Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1590:

Don't panic, there is still time.

Wu Yiliu closed his eyes tightly and tried his best to calm his breath. When he was particularly anxious and upset, he would imagine himself withdrawing from this body, walking away a few steps, "seeing" himself in his mind-often quickly calming him down again.

The radio just said that all directions of the fake copy were surrounded by so-called "photo enthusiasts"-perhaps this is why the people in the surveillance room did not run-those "photo enthusiasts" must be holding [Vice The person who took the scene] is undoubtedly, but think about it, not every evolutionary battle has occurred in every direction.

Some evolutionists may not find the person holding the camera when they run out, or they may be at some exits, and the person holding the [copy location] is not an evolutionary at all, and will not stop the evolutionary who escaped from the copy— -If one side is not in trouble, the other side is in a hurry, and naturally there will be no fighting.

The reason for this speculation is also very simple: to surround all exports of fake copies, at least there are nearly ten people, as far as he knows, there are not so many evolvers who cooperate with the transformers.

As soon as Liu Yigang thought about it, he jumped up from the ground and ran back. He knew which exit had no fight and was the closest to him, as long as he rushed there, he could verify this guess for the first time-by coincidence, he had just run out not long afterwards, where Huanzi was at the back There was a heavy, dull knocking sound, probably with another hand.

When he panted through the trail, over the fence, and finally saw the exit door behind a few green trees, he didn't wait for him to approach. Suddenly a male voice that sounded far from the door greeted him first. .

"What's going on now? When can animals be distributed?" the man asked, seeming to be calling. "How come such a big stone statue? It's so close to me, I'm a little worried..."

House Yiliu hurriedly slowed down, looked around, stuck under the wall, touched the exit a little bit, secretly hoped that the man was not an evolutionist, and could not hear his movements.

The man sounded more anxious than him. "No, what's the use of holding it honestly? Evolutionrs are now fighting. They don't hold up their cameras. God knows when they can start. In case the stone statue walks a few steps to me next time, I'm stomping to death! It's scary that an evolutionary rushed out from here just now."

The buzzing noise from the mobile phone made Yau Liu stretch his neck and didn't hear clearly. However, it seems that he did guess correctly.

The man spit on the ground and said, "Leader Chang, I am not complaining to you. I know that you are not an evolutionary...Yes, yes. The main blame is broadcasters. Who is that kid?" Why didn't anyone go to the broadcast room to catch him?"

He stopped and listened a few words across from him, and then said sadly: "It's all unreliable. Where did these guys hear the news, one ear at a time, they run really fast. They don't fear if they know, just Let them be duplicate creatures, what's wrong, how can we be treated? It's a great grace to let them live."

He complained a few more times before he hung up the phone.

God treats himself in fact not thin, and Yau-Yiu thought, paving the way step by step, and showed him again.

After he waited for a while, and finally walked out without incident, he even wondered whether the deformed person outside could hear his heartbeat.

An unfamiliar dwarf man who had never seen him, sagged a face, raised his eyelids at him. This man is not very young, and his face looks like he is ready at any time and can spit on the face. It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that he really wears a vest and carries a camera on his shoulder.

"Who are you?" he asked rudely.

Yaliu gave a look of boredom.

"It's you?" His tone was more polite than the other party, as if the short man's presence was a great offense to him: "It's you who make comments, don't want to do it, and ask someone to replace you, right? ?"

"Ah?" The dwarf man froze, "When will I..."

"Leader Chang asked me to come," said Yau Yi-liu, unwilling to say more, and tapped **** at the camera on his shoulder. "Bring it, I'm out of luck. I'll keep it here for you."

When the short man understood, his face was unbelievable. "Leader Chang really...?" As soon as the name was reported, he seemed to believe 80%, but he still said a little hesitantly: "But he didn't say on the phone just now..."

Wu Yiliu turned his head and looked around at the stone statue just a moment before saying, "What do you mean, who do you think will replace you? Is it good to replace you?"

It was really no good, the dwarf man listened, and his face was a little more shaken. Yau Yi-liu was hitting the iron while it was hot, and did not give him a chance to think carefully or verify by phone. He stepped up and pointed at the camera. He asked like a gun: "Is it right? How do I do it? The team leader said I held it and pointed Just at the gate? Do I have to stand in your position?"

