Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1527: Farm life

Lin Sanjiu didn't know this place at all.

I woke up for a while. She stood blankly in the cold wind, wondering what was going on in all this. Nothing makes sense-she tried to list the previous events of the next copy one by one, but still couldn't explain why she appeared here.

After she leaped out, the meat cavity behind her was trembling like a wounded animal; milky white smoke leaked out from the cracked rift for several minutes. Lin Sanjiu, who was still very alert, soon discovered that once these "milks" flowed into the outside air, they were diluted as if they had lost their original qualities, and they were involuntarily dissipated in the cold wind. Occasionally, the little bit she breathed in accidentally just made her mind flutter, and it didn't matter much.

Rough, hard rocks pressed heavily on both sides of the body, as if they could be closed and swallowed by Lin Sanjiu at any time. The gap between the stone walls is narrow and irregular, making the bone wings behind her a headache; no matter how hard she adjusts the angle of the bone wings, she always bumps and feels uncomfortable. The only spacious space is where the meat cavity is: it looks like a pocket has been cut out of the stone wall, the meat cavity is exactly in the center, and there is still a lot of open space around it.

Lin Sanjiu no longer looked up-in terms of the eyesight of her evolver, the stone wall stretched to the end of her line of sight before drawing a light white line above her head; when she first looked up, she It took a few seconds to realize that this line turned out to be extremely distant sky.

Sighing, she fumbled for the stone wall and took a few steps forward. The gaps between the stones were covered with thin soil. From this thin nutrition, a few clusters of sparse dark green leaves were drilled, looking like people in a meat cavity, as if they were about to die.

She obviously followed a member of the smiling mermaid into a copy-but why did she wake up in a meat cavity under the abyss, Lin Sanjiu had no clue.

The broken meat cavity oozes a sticky and slippery liquid, and every step you make a "grumbling, grunting" sound on the sole of the shoe. Under the thin and dim sky light, the original crimson flesh color of the meat cavity gradually withered away, and a dying dark brown appeared. No matter what it was, Lin Sanjiu That blow sent it to a dead end.

Moving people out was more difficult than she thought-although a few seemed healthy, most of them had been consumed because of prolonged coma and lack of nutrition. Putting the bones; Lin Sanjiu accidentally rubbed her thigh while trying to pick up a girl, "Kara", the girl's leg bone was separated from the pelvis, only one layer left Thin, dry yellow skin that connects the legs and body.

After "milk" is gone, maybe these people will wake up slowly, but Lin Sanjiu doesn't plan to wait here until that moment. About thirty to forty people were rescued from the meat cavity, and she was carefully placed on the martyrdom; after doing all this, she found out water from the card library and fed everyone some . Then, stepping on the poor open space between the human body and the body, like a ballerina, Lin Sanjiu walked to the depths of the stone wall with a bit of hard work.

On the other side, the light is slightly brighter, and the terrain is slightly higher. In two hours, there is only a dead road made of soil and rocks. Although Lin Sanjiu is very unwilling, the only way out at present is only the surface. Former black, narrow and narrow stone gaps.

This is the most uncomfortable "road" that Lin Sanjiu has passed. At a distance of a few kilometers from the ground, Lin Sanjiu struggled in a small, dark space enough to make anyone suffer from claustrophobia in a gap that was somehow separated in the depths of the rock layer. I don't know how long it has been.

At first she was only confused and a little worried; but afterwards, she only had hatred for the bone wings behind her-bumps and frictions were only a small matter, and there were some places that were too narrow to allow huge bone wings Pass; just as if the limbs stiffened to an impossible angle, Lin Sanjiu gritted his teeth and painfully opened and stretched the bone wings, and sometimes even folded up, even she didn't know how to squeeze it in the end— — But fortunately, no one can hear her screaming in pain at such a deep ground.

Just before she thought that she was about to throw away the bone wings, the space between the stone walls finally gradually became wider-the light became brighter and brighter, the hoistway became wider and wider, and the **** was extended upward. After climbing hands and feet for several hours, Lin Sanjiu found himself touching the ground.

The noisy human voice, the occasional engine sound of the spacecraft passing through the air, and the roar of some unknown noise, poured into her ears along with other thousands of voices, which made her suspicious that she had returned to the world from hell. .

...... Two rounds of huge full moon hang on countless dilapidated buildings with hundreds of floors. They are divided into countless blocks by layers of wires. The bustling crowd of people is surrounded by noisy sounds, flooding every place with light. Or corners that you can't shine.

