Doomsday Wonderland

: Candid things are always uncomfortable

From March to half of April, the end of the update is basically three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, stopping for a long time, but also very short.

Although everyone does not say nothing, but I am more aware of the sluggishness of this update than anyone else, I know it is very irresponsible.

In addition to the fact that there is indeed a reason for looking for pits in the old text, there is actually another reason. I have been reluctant to say ... but I have watched myself combing the updates in the past two days. I think you may be the most qualified to know. A group of people, so although it is very difficult for me to speak, I am ready to be honest.

With so much foreshadowing, to put it plainly, there is only one sentence. In March, I experienced the first episode of depression in my life. I was completely caught off guard and was sunk. There was no parry. It lasted for two or three weeks. Maybe, I do n’t even know what happened to me, because I did n’t know it before.

It ’s not that it will be particularly difficult to hurt your heart. Although there are such moments, more of all my energy seems to be drained; the second batch of Shanghai Qinggang germinated and they all died, and the two pots of fern were yellow. Because it is impossible for me to get up from the sofa to water. Do not want to eat, do not sleep for a day or two, and then sleep for a day or two. Too lazy to open your mouth to speak, unable to concentrate For example, washing your face and hair, eating and drinking water are difficult to guarantee.

What is that feeling? My skin is my cage, I ca n’t break free even if I suffocate (Is this sentence familiar?), Everyone ’s life is a **** tailored for them, I ’m here for my customization In hell.

I do n’t know how I wrote the update during this time, because any effort to focus on something will be shattered by stormy chaotic thoughts. I am not myself at all, like a grass desperately whipped by distractions and gloom, one will be uprooted accidentally.

I do n’t know what the trigger is. It may be the cause of the epidemic and subsequent impact.

In fact, it seems that some readers discovered it, but I didn't say anything at that time. I am very reluctant to talk about this, because I will feel a little ashamed, as if I did something wrong ... I also know that this kind of thinking is not very healthy in itself.

At present, I may use 693 words to make you unhappy, which is not my original intention-the author who writes entertainment articles makes readers frustrated, is this not a shame for the industry?

I have contacted the doctor several times, but because I have not reopened the business, I had to help myself at home. I tried a lot of ways. It seems that it has slowly started to take effect recently, and the storm in my head is showing signs of calming down.

I think the most helpful thing is meditation. Do n’t laugh. I used to think that the difference between meditation and sleeping is whether there is music or not ...

But I started from the mindfulness practice, and I felt like I was awake for five minutes of practice. Later, when I looked again, I realized that this is meditation? And the meditation is done longer and longer, from five minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes a day now. After finishing it, I still feel that I am still not satisfied, and I want to have another bowl ... In the long run, I feel very helpful.

So please do n’t worry about me. If anyone has similar problems, welcome to chat with me privately. We will work together. I also hope that I can restore my state as soon as possible, and restore the state where I can write updates.

Next I want to talk about meditation.

[The following content may cause controversy, please read it carefully under the guidance of parents or professionals under the age of 21, and please give up reading if you have a fixed opinion over the age of 21]

I am very interested in the field of humans changing their mental states, especially those involving psychedelics, so I read the hot book howtochangeyourmind the first time. When I watched it, I noticed that there was a message saying that monks who are good at meditation. Their brain activities and areas are highly similar to those of people after using psychedelics. They are daily. A place in the human brain that will not be activated.

Of course I had n’t started practicing meditation at that time, but I had experience using psychedelics (I ’m using it legally, I do n’t want to report the dog out for illegal things); now that I have tried both, I have to say, user experience It is really very similar.

There is a stoneape theory that thinks this: this monkey in the human ancestor is not fundamentally different from other apes, so why can this monkey begin to evolve into an adult, because they are on the road during a large migration After discovering mushrooms ... After eating the mushrooms, the brain circuits that could not normally be activated were activated, and the possibility of human evolution began to emerge. (I am particularly fascinated by this theory so I think it is true, what others say is not good)

Of course, I'm not persuading everyone to eat mushrooms, and I can't buy mushrooms. I mean, isn't this something that is healthier and better for the mind, that is, meditation practice. (Yes, I am selling Amway. Nowadays, there is no need to spend money on the goods of the headband, who are you except for whom I can find)

After doing meditation, my personal experience is that the entire spirit and brain become particularly clear and sharp, and even the field of vision seems to be sharply sharpened, similar to the first time myopia wears glasses and the brain version. Concentration has become much easier, and the understanding of the meaning of the text has become faster and easier. For example, it is like a clockwork on a computer (.

Not only for people with depression, long-term meditation has a positive effect, I think it is worth a try for those who are stressed, tired, or simply want to have a better experience.

Although Doomsday is an entertaining novel, everyone knows that there is a destiny (not to mention spending money), so I also hope to share more things with you in the poorly updated Wenyu, see different worlds together, and experience more Good life experience.

(So ​​you can forgive my inability to update in this way)

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