Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1573: In the past three months, they have been calm

This chapter is quite fast, and I am quite surprised myself...the text can be replaced in a moment.]


When his eyes fell on the heads of the dead people lined up on the light curtain, Aliba could no longer restrain his heart, and finally laughed out loud.

He had never noticed that it seemed that these enemies that had always been elbowed and abhorrent had only **** heads, and they looked so pleasing.

"Who else needs to be resolved?" He knocked on the table and asked the pale and excited adjutant. "Not much?"

The adjutant hurriedly opened a form and whispered a few words.

At the other end of the light curtain, the atmosphere was very dignified among the blood-evolving evolutionary people. Occasionally, the eyes are crossed, and everyone's face is full of anxiety.

Evolution has entered and exited several times, and there are more and more people on the ground. The squads sent out have now returned to nine out of ten-it is not that they are willing to come back and continue to listen to Aliba’s dispatch, but that there are many injured and impaired companions who are guarded by military and police forces in the city hall as Hostage, they had to come back.

Soon, a new round of Alibaba missions lit up on the screen-

"Let's go." Bai Xiaoke stood up first, and his head moved with her, carrying Xue Yu on his shoulders. She was unhappy: "It's also a suffocation to stay here, it is better to go out."

The remaining two also followed silently and took the task together.

This time the goal was not far from the house of Guangzhu who had been entangled by them all night. Perhaps it was because of the external aberration, the Minister of Science and Technology had put a lot of defense in the house-many of them were products from the Eden Laboratory, and Xue Yu and others took a lot of trouble. Take the head of that minister.

From the window of the bedroom on the second floor, after watching the crying domestic servant stumble all the way away, Xue Qu dropped his eyes indifferently.

She doesn't care whether she will be scared or not-anyway, it will always be Alibaba's problem.

On the other side, Dong Hao several people are searching the house; generally speaking, people with high weight will always hide a few special items. For those who do not have long things, they are not without help.

With a stick in his hand, Bai Xiaoke smashed the cloakroom, and when he turned it out, he sighed irritably: "... this guy has too few special items, all the stuff from the Eden laboratory. ."

The things produced in the laboratory are actually not bad-they gave them a lot of hard work just now, and they are considered powerful-just the things collected by this minister, all of them are too large to be taken.

"It would be nice if the little wine was there, whatever can be collected." She said sullenly. When thinking of Lin Sanjiu, Bai Xiaoke couldn't help feeling anxious. She put down her stick and tried to call Litao again.

In the mediocre sound of the machine, several others raised their heads; but after seeing that no one answered a few calls, they turned their attention back to the search—whether it was disappointment or numbness. Not out.

"Damn, forget it." Bai Xiaoke scolded, and reached out to stop the communication.

However, just one second before her finger touched the button, the call of the contactor suddenly disappeared-Bai Xiaoke was stunned, and then saw Li Tao's face on the light curtain.

The other person smiled slightly, and there was nothing wrong with the clean face.

"It's you, how are you there?"

She seemed to be different-Bai Xiaoke quickly crossed the idea, but it immediately plunged into the subconscious mind and was forgotten by her. There are only endless surprises in my mind: "--You finally received the newsletter! What the **** happened? Where are you? Did you find the little wine?"

Zhang Kou asked Bai Xiaoke a series of questions, only then had time to examine the background behind Li Tao.

The other party is standing in a dim space, only the faint moonlight is still faintly visible.

...Where is she?

"It's a long story, I found her." Li Tao smiled slightly, his voice interrupted Bai Xiaoke's thoughts. She looked at a group of women around her: "How do you look wrong? Tell me first, what's wrong with you?"

A few people couldn't think about it. I'm busy telling you the situation at this time.

"I think the enemy of Aliba is almost dead now. I don't know how he will deal with us next..." Bai Xiaoke wiped his face anxiously, only to realize that they had never seen Lin Sanjiu.

"Small wine? Is there any way for her? Isn't she going to destroy the cover? What is the situation now?" Xue Yu couldn't help asking.

Li Tao opened her mouth slightly, as if she was about to answer them—at this moment, the light curtain cracked black.

There was only a group of people left staring at the liaison, and the room calmed down.

"...I did as you requested, and you also know their situation." At the other end of the light curtain, Li Tao leisurely took off the connector from his wrist and rubbed it gently. So it turned into iron powder, and fell from her fingers. She looked up at Lin Sanjiu and smiled, "What are you going to do now?"

Lin Sanjiu pressed his lips tightly.

Due to the shock, the shock and anger in her heart were originally as turbulent as the tide-but somehow, after hearing the situation of the companions, the tide suddenly dropped-at this time Lin Sanjiu's heart was only clear. calm.

Anyway, there is only one way now.

"I have a few questions, I want to ask you to prove it." When Lin Sanjiu spoke, her calm tone even made Litao stunned.

The latter smiled immediately: "You said. I can tell you if I can answer."

"First, why did you do this experiment? Isn't it always to see the dead?"

The first question seemed to be very difficult to answer, and the other party frowned and hesitated for a while.

