Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1561: Sakurazu Kishi's decision

In the next few days, Qiao Yuansi felt like he was sending a long dream in a trance.

Let ’s say it ’s a dream. What happened in a few days, she can remember clearly; saying that it ’s not a dream, she feels like she ’s “not in the same place” —her self seems to be taken out of her body Most of the time, the person who owned her body was not Qiao Yuansi.

No, no, it's like saying that an outsider occupies her body; more precisely, before Qiao Yuansi's face deformed, her self began to deform first.

On the night she discovered that she couldn't understand her lesson plans, Qiao Yuansi could hardly describe her feelings in words at the time. The neighbor can become a monster, and the world can usher in the end, but if she does not have the knowledge, she does not know who she is and how to live. Having established the foundation of life for 33 years, all of a sudden it collapsed and shattered; she buried her face in her arms and cried silently for some time before finally being persuaded by Sakura Suigan to put down the lecture and go to bed, Before falling asleep, there was a vague hope in my heart that "maybe a good night's sleep".

After getting up the next day, she was completely uncomfortable.

Yingshui An seemed to have not slept all night. As soon as he heard Qiao Yuansi's footsteps, he sat up on the sofa and followed her around in the house.

When she was about to enter the kitchen to prepare breakfast, Yingshui An stopped her, spread out her teaching materials on the dining table, and asked, "Do you understand?"

Qiao Yuansi watched the page for a while. "I know every word ... It's hard to understand what it means to line up. What does it mean?"

"Then watch it slowly, sentence by sentence."

Qiao Yuansi couldn't help but rolled his eyes and buried his head again. She forced herself to watch slowly for a few minutes before she barely understood a sentence or two; this progress made her irritable instead, pushing the table to stand up and said, "What's the use of watching this thing? I'm hungry, I don't want to Read it. "

Ying Shui An didn't speak. He sat at the other end of the dining table, watching her enter the kitchen, watching her prepare a breakfast for one person; he didn't speak again until she ate slowly.

"The red marks on your face have lightened." He said calmly.

"Oh," Qiao Yuansi was reminded that there was still a red mark on his face. After touching it, he said, "I don't think it's a big deal. It should be completely eliminated in two days."

"Do you still think you won't deform?"

"No," Qiao Yuansi waved his hand and felt that this statement was really ridiculous: "I am a big living person, and my face has suddenly deformed. Why? What scientific reason can explain it? No, so it is impossible. thing."

Ying Shui An's expression, as if suddenly hearing something unbearable stupid, staring at her frowned. "……what?"

It's hard to explain why, but Qiao Yuansi suddenly stepped on his foot, his thorns all standing up, ready for defense. "What?" She stared at him with vigilance, challengingly saying: "Those deformations, the end of the world, and only you are talking about it? Morning News? The newspaper is on the board? Why didn't I? see?"

Ying Shui An wiped her face, as if she couldn't believe the situation. "You have forgotten the facts you have seen with your own eyes?"

"There must be an explanation for what I saw," Qiao Yuansi said. "I have been camping for so long on foot. I'm tired of driving. It's possible to see the wrong thing. And if I step back 10,000 steps, what happens if I'm deformed? Going to bed? A monster, and the school will still pay me. You do n’t have to say this anymore. I ’m upset, I do n’t want to listen. ”

When she stood up to collect the plate, she thought of another thing and warned him, "Don't talk nonsense when you go out, otherwise I won't care if you get caught by them."

Yingshui An's eyebrows jumped slightly, and immediately raised his eyes, as if stabbed by this sentence for a while.

Even if Qiao Yuansi was bothering him now, when he met his eyes, he couldn't help but stunned-the color in his eyes was too clean and clear, like a small blue sky was frozen on the snowfield. She suddenly remembered that when she saw him early yesterday, she felt like a wild eagle across the mountains ... How did she think of this analogy? Did she think of it?

She dropped the plate "bang" on the table, squeezing the back of the chair tightly, and gradually approached the brain with memories of yesterday.

She didn't forget what happened yesterday; but she really couldn't remember it just now-yesterday's memory seems to have turned into some old letters that were put away. They are still there, just sitting in the drawer far away. Don't cross your mind.

"Don't give me the teaching materials," Qiao Yuansi still hung his head, said in a mute voice, "That may be too difficult for me ... some general readers, please give me the one."

She hadn't heard the last word yet, and Yingshui An jumped up to find a book. He seemed afraid that he would move slowly. At this point, Qiao Yuansi had to slide away from this body, and quickly placed a stack of books with the word general in front of her.

