Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1565: untitled

In the late spring, the cicada was already in the courtyard outside the window.

Hissing cicadas are intermittent and more disturbing than usual, as if they are not yet due to summer, they are also undecided to fully commit to this cause. They came early this year; when they approached the window, the dark night outside was still cold and water-like, leaving a thin layer of goose bumps on the exposed skin of Qiao Yuan Temple.

After putting the bird food box on the outside window edge, she closed the window, picked up two mugs from the dining table, and glanced over at an open notebook beside her. The hot tea in the cup was too full, steaming and steaming as she walked, walking like a mist of powder and whitening the air in front of her eyes.

Sakura Suigan jumped up from the sofa, approached her in a few steps, and took two teacups.

"Why is it so hot," he lowered his head and glanced at Qiao Yuansi under a few messy hairs, pretending to put the cup in her mouth: "Come on, you take a sip before I take it."

"Don't make a fuss," Qiao Yuansi resisted with a gesture and smiled-but the smile disappeared immediately.

The clock hand was almost ten o'clock, and the hustle and bustle of the heat during the day gradually settled like a snow point, and it became a silent and cold night.

Qiao Yuansi was wearing a suspenders and hot pants, sitting cross-legged on the carpet, holding the cup too hot, and touching the fingers without touching the cup; Ying Shui An sat on the sofa opposite, watching her fingers busy for a while, finally unable to hold her head down Laughed.

After the laughter in his throat cleared, both fell silent.

The last time they got along was too short, and they were too long apart. When they met again, it was like the light and shadow met the hard ice, and they could not find the point where the communication and integration met. Qiao Yuansi kept his head down, and after a few seconds, he asked abruptly, "Why are you back?"

Yingshui An heard his words and rubbed his messy hair a few times before falling on the back of the sofa and exhaling a long breath. "I... I just happened to pass by this place, thinking of you, come and see if you are okay."

Qiao Yuansi nodded silently, and the room was quiet again. She could feel Ying Shui'an's eyes sweeping over her again and again, and he talked to his mouth several times again-he didn't seem to expect that she would close herself tightly like a clam shell, I was still hesitating for a while, not knowing whether I should knock on her shell.

"I'm fine," Qiao Yuansi whispered, watching his hot red fingertips, saying, "Now you have seen it."

Yingshui An leaned over, his broad, thin shoulders curled up slightly, and asked, "...Do you want me to go?"

Qiao Yuansi was silent for a while, then suddenly lowered his head and reached to wipe his eyes.

"Since you decided to leave, you shouldn't come back." She said in a mute voice, "You know what I mean... I also know what you mean at that time."

Ying Shui An froze and said nothing.

"I know that you have only fourteen months in each world, I know." Qiao Yuansi said the lower the voice, "I know, even if you don't leave, I will be one after fourteen months People face this world. So I am used to this state earlier, which is also a good thing for me... but, since you have all decided this way, what are you going to do again?"

"I..." Ying Shui An wiped his face gently. The dark cloud shadows outside the window floated over and covered the moonlight sky.

"I just got used to it," he didn't let him finish. Qiao Yuansi was about to shrink to the back of the mug at this time, hiding in the steaming steam, saying: "...I'm getting used to it."

He probably encountered this situation for the first time. Such an evolutionary who seems to be able to do everything right now seems to be somewhat at a loss. "I...I just want to come and see you."

Qiao Yuansi still only looked at the cup of tea. "I know, I'm fine now, I can handle it by myself, you don't have to worry. I got out of insurance five months ago, and I can continue to take care of myself in the future..."

"Five months ago?" Yingshui An immediately raised his attention. "What happened?"

Speaking of that, one cannot think of Jin Yan.

Qiao Yuansi closed his eyes and almost numbly talked about her acquaintance with Jin Yan at that time; when her story came to the park that evening, her voice began to become lower and lower: "Jin Yan was then I was just infected, it was still herself. So when the few people came up to me, I saw that I was going to be worse, she suddenly shouted, threw up from the back, and fell down two people... Thanks to her for I won a little time before I could seize the opportunity to escape."

