Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1552: Looking out the window

… Two days have passed since Pence found a hand in his pocket.

In the past two days, Lin Sanjiu has always seemed to be having a long dream. She "floated" on the back of the house, and as he checked the corners of the house together, he switched on and off the TV and observed the faces of other people over and over. I do n’t dare to sleep when I ’m tired, I just sit in the corner and take a nap.

No one else is much better than him; everyone's face is pale because they can't rest at ease-no matter whether it is day or night, two people are always arranged as "sentinels" to monitor the situation inside and outside the house. The forest outside the house has been unconsciously spreading out of sight, even if you climb up the roof and look far, you can only see the endless rolling woods. Swallowed the shadow.

Of course, they are not so naive, they will think they can come and go as long as they want in the copy.

Seeing Pence and Cuining open the door with their weapons, and went out to patrol, the room Yi Liu slightly relaxed. He lifted up the sofa cushions and searched carefully, without leaving any corners, before finally sitting down carefully.

Two days ago, when Burns discovered that his hand was being held by the hand of another living woman, he was stunned for a few seconds at that time before he suddenly recovered from his shock and threw his hand desperately— -The hand came to life, hung tightly on his finger, more and more called Pence almost crazy, and waved hard in the air for several laps, and finally in one wave, the female hand was flung away Went out.

The following night, four people were searching for the hand, but they never found it. If you ca n’t find it, you wo n’t be able to figure out what it is; since then, Yiyi Liu has always felt that the hand may appear in any gap, causing him to change position every time, When you touch something once, you have to check it for almost half a day before it is almost neurological.

They all know that the copy has started, and some things are happening; but what really afflicts people is that they do not know what happened.

It seemed that everything was back to normal again: Pence had already taken off the pullover and thrown it out of the house, and Trining also tucked his hat into the kitchen trash can. They watched the copy inside and outside for two or two shifts, trying not to ask anyone to place orders; they did not touch any food supplies in the wooden house, they all depended on their own water and dry food to spend the day, even when they were sleeping at night, there was always a vigil .

... the question is, then?

I ca n’t walk and I ca n’t walk, I do n’t know what to do next, I ca n’t analyze it, I ca n’t figure out what is wrong, I do n’t know what is wrong, I can only slowly torment for an hour and an hour; I can feel the growing irritability and anxiety of the trapped beasts in the house.

"It's so weird, I just don't understand." Abi came over and whispered to him when he was sitting next to Yaliu: "Why do we want to trap us so purposelessly? Any copy runs After getting up, there should be a 'purpose'. What is this purpose? Are the people in the other half like us, being trapped? "

She was so annoyed that she caught a few times in her long hair dyed with gold, and complained to him: "I knew it was so annoying, so I wouldn't come."

Since the first night, the four have been divided. Pence and Cuining formed an alliance, and Abi and Wu Yiliu naturally joined hands; Abi was not a straightforward man, but could be a reliable partner. Wu Yiliu would rather walk closer to her.

"What is the purpose, I have thought about it many times."

Outside the window, Pence and Cui Ning walked through the wooden porch outside the house one after another; the house subconsciously swept the two of them with an afterglow, and turned their eyes quickly as if they were being burned. Pence's chin was about to melt and sag to his chest. He even fell down with his face and corners of his eyes together. His white eyes were exposed, and he opened a red blood underneath-the skin fell again. He really didn't know what to show under his skin.

... Now his illusion has spread to Pence.

"What's the matter with you?" Abbe noticed his shrunk and asked, "Since we have entered the copy, don't blame me for talking directly, I think you seem a bit ... absent."

She is not too direct to speak, otherwise she will probably say "you and your reputation are not very consistent".

Not to blame her, since he entered this copy, he behaved like an ignorant novice, even he himself was confused and confused to know what to do, and there was a storm in his head, and any ideas would be disturbed. Broken-the nightmare of the birthplace, maybe it is the curse he can never get rid of.

Wu Yiliu twisted his hands together with cold sweat, and a heart was lying in the chest, never daring to tell her the truth. She said she was going to be mad-when Pence walked over just now, Abby also clearly saw through the window. Since she did not react, how could she tell the truth?

"It's nothing ..." he said dumbly. "I'm just like you, and I don't understand. You didn't wear those hiking boots?"

"How dare I," Abbe shook his head. "They are things in the copy. I can't put them in the storage props, so I stuff them in a pot and lock them in the bedroom safe."

"Boiler?" Yau Liu raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah," Abi smiled, narrowing the lines in his eyes slightly, and said, "I think so. If my sanity is affected by the copy, I will take out the shoes from the safe and wear them. Before I got my shoes, something unreasonable and not supposed to appear there appeared in front of my eyes, which might allow me to capture this quirkiness and get rid of the effect of the copy in time. After all, the effect of this copy does not seem to be That's so serious-when you looked down and saw your hand, you were immediately awake. "

Yaliu nodded his head. It is a person who analyzes and interprets the copy. Although Abi is slightly naive, his mind is not slow.

