Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1572:

[No title, it means everyone knows, it’s time to sleep... Recently, the status may have dropped a bit, resulting in the update not keeping up.]

Since I have never been in this world, I have not seen the night sky well.

Lu Ze blinked slowly, feeling that his body and his thoughts were quickly turning into a ray of light, melting into the vast sky above his head. The silver star like a broken diamond exudes a bright color in the deep blue sky, which is the light that existed in the universe hundreds of millions of years ago.

It's so beautiful...he took a light breath and was a little sleepy.

Suddenly the starry sky in front of him was covered by an enlarged face, and a pair of foxes in Li Zhijun's eyes were filled with playful smiles.

"what are you doing?"

"The night sky is so beautiful... Hey? Is it Brother Jun?" Lu Ze, who was gasping in the pool of blood, was awake, and after a while, he reacted, turning his eyes weakly: "...Mather, are they here too?"

"Come on!" Mather's anxious and angry voice immediately sounded beside him: "Are you a fool? You are losing blood too much and coma! The night sky is so beautiful!"

Lu Ze felt cold all over his body, and his brain was confused, and there was no strength in him. He smiled weakly in the direction of Mather, still thinking about the most important thing in his heart: "Waiting for you for a long come? The fallen species said...Only it can go upstairs. Trap only recognizes It's one... what now?"

Several people looked at each other, and they realized that this matter was not easy to handle.

"Okay, we know." Lin Sanjiu thought about it and patted his hand gently, comfortingly said: "You did a good job. Now you can rest assured to recuperate, let us do the rest."

With that said, Mather sat down next to him carrying a box painted with a small red cross and opened the box. Lu Ze glanced at it, and suddenly wanted to say something-from which small pharmacy the thing was probably taken. There were a few poor things in it, each of which exuded a crude and fraudulent temperament.

Contrasting Luze’s injuries that required hospitalization for a month, Mather looked at the cotton **** that were as thin as paper, and was also worried.

Suddenly, Li Zhijun said with a smile: "I remember Aji there is a first aid medicine, the effect is very fast. If you don't mind, use his?"

"Really? That's great--" Lin Sanjiu's smile was only half exposed, and Kurosawa looked at her coldly, without any intention of moving.

The air immediately became as quiet as it froze.

He should not say anything, and no one dared to ask him to come up.

Lu Ze blinked faintly - presumably Hei Jiji's name was heard. He had been asleep and half awake, and he didn't know what a few people were talking about, just remembering the fight just now. He smiled weakly and murmured vaguely: "Just now, I became like Bogey... Kicked off its leg... Bogey's upper limit...very powerful..."

He was seriously injured and his mouth was slurred, but the people who were still calling to understand all understood. Three pairs of eyes looked at Kurosawa.

After a while, the latter threw out a small bottle with a black face.

With a cheer still stuck in Lin Sanjiu's throat, Kurosawa suddenly opened his mouth: "Eat it and wait for him to wake up-don't bother me."

Anyone who dared to criticize his attitude at the scene quickly said that they knew it. Thank you. Kurosawa glanced at the smiling prince with a smile, without saying hello, and turned away-as if it were just a blink of an eye, his figure carrying the knife had disappeared from the street.

Mather fed the medicine into Lu Ze's mouth. Sure enough, after a while, he slept deeply.

"What do you plan to do next?" Li Zhijun somehow moved to Lin Sanjiu's side and asked softly: "As such, without his transforming ability, you can't go upstairs at all."

Lin Sanjiu looked at Mather. Although Lu Ze had taken medicine, Mather still had a lot of things to do: clean up the wound, bandage, and change Lu Ze's clothes...she looked at it thoughtfully for a while, then turned to smile at Li Jun : "Mather still stay to take care of Lu Ze, as for the remaining woman, I have a solution."

Li Zhijun smiled as if not accidentally: "What way?"

"I need you to accompany me in a play." Lin Sanjiu said softly.

——Her thoughts are very simple.

Since she can't get up, let her come down-with this idea in mind, she prepared a "script" for Li Jun. Going back and forth a few times between the buildings of the self-built houses and exploring the terrain, then the two came to the side of the building where the snipers were, and found a bunker to hide each one after the other.

Without the human world, it is extremely quiet. Because it was too quiet, there was always a rustling sound in the ears, and I did not know whether it was the sound of blood passing through the eardrums or the wind rubbing the ears.

In this environment, Lin Sanjiu is quite sure that the sniper on the 15th floor will be able to hear them.

"Brother! Where are you?"