"Ah, yes," a series of questions really turned the short man's focus on, explaining: "But you have to make sure that this area is included in the scope of the lens. The range recorded by these cameras must be able to Put it together, because this fake copy is too big, they have to say it in. Do you see this red light, you have to keep it on until it is working. Note, if something goes wrong, wait for the hair to move After that, the scope of the copy is not complete..."

Yuli Liu's heart tightened.

Does "inside" mean that the key person to distribute animal products is in the fake copy? He repeatedly thought about what to ask, and his hand was stretched out to take over the machine.

"The part that started," he asked vaguely, "What does it look like, have you seen it?"

The dwarf glanced at him. He stopped even breathing, thinking that this exposed him-and then saw the short man smile slightly, as if he felt he knew the answer, so he was more face-saving than him.

"That's the kind of board," he didn't notice that his hands were empty, his hands were compared in the air, "The one that snapped in front of the camera, and then started shooting, what's the name..."

"The clapper board." Yiyaru's heart thumped, these three words were almost cut from the throat that was dried into paper.

"Oh, yes," the short man finished and returned to his eyes a little dazed. "Well, then I'm gone?"

"Well, leave it to me here."

"Oh, right," he just turned around, and Yau-yiu suddenly stopped him, "My phone is out of power, and I borrow your phone to make a call."

The short man had never seen him before, but perhaps his attitude was taken for granted. After thinking about it, he handed over his mobile phone. Fang Yiliu still learned this trick from Professor Qiao, and now he wants to use this trick to find Professor Qiao.

He turned around, facing the short man, and raised his phone. Coupled with the difference in height between the two, so that the other party can not see the phone screen. Yau Yi-ryu opened the call log, changed the last "call leader" number of the last call to Professor Qiao's mobile phone number, then pressed the call, and put the phone on his ear.

The phone is connected.

The short man was a little uneasy, and turned around in a circle. Nobody answers the phone.

When the call was automatically cut off, Yau Yi-ryu's heart was deep. He deleted the last call, handed the phone back to the short man, and often said, "Maybe I didn't hear it."

After the dwarf man leaves, he may call the leader Chang to confirm, or not, depending on how much responsibility he has left—Yu Yiliu knows that he has little time, when the dwarf man disappears from the street corner, He held the camera, dared not delay for a second, and rushed back to the fake copy with his leg raised.

He feels that every time he takes the next step, he may step into the trap set by the evolutionary, may be caught by the person who jumped out of the bush, and may be tripped over by someone... He has never really seen the evolutionary The battle between them was all chaotic in my mind for a while. I didn't know how I would be stopped, but I was sure that I would be stopped.

So when he gasped for a long distance and no one stopped him, even he thought he was dreaming.

what happened? Didn't they find that one of the cameras was moved?

Or, because several evolvers such as Huanzi were in conflict, and more than one camera didn't record it well, so for now, no one noticed that this one is wrong?

Yiyaru was unable to run anymore, bent down, holding his camera and panting hard, and the air flowing into his lungs was far from alleviating its burning sensation.

If all the cameras around are just "accessories", only "inside" is the key to the real launch, then Huanzi's previous attitude can be explained, because she has to rush back to her position in time Lifting the camera-"inside" should be inside the fake copy, he is 80% sure about it.

He is not familiar with shooting, but the clapper theory, is it to be played in front of the camera?

When all the shots are in a circle, and the fake copy like a bun is surrounded in the center, there is only one possible position left on the clapper board, is it?

Since this time, he has been very familiar with fake copies, he knows where the center of this "bun" is.

The person holding the item itself is not affected by the effect of the item, which is indeed justified. Such an important role must be taken by an evolutionary who is familiar with special items; but Huanzi, who has been very active all the time, is outside the fake copy.

Wu Yiliu straightened up slowly, his palms were hot, and his sweat was so slippery that he almost missed the heavy camera several times.

When he first noticed the evolutionary battle, he had a faint feeling that the opportunity was coming; now he thinks he finally knows what the opportunity looks like.

To put it bluntly, the opportunity once in a lifetime is exactly what the visa officer looks like.

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