Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1566: the second time

"Sure enough, there is one more."

She didn't know who said it until her head hit the stone pavement heavily.

This was the last sentence that Qiao Yuansi heard that evening. After this sentence, everything became a silent pantomime. Sitting far away in the auditorium is a world of deformed faces.

A few fragments that I still remember, when playing in memory, were so unrealistically slow.

Qiao Yuansi kicked his feet into the air and silently kicked the female worker in the red uniform; both hands fell, pinched her neck, pressed her to the ground and could not move; someone's high heels stepped on her fiercely and silently In her belly; her feet were pressed and her heavy fingers snapped open her eyelids.

That day happened to be the first snow.

From the blue and dark sky, a piece of snow drifted down slowly, and from the small white dots in the sky, it became an increasingly fuzzy snow mass; at first it was gray and white. When passing by the street lamp, it was dyed orange and eventually turned deep red in her eyes.

Jin Yan seemed to stumble when they rushed up. When Qiao Yuansi coughed and climbed hard from the ground, only she and the growing snow in the park became more and more deafening and silent.

It was her resistance that angered those people, causing the infection process to become a long and unnecessary beating. Qiao Yuansi barely stood up in a dizzy turn, dragged his feet through his bloodstains, and walked out of the park step by step. The pain caused by each step was like a cone, plunging into the tear glands.

Pedestrians I met on the road couldn't see the injuries on her. They only looked at her intently; when they saw what they wanted to see, they turned away.

Qiao Yuansi didn't know how he got home. The car was left outside the park, so she slowly dragged her body through the snow and rain. After arriving at home, her hands and feet were all wooden, as if it touched hot things, she would break and fall. .

Her hands turned into two pieces of frozen dead meat, and she couldn't pull out the book, nor could she hold the pen. But she was still struggling, stacking all the books she had read, all the objects she had used, and all the records she had listened to on the dark red Persian carpet in the living room.

...Although the most important one is missing.

Qiao Yuansi fell to the ground, flipped upside down in the pile of books, and the dripping snow, blood, and tears wet the book cover. That night, she lay unconscious on her back on the carpet. The pile of things was like a pile of fire in the cold night, and it gradually extinguished with the depth of the night.

When she woke up the next afternoon, she sat on the carpet in a daze for a while. Except that her body was still in pain, the despair that seemed to sink into **** disappeared.

The next two days, she had to take time off to recover at home; but the pile of vinyl books piled on the carpet, she didn't even move.

After a few days, Qiao Yuan Temple began to seriously consider the person of Sakura Shuigan.

Of course she did not forget him, this evolutionary from other doomsday worlds; she also knew that he did have a little special means-the last time, wasn't it because he himself suffered so much unnecessary trouble?

What if he comes back? You know, his time limit here is still eleven months. Judging from the time they used to get along, it's hard to guarantee that he won't look back at her before leaving.

If the two just sat down and said two words, then she could still pretend to be fooled, but Qiao Yuansi is not stupid-she can feel that if Yingshui'an finally came back to see her after a long time It may not be just "a glance".

No, in fact, even if it's just a meal, she can't hold it for so long without revealing it.

So Qiao Yuansi took a special day, prepared the notebook and pen, and sat down at the dining table.

"Ah, I was just infected at that time. If you don't write down those moods, thoughts, and precautions quickly, I'm afraid I will forget them in a while. Even if you just forget the details, it's not easy to handle, because now you let me I mimicked it and I couldn't say those words."

Qiao Yuansi leaned on the armrest of the sofa, and laughter surged up like a series of blisters in her chest. She had to hold back hard to continue talking.

"Speaking of it, you can only blame yourself." She tilted her head, sighed in satisfaction, and said, "If you don't come back, wouldn't it be nothing?"

Yingshui An's hands were resting on the table, still maintaining the same posture, looking straight at her. His complexion gradually became whiter, as if the snow fog had accumulated on his skin, and the bright red lined his eyes became more and more trembling.

He wanted to say something, and when his lips opened slightly, he seemed to forget again. He raised his hand, and his trembling fingertips slowly touched the corners of his eyes, the tip of his nose, the cheeks, and the lower lip, as if he wanted to use his fingers to feel the red marks.

"If you don't come back, our well water will not violate the river water, you will leave when the time comes, and I won't go to you. Who told you to come back? When you come back, you may find out that my something is wrong... It is your own threat Mine, you said that if I changed, you would kill me." Qiao Yuansi snorted from his nose, but he did not diminish his smile: "You told me even this method. I In order to protect yourself, can you understand it?"

