Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1528: Yu Yuan

Lin Sanjiu slid down the ramp, and as soon as his feet landed, an indescribable pungent odor immediately fluttered her head and face-the smell was sticky and thick, and it seemed like a thorn. Erzha had a throat and an eye, and even she couldn't help but pour a sour juice from her stomach.

The cave was deep and dark, and I could not see my five fingers, but only the sounds of the fallen seeds on the head faintly floated down, and it even set off the quietness of the lower head. She covered her mouth and nose, opened "Pure Touch" and waited for a while. She didn't feel any sign of any activity, so she called [Ability Grinder].

With a silver light, Lin Sanjiu immediately understood the source of the odor.

All burrows seemed to be connected, forming a piece under the sand; countless narrow tunnels meandered out, dividing this supposedly very spacious space into many thin strips. Thousands of fleshly people probably live and work in this gangway: their excretion of urine, feces, sweat, exuding body odor, breath of stubs of leftover insects, screwed together, and countless Big and small idols remain in this space together.

Bearing the stench, Lin Sanjiu stretched out two fingertips and raised a slap-like idol. These fleshly people take their materials, and even the idols are mixed with sand with some glue, and the shape is inevitably not very accurate-not only does not look like a long-nosed old man, but instead looks like a wonderful old woman.

Lin Sanjiu frowned, and threw this sand idol in hand-after all, the sand was not pinched firmly, and when it hit other things, it suddenly broke into pieces. A sweep of silver light in her hand found that under the pieces, there were layers of statues of all kinds, of all materials, straw, wood, stone ...

None of them, however, looked like long-nosed old men.

Lin Sanjiu kicked away several of the idols stacked on top of each other. In the sound of a bang, Yinguang turned round and round from countless idols underneath. Each one has been carved into a tall red woman-if you don't look at the head of a mung bean, which is too small for your body, it would be pleasing to the eye.

She picked up an idol with a long arm and a tangled tree branch, handed it into a card, and went a little deeper into the acrid air. The martyrdom was so deep that there was no end, and they were connected to each other. They walked around, not only could not walk for a while, but they soon lost their direction.

Fortunately, Lin Sanjiu knew that no matter how she turned underneath, she was still on the sand above her head after going out, so she was not in a hurry-after walking for a while, I saw that every martyrdom was full of idols and stayed with the flesh. She did not waste any more time on the traces, and felt the airflow in the tunnel with "pure touch", and walked in the direction of the latest wind from time to time.

Just before she approached the ramp leading to the outside world, Lin Sanjiu suddenly stopped, slowly raised [Ability Grinder] and squinted his eyes.

Between the scattered and fragmented idols, there was a faint humanoid figure, and both legs were buried by the statue. This man was short and strong, with a dark round hole in the center of his chest-even if he was lying face down, he could see the statue pressed by him through the big hole.

Lin Sanjiu stepped forward and pulled the dead body over, Yinguang shook from his face, and suddenly felt a shock. A long, huge nose as if it was about to fall, drooping softly from the face of the corpse; like the skin on other parts, it was wrinkled and covered with gray sweat--

"Huh?" She was startled, stood up suddenly, as if she couldn't believe her eyes, and looked at it again with silver light.

No matter what she thinks, she feels that the deceased is too much like the old man described by Jujube.

Don't the fallen seeds outside lie?

Lin Sanjiu kicked the body back suspiciously, stood up, and walked to the edge of the ramp. According to the news from Jujube, this desert was supposed to be the domain of the old man god. Now he died here, the flesh and the fallen species are out of control and escaped, even all his idols have been replaced by another **** It looks like things can't be clearer.

But no matter who killed the old man god, why did that **** leave these idols, flesh, and casually?

As she climbed up the ramp, she thought puzzled. The fresh air outside and the faint starlight had already fallen in front of her eyes, causing her internal organs to scream eagerly, trying to get out of the odor of this hole quickly-just then, Lin Sanjiu suddenly Feeling that the rope on the back was loose, a heavy thing suddenly slipped.

As soon as she turned around, the detective grabbed half of his brother's body, but because of the dim light, his hands were empty and nothing was caught.

After being tied to the body for a long time, after the body adapted to the weight, Lin Sanjiu almost forgot that he still had half of the human body on his body; it was probably bumpy all the way, the knot was loose, and I saw my brother's body mumbled. Rolling down the ramp, it slammed onto the ground in the hole, and immediately aroused a thick pungent odor.

For a moment, Lin Sanjiu flashed a thought in his mind, "Forget it, don't pick it up".