" short, it should be called the "human recyclability test" experiment. You see," she put her finger on the glass and nodded toward the city below. "The current Garden of Eden is the result of the bad money being expelled from the good money; to be honest, it is only garbage."

Lin Sanjiu felt strongly that when she talked about the word "garbage", she didn't have any emotional fluctuations, but just calmly explained the facts.

"People like you, blood, justice... Although the shortcomings are also terrible, but still a distance away from the garbage, you may feel indignant and resentful of the people of Eden... But in essence, you and the following People are the same thing."

Lin Sanjiu tried hard to ignore the feeling of being offended in his heart and endured to listen unhappy.

"If you can become my guinea pig, within a year, I can turn you into a piece of garbage no better than them-oh, this is not insulting you, nor is looking down on you. Including me The same is true for myself." Li Tao's tone is soft, and indeed there is no hostility.

"After all, this is human."

"The real end does not mean that humans are dead." The woman said lightly. "The end of the world is the prosperity of mankind. It should be said that every world that encounters the end of the world is curing disease... It is just a stress response that must be experienced in order to get rid of the human tumor."

"I have been wandering in the doomsday world of samsara for more than ten years, and I have realized this point repeatedly: Humans, like dinosaurs, will be extinct sooner or later. So, are there places in them that are worth saving and keeping?"

"After fifty-nine years of large-scale experiments, I still found nothing."

Li Tao turned around, and as soon as St. Peter knew what she meant, she took two steps forward. "Let me introduce you, this is made using genetic technology and synthetic biology-'new people'."

St. Peter looked taller under the faint moonlight thrown in through the window. On his almond-shaped head and face, there are **** eyes hanging, and the nose is just two small round holes. It is undoubtedly similar to humans, but the longer you stare at those dark eyes, the more you can feel a terrifying calm from it-below this, it is a kind of alien, not Dare to detect the abyss.

"They are not offensive-except when I ordered it." Probably seeing Lin Sanjiu's nervousness, Li Tao comforted her gently. "I hope that one day, they will replace humans and walk on every planet."

"Your answer is much more detailed than I thought." Lin Sanjiu calmed down his heartbeat and watched St. Peter go back. Obviously such a tall creature, but walking silently, the light posture even reminded her of the cat.

There is nothing more to say-this woman in front of her is undoubtedly a crazy anti-human.

The moon seems to be melting ice flakes. In the dark blue clouds, it is getting thinner and darker. Without the moonlight, the sunlight has not yet lighted up, and it was a dark darkness before dawn.

The shimmering light of Xingzi's single tree reflected on the glass on the top of the black tower, occasionally lit a little white.

The two women behind the glass have been talking for a while.

"Last question." Lin Sanjiu, who was just shocked by the shocking news, finally slowed his breath, glanced at Litao, and suddenly smiled. "Litao is not your real name... what should I call you?"

"You can call me...'Nuwa'."

The woman under the window smiled faintly.

She didn't exaggerate—to be able to make life, it has indeed entered the realm of God.

The opponent is "God"... Lin Sanjiu thought a little bit blankly.

"Nuwa." After a while, she repeated and nodded. "Can I ask Mr. St. Peter to help me pour a cup of tea too? I'm really thirsty after a tossing all night."

Nu Wa didn't seem to expect that she would even make such a request, she looked awkward, and then turned to look at St. Peter. The tall and silent bizarre creature seemed to grasp her meaning immediately, and turned to the hall, and after a while, brought another cup of tea out.

The tea aroma was mixed with steam and floated between St. Peter's long fingers. Lin Sanjiu swallowed a spit, said "Thank you", and reached for it.

At the moment when her hand was about to touch the cup, Lin Sanjiu violently slammed the cup towards St. Peter-the hot tea and the fragments of the cup flew at high speed, and the fist hidden behind was straight Charged towards its head.

St. Peter also seemed surprised, his body rolled in a strange way, and Lin Sanjiu's fist fell instantly.

The bizarre creature curled up like a tape measure spread out in mid-air, but did not fight back, but fell back to the ground steadily.

"What are you doing?" Nu Wa's low and low voice suddenly stopped Lin Sanjiu's desire to rush forward and continue to attack. "Do you think St. Peter would not protect himself without my instructions?"

She did think this way-Lin Sanjiu secretly smiled bitterly, scolding herself a little bit for granted. Now that this is the case, she simply said: "Sorry, what you want to do, I can't control it. But whether it is for the safety of my companions, or for the evolution of people in the future... this Garden of Eden cannot There exists again."

"If you can't destroy the protective cover, then I will collapse it little by little; if you want to stop me, then I have to put you down first."

She clenched her hands, and the [mutated version of the painting style jingled] was already on, and there was an additional [recorder] under her feet.

Unexpectedly, Nu Wa laughed suddenly after listening to it.

"Okay," she said kindly. "Then try it."

On the wall behind her, four doors suddenly slipped open.

There was nothing in one doorway, and from the other three doorways came three tall creatures exactly like Saint Peter.

"If you defeat this first batch of "trial launch models", I will tell you how to disassemble the protective cover." Nu Wa folded her hands and quietly looked at a cold sweat Lin Sanjiu.

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