Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1574: Rabbit gives wolf the next step

There is one thing that is unrelated to life and death, but it is very annoying: in the terrible temperature of the day, because you can’t do anything, you can only find a place to sleep-but no matter where, the dazzling brightness makes people sleep at all. Uneasy.

Therefore, when he was in such a dark and quiet environment, Lin Sanjiu even felt a long-lost happiness. The silent darkness around her, like her mother's womb, made her feel in her sleep.

She slept so well that she even deafened the anxious "huh" sounds around her.

Shen Lianqi, who was **** by ropes and hanging on the passenger ship, couldn't make a sound because his mouth was blocked, so anxious that a pair of fish tails could not hit the ship's wall with a click, the sound was in the empty iron The boat passed far away, and the echo stirred for a while, before finally waking Lin Sanjiu.

"Ah? Are you awake?" Lin Sanjiu rubbed his eyes and yawned and pulled out the contents of his mouth, but he didn't mean to put him down.

Because the fish gills grew on both cheeks, Shen Lianqi didn't feel panic even if his mouth was blocked. The first sentence he opened his mouth was: "Miss Henna, what about them?"

Lin Sanjiu looked at him with his arms for a long time before slowly speaking out: "Shen Lianqi Ye Shen Lianqi...I admire you, I really don't know what to say about you. Even if you become a mermaid, but don't you have no aesthetic ?What the **** do you think about the fallen seed?"

They were all **** and hanged up, and Shen Lianqi still had time to flush her face: "Don’t say Miss Henna that way. Although her skin is a little loose, but her heart is kind... Miss Lin, I’m not kidding you, they What about people?"

"Dead, frozen into ice first, and then shattered into dozens of large and small pieces on one foot." Her voice contained a bit of cruelty, deliberately describing the details clearly: "After turning into ice, it looks good. More, at least no longer sticky, corpse drops everywhere."

Doesn’t it mean that Mermaid can’t handle negative emotions? She wanted to see if the remaining human part of Shen Lianqi would respond to this.

The mermaid hanging on the wall was stunned for a while.

"I don't believe it. Is she really dead?" Shen Lian Wizard asked for a while.

"Shall I go into the water to help you get a piece of it? Oh, maybe not, it will be hot after freezing, and it should be gone." Lin Sanjiu said in detail, but his eyes were fixed on him, I don't know him What will happen.

…Although the three depraved seed tactics are enough, but since the advent of the New World, they haven’t done much with others. Therefore, the five-minute time limit of the Pygmalion collar has just passed half, and a few degenerate species are all. It was solved by Lin Sanjiu's three times, five divisions and two divisions, and it turned into a piece of glacial ballast that rolled all over the deck.

The freezing ability described by the rabbit is really amazing. Once again, Lin Sanjiu envied those who had developed actual combat skills from the beginning-she now has to fight one by one every time she wants to fight, where is it like an evolutionary human?

After sweeping all the frozen corpses into the sea water, the silver light shines, and she finds Shen Lianqi in a coma floating on the sea.

Fortunately, he is now a murloc body, and he automatically floats from the surface of the water when he faints, otherwise it is really hard to say whether he can retrieve a life...

I don't know how to swim, and I can't touch Shen Lianqi's skin. The process of getting him back on the boat really cost Lin Sanjiu a lot of work. After thinking for a while, she still wrapped her hands in the cloth, and then found some curtain ropes to tie the curtains from the passenger ship, tied him tightly, and then hung on the wall.

This is done just in case, who knows how excited he will be after hearing the news of Henna’s death?

But what was unexpected for Lin Sanjiu was that after Shen Lianqi lowered his head in silence for a while, he sighed when he looked up again, and he smiled: "There is no way, people will die. Not a mermaid, Just don’t live long, it’s better to be a mermaid."

that's it?

Lin Sanjiu is a bit stupid.

This is not always optimistic. Obviously, that Henna was not a good thing, but she didn’t know what to do, she was a little bit upset: "Hey, I said, I didn’t plan to let you down. I thought about it until the end of 14 months in this world. , Just stay on the wall."

"What should I do when I need to eat?" Shen Lianqi asked, tilting his head, neither anxious nor angry.

"...I feed you."

"Oh, then thank you, there is work!" Shen Lianqi laughed at ease, and could not see any hatred for Lin Sanjiu.

"...Don't talk to me anymore, I'm afraid I'll beat you up." She said this angrily and turned away.

Shen Lianqi was basically a whistleblower, and Lin Sanjiu got angry when he saw him, and turned around into the depths of the ship. Now she is facing a new problem, that is drinking water.

The culture solution must not be drunk anymore. It stands to reason that for such a large ship, there should be stored water on board. She held up [Ability Abrasive] When lighting, she searched all the passenger ships on the water, and found nothing but a mess, until she dived deep into the water. warehouse.

There is no way out of heaven. Although all the glass bottles in the warehouse are broken, there are plastic bottles of mineral water in boxes. Although the plastic bottle has been soaked in hot water, it is still under the protection of a layer of boxes. It seems that the two people have saved a few months of drinking. It should not be a problem.

After moving the water back and forth back and forth, Lin Sanjiu gasped and passed the cab, and suddenly moved, and walked in.

Taking a closer look through the light, she found that the carton containing the [Mermaid Cultivation Solution] was intact. There were also a man and a woman with two strangely shaped mermaids outside. They were swimming hand in hand in the water—

It was lucky to think about it, but fortunately she didn't drink much. Lin Sanjiu thought of the crumbling fish scale she had just found on her elbow, and she could not help but shivered with a chill.