Qiao Yuansi shuddered inexplicably, and turned over several books one after another. The frustration and frustration that couldn't see in and couldn't understand became stronger and stronger; when the tears floated up in her eyes, Sakura Sui shore suddenly loose With a sigh of relief, she squatted down in front of her and whispered, "You will be sad, you will be sad."

"... what do you mean?"

"Listen to me," Ying Shui'an's tone is slightly eager, "Those red marks, your mind and character are beginning to change. I don't know how those red marks work, but maybe we can reverse Hold it down. "

"How to suppress?" Qiao Yuansi didn't realize he was crying until he saw a water drop fall on his hand.

"... by reducing the symptoms caused by it." Sakura Suigan, like a doctor comforting a child, said gently: "If you think these are still too difficult, do some simple thinking training with me. You yourself It has been said that the virus cannot kill people 100%, why can't you survive through resistance? "

When doing thinking training, Qiao Yuansi's face in the mirror was clean again, leaving no trace of blood.

Strange to say, it is clear that her intelligence has not deteriorated, and she is still very fast in doing math questions, but after a while, she even started to answer wrong questions even for elementary school thinking. She soon refused to do it again, but Yingshui An would not let her go-don't look at him tall and thin, but the power was amazingly terrible. It was not like a human, but like a construction crane.

After holding down Qiao Yuansi, he was still very patient and asked again: "...... Which of the above examples I mentioned is true?"

She couldn't answer, and he repeated it again. The two repeatedly went back and forth like a saw, even Qiao Yuansi himself could feel that her state was also in this repeated saw and saw that she was advancing and retreating, and sometimes it was bad-but there was a little water Kishi is right: as long as she constantly fights for positions with training, her rate of deterioration will be temporarily suppressed.

The "deformation" factor is like a living creature. After realizing that this position is not easy to grab, it slowly loosened its control. After a full afternoon, Qiao Yuansi did not deteriorate again; the two waited with heart and terror until the evening, and finally let out a sigh of relief-it was hard to pass the next day.

On the third day, Qiao Yuan Temple was in the same state as yesterday. The two of them did half a morning of thinking training again, and it seemed that everything was getting better; Yingshui An also became more and more happy, and his eyes were shining. If it weren't for a bird that hit her glass that afternoon, I'm afraid no one would find the problem.

It was an unknown and pretty bird, with a tan fat body and black pointed feathers; it didn't know where it was hurt, and it couldn't fly after a few strokes. When Yingshui Anwen stood up, Qiao Yuansi asked: "Throw it in the big trash can in the community."

Yingshui An turned and looked at her. "It's not dead yet."

"That's about to die," Qiao Yuansi waved his hand. "Throw it away quickly."

Yingshui An smiled at her almost softly.

When Qiao Yuansi lowered his head again, it suddenly felt that she was holding her collar with one hand, and when she raised it fiercely, she was picked up by Yingshui Anji. He dragged her to the door, and the action was even rude, saying, "You picked it up."

"Why?" Qiao Yuansi pulled back his arms and asked angrily.

"Because you are not that kind of person." Ying Shui An said simply.

A big and big bird, every time she fluttered her wings, she had to startle Qiao Yuansi once, and she was very unhappy in her heart-if she didn't dare to mess with Sakura Shui'an, she would not take the bird into her house. She sat down on the sofa holding the bird. The coffee table in front of her happened to be the mirror she had placed there. As soon as she sat down, she just saw her face sway in the mirror. There seemed to be a wave of waves running under the skin, curling and rolling, and passing by.

She was frozen all over.

Yingshui An stood in the aisle behind her, and should have seen the image in the mirror, but didn't speak. For a time, in the living room, except for the beeping sound of the bird flapping its wings, there was nothing but silence in the living room.

"Why ... did I not deteriorate," Qiao Yuansi said in a dumb voice, "how ..."

Ying Shui's footsteps approached from behind. As he stood behind the sofa and bent down, Qiao Yuansi felt a warm hand slide into his neck and gently pinched her neck. Her throat was resting on his ganglion, which made her feel for the first time that her throat was so fragile.

"It's true," Yingshui An said slowly, his tone calm. "I thought about the day before yesterday, since the world is still functioning properly, even if you are transformed, I don't actually need to kill you, so that you can live with other monsters in this world, there may be nothing wrong. But now ... I changed my mind. "

The teeth of Qiao Yuan Temple are fighting slightly, and even the birds in their arms dare not move.

The evolver is far more terrible than the metamorphosis.

"I don't like what you are gradually becoming. If you can't hold it, I might as well kill you now."

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