Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1560: A small difference

[I said earlier that I should try my best to restore the Japanese version. If I was not careful, this chapter was written for another two days. What is the role of the face, it is used to beat]

"I'm so lucky."

In two different places, this sentence was almost spit out of the lips by two people at the same time.

One of the speakers was Hu Changzai who had met Hai Tianqing; the other was Yapi who had met Fang Dan.

3:02 am, southeast corner of the oasis.

"Your kid feels lucky to face me?"

A green bar on Hai Tianqing's forehead jumped up and down, the blood vessel bulging up on the back of the hand holding an axe. He took a sip, stared down at Hu Chang and said sullenly, "I hope you can still think so after five minutes."

The sputum he spit out hit the ground like a bullet, and even a light smoke burst.

Hu Chang pushed his glasses calmly in a pretentious manner and took two steps back. Just looking up at Hai Tianqing just now, it really made his neck sore-in his life, he has never been so close to such a person.

Can this huge figure really be human?

Although he is not tall, he is one meter seven or eight in height anyway; but when he stands in front of Hai Tianqing, his head can barely reach the waist of his opponent; his shoulders are wide enough to accommodate three Hu Chang The muscles on the neck and back are like hills, and at a glance, the man ’s body contains terrible power.

The axe in Hai Tianqing's hand did not know where it came from, but it was as high as Hu Chang.

"That ... cadre of the sea," Hu Chang yelled in the old habits, and decided to confess. "To be honest, I haven't generated physical enhancement yet."

The man on the opposite hill was silent for a second, and then Hai Tianqing's surprised face suddenly approached him: "... what? Are you still an ordinary person?"

Hu Chang nodded a little embarrassedly.

"Are you planning to surrender?" Hai Tianqing thought of a possibility.

"That won't work. If I were taken away by you, it would have caused other people a lot of headaches."

Hai Tianqing straightened his waist, "... then, don't blame me for getting started. Who made you want to help the human traitor." The axe in his hand left the ground: "What are your last words?"

Hu Chang shook his head, his calf trembling straight. Watching the axe in front of him gradually rise, suddenly he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Hai Tianqing's waist.

The other person didn't even raise his eyebrows. When he grabbed his left hand, he grabbed his neck and lifted him into the air.

Hu Chang kept flapping his legs in the air, and the air was being squeezed out of his body bit by bit, quickly, and his face became purple within two seconds. He struggled, his consciousness was blurred, and he grabbed Hai Tianqing's sturdy wrist with his backhand-but this little bit of resistance was like an ant moving a mountain.

There was a puzzled expression on Hai Tianqing's face, probably because he couldn't understand the reason why Hu Chang was dying and resisted-at this moment, he only heard the young man who was caught like a chicken in his hand whispering He said something that made him unclear.


"... You lied yesterday." The weak words barely flowed out of Hu Chang's teeth.

Before Haitianqing reacted, he suddenly felt that there was something in his left wrist. The skin on his arm clearly bulged a small bag, and he was swimming quickly along his blood toward his shoulder.

Hai Tianqing threw away the axe with one hand, and tried to hold it with the other hand-"boom", the packet swam too fast, and when pressed, it exploded suddenly near the left shoulder Later, a large amount of flesh, skin, and fascia fragments all splashed in the air with the explosion of the air wave, like a blood rain, pouring Hu Changzai through.

Hai Tianqing's entire arm was gone. He painfully squeezed a broken voice and sat down on the floor.

However, he didn't care about his injury or the strange bag, but asked hardly: "... Why would you know the lie I said?"

Hu Chang fell to the ground, coughing weakly, and his lungs still burned with pain: "I don't know. But from your injury ... this lie is very big."

