Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1562: Short life intersection

Yingshui'an's warning weighed heavily on that period of time.

He only warned her once, which was enough: the time left for her recovery was only a short while, so whenever Qiao Yuan Temple deteriorated, he felt that he would be killed by him at any time.

She has a strong desire to survive when she is deteriorating, so she begs and swears, swindles and screams to him, as long as she can get out, she will not be ugly in any way, and she can speak everything. As for trying to call the police for help, or taking the opportunity to escape from home, she naturally did not do less-but in the face of a determined evolutionary, all the means she can use are like hitting a reef bubble, always Failure to shake the other side.

When Qiao Yuansi was in a stable state, she was different.

In her gaze or pace, there is always one who is closely following the Sakura Shuigan; sometimes he will go to the kitchen even if he just gets up to drink a sip of water, as if as long as one has not caught, the Sakura Shuigan will follow her Loosed and slipped in his life. She couldn't tell why, but compared to being killed by him, she was more afraid of the scene where she was sitting alone at home and her face gradually changed.

During this time, her intelligence has not been impaired; it can even be said that she is smarter in some places. For example, Qiao Yuansi soon realized the difference between her behavior in the two states, so when she deteriorated, she began to follow Ying Shui An intentionally, saying something that she was scared and sad, and relaxed his vigilance. Sex finds another chance to escape-when she did this for the first time, it really made him almost fooled.

Qiao Yuansi would never forget that scene for the rest of her life: one day she finally found a chance to escape from the house secretly, and started the car with confidence, when she hurriedly backed out of the library, she raised her eyes but saw Sakura in the rearview mirror Waterfront.

He held his arms and stood at the rear of the car, as if he had waited for a long time.

Qiao Yuansi gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator the next second the eyes of the two met in the mirror. When the car retreated backward, it seemed to hit the rocky mountain wall with great force-she was slammed forward by the impact, and her forehead knocked on the steering wheel.

She lifted her head dizzy and looked back. It happened to see that Shuishui An had recovered one foot from the deformed trunk. He slowly walked to the driver's seat. She suddenly remembered that the car was unlocked, but it was too late. She had to watch him open the door.

Yingshui shore bent down, as if the sea under the cloudy sky was hidden in those eyes. There was no anger or anger in his face, and the tone was just a matter of course: "Go back with me."

When the words fell, a lock of hair slipped off his cheeks and was swayed by the wind, just as when the two first met on the seaside highway a few days ago.

Qiao Yuansi stared at him in a daze, and in a burst of coolness, he understood that he was awake again from a deteriorating state. It is clear that the mind is still continuous, but often when her mind slides toward the deformed person, she does not even realize it at all. She has to wait until a certain opportunity is triggered before she suddenly returns to God and realizes What I just did.

Seeing her not speaking, Yingshui An sighed.

"... I'll try another way," when he thought Qiao Yuansi wouldn't listen to him, he looked more tired and soft than before. "You still have time."

When he was led home, Qiao Yuansi kept silently wiping tears from his face. When the two entered the door, she whispered: "I raised a thrush at home when I was a kid ... I named her Mian Miao at that time."

Ying Shui An suddenly turned his head, his eyebrows loosened.

It was because of this sentence that the injured bird in the cardboard box in the living room, although it was suspected of being a male bird, was still named gracefully. Yingshui An asked her to say a few words to Man Miao every day and clean and feed it; Qiao Yuan Temple slowly became less reluctant. Sometimes, before leaving, she gently stroked her warm and smooth back feathers with her fingertips. .

The mirrors were all put away by Sakura Shuigan, so in a small ring, everything could be stuffed into it, just like a prop in a science fiction novel. Without the mirror, she could only touch her face with her hands sometimes; it felt normal, with her nose still in the center and no extra hole in her forehead.

Sometimes she feels that her home has become a special rehabilitation center, which is filled with many training courses every day, and Yingshui An is her doctor. If she moves rough when dealing with gracefulness, he will come to her arm exactly the same and ask her "Does this hurt you?"; If she can't understand the passage in the book, she shouldn't want to move. Now, even if she analyzes, disassembles, and reorganizes word by word, she must understand it before she can get up and drink.

"Why are you helping me?" She asked once when they finished training.

