearly felt that "keen intuition" had escalated!

"What did the upgrade become? ... Let me see ..." Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing again, and entered the meditation mode just now.

[Teacher of consciousness]

Just as the violinist knew that she would play the serenade and the football player knew that she would bring the ball, the name naturally appeared in her mind.

It took only a blink of an eye to sit up just now, but when she went into the depths of consciousness again, Lin Sanjiu found that the scenery was completely different.

Opening her "eyes", she found herself sitting on a small wooden stool with thick cushions under her feet, and there were many teddy bears and cars in the room. Looking down, he held a picture-reading literacy in his hand, and a small red flower on his chest—it looked very strange on the body of an adult woman.

Where is this ...?

"Hello classmates!" A enthusiastic female voice suddenly sounded, startled and looked up in shock-no one was around, there was only a screen hanging on the wall, and two speakers on both sides of the screen followed the sound. Buzzing and shaking: "I am your kindergarten teacher Aunt Yi! Congratulations on breaking through the keen intuition stage and successfully entering the kindergarten department of the School of Consciousness!"

Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth and looked around. There are indeed a few stools besides her in the room, but ... there are bears, Barbies, and Transformers sitting on them.

You are just giving me lessons at all!

The pair of horns did not care who their audience was, and the tone began lightly: "Everyone must be weird about the connection between intuition and consciousness? ... The so-called intuition is actually based on past experiences, experiences, feelings, etc And other factors, and a judgment on the current situation. So even if it is 'keen intuition', there is no guarantee that it is correct every time. "

"The foundation of intuition is our subconscious mind. And consciousness, the power developed from the subconscious mind, is very powerful!" The tone of the horn really sounded like talking to children, "So, Everyone must learn how to master consciousness-the first step in learning it is to have a full understanding of it. Mr. Bear, please don't touch Barbie's legs. "

Lin San brushed his head and brushed his head, wanting to see this kindergarten student who would be wiped out if placed in the past.

The bear sat quietly, and Barbie's face still had the same smile.

"... Well, it turns out that Lin Sanjiu was distracted by the teacher's active atmosphere. You see, people are so weird. They are obviously in a very unusual environment, but they still suffer from such gossip. Turn your mind away ... "said the Horn proudly.

What kind of teacher! Is it serious!

"Because the depth of human consciousness is full of the influence of genetic genes. When it comes to human reproduction, the subconscious will pay attention to this matter. Every action you think you are unconscious is actually The subconscious is in charge. "

"How to listen is like an excuse for casually ..." Lin Sanjiu's face was still very poor.

As if she had heard her complaining, the speaker turned away stiffly: "Then it is time for today's study. Please take the picture reading card in your hand."

Lin Sanjiu picked it up and saw a computer motherboard on the paper—to be honest, no child can understand this kind of thing.

"This is what we are talking about today, a subconscious database."

"Many people work hard to exercise observation. But they don't know how much information is recorded by your eyes, nose, ears, and even your body and skin without anyone paying attention. Come down. However, this information is beyond the reach of ordinary people in a lifetime, because they are all subconscious. "

"With consciousness, the subconscious will automatically filter and analyze a large amount of information stored when you need it ... this is a bit hard to understand, let's look at an example."

As soon as the horn's voice fell, a "pop" sounded, and a large close-up of instant noodles appeared on the screen.

"Hey, I don't like the red hair in this head." Martha's voice suddenly sounded in the horn, it sounded far away. Two Lin Sanjiu's very familiar hands ripped the seasoning bag.

She looked at her hand stupidly-yes, it was hers. She also had the impression of this bowl of noodles. In the month of the underground supermarket, she often ate this instant noodles-just the words that Martha had said, but Lin Sanjiu couldn't remember anything.

"Is there any way, you have been divided." This is Lu Ze's voice.

"Then you can turn me into Natalie Portman."

"Don't be kidding, don't say that driving all the time will exhaust me, Natalie Portman kills the fallen species, fans will not be happy!"

As soon as the screen was dark, Lin Sanjiu hit a thriller and suddenly understood what was wrong. Immediately after the video changed, it became the first time she saw Lu Ze and Mather at Zhu Mei's house, and they both became like their parents--

Luzer can transform someone other than himself!

Obviously seen from the beginning, why have you completely forgotten so long?

"So in other words, Feng Qiqi doesn't have to be a Martha himself. He can find someone else and turn him into Martha ... or, turn that man into himself ..." Lin Sanjiu muttered Say. Strangely, she should be very angry, but she could not feel any anger, and some were just calm.

The screen suddenly turned black, and the voice of the teacher was heard in the speaker.

"Mr. Lin Sanjiu doesn't remember, not because she has more muscular muscles than her brain-although she is indeed such a person-because ordinary people have stored this information in the subconscious mind, and usually don't notice it at all."

"With a glance of less than 0.1 second, the content recorded by the subconscious may be as long as dozens of pages. Then using consciousness, you can call out useful information, analyze it, and make a judgment ... and finally form a comparable detective Observation ability. Of course, every time you call the information in the subconscious, it will cause a lot of consciousness consumption. I hope that students will use it with caution-do n’t call the information casually when it is not necessary. "

"Well, this is the end of the kindergarten course. I hope everyone will use new knowledge and strive to get into the elementary school as soon as possible. After class!"

Is this over? Lin Sanjiu's stomach was full of questions, before he could ask a question, the sound in the horn disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the scene gradually blurred, and she opened her eyes again.

This time, her narrow single room came into view.

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