Hu Changzai's ability: [True Truth Shell]

Introduction: After the de-authentication is upgraded, you can tell if a person has lied in the past 24 hours. When the target did indeed lie, as long as the two were in skin contact, Hu Changzai could plant a truth cannonball on the other's body. The bigger the target's lies and the closer the time distance, the greater the power of the truth cannonball. The destination of the truth cannonball is the heart, but if it is obstructed halfway, it will explode where it is blocked.

At this time, Hai Tianqing's injury was very close to the heart. He gasped breathlessly and smiled self-deprecatingly: "... I didn't expect that I thought I had a high combat power, but I was overthrown by someone like you so quickly. I was underestimated. I ... will I die? ? "

Hu Changzai also said badly. Although he lived alone for a while before coming to Oasis, he never killed anyone. If Hai Tianqing is really dead, he will become the first living person he killed ... Thinking of this, Hu Changzai's face is even more unsightly. He gasped for breath, and was about to get up and leave.

Hai Tianqing looked at his back, and suddenly "ha" made a sound, covering his eyes with his intact hands.

"I didn't expect ... that I would die before I even get revenge ..." He whispered to himself in a very soft voice. "And still betrayed by humans ..."

The footsteps just raised fell again. Hu Chang was looking back, and a face still had the blue-purple color after extreme hypoxia: "... just treat me as a curiosity. What did you lie about yesterday?"

3:03 am, west side of the oasis.

Fang Dan looked at the man in front of him and said nothing.

It was n’t that she did n’t want to say something, but she could n’t talk at all and could n’t move.

Because Yapi is too close to her--

The man's warm breath ran across her pinna and a long hair was pinched between her fingers by Yapi. "Fang Dan, right?" There was still a little carelessness in his voice, "... the data said that you came to the oasis very early. Although you are a natural evolver, your ability is not outstanding, and your physical strength has not been strengthened."

Fang Dan bit his lower lip, trying to make his legs no longer soft.

After all, it was one of the five cadres. Even if Yapi seemed narcissistic and unreasonable, the threat from him at this moment still accelerated her blood flow.

Yapi shuffled and walked back to her. Fang Dan just raised his head, and suddenly he was punched in the stomach with a heavy punch-it was as if it was hit by a car head-on. Her body was immediately hit by four or five meters, and he hit the ground heavily. Muffled.

After a few seconds, the man did not come to chase, and Fontaine could not sit up from the ground. The internal organs seemed to have shifted, and she tried to open her mouth, but something in the abdomen seemed to be broken, so that she could not make a sound.

"Eh? I didn't expect that you really haven't been physically strengthened yet?" Yapi seemed really surprised. Then he shrugged a little bored: "It's so easy to solve, it's really boring ... well, do you want to keep alive ..."

After walking around Fang Dan like a dead fish on the ground for two times, Yapi finally made up his mind: "Still don't leave a live mouth. You are quite dirty. Carrying it all the way back will wipe me dirty ..."

Is it necessary to kill for such a broken reason ... Fang Dan's expression was distorted, she wanted to move and wanted to run-but her body was like a rag, and she couldn't gather strength at all.

Yapi hummed not knowing the tune of any song, and suddenly Fang Dan stepped on her stomach suddenly, thinking that she couldn't make a sound, Fang Dan could utter a little broken moan again.

"Anyway, you are going to die, so let me experiment with my new ability!"

In the dim night, excitement and anticipation suddenly appeared on Yapi's face. He kicked Fang Dan's head with his toes. When she saw her eyes open, her eyes were still active, and she laughed: "Well, I can hear I'll just talk. "

"God is really unfair. There are people like you who haven't strengthened their body abilities, and people like me who just generated new abilities yesterday ..." Yapi adjusted his suit waistcoat and put his hands in his trouser pockets Here, he whispered: "Let's start, [Sanliu writer]."

The new abilities of Yapi Men: [Sanliu Writer]

Introduction: If you want to have a reader for your story, at least you should be logically consistent and convincing. This is the basic requirement that every third-rate writer has for herself. Take the target as the main character and compose a short story. If the story is logical and the settings are easy for the other party to accept, then the same thing as the story will eventually happen to the target.