"Anyway, I'm going to be here for fourteen months," Sakura Suigan did not know what was going on, without looking up, "What to do or not to do? Hit the children on rainy days, I just put a lot of salt to spare. "

Qiao Yuansi thumped, but this little smile quickly gave up the corner of her mouth. Her recent state is becoming more and more stable. This is not to be said by Yingshui An, she can also feel that "Qiao Yuan Temple" finally returned to Qiao Yuan Temple's body, firmly pinning the latter's shape. It's just that another shadow also caught her heart deeper and deeper as she got better.

She put in so much effort, desperately trying to keep herself the same, and now she finally wants to succeed; but, what happens after she succeeds? This place has become an irreversible world of transfiguration. She lives alone among the transfiguration like ocean and sea. How long can she maintain the status quo? How long will she suffer the same attack again?

She has never put her fears and worries into words, and Yingshui An has never expressed a similar meaning, so she does not know whether he also thought of the same point. No, or for him, he did n’t think it was a matter of concern: because he said it more than once, he would not stay here forever, and naturally he would not think about the future. Fourteen months later, he will leave this world; perhaps a few weeks later, he will leave his home.

There is only such a person between heaven and earth, and he only exists for such a short period of time.

"Recently, there have been more evolvers in this world," another sign of her improvement is that the scope of chatting between the two has become wider and wider, especially topics related to the evolver often appear. While continuing to play with the little box-like thing in his hand, Yingshui An said: "I heard that some evolvers did not take care, and the result was also infected and deformed. After the deformation, the evolutionary ability was not preserved, see Come here for a lifetime. "

"Eh?" Qiao Yuansi couldn't help being surprised. "You evolved so powerfully, how could you be infected?"

Do n’t look at the Sakura Waterfront Gate, but I do n’t know how to always get the news of other evolvers. He coughed, and suddenly it was a bit embarrassing, and he said unclearly: "Anyway, it's a trick, who knows the details ... His companions are also vague, what they were doing was not good at the time. thing."

Qiao Yuansi stopped asking. She lowered her head and whispered away: "What is this in your hand?"

"Oh, your photo."

Qiao Yuansi raised his head in a snap. "what?"

Yingshui An glanced at her from the end of her eyes, and she seemed to want to laugh, and she seemed to be serious: "Yeah, I took it. I wo n’t stay here all the time, and you ca n’t become The evolver leaves. After you fully recover, you may be targeted again by the metamorphosis ... I have considered this problem, so I have prepared for you a long time ago. With this, they should believe that you are their one. Member. "

Qiao Yuansi stared at him for two seconds, suddenly realized: "When did you-you secretly took photos of my face deformed?"

"It's a bit ugly to secretly," he murmured, "you're always fair and honest when you're deformed."

He had long thought about what he would do in the future ... This hidden worry was actually solved in this way. Qiao Yuansi froze, wondering if I should ask for a good photo. She is not afraid to see her deformed face, but she is afraid of the future that the photo means: after a cherry tree shore leaves, she will cherish this memory all her life alone, and be careful among the deformed people, silence and outlier, barely survive .

"You don't even have a personal computer, no one would think that this photo has been PS, this is very convenient." Ying Shui An said some unintelligible nouns, while pulling out a few photos from the box and handing it to her Look and say: "I have combined photos of your facial deformation with some landscape photos. You can say that they were taken when I was traveling. I can send them to my friends or put them in the office ..."

Is that what she looks like?

With just a glance, Qiao Yuansi fought a cold war, and a nausea arose. She quickly put the stack of photos into the coffee table. She could hardly imagine that the man in the photo was actually herself-she felt it was inevitable to have some nightmares tonight.

"Then are you going to leave?" She asked, calming her emotions.

"Yeah," Sakura Suigan said only two words briefly, and then extended the words. "In fact, as long as you are quiet and low-key, this world is easy to survive. People like us are very sensitive to this world, but unfortunately there are not many such worlds ..."

Qiao Yuansi took a closer look at him, carefully looked at his hair, eyebrows, lips, jaws and throat before saying, "Then ... when will you leave?"

"The day after tomorrow is the time for you to go back to school," Ying Shui An lowered his eyes and said softly, "I will leave that day."

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