Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1559: Qiao Yuan Temple looks like it will not survive the first day

"My world ... is it over?" Qiao Yuansi turned his head, looking at the cars still roaring on the highway, and murmured.

At least what she sees, there is no half-similar resemblance to the life-like image depicted in the movie or novel: the traffic rules are still in charge of the highway, and the speed detection screen in front is also working as usual, indicating that the power system is intact ; No fire, no smoke, no ambulance whistle, and no call sign for help.

"It's a bit different," the young man followed her gaze, apparently thinking of the same place, and said: "I thought I was lucky at the beginning, and random teleportation could fall into the six months before the end. The world. "

This sentence alone is enough to generate more than a hundred questions; but Qiao Yuansi bit his lip and didn't ask a single question. The young man outside the car laughed and said, "Forget it, I have no obligation to convince you. Transformers are everywhere. When you see them again, remember to pretend that you can't see them. I'm gone, good luck— "

When he said here, he also stood straight from outside the car; Qiao Yuansi reacted with a sudden shock, quickly unlocked the car, and shouted out the window: "Get in the car!"

The young man paused and bent down again. His eyes widened slightly under the doubts, making him look like a little animal.

"... Aren't you afraid that I am a lunatic?"

"You knocked down a policeman, you can no longer continue to sway outside," Qiao Yuansi looked up at the rearview mirror and simply stretched his arms to open the door of the passenger seat for him, urging: "Come up, I'm afraid Others have noticed us. "

The young man didn't seem to anticipate her attitude, and she laughed. Qiao Yuansi looked at him immobile and was really anxious. He said quickly, "No matter if it is the end of the world or not, the social rules are obviously still working. You saved me, I can't let you get caught in it. You Can you get in the car quickly? "

"Okay, okay, got it,"

The young man still had a half-smile on the cheeks of his mouth, as if he didn't think she was serious about her worries. She walked around the front of the car and opened the front passenger door. As soon as the door opened, the sea breeze outside the car suddenly rushed in, and fell into the seat with his body, as if bringing a part of the salty, blue, free sea.

Qiao Yuansi was stunned, withdrawn his gaze and reignited the car.

She glanced at the probe—outside the ground, the patrol was still lying face down, and had not awakened from a coma, nor could he see what his face looked like now. She dared not think about it, bypassed the policeman, and quickly re-entered the highway, while driving while constantly scanning the rearview mirror, for fear of seeing a police car catching up.

"I'm a little worried whether there will be a passing car that has called the police," she felt that the young man had cast several eyes at her and explained to herself. "We didn't have a long delay just now? But it should be less than two minutes for a few words."

"You don't worry about the end of the world and the transfiguration, but are you worried about this?" The young man in Yu Guangli looked a little ridiculous.

"It's because you said that to me that I am even more worried." Qiao Yuansi speeded up and left several cars behind him, saying, "If this is still the same as before, then even It ’s not a big deal for you to be arrested. I can prove that you are trying to save me, you can find a defense lawyer, you can even pay for bail ... everything can be done in accordance with normal procedures, and it wo n’t hurt you personally. "

However, this world is clearly different. Transformers are already everywhere, and it is impossible for only one law enforcement officer to become the so-called "degenerate species"; when the remaining transformers realize the true reason for the patrol's attack, normal legal procedures cannot protect him.

The young man understood what she meant, but seemed a little surprised. He "oh", and said for a while after being quiet: "... So you believed me so quickly?"

Qiao Yuansi is a person who has been trained in scientific thinking. This makes her even less willing to resist denial in the face of unknown things. It was just that she glanced at the young man in the co-pilot ’s seat, but said in her mouth: “I will not come to this conclusion for the time being.”

He didn't seem to care whether she believed her or not, shrugged, and said with a smile, "OK, I'm not in a hurry. My name is Yingshui An, what about you?"

It ’s strange to say it, but it does n’t seem strange if you consider that this is a name from another world—after all, she ca n’t even see the race.

Qiao Yuansi reported his name and asked him to explain the reasons again from the beginning: what is the end of the world, what is the fallen species, and who is he himself. This time, the amount of information is not small. It is not easy to be clear and comprehensive, but Yingshui An did it in a few words.

Although he explained clearly, Qiao Yuansi dared not say how much he really believed. She just drove while listening attentively; listening to her, she turned her eyes and found that Yingshui An was actually reaching a hand towards her cheek.

Qiao Yuansi's shock was not trivial. He almost rammed the whole car into the side lane and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Yingshui An was also taken aback by her: "I just look at your face--"

"Then what are you doing?" Qiao Yuansi has been a bird of surprise since he was caught by the policeman.