My elder brother never died, and she seemed to have a lot of secrets in her body, but she really didn't know what to do with this half of her body—

Just hesitating for a few seconds, Lin Sanjiu still sighed, climbed down the ramp again, and called out [Ability Grinder] again.

"Come on, it seems you still have to follow me for a while," she picked up the rope and smiled at her brother, "I don't know if you would rather stay here or--"

After finishing his words, Lin Sanjiu swallowed the second half of the sentence and stared straight at his brother's face.

In the bright white light, the brother didn't care about her at all; he couldn't turn his neck, so he screwed a pair of eyeballs into the corners of the eye sockets, leaving only a white bloodshot eyeballs-Lin Sanjiu went down with him Looking straight at the direction, his gaze fell on the body of the old god.

... She stood up in suspense, and once again came to the old man, God.

The corpse still looks the same as before-except that he died a bit worse, not even he was a god. After thinking about it, Lin Sanjiu squatted down, this time putting his hand on his body.

[Flat World] Immediately launched, the corpse of the old man **** disappeared in situ; at the same time, she felt a hard dullness in her palm.

As soon as the card was started, she was too late to see, and suddenly only heard the thunderous roar outside the cave: "Evolution man, evolution man! Come out, where are you!"-It is the jujube.

Along with his roar, the ground above his head also began to tremble, as if the jujube finally removed the camouflage and walked on the sand step by step. Huang Sha suddenly fell from the top of her head, and threw Lin Sanjiu's face all over her face; with a touch of her face, she quickly put away the card of [Ability Grinder] and the old man's god, and picked up his brother's Half-length, retreated to the ramp.

Theoretically, such a cave cannot be dug under the quicksand; probably because of the old man's ability, this created a territory under the layers of sand. Now that the **** who created this cave is dead, Lin Sanjiu doesn't know how long it can hold on to the footsteps of jujube spines, lest he be buried under the yellow sand that suddenly collapsed, quickly grabbed his brother and climbed with one hand The ramp climbs outward.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly: Just when Lin Sanjiu had just climbed up the sand, and immediately retracted her feet, the cave behind her collapsed in a blink of an eye-countless yellow sand suddenly fell down and slammed into the cave. , Raised the sultry Huang Chen. Just like dominoes, one cave collapsed, and the rest of the caves that followed the desert collapsed one after another, forming a sandstorm. It was like a sandstorm on the ground, except for a long time. , See nothing.

Lin Sanjiu couldn't say a word when he was choked, and coughed violently for a while, then finally opened his eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw two calves that were squeezed out of the muscles because of squatting like Tianzhu.

"Why did you go this long?" Along with the words that made his ears hurt, there was a smelly wind blowing from the jujube spines.

Lin Sanjiu can't blame him for stepping on the burrow-if even a burrow has to be complained, it is inevitable that Zaoqiao will doubt her ability. Breathing, she tied her brother's half-length to her back again and asked, "The underside is too big. Why are you out? What about the fallen seeds?"

"It's all dead," Jujube replied calmly. Until this time, the smoke and dust slowly fell down, and Lin Sanjiu noticed that the sand between his toes was covered with yellow sand—it seemed to be a thick liquid that had stepped on the sole of the foot, and walked indifferently. On the sand, a layer of sand clumps was attached, and it was dyed a fishy brownish red. "I think those flesh and fallen species must be the trap of other false gods-one of them seems to find my direction by smelling my scent. For caution, I stepped them all to death. "

Lin Sanjiu swallowed dryly.

If she came out a little early, probably those flesh wouldn't die ...

"You killed too early," after a while, she heard her voice coldly: "The original **** here was indeed killed by another god, and the fallen species did not lie before."

The jujube stunned, and immediately sank a face: "Who was killed? That statue--"

"The statue has become this god," Lin Sanjiu said, throwing out her previously card-like idol.

Almost as soon as the idol fell to the ground, the jujube spins up straight-his angry voice rang out from the sky: "It's a sand girl! It's her bad thing!"

He seemed to be really angry, walked back and forth a few times, and shook the ground, shaking all the plants and corpses on the sandy ground. After a while, the jujube spined down and rushed Lin Sanjiu shouted: "Why don't you come out early and tell me? Now you're looking for Sand Lady with me. I don't care what you do, you must kill her evolutionary helper!"

Lin Sanjiu stunned, as if she had just walked away before she woke up; she was busy holding her hands behind her back, avoiding the sight of the jujube spine, and hurriedly responded with a "good"-

In her palm, she screamed the old man **** card. It's just that it's not one, but two.

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