The voice of the young girl's intentional elevation immediately rang through the night sky. Behind a window on the 15th floor, the curtain seemed to move.

"Don't come over and look for me! Don't hide, do you hear?" Li Zhijun sounds like he's really anxious: "I just removed that fallen arm, but I don't know Where did it go! In short, you will hide!"

They spoke very quickly, and the echo between the buildings made it difficult to tell where the sound source was. As soon as this sentence said, Lin Sanjiu saw the person behind the curtain upstairs, and immediately spotted a man—although the man had short hair, the female figure could not be covered; she nodded secretly, Sure enough, nothing happened without saying a word.

For the next ten minutes, neither of them spoke. The woman upstairs seemed to be getting more and more uneasy, and every now and then the probe came out and looked at it-so after going back and forth several times, Lin Sanjiu was almost enough to watch the fire, and then screamed suddenly. Zi fixed the woman's figure by the window.

"Brother, come on! That fallen seed is here! I cut off its mouthpiece, but it seems to be alive—"

Unlike the tone of panic trying to pretend, Lin Sanjiu's calm eyes never missed the windows on the 15th floor.

"Where are you? I'll come over immediately!"

Lin Sanjiu raised his voice again, fearing that the people upstairs would not hear: "I'm in a place called Red Heart West Point, brother, come on, it's still moving!"

Almost instantly, the woman's figure disappeared from the window—the wind when she left blew up the curtains, causing Lin Sanjiu's heart to jump a few times.

Who can match the depraved smell, I don't know what kind of woman it is?

She quietly hid her body deeper. In order to make this trap more realistic, she and Li Zhijun also carried the fallen corpses and threw them behind the cake stand, revealing only half of their bodies. When you come in from the outside, you can see its two feet at first glance.

The "sniping" ability may not be able to be played at close range, but if the woman throws the trap at random, it is too dangerous. So we must strive to relax her vigilance when she enters the house—

Sure enough, after a while, a heavy running sound of "Dong Dong Dong" came from a distance.

Ok? This sound is too loud, right?

This thought flashed through Lin Sanjiu's heart. She quietly peeped out her eyes, and saw a woman in the distance who was really striding forward rushing towards here—the person was not close yet, her panting voice was loud enough that Lin Sanjiu could hear it Too.

From the building to this cake room, it was only seven or eight minutes away... she became so.

"Ah, Ajun!"

The woman finally ran near, hadn't entered the door, and saw the fallen corpse at a glance-she screamed, hurriedly rushed into the cake shop, and immediately wanted to pounce: "Ajun, you're fine Right?"

Somehow, a thin card came to her in silence, waiting for her to react. [Black cloth] The rattle shook away and wrapped the woman's face all at once. Her scream was immediately covered in Hebri, just about to reach out and grab, and behind him was hit hard with a heavy object and fell to the ground.

Lin Sanjiu, who jumped from the top of the shelf, stepped on her neck with one foot and reversed her hands-a woman who lost her ability to act suddenly, suddenly went crazy like a fish. , Hissing in his mouth: "You let me go, let me go-Ajun, Ajun!"

She was struggling so hard that Lin Sanjiu almost didn't suppress it—in anxiety, her palms flashed white, and a baton hit the woman in the back of the head, and she immediately disappeared.

Won't you be killed? Lin Sanjiu's first thought was to touch her breath quickly—and soon a hot air flow was felt on her fingers, and she was relieved.

The feeling of killing Ren Nan is still heavy and sticky to the heart. When I think of it, I can't help but twist my stomach-this feeling is too much at once.

Only then did Li Zhi walk in from the door and smiled and said, "Hey," he said, "Small wine cleans her up alone? It's amazing."

Lin Sanjiu wiped the sweat on his head and exhaled: "Her physical fitness is far worse than I thought, strange."

Li Zhijun approached the woman and turned her over, revealing her haggard and skinny face. It should have evolved the ability to adapt to high temperatures, but her eyes sockets are deep, her skin is waxy, her lips are cracked, and her entire appearance of dehydration and malnutrition-even the fallen skin looks much better than her plumpness. . This woman was normal in appearance, so it was uncomfortable to look at it.

Lin Sanjiu looked at this face, thoughtfully for a while.

"What are you going to do?" Li Zhijun suddenly approached, whispering in her ear.

"Ah? What should I do?" Lin Sanjiu froze, "Should our copy be counted?"

"Not yet." Li Zhijun's fox eyes narrowed meaningfully: "If the opponent does not die, the copy will not end... You better kill her."

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