"... Try this first." The male Yapi lowered his eyelids and looked at the woman shrunk under his feet.

"After graduating from college, you met a young and handsome boss in the workplace-it's me. After a long time, you found out that he had a girlfriend who was abroad. You deeply felt that you had been deceived and quit. Hidden in the field. Unexpectedly, the boss's girlfriend is only the object arranged by the family. He loves you deeply ... After finding you and relieving the misunderstanding, you and the boss fall in love together. "

It is almost impossible to have a story that is worse than this, but Fang Dan on the ground suddenly burst into tears, his lips slightly open, and his face is happy and sad: "I know, I know ... our feelings It won't be false ... "

Yapi froze for a moment, looked at Fang Dan, and then looked up and laughed: "Haha! Fun, this is fun!"

The last story was taken away with a wave of his hand, and Fang Dan's face immediately returned to its original state.

A red tide quickly rose from her ears and stained her face-not shy, but angry-Fang Dan said hoarsely: "If you want to kill, just kill ... Let's play with other people's feelings here. ! "

Yapi turned a deaf ear and opened his mouth again.

"... A boyfriend who has been in love for seven years is about to marry himself. The new house has been bought and the wedding is in the process of preparation. You feel very happy. After all, I have been suffering for so many years, and I see It ’s going to be a positive result soon ... "

Fang Dan's anger suddenly disappeared, and an unspeakable expression appeared on her face, and she looked up at Yapi. The latter was immersed in the pleasure brought by his new ability, glanced at her, and did not stop.

"But at this time, his boyfriend said that he has fallen in love with other women and asked you to let go. After a long time of obsession, aspirations, threats of suicide ... He still walked with other women after all the methods were ineffective. Now. At this time, you find that you are pregnant. "

"You hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to have a child ... The child is innocent. And think about it, the child's father can't help it-he fell in love with others, this is not his fault, no one can control Love. You raised your baby for nine months with peace of mind and contacted a good doctor, but at the last moment— "

Yapi's face approached, and his voice cooled down.

"Birth was born. You hugged your child and jumped off the building to commit suicide."

The scene calmed down for a moment, and the two men and women who stared at each other did not speak, except for the whistling night breeze, which was curled across the yellow sand.

The more detailed the story, the greater the power. Yapi looked at the expressionless face of the woman on the ground, and the smile on the corner of his mouth thickened—

Suddenly, like a trick, Yapi's body was thrown high into the air by an invisible force, and then "snapped", like a broken watermelon, paralyzed on the ground into a strange His posture, hands and feet were twisted, and blood slowly oozed from the corners of his mouth.

Fang Dan struggled and got up from the ground.

The positions of the two were reversed. She lowered her eyes and looked at the miserable Yapi as if she had jumped off the building. She said softly, "You don't know a woman very well."

"Why ... why ... shouldn't ..." Yapi barely coughed up a blood. The kind of woman in his story does exist in reality!

As if seeing through his mind, Fang Dan smiled coldly.

"Idiot." She frowned, showing an expression that seemed disgusting. "The first half of what you said really happened to me."

Yapi's eyes were suddenly rounded.

"After my boyfriend was derailed, I found out that I was pregnant. Do you know how I did it? At three months, I chose a black clinic specifically, drained the child, and put the stillbirth in a box , As a new wedding gift to their wedding. Of course, during that time my spirit was not too stable, and then was sent by my family to see a psychiatrist. "

Yapi shook his hands, unable to speak.

"I hate the self-righteous man the most." Fang Dan learned what Yapi had just done and kicked his head with his toes. "Looking at you, your abilities are counterproductive, right? When a story doesn't hold true on the target, the ending will happen to yourself ... it is really a third-rate ability."

The man on the ground can no longer hear her voice. Under the motionless body, the blood gradually pooled away.

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