Ying Shui An squeezed her lips tightly and nodded. "But was she transformed later?" He moved closer, and the shadow and breath floated on the table of the coffee table. "The memory of the deformed person is coherent, doesn't she—"

"Dead," Qiao Yuansi interrupted him.

Ying Shui'an's expression condensed on the face, more and more like a plaster statue under the moonlight outside the window.

"Later, when I sent her home, I told her that I would help her like you helped me at the time. But she was very infected, and I didn't have any idea at that time. In fact, I was all ready. She couldn't recover, so I had to leave my job and the house to run away... But the next morning, I found her dead." She said flatly.

"Suicide?" Yingshui An guess immediately.

Qiao Yuansi nodded silently.

The silent orange light of the desk lamp flowed down, slowly filling the empty space between the two. Yingshui An lost a lot of weight, and his T-shirt hung loosely on him; he lowered his head, and suddenly stood up to bypass the coffee table, and sat down beside Qiao Yuan Temple, and the excited wind moved his hair and T-shirt.


He reached out his hand, and when he was about to touch Qiao Yuan Temple, the latter suddenly turned around and rushed forward into his arm. At that moment, Yingshui An froze, and his semi-extended arm stayed in the air. After a few seconds, he slowly turned around, his fingers hesitated, and fell on the warm naked back skin of Qiaoyuan Temple. on.

Qiao Yuansi couldn't even drop a tear. She wouldn't let go of her hand anymore, but just looked up, as if the vine was about to climb on the tree trunk, holding him by the neck. Cheeks rubbed over his throat knot, her clavicle hit her chest, the warm and cold skin clung together, and her breathing hair was messy.

"Tomorrow," she listened to her low, muttered voice, and whimpered, "Tomorrow, you go...and don't come back again..."

Yingshui An uttered a hoarse breath of pain from his throat.

The hair on the dark red Persian carpet is thick and dense. A clump of clumps is **** on the back. On it. The dim light of the desk was wrapped in fine dust, and as the breath waved and circulated, everything was covered with the sadness of the old movie. The colors elongated and merged, and the living room expanded and contracted to change its shape, eventually turning into layers of endless white light that shone into her mind.

Gasping, Qiao Yuansi sat up and reached for the cup of tea that had been mostly cold. She was so thirsty that she drank half a glass at a stretch; the cicada outside the window finally yelled leisurely, and there was no more noise. She listened intently and smiled silently.

Ying Shui An did lose a lot of weight, and his back muscles and scars were clear under dim light. Even though he was naked, he seemed to have difficulty dissipating his enthusiasm and approached the table to open the window; after looking at the probe, he turned around and asked, "Why, are there bugs now?"

Did you see the pesticide outside the window? Qiao Yuansi nodded, then raised his cup and took a sip of tea.

The notebook has been spread on the table, she has not collected it, and she does not feel the need to put it away. The dense handwriting on the notebook caught Ying Shui'an's eyes. He bent down and looked at it for a while.

Qiao Yuansi leaned on the sofa arm and waited for him to look up.

"Place the bird food box on the edge of the window,"

While Yingshui'an still lowered her head and read the notebook without a word, she couldn't bear it and opened her mouth hoarsely. That was what she wrote down five months ago, of course she remembers. "Since you decided to leave, you shouldn't come back...I'm used to it."

Sakura Suigan finally slowly, as if being guilty, raised his head.

His skin was not close to human fireworks, so when two points of red finally appeared at the corner of his eyes, it was like blood dripping into the snow, and it slowly blew away at an imperceptible speed. Qiao Yuansi couldn't help but laugh, she had to cover her mouth, press the raised cheeks, and put the laughter back into her mouth.

"You... you are already," Sakura Suigan looked at her with a trembling voice, and it was difficult to even spit out words. In the **** red like makeup in the corners of his eyes, a little water flashed gradually. "Completely deformed?"

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