Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1564: Burned to ashes

No, right... this is too reckless, how is it possible?

Qiao Yuansi also knew that he must be staring at Jin Yan for a while now, and he must be stupid and suspicious. The door of the office was wide open, and the deformed people in the outside corridor were coming and going. There was endless talk and laughter, and no one doubted whether a suspicion temptation was being staged in the office close by.

Hasn’t Jinyan already seen her picture hanging on the wall? Why dare to draw such a conclusion? Unless she deliberately leads the snake out of the hole, right?

But if Jin Yan had transformed, she should never have noticed something strange from the bird food box. To reach the conclusion that "Transformers don't feed birds", we must first have a premise that "Transformers lack compassion"; however, Transformers simply don't have such a premise-after all, in their own eyes, they are all Very normal human.

To find out from the bird food box that Qiao Yuansi is not a deformed person, there must be two things: one is a sober understanding of the essence of the deformed person; the other is a simple but complete logic. None of these two things existed in Transformers-at least for now, she has observed so many Transformers and has not yet found a counterexample.

According to the inferences derived from this thinking... that Jin Yan is unlikely to be a deformed person.

Qiao Yuansi swallowed his dry throat and still failed to speak. The girl student on the opposite side is also staring at her; the former's face is getting whiter and whiter, and it is like a layer of cement is gradually poured into the face. Increasing fear. Jin Yan lowered his head and quickly withdrew his hand that was originally placed on the table, but at this moment he shook slightly.

Qiao Yuansi suddenly understood.

Isn't she the same?

I don’t know how many times, she feels that she can’t bear even more suffocation for a second; she can’t wait to catch the normal people who haven’t been deformed at that time, shake their collars, and point to the deformed faces , Tell them to open their eyes and take a good look.

It was enough to wake up a companion. Even if she was found and drowned by the crowd, she yelled at least before she died. If it fails, then it will all end. She no longer has to endure in silence-the new world has only started for two months. She is only thirty-three years old. She has no idea how to complete the next half of her life.

Presumably Jinyan is in the same mood?

She kept her voice as steady as possible, breaking the silence that seemed to last too long in the room.

"... Didn't you see my picture?" Even though Qiao Yuansi felt the same about Jin Yan, she dared not rush to admit it, so she asked the safest question.

Jin Yan lowered her eyelids. "Miss Qiao...Is this one you set up, a test? Are you using a bird food box to attract people without transformation to come to you on your own initiative?"

Qiao Yuan Temple was startled.

"My dad is a photographer... I know that it is possible to modify photos by cropping and negative filming. In fact, teachers in the photography department must know that you are not afraid of them being suspicious?" Qiao Yuansi is a bit hard to hear. She couldn't help but glanced at the door, Jin Yan was probably afraid of being heard by people coming and going.

"I've been to your class before...I have doubts since then... And, what kind of person needs to hang up photos of his face deformation? I think there should be only normal people."

"Since you are so sure, what are you afraid of?" Qiao Yuansi's heart thumped, but he still didn't admit it.

Jin Yan closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Because I don't know, you set this... what is the purpose of the test." When she answered, she closed her eyes tightly, as if she had completely taken it out. "Miss Qiao, why do you want to find other normal people?"

The more normal people around her, the more dangerous she is. The more normal people, the more dangerous... deep in Qiao Yuansi’s mind, this sentence is constantly echoing; her hands don’t know when to put down the pen, she touched the table and took Jin Yan’s shoulder.

"This is not a place to speak," Qiao Yuansi's lips twitched out of his lips, "Follow me."

......In the face of Wang Yanghai's general transformation, Qiao Yuan Temple felt like he must have been blessed by God in the first week when he and Jin Yan found each other.

As long as there is a companion, everything is immediately different: humans are probably such creatures, when they are connected, one plus one is greater than two. In order to be safe, Jin Yan did not have an alternate candidate for her class; but it didn’t matter, because Jin Yan said that the reason she insisted on arranging this class was that she just wanted to observe Qiao Yuansi more.

"Miss Qiao, I really don't know what supports you," Jin Yan sometimes said.

Regarding the fact that the old world is actually ushering in the end, Jin Yan doesn’t seem to take it seriously — it’s better to say that she thinks it’s just a statement that Qiao Yuansi sees the world and expresses feelings; Qiao Yuansi mentioned it twice, but when she saw that she didn't go to her heart, it would just go away. After all, what is the difference in their lives?

