Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1575: Yau-liu didn't tell readers

I have to say that Mellon is a good person.

When her hands were on her shoulders, the fear was really terrified-it was a natural emotional response, and Yiyaru could not control it-but he knew sensibly that the other party was just intimidating him, not Will really hurt him.

In other words, she will not hurt him until she is certain that he is going to dig a hole to frame the evolutionist. Of course, Yau Yi-liu did not give her any basis to make this conclusion; before leaving, McLong said clearly: "You better remember, as long as I want to find you, I can find you at any time."

"Is it? That's good," Yayi Liu endured the fear of his stomach full of coldness, and said, "When you need my help, you won't worry about not finding me."

Mellon stared at him as if he wanted to laugh, but did not laugh. She is very keen, she should have felt vaguely, what Yau Yi-liu knew and involved, far more than the news he leaked; but she couldn’t even determine whether it was her illusion—because every A question was answered with a true and detailed answer.

Of course, this situation was finally achieved by Yau Yi-liu. He has only one solution to the question of "how can one make one believe oneself to the greatest extent": to be honest.

While he didn't lie, he felt that there was something wrong here, as if Mellon was a bit sympathetic.

When she was finally ready to leave, Yiyaru hurriedly shouted at her again. "If there is any new news on my side, how can I find you?"

Myron apparently hesitated for a few seconds before pulling out a white paper crane to explain the usage briefly.

"Then, you must be careful next." These words were said by Yiliu heart and soul.

This paper crane was the first special item he really saw; until Mellon had disappeared from the corner for a long time, he was still standing on the spot, tossing and observing the little paper crane, full of surprise and curiosity.

He folded the paper cranes flat and thought for a while. Now is the only chance to hide it. Myron has just left, and the unknown waiting for him has not happened yet.

Thinking of this, he took off his belt. He was still standing by the road at the moment, people were walking on the street, suddenly untied the belt and pulled it out, which was naturally a very eye-catching thing-but attracting the eyes of the deformed person does not mean that it will cause the doubt of the deformed person. .

It's even better to say that this kind of thing is just like what the deformed person can do: just like the toilet on the roadside, they don't care where they are, what they do, and whether they affect the people around them.

Yau Yi-liu clamped the belt between his knees—he didn’t dare to put it on the ground, because no matter what was worthless, he would probably be taken away by putting it down—and then he touched the waist of his jeans backhand The cowhide label.

His finger opened the seam of the cowhide. With the other hand, he pulled out the paper crane and carefully inserted it into the inside of the cowhide. He was tall, his hands were big, and there was a T-shirt blocking it. These subtle movements were all covered up tightly; in the eyes of passers-by, it was just that he stopped to tidy up his waistband.

It is not reassuring to be caught in a cowboy label, because even though the inner cortex of the label is rough and not smooth, the paper crane may still fall out of both ends. Wu Yiliu replaced the belt on the waist of the trousers, but this time, the belt did not go out from the cowhide label, but passed from the outside and pressed the cowhide label together with the paper crane inside.

After he fastened his belt, he turned and bent to test his legs, and the paper crane was still firmly fixed in the old place.

This is all right. Yau Liu thought that when changing clothes, he would not be found.

He rearranged his clothes and touched the zipper on the back of his backpack. When he saw that he had not been secretly opened, he continued to move forward. Not far in front is a bus station, there is a bus leading to Professor Qiao’s house slowly into the station, ready to stop; the house walked past the bus station without squinting, as if not knowing the bus .

He and Professor Qiao have not met for three days.

He thought that the old lady's home would be a refuge for him for a long time, but he did not expect that he would never be able to go back after leaving her home for the first time.

After passing the bus station, he walked to the zebra crossing on the corner of the street, and Yau-Yiu stopped at the red light. The red light itself does not mean "stop"; this is what he learned from the Transformer recently. The red light can only be regarded as a reminder that you may have a car coming when you cross the road. Of course, there may be a car coming at the green light, the difference is only more or less-in fact, regardless of the red light and green light, whether it is a person or a car, when you see a space that can go forward, you will go forward of.