After a pause, she played with her lock of hair and said with a smile: "No more wandering in the future, it is also a good thing for you. don't suffer."

Her sentence just fell, and she felt a flower in front of her-the chandelier on the ceiling of the living room was smashed, and the fine pieces of glass were wrapped into the storm like ice crystals, hitting her with the figure.

Qiao Yuansi’s head was bumped into the sofa, and her tongs-like fingers choked her throat; her oxygen in her trachea was cut off in a few blinks, and her blood vessels gradually expanded in despair , Still unable to get a trace of support-she struggled and tried to push a few times, Sakura water bank's hand remained motionless.

What he was doing at the moment was as if he wanted to kill her in anger, but he was silent with no trace of murderousness.

"You, do you want to kill me," her sentence, broken and unshaped, hard to hear intermittently, "you, you want to stay and accompany you..."

Yingshui An still heard clearly. The force of his fingers pressed heavily on her trachea for a few seconds, maybe he didn't even realize that he was relaxing a little bit.

He lowered his head, his black hair fell messily, and together with his breath, she was like a curtain to hold her apart and cut it out of the world. Blood red was slowly flowing out of the corner of his eyes, making him seem to be crying unconsciously.

"This sentence is what you wrote in your notebook."


After being infected, even if you don’t do anything, there is a 24-hour period, and your thinking will not change much for the time being. Qiao Yuansi must of course consider what he will do after he finds out that he is infected, or-what he would say a few days ago, in order to let Yingshui shore spare her life.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care what you say now, is it all pre-written lines." He still pressed on her like a brewing storm, just need to add a little more strength, her throat The tube will shatter. But he won't.

He is the kind of person who looks strong, strong, and easy-going, but in fact he will quickly accept and silently endure.

Ying Shui An suddenly released her and stood up straight.

Qiao Yuansi coughed desperately, half of it was really uncomfortable, half was pretended to be uncomfortable, because he wanted to make him feel sorry for himself. The raw rice has been cooked, and he will live in this world anyway, so why bother her, right?

The reason why she hasn't taken off her face is that she doesn't want to scare him yet, so that he still has a good impression and illusion about himself. Later, he will change in the future.

Yingshui An picked up the T-shirt from the ground, put it on without a word, and raised his hand to close the black hair to the back of the head, exposing those **** eyes, and looked at her for a while.

"Follow me to the bathroom."

Eh? Qiao Yuansi did not expect this order. Why did I go to the bathroom at this time... She had a lot of conjectures in her mind, but she never imagined that the second command of Yingshui An was: "Sit in the bathtub."

Now I have to do it.

"What are you doing?" After Qiao Yuansi sat in, he turned around and wanted to behave a little pitifully. He pulled his wrist over him. Before she responded, he had quickly chained her right wrist to the bathtub faucet with a chain of handcuffs.

"This is also my special item, you can try to break free when you are idle, and see if you can get out." When Yingshui An was talking, she didn't look at her at all, as if it was only necessary for a business program.

"Wait," Qiao Yuansi was anxious. "What the **** are you doing?"

Ying Shui An didn't say a word, turned his head out of the bathroom. "I'm not going to work, they will come to me!" She shouted at his back, and still got no answer.

Will he leave her here to starve to death?

From the outside came the sound of Yingshui'an's footsteps-very heavy, not like him anymore-and the muffled sound of overturning boxes and falling things. Qiao Yuansi was transformed, but his intelligence was not diminished, and he immediately understood that he was looking for the books that he used to restore her.

Oops, she didn't deal with those things. Qiao Yuansi dragged her wrist a few times while thinking about it-except that she couldn't hurt herself, the chain didn't even move, even completely strangling her A little fantasy.

The bathroom is the best soundproof place in her house, and there is another green belt outside. No one can hear the call for help, but even Shuishui'an still remembers this!

"You have been infected too much," Qiao Yuansi shouted out of the door again under anxiety. "Useless, even if you can ease the speed of change, you--"

Yingshui'an's tall, thin shadow stepped into the door frame, cutting off her second sentence. His hands were empty, probably after finding something, he stuffed it into his ring again.

When he walked in, there was a moment when the wind blew away his bangs, and the blood and tears did not flash. Then he crouched down and threw a salty, sea-like breath from his wide T-shirt, calling Qiao Yuansi slightly startled.

"Waiting for me here," he said in a dumb voice, without looking at her, gently inserting his fingers into her hair. "If you need to save this world, you can save you, too."

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