Although she instinctively didn't like this thing, she squeezed all the remaining 68 bottles into a box and turned it into a card.

After making a round on the ship and feeding Shen Lianqi with some fresh water, Lin Sanjiu suddenly found that he had nothing to do-this was the first time since the advent of the New World.

Thinking about it, she found a place where she couldn't hear Shen Lianqi's nagging, sat down cross-legged, calmed down, and reviewed her abilities and items.

The special items on her body are really not lacking now.

[Pigmalion Collar]: An ability described by others will be completely given to the owner of the collar, with a time limit of 5 minutes.

[When the spring flowers fall, your sweet laughter seems to soften the world]: The role is to count the number of words and make the male who hears the laughter lose all bad thoughts, the time limit is 1 minute. The number of usable times is equal to the number of times the user is in love.

[Cat litter]: Although it is bright orange, but it is a good helper to cover up the trail.

【bad! The wallet is gone]: Ask if others have sat on the 300 road, you can freeze all special items on the opponent, making it unusable within 15 minutes.

[Defense version of Sunny Doll]: Hang in a place with a roof and can be used as a guard, but the sound is too unpleasant.

[Recorder]: As the name suggests, it is very simple.

[Another/way mermaid cultivation liquid]: Long-term drinking can transform human into adult fish, but it is not beautiful...

[Ability Polishing Agent]: The description only describes the ability to polish, but the rest do not understand. Now it is reduced to Lin Sanjiu's flashlight.

... The rest of the objects won in the red and white match were distributed to Hai Tianqing by them in one person and two pieces. And now she has 8 special items herself, and suddenly gives birth to an illusion that the poor is rich-just compared with the rich lineup of items, her own ability seems a little unpretty.

There are three advanced abilities.

[Flat World]: The flat world after the first upgrade allows Lin Sanjiu to transform 8 items per day. Within these 8 items, there is no limit to the number of cancellations and card generations. The heavier the mass, the more difficult it is to transform and the more physical energy it consumes. Judging by her physical fitness today, items over one ton cannot be transformed. As her physical fitness grows, the upper limit of this weight will gradually increase.

Although the card is very thin and light, it can moderately control its flight speed and direction within 35 meters from the hand. After more than 35 meters, it is returned to the gravity tube.

Flat World can currently summon a diary card. The diary card is used to record all the things that happened within three hours within a five-meter radius. When the three-hour time limit expires, the diary card must be recalled and the contents cleared before proceeding. The next record.

Lin Sanjiu counted her card library. In addition to special items, she had a [mouthware], which was surprisingly long and sharp, and became her most commonly used weapon. Although she likes this long whip-like weapon, she hasn’t used it recently, and she won’t take it out-after all, she was pulled from the fallen face, and some of the organization that has remained inside the mouthparts has begun It smells bad, and there is no handle, which is not very convenient.

The baton knife and the like, because she didn't come in handy, let her throw it long ago. There is also a [robbing the poor and wealthy boxes] in the card library, the remaining usable times is 1 time, and most of the rest are some daily necessities: a replacement field pants, uneaten coffee and chocolate, some hygiene products and underwear Pants, Ren Nan's body...

"Wait, this is not a daily necessity!" Lin Sanjiu picked up [Ren Nan's body]. She almost forgot the existence of this card herself, and now looking back at it, she felt a sense of vagueness in her heart.

In addition to the flat world, the remaining abilities are [No coincidence, no book], [A shining sting from the horizon]-Thanks to the latter, all the companions were flew to the horizon, only to escape from the hands of the puppet master Live a life.

Although the advanced ability is not high in actual combat value, it is still a worrying thing anyway; when Lin Sanjiu thought of [Conscious Mechanics Park], he couldn't help but frown.

"Stay calm, go in and check the situation?" She sighed. "You have to find a way to activate it--"

The voice did not fall, and suddenly there was a "buzzing" vibrating sound from the distant air, which spread like a wave of water and quickly spread.

Is it a degenerate? She jumped up and started to watch, looking around, but found nothing. When I listened carefully, I felt that the sound was not the same as when the depraved mouthparts vibrated. It seemed to be a very small thing—

Her doubts quickly got.

A thing with a big slap and a bird-like shape is shaking its wings at high speed. In her vision, it gradually changes from small to large in the distance, and soon flew to Lin Sanjiu's eyes-she Just to see clearly, this is a little white paper crane.

Paper Crane stopped in front of her. It seemed that the two painted eyes confirmed Lin Sanjiu's identity, and then suddenly the voice of a strange girl came out: "...if not to be able to follow the sea When my brother is together, I won’t waste my paper crane to find a woman I don’t know! Do you know how expensive this paper crane is, according to the number of times, in the center of the twelve circles...Oh? Recording has started Don’t, Brother Hai don’t talk to her, um, rabbit, yes, hurry up, you talk—”

What is this and what?

Just as Lin Sanjiu was full of doubts, the voice of a brown-haired rabbit came immediately from the paper crane: "Xiaojiu, where are you going to die? Call Laozi to find him! I told you that I ate fresh cabbage What about you? Are you still licking chocolate, hahaha!"

Hu Changzai's voice sounded impatiently from the background: "You are serious!"

"Oh yes... that, this paper crane can record your voice to us, so as long as you are not comatose or dead now, you must leave a message after the beep! I have a lot of things to follow You said, Gee, do you know Hai Tianqing him—"

"you shut up!"

Hai Tianqing roared with it, and the rabbit's voice seemed to be cut off at once, and then a "beep" came from the paper crane.

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