"But so far, I have never thought about putting on my shoes." Abbie looked out the window and lowered his voice a little. "That, taking advantage of the opportunity for the two of them to patrol, do you want to rest a little?" A moment? I think you seem to have rested better than anyone else in the past two days ... If you ca n’t go on like this, if you ca n’t keep your energy, what if something happens in the copy? "

She didn't say it clearly, but her meaning couldn't be more obvious. Since that night, as long as he is not a blind man, he probably can feel the warning and distrust of Yiyi Liu to the other two people, and the fear that he has caused by the illusion again and again, he can't help pulling away from the two people. distance.

The time required for the patrol is not short. In addition to the inspection of the open space and generators outside the house, the mountain forest surrounding the log cabin must also be walked through. Yaliu was really sleepy and reached the extreme point, his temple jumped as if the blood vein underneath had to be broken, and his concentration could not be concentrated at all. It ’s really not enough to take a rest. He sighed and said: "Do you mind?"

Abbit jumped up and said, "Of course not. You can rest on the sofa. I can still stare at you in the living room. Don't move, I'll get you a pillow quilt."

Before waiting for Yiliu to say "no", she had disappeared into the bedroom. He leaned back, he just spit out his lips in a breath, and suddenly he got up nervously, checked all the gaps in the sofa cushion, and then lay back.

Abbey quickly came out holding something, cushioned him with a fluffy pillow, and laid a thin sheet on the house Yi Liu, as if he was a patient with a cold and needed care. Although he felt that pillow quilts were unnecessary, being taken care of in this way, he couldn't help but feel warm, and said "Thank you" gently.

"Sleep, I'll debug the TV again," Abbi said, picking up the remote control. They tried the TV several times, and every time the TV was turned on, the cartoon figure emerged as it was, motionless and unhelpful; it was just that the TV was their only channel to understand the copy, and even if there was no result, they could not stop trying.

This pillow was obviously used by Abi himself. When Yiliu buried his head in the pillow, it smelled of Abi; in front of his eyes, he could see a long curly hair dyed with gold. Abi turned his back against the shadow of debugging the elevator, and soon blurred in his vision, turning into meaningless color blocks, and was finally swallowed by a dark sleep.

... When he woke up slowly from a deep sleep, Yau Yi-liu had just opened his eyes and noticed that the dim light in the living room was so dark that his stomach shrunk tightly.

How long has he slept? Why haven't Pence and Cuining returned? How did Abi make him sleep until it was dark?

He lifted the blanket freely and sat up from the sofa. A cold sweat seemed to be contained in the pores, just about to come out, and then disappeared the moment he saw Abbie.

In the hazy darkness, a shadow curled on the single sofa. It turned out that Abby himself was asleep, his legs curled up under him, and the whole person shrank on the sofa, and his mouth opened slightly when he slept, unlike an evolutionary, like a little girl.

Without waking her up, Yau Yi-liu just stood up quietly. The pointer on the clock was pointing at three o'clock in the afternoon, indicating that Pence and Cuining had been out for less than an hour, but the room was almost completely dark; he walked to the window and looked out, and found that the sky was dark and dark, No trace of sunlight.

His own shadow, like a cluster of translucent fragments, shook gently with the movement on the dark glass. Through a layer of glass, you can also feel how dull and thick the outside air is-it seems that a storm is inevitable.

Seeing such a sky, Pence and Cui Ning should be back soon.

This room seemed to be so quiet for the first time: when the two went out and did not come back, Abby fell asleep again, and he stood alone in front of the window, his ears full of silence from the outside world, which was weighed down by the storm. He listened to his own breathing, Abbie's breathing, and ... another low breathing sound against the back of his neck.

... he finally heard.

The attention distracted by various incidents in the wooden house, the voice covered by fear and absent-mindedness, has now finally returned to his mind and ears again.

Yiyaru heard that there was a subtle voice in the air behind him, as if a illusion about to fall on the nerve endings, he was talking to him gently. The sound continued, like the buzzing of the refrigerator engine, after listening for a long time, it would disappear into consciousness.

"It's going to rain, it's cold, you wrap the blanket, wrap it around, wrap it tighter, wrap it, don't take it down ..."

Yaliu looked at his reflection on the window glass, as if he was frozen in ice.

He clearly remembered that he opened the blanket when he got up, but now the blanket is wrapped around his shoulders, standing with him in front of the dark glass that is coming.

No one has stipulated that the fourth thing must be clothing.

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