Compared with the past, the environment in which they live has not changed, but in many respects, there has been a slight deterioration of chaos. After becoming a precarious and marginal person, Qiao Yuansi was half curious and half-observed the world around him: In addition to the increasing negligence and deception, perfunctoryness, and ridiculous absurdity, law and order seemed to be slowly changing. Worse, some of the sensational news and stories always told her to suspect that it was the culprit of the evolution.

As an alien hidden among the deformed people, an ordinary person who lives in the end of the world, Qiao Yuansi clearly realizes that her future life will only slowly and gradually become worse-if she is lucky enough if.

If you’re unlucky, the world might suddenly become something she couldn’t recognize; overnight, I don’t know which day, she would be caught in the world and burned to ashes in the morning when she stepped out of the house. .

Later Qiao Yuansi learned that it was not morning when she was burned to ashes.

On the day of the last tenth month, Qiao Yuansi entered the house and received a message from Jin Yan from his answering machine. "Miss Qiao," the latter's voice was a little bit agitated. "Don't be angry when you listen, I know you don't approve of me to do this... But I have 200% confidence this time, I found another look Normal people who are deformed!"

Qiao Yuan Temple suddenly hung a heart. Jin Yan’s mind is clear and smart, but after all, she is still young. Sometimes she can be brave or reckless; coupled with the first encounter with others, she met Qiao Yuan Temple, and she was always inspired by this success. I can find another Qiao Yuan Temple.

"Don’t worry, I didn’t mention him about your existence. We made an appointment to meet at the park next to the school at seven tonight, and I will carefully observe and consider him at that time..."

seven o 'clock?

Qiao Yuansi raised his wrist and looked at his watch. He quickly grabbed the hat and scarf hanging by the door, turned his head and rushed out of the door.

Jin Yan did consider it. At this moment, the season has gradually entered the winter, and the park at seven o'clock has been completely dark. Under the orange street lights one by one, the park was sparsely populated, and the view was wide and expansive in all directions. What an accident, Jin Yan also had the opportunity to get out.

Qiao Yuan Temple, who was searching around, stopped when he saw two figures on the bench in the distance, and sat down on the edge of the flower bed. She was under the shade of a tree, she lowered her hat and raised her scarf, and her eyes were fixed on the couple-like figure—the boy was older than Jin Yan, with a strange appearance, unlike a student, It seems to have already gone to work.

Qiao Yuansi sat and observed for a while, and gradually let go of his heart. At such a long distance, she naturally could not hear anything; but from the atmosphere and body movements when the two interacted, it seemed that everything went smoothly. The conversation between the two was not long. After ten minutes, they nodded to each other, and the boy stood up first and left.

Fortunately, she also put down the other half of her heart. Qiao Yuansi came over just to ensure that Jin Yan was safe. Now that the boy had taken the first step, Jin Yan was okay, and finally she was relieved - after thinking about it, she stood up and kept up with the boy.

The boy didn't seem to realize that he was being followed; the two walked quietly in the dim and dark one after the other. There were very few people in the park. Only a man with an office worker walked past them. After a while, a female clerk in a red company uniform walked over; next, two men of similar ages wearing badges on their chest The girl walked over, and another middle-aged man in a blue company uniform walked over.

...Is there few people?

When Qiao Yuansi stopped suddenly and twisted his head back, in the corner of her vision, the boy walked toward the park gate without looking back.

In the dark and cold winter evening, the scenes in my memory became old and unreal as if they were black and white movies.

Qiao Yuansi remembered that he was desperately running back all the way, obviously only two or three minutes away, but he never seemed to be able to run. But Jin Yan seemed to be suddenly awkward in front of her: Jin Yan was still sitting on the bench as it was, somehow she lowered her head and her long hair covered her profile.

Beside Jinyan, the office worker’s male, the two girls wearing work badges, the female clerk in red uniform, and the middle-aged man in blue uniform are standing in a circle at this time, putting the bench The girls were surrounded. When they heard Qiao Yuansi's staggering footsteps, they turned their heads one after another.

Each one is a human face.

Qiao Yuansi was in a trance, unaware of their sight, just staring at Jin Yan in death.

Jin Yan finally turned her head slowly.

Bloody red scratches crawled out of the corners of her eyes, as if the blood stains tore the ground, winding up on her face, tearing her face into pieces. Her tears fell one after another, but she couldn't wash away the blood on her face even a little.

Qiao Yuansi took a breath and let out a small sound in her throat. It was too late when she hurriedly covered her hands with her mouth. As if hearing some signals, the group of employees walked towards her step by step.

"Sure enough, there is one more." I don't know who said it.

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