It didn't take long for him to stop, and someone approached him and complained in a low voice: "Why did you delay so long?"

Yau Liu knew who it was without turning around. "Aren't you afraid that Mellon saw us talking?"

"She can't see," the voice smiled coolly. "She has long left this area. What did you say just now?"

It’s okay to tell Mellon those things again. However, the man didn’t seem to think that Yiyauri would be honest and honest; without waiting for Yiyauri to answer, the man slowly said, “Why, I didn’t expect you to meet me there? Can’t see it. unreliable."

Indeed, Yau Yi-liu did not expect that he would see this man in that basement. He replied as quietly as possible: "Every other one. What are you going to do with me now?"

"As an ordinary person, your courage is really big enough." The man snorted from his nose and asked: "...that professor named Qiao, has been infected?"

"I didn't lie," Yayi Liu sighed and said, "She is infected, I have no place to go, otherwise I won't be caught by you."

The man fell into silence and seemed to be thinking about something. The red light in front hasn't turned, and many people have walked out around them-on several occasions, the car has to turn sharply and stop before it will hit the person; the sound of the sharp brakes is sharp and harsh, second only to the driver. Come down and scold the street.

I don't know how long, Yau Liu thought, he would see the scene where the car did not want to risk parking and avoid people, and drove straight after hitting people. According to Professor Qiao, she had seen the road that was dragged all the way to the **** red limb, but she didn't notice anything at the time-occasionally a traffic accident, it was normal, even if it has been frequent recently, it can't Avoid it. Professor Qiao, who was a transfiguration at that time, rationalized what he heard and heard in almost an instant; at that time, it seemed that a few months had passed.

"Don't you think about what to do with me?" Yau Yi-liu asked.

The man grunted, faintly surprised. "Why are you not afraid at all?"

Fear of dying, he never imagined that among the gathered evolutionaries, there was a face that knew himself; but as long as this fear appeared, he would be over. In fact, he has been deliberately controlling his breathing. He knows that the evolutionist is so powerful that he is afraid of being heard by his opponent.

"Because this is the task I just received," he even turned his head to smile at the man, and the eyes of the two met for half a second before he opened his eyes again. "Don't you know? Remind this part of the evolutionaries to let them find infected ones, in fact, to lead them to us."

The woman who was so thin and thin as if her internal organs were deflated, with a long face on her face, did not speak.

"Probably they don't believe us yet," Yayi Liu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't tell you my task, nor did you tell me your task. When I saw you there, I almost came from The chair fell."

"Okay," as soon as the words fell, the woman pumped him impatiently-it really "pumped" as if in substance, and the house almost fell staggered. "It's just working in the same place with me, don't make you seem to be on equal footing with me. Don't forget, you are just an ordinary person."

Yau Yi-liu was unmotivated and not afraid. "Are you going back? Would you like to go together?"

The shrivelled woman didn't seem to want to answer him even a word. Yau Yiliu waited for a while and looked back, only to find out that she didn't know when she had disappeared from behind. As soon as he realized that the other party had been fooled by him, he was almost overwhelmed by the sense of relief that escaped from death-even if it passed, he thought to himself.

Yaliu honestly walked to another bus station, waited for another bus, and sat all the way to the terminal. It stands to reason that they should never come out so as not to be seen by the evolutionary; however, this facility is just beginning to be established, and it is the first time that the Transfiguration is organized to do such a thing, which is inevitably full of omissions. ——It can be expected that after everything is on track, he may never have the chance to leave again.

Walking to the entrance surrounded by the simple construction wall, the house willow stopped and took the document out of the backpack and handed it to the guard sitting in the gatehouse. "I am a staff member here," he explained.

"What are you doing?"

"Copy NPC."

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