Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1589: Photographers

Now think about it, Yau Yi-liu is not even sure what the name of the middle-aged man working with him in the candy house.

The employee who monitors his transfiguration staff, and several others who heard the situation together at the time, are of course very afraid that they will be involved in the true copy, and will become a copy creature that is not human, ghost, or ghost; but if they are asked to go and Yau Yau Liu refused to cooperate and resist.

Therefore, Yau Yi-liu simply said to the deformed people he found yesterday: "If you are afraid, just make an excuse to hide for two days. Let my colleague in the candy house come. He can find a few. NPCs work for you. Even if you find it okay after two days, you can come back again, which is equivalent to two days off in vain, isn't it?"

Transformers are naturally happy to be able to protect themselves from droughts and floods, but they are a dangerous move for him.

He doesn’t know much about the middle-aged man. According to his limited knowledge, the middle-aged man is completely likely to escape immediately after learning the news-even if he doesn’t run, can he find other normal people NPC and take risks with them? ?

Before Yiyaru heard the radio ringing, he never knew the answer to this question.

"Please hurry up! The evolver who did not quit the copy within a minute," the middle-aged man's speech speeded up on the radio, apparently getting more and more nervous: "All will become the victims of the exercise fire!"

Was this a temporary play by himself? Yau Yiliu was slightly taken aback. Even at the critical moment of escape, he couldn't help but smiled-the next second, his sight was caught by the shadow of a distant jump into the sky, Shun Turning his head in the direction that the shadow jumped over the roof and left.

Under the thick gray sky of the clouds, jumped up and down, I don't know how many figures.

Really worthy of being an evolver, he suddenly accepted the unexpected situation, all abandoned the trails around the fake copy, and jumped up to the roof, gliding in the air like a water bird across the sea, gliding at each exit of the fake copy. Flying out like a fan.

Looking at their speed, I am afraid it will take less than a minute to escape from the copy.

Yaliu's chest is hot, and he only hates that he can't jump on the roof like them and rush out. While running along the trail, he shouted: "Professor Qiao! Professor Qiao, where are you?"

The roadside is full of trees that have been temporarily transplanted to cover up several nearby buildings. Except for the sound of radio echoing in the air, there was no movement of people at all in sight. Even the NPCs in the fake copy project seem to be gone, and they don't know whether they escaped or were taken to replace the deformed person's work.

Not only Professor Joe, but Pease also lost his shadow. Maybe he had already escaped early? He has to go out earlier too-

With a muffled noise from afar, the ground trembles under his feet, without telling Yiliu to lose his balance, but he stops his feet and raises his head. The muffled sound, like a wave of water spreading out, wafted out of the junction of the distant heaven and earth, and soon disappeared, making it difficult to tell from which direction it came.

He was stunned.

Yeah... he can't run yet. Everyone is running out, that is to say... if he guessed right, it is a very rare opportunity now.

But how long is he? five minutes? three minutes?

Wu Yiliu doesn't know how much time he has left, but he knows that every action he takes is gambling for the rest of his life. But when he was pushing to the extreme, he was quite a tiger. He gritted his teeth and didn’t want to think about it. If he opened his eyes again and found that he had become a copy creature, it was his life, but now He would not be able to let him pass this opportunity.

Coincidentally, when he had just climbed a tree on the side of the road and opened his leaves to look out, the muffled sound rang again-this time it seemed to roll past a string of thunder and look away The two houses to the east of the fake copy were shaken, and the wire fell from the air in a sway, and a bright white spark spattered.

If you remember correctly, the east side is just one of the exits. Was an evolutionary running in that direction just now?

If Huanzi and his party want to launch [copying location], he guessed that it must have been launched outside the fake copy, so that they would not let themselves be involved. When the evolutionist rushed out of the copy in any direction, is it possible that he just collided with the party of Huanzi outside the copy who was preparing to distribute animals, and there was a conflict?

This possibility is not small, enough to make him feel hot in his palm. Wu Yiliu didn't dare to delay the time anymore. He jumped off the tree with a bang, and ran to the east exit.

"What happened to the east?" When he ran, he didn't forget to ask the radio.

After he ran for a few minutes in one breath, he still didn't hear any kind of answer or suggestion from the middle-aged man-in fact, the broadcast in the fake copy had long since disappeared, and the music didn't ring again. The air was silent as if it had frozen. Only his rapid breathing sound, which could not be twisted much, was crushed by silence again. The middle-aged man who took over the work of Transformer may finally seize the opportunity to escape the copy.