She still seems to be in Cyber ​​Zone.

A deep opening was ripped open on the ground, but it seemed to passers-by that the abyss in the middle of the road had become a common occurrence; only a yellow band surrounded the place where Lin Sanjiu crawled out. A lap to warn people to be careful not to get in. When she drilled out, her skin was cut with hard rock and blood dripped, and her head, face, and limbs were covered with mud and dust, and she felt pain all over her-but no one looked at her more.

Lin Sanjiu found the map with pain.

"... Weird, why are we back here again?" After staring at the map for a while, the teacher in his mind spoke first.

Although she was unfamiliar with the red nautilus, it did not prevent her from finding her place quickly—across the abyss of most of the Cyber ​​Zone, named "Grand Canyon" by people here, like a scar Same on the map. One end of the "Grand Canyon" is a wasteland, and Lin Sanjiu is now near the other end of the business district-when she looked out the window of the appraiser's house, she had already seen the "Grand Canyon" once.

But there was a long distance between the Grand Canyon and the territory of the smiling mermaid; Lin Sanjiu couldn't figure out why he would run to the bottom of the abyss.

Since the loss of The Girl's Sadness, nothing has made sense.

Lin Sanjiu rubbed the map anxiously, holding his hands again because she remembered the red crystals spent on the map. "I don't know—" She was a little bit angry, "but no matter who or what hurts me, let today be their lucky day-I'm going to buy a ferry ticket now."

Although she was kind, she wasn't stupid--when more than a dozen of Mijing fell out of a person she was moving out of the meat cavity, Lin Sanjiu knew that her ticket was no longer a problem.

Although the money was not particularly righteous, even the Italian teacher who always had a high moral standard agreed that perhaps the stunned person under the abyss needs more water than red crystal.

"But ... what about the copy of the red nautilus that is devouring it? Did you ignore it?" Teacher Yi did not speak so well this time.

"I can't ignore this," Lin Sanjiu admitted. "But where is this copy?"

"You know it, it's the smiling mermaid—"

"It stands to reason that I should also be in the realm of smiling mermaids." She interrupted what the teacher did not finish. "But I'm here when I wake up."

Teacher Yi didn't speak for a while, then said lowly after a while: "It may also be because the copy has been swallowed here ..."

"I don't see any difference from before."

"That's because Saje said—" Teacher Yi said just now, and he paused for a moment, then stopped.

Lin Sanjiu smiled slightly, but there was not much smile in his eyes. "... Yes, that's what Saje said. We entered the copy with her, but she was not in that meat cavity."

The girl with a very abnormal appearance must know something, but did not tell Lin Sanjiu and his party.

"When I meet Lou Ye, they will use the power of the Growing Alliance to investigate Sajie." She walked towards the registration point of the spacecraft and muttered to herself. "Before I found that woman, I had to hope that the forces of the Red Nautilus would be smarter and not let things go beyond control."

——Perhaps this idea is not so unreliable; until Lin Sanjiu walked into the crowded spaceship registration point and stood in front of the electronic information board for a long time.

She clearly remembers that the smiling mermaid has received the message of "swallowing a copy", but from the "cyber current affairs", she can't see any clues on this matter, but it is full of "clash from the first-class world "Successful Return", "12 New Doomsday World Information Entry System", "Someone bought Plant Special Items at a High Price" and other news.

"What's going on ..." Lin Sanjiu frowned, never thinking of a reason. Shaking her head, she strode to the ticket counter and merged into the flow of people.

After the tall woman with the bony wings left, the young girl who sold the ticket glanced down at her electronic information board and scanned the visa auction price four months later. For the d-class world, her bid was still too low; just when she sighed and didn't know what to do, she felt another figure came to the ticket counter.

"Hello," the young girl smiled semi-professionally, and then her voice froze in her throat.

The woman's eyes were like two deep dry wells, without any whiteness. Even though hundreds of strange people are to be seen every day, this woman has something special that is not human-like, which makes the young girl shiver.

As if realizing that she was wrong, the woman with a thick scarf looked down at the reflection on the metal table, then raised her head again. This time, her white eyes appeared; it seemed as if she squeezed the black eyeballs hard, so she could barely reveal a little white eyes, and she blinked hard and smiled.

"Where did the bone-winged sister go? I want a ticket to go there, too."

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