Yingshui An pointed to his cheek and said, "I said, don't be afraid. The place you have been caught on your face has been reddening, and it's getting more and more red."

When Qiao Yuansi finally got off the highway and found an opportunity to look closely at her face, the mirror turned down and surprised herself: Several thick blood-red scratches staggered across her cheek, from the corner of her eye It extends to the chin; although it has been almost half an hour, the color is not light, but it is getting darker and closer to purple, and even a blood spot floats around the scratch, and it looks shocking at a glance.

"When he grabbed my face, he exerted a lot of energy. One finger was stuck in the corner of my eye, as if to pull my face off." She stopped by the road and muttered, "It's just that the skin is not Broke, I did not expect it to be ... "

Yingshui An beckoned at her, motioning her to stretch her face.

Qiao Yuansi looked at him hesitantly, bit his lip, and turned his head to his side.

Yingshui Anji approached, and her face was slightly warmed by his breath; as soon as she touched each other ’s eyes, she turned away slightly—his slightly blue eyes were soaked in the cold snow white Here, in the expressionless face, it seems to bring the chill of the mountain snowfield, although it is clear and thorough, it makes people dare not read more. In unclear tension, she clutched the fabric of her pants and waited for the slightly warm fingers to press on her cheeks.

However, he didn't touch her face. From Yu Guang, she could see that the hand Sakurazu Kishi was about to raise suddenly dropped again; staring at her for a moment, his brows became tighter and more serious.

Qiao Yuansi had cold sweat in his palm, and finally he couldn't resist sitting upright and turned his head and asked him, "What's wrong with me?"

Yingshui An looked at her finger before touching it, twisting her fingertips a few times, hoping to give the dust that did not exist on her finger to twist.

"How far is it from your house?" He turned his eyes and said, "I think you'd better go back now."

... Listening to his tone, he barely said, "Take advantage of the good food now."

Qiao Yuansi took a trembling breath and felt his hands and feet were cold. He didn't know how to restart the car. She didn't go back to the highway and drove forward along the streets of the city; after walking for a while, she broke the silence in the car: "You can say it straight, I can bear it."

Yingshui An glanced at her. "Okay, you should be about to become a degenerate."

It's too straight.

Qiao Yuansi clutched the steering wheel tightly, and his knuckles turned pale. "You say in detail ... how do you know?"

"Apocalyptic world, as the name implies, is generally a human society that has been destroyed. Most humans are buried together, and only a small part can survive. In this small part, some have become degenerate species, and some have become. Evolutionary-but this world is clearly not the case. "

Yingshui An was intentionally speaking slowly, Qiao Yuansi realized. She is very grateful, because her current state is too optimistic even if it is described by the Six Gods and the Lord; a person who is talking about it is equivalent to providing her with a sense of order in the chaos of impermanence-just like He fell into the rushing river, but caught a rope.

"I don't know why, everything is working properly in this world, and there are very few dead people. The degenerate species with facial deformations account for the vast majority of the population. So I have been watching them in the past few days."

When he mentioned the transfiguration, he used "them" instead of "they"-when referring to the fallen species of other worlds, Yingshui'an used "them". Qiao Yuansi didn't know what this difference meant, but she made a silent note in her heart.

"I found that if you are a normal person and your face will not be deformed, then you have two possibilities, either you can see them deformed, or you ca n’t see them deformed. For normal people who ca n’t see it, the degenerate species We do n’t want to trouble them at all, and still work and live with those normal people as before ... because over time, those normal people who ca n’t see the deformation will naturally begin to deform gradually, just like It was affected by the subtle influence. How long this time is, I ca n’t say well, because I have only four days to come here. When I came, the few examples I observed were probably in the process of deformation. . "

Qiao Yuansi breathed a sigh of breath and fixed his eyes on the road ahead. The green light was on, and a little girl in school uniform passed the zebra crossing while sending ice cream to her mouth. Every time she opened her mouth, her face disappeared into the black hole in her mouth, closed her mouth, and then the facial features slowly squeezed and fell back to the original place.

"If you can see it, and let them know that you can see it deformed, it's bad." Sakura Suigan was also looking at the little girl, and said softly without changing his face: "It's right to have something abnormal." Recognition 'ability itself means that you can no longer naturally transform into one of them. The primary goal of fallen species seems to be to turn more people into their companions, when this is not guaranteed, They will start to kill people. When the patrol officer scratches your face, it should have used some means to infect this deformation like a virus to you. "

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