He did not have the determination like Yayi Liu, and wanted to fight with the transformers for life and death. Yau Yi-liu remembered that he once said this with sadness-"I also thought about it, ran into the mountains and hide in the old forest," the middle-aged man sighed and said, "But my child has also transformed, he You have to go to school in that school district."

At that time, Yau Yi-liu only heard it ridiculously, but at this time he secretly hoped that he had ran out smoothly and ran back to the school district rented for schooling for the deformed child.

Now in this fake copy, there will never be only one person left?

I don't know why, this idea made Wu Yiliu's footsteps a little soft. He quickened his pace and rushed over from one copy facility after another; between the white horses, it seemed that every door and window was empty and there was no figure behind it.

As he got closer to the accident, the more he felt something, he was pressing heavily on the ground ahead. This feeling is hard to describe. It’s like sitting on the sofa with a very heavy fat man. When I sit down again, I always feel like I’m going to lean towards him and slide past him—intellectually, he knows very well that the ground is still flat. of.

...Not only are there evolvers ahead, but they are probably all let go.

From that meeting, Yau Yi-liu realized the "existence" of the evolutionist's ease. Almost like verifying his conjecture, before his eyes caught the figure, a roar that seemed to be covered, vaguely passed into his ears: "You explain clearly!"

It seemed that he was right, Gu Yiliu took a deep breath, and then he dared to touch it quietly. After bypassing a trail, his eyes suddenly became bright: the simple construction wall that had been wrapped around the fake copy is now like a torn paper, and it is softly laid on the ground. The guarding pavilion was uprooted, and apart from broken bricks and broken glass, no residue was found.

In the middle of this small ruin, there is an evolver, who seems to have just ran out of the fake copy. Opposite him, the place where the simple construction wall was originally standing, stopped a person, it was the emaciated female evolutionr named Huanzi.

The room was stunned for a while, and looked around again. There is really only Huanzi alone.

Compared with a few minutes ago, she added a pocket vest to her body, holding a camera-like machine in her hand. It really looks like a TV crew member, and it really echoes [the location of the copy. ] This name.

So, is the camera a special item?

She and another evolver should have noticed the presence of Yaichi Liu, but just glanced in his direction, and then focused on each other, probably feeling that there was no threat to the person coming. The shrivelled woman was not good at words. At this time, she just sneered and said, "There is nothing to explain, you can't go anyway."

Strange, this is wrong.

Just now she didn't even have time to deal with herself and Professor Qiao. She took the iron cage and left, letting Yiliu think she must be in a hurry, because she was afraid that she would slow down and get caught in the copy-this is very reasonable Guess, right?

Just accepting this guess, I also accepted its default premise: [Copy location] is not in the hands of Huanzi himself.

But now, at a glance, [the copy location] is clearly in her hand, what was she anxious then? She knew she could control when the copy came true.

Of course, perhaps this doubt is not important, but Yau-yiu is always entangled with it, and he lost it several times. While he was pondering, he suddenly felt as if something was left in Yu Guang. It seemed that someone was standing behind him, casting a shadow on his shoulder.

He almost exploded his hair all this time. He flew forward and fell back on the ground to look back, only to find that he was wrong: there is indeed a figure in the back, but he is not standing behind him.

In the other direction of the fake copy, looking at the place that should also be close to the exit, a stone statue with a length of nearly 100 meters was erected from a green tree and building wall at the moment.

The portrait of the stone sculpture lowered his head slightly, bent down suddenly, and pressed down on the ground with a palm-the house willow was ready to shake the ground, but the ground was silent, as if it absorbed and resolved the pressure silently. .

In that direction, it seems that there are also evolutions fighting?

what happened?

Rao Shiyi Liu's mind is not slow, he is also a little embarrassed.

"Anyone? Is anyone still there," he hurriedly whispered into the pickup, "Please, please come up with a way to tell me what is happening now?"

The middle-aged man found several other NPCs to replace the monitoring work of the deformed person. That is to say, in the whole fake copy, only they know the overall situation best-as long as they have not run.

House Yi Liu was breathless and waited for a little while full of anxiety; during this period, the two evolvers in the confrontation not far away said a few words, but he didn't ask him to hear clearly.

Is it possible that the people in the monitoring room are still there?

Just when he was about to give up hope, he suddenly only heard a "wow" in the broadcast of the fake copy park, and then a young strange voice sounded, trembling slightly in panic, still trying to make a NPC tone: " Ah...this, what's going on, where so many photography enthusiasts have given and blocked the evolution of our fake copy."

The house was stunned for a while, shocked by the implicit meaning in this sentence.

……[Copy location] How many are there?

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