Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1591: Accomplish the impossible with a powerless body

Yaliu crouched in the trees, holding a camera frame at his feet. The white space between the green branches and leaves reveals a small center square. The white floor tiles, the stone fountain, and the people standing in front of the stone fountain are all cut into pieces of broken shadows by the branches and leaves.

Look carefully so that when the man occasionally turns around, he sees the black and white clapper board in his hand.

Fortunately, the visa officer's physical qualities and various abilities are much worse than those of the average evolutionary. He evened his breath, and the other party hadn't noticed a person nearby.

"Then you go and help him," the visa officer was a little irritated, and said to the small microphone pinned on the collar, "Don't let the last few people run away, they ran out and said, who will be near this copy in the future?" ?"

The sound in his headphones seemed to respond to a few words. The visa officer listened for a while and nodded. "Then you move faster, you are always very powerful, and solve the entangled people at the door as soon as possible. As long as you throw them back into the copy, I can start immediately here."

While the other party was speaking, he stopped, lifted the clapper board in his hand, looked at it, and said, "I have been showing here that only five cameras are in the state of "ready to shoot"... well, five, half, too That’s more! You’ll patrol again to see who’s having trouble. If it doesn’t work, even if there are fewer cameras, you must start shooting.”

How many can be launched?

Ah, it is because there is a part of the scene less, the range of the copy becomes smaller, but it can still become the meaning of the copy.

That being said, even if he took a camera, he still could not guarantee his safety—and the safety of Professor Qiao who didn't know where he was.

Yau Yan exhaled silently, which was also burned by his anxiety. Sweat on his forehead oozed down and flowed into his eyebrows.

Another hint was implied in the paragraph just now, which made him tremble with fear. After hearing the broadcast, there are less than a dozen evolutionaries who rushed out of the copy, and there are dozens of them running in all directions; the original Yiyaya believes that the main thing that surrounds the copy with the camera is the deformed person. No threat, so most of them must have run away, leaving only a few to run into Huanzi and others.

However, judging from the visa officer just now, it seems that this is far from the case.

Those who are still struggling now may have at most four or five people left, but the visa officer is worried about "don't let them run out and talk nonsense"-if the rest of the evolvers have already run out, worry that these last few people have What meaning? He will worry about the last few people and can only explain one thing: no one else ran out.

The reason why "the other people didn't run out" will soon clean up the remaining few people, and then he will be exposed.

Yau Yi-lu knows his chance, only for the few minutes now, and he has to take action-the question is, what?

The other party is just a visa officer. It is said that the only ability is to issue a visa... If he suddenly rushes up, is there a chance of winning? After all, he is young and strong, and he likes to play and run, and his physical fitness should and should...

Even if he intentionally forced himself to think in an optimistic direction, his thoughts were crushed by an increasingly intense heartbeat.

It's impossible to think about it. As long as the other party started something small, the house would be over.

Can you think of a lie to lie to him? Said he was sent by Huanzi-no, this visa officer had seen him once.

Ya-liu's teeth fell deep into his lower lip, thinking hard for a while. Not far away, the visa officer also fell silent, only occasionally looking at the clapper board and complaining, "Why hasn't it been done yet".

Seeing that the time was getting thinner and the chances were getting thinner and thinner, when Yiliu decided to get rid of it, but couldn't move his legs, the broadcast suddenly "chilled" with a sound of electric current.

Professor Qiao's slightly tired voice came from every sound speaker in the fake copy.

"Every word I want to say next is related to your lives, please listen well."

The visa officer had been sitting by the stone fountain, and he jumped up when he heard the words.

"Everyone who strayed into the fake copy, you may have noticed that what you entered is an artificial fake copy, not a copy of the fake copy theme. They are not letting you leave now because they are about to launch special items [ Copying location], making this a real copy."

Professor Qiao's voice was a little hoarse, light and dry, as if it would break when touched. The old lady was really tired, because her voice was weak, and even the broadcast seemed a little careless.

"Who is broadcasting now?" The visa officer had reconnected with his companion at this time, and he was almost anxiously corrupted. Ge asked: "Aren't the people who broadcasted before have been caught?"

"Yu-chi" sounded in the heart of Yau Liu. No wonder before Professor Qiao appeared, he hadn't heard the radio ringing for so long-did they even catch the middle-aged man?

Professor Qiao's voice is still very steady.

"The next prompt, I will only say it once. In the small square in the center of the fake copy, there is an evolutionary, who is the key person responsible for launching [the copy location]. He has been waiting for you to be controlled, and then will Sending animal products makes you trapped in the copy. In order to stop you, their power is placed outside the copy, but the inside is empty. What should you do, I don’t need to say more."

It turned out that Professor Qiao also reasoned out the situation!

With agitation, Yaliyau almost couldn't help but make a noise-after she found the middle-aged man, with the information provided by the surveillance camera, it was not difficult for her mind to reach the same conclusion naturally; this trick attracted water Indeed, the key is right. The visa officer depends on himself, and he is no match for the evolving evolutionary.

Whether she saw herself or not, it was another question that was not easy to say: because of the evolutionary battle, many circuits are now affected, and the camera in the copy is obviously unable to provide all the images. For Professor Qiao, she is probably just trying to reverse the situation by herself.

"What's going on," the visa officer anxiously shouted into the microphone: "What if they come over? You can't stop people in several directions at the same time. I'll hide. -"

The man in his headset seemed to say a few words. The visa officer listened for a while, but calmed down a little.

"Are you sure," he said rather worriedly, "That line... Then I'll wait for them to come over. Well, I'll watch it, as long as the camera status on the chopping board becomes ready for shooting, I will Start immediately. Alas, less is less, no way."

Yes, the house was shocked and suddenly realized that his situation at the moment was actually more dangerous than when Professor Qiao had not spoken.

When the evolver gives up the fight and turns around, the cameras that are temporarily blocked and disturbed will become "ready to shoot", which is undoubtedly equivalent to giving the visa officer a chance.

Coupled with common sense, Professor Qiao’s remarks are not likely to convince everyone immediately, it is likely that some people have returned, and some people have not returned, which will create a situation: the visa officer will also do Well, the psychological preparations for the ten cameras will not go online. As long as one or two of the five cameras come back online, he is likely to launch [copying location] immediately-then, he and Professor Qiao will fall forever. Here again.

As thoughts continued to cross the head of the house, the visa officer was also staring at the clapper board in his hand. After half a minute, he suddenly got excited and murmured a few words: "One! No matter."

Only six cameras can start shooting, which seems to be enough for him. The visa officer raised the clapper board and said to it: "Name, fake copy; number of cameras, six--"

Right now.

Yau Yi-liu's body seemed to have made a decision one step ahead of his mind, and suddenly jumped from behind the bushes; all his blood rushed to his forehead for a while, and the buzz in his ears could not be heard clearly, and the visa officer heard the sound turned. When you look over, it's as unrealistic as slow motion.

He seemed to retreat into the air, staring at his body and throwing out the trees. Except for the small area in front of him, except for the visa officer in front of him, the rest of the world no longer existed.

"Sir visa officer," Yau Yi-liu heard himself yelling, "Is it a visa officer?"

The visa officer had already been on alert, holding the clapper board in one hand, and pressed it hurriedly to the waist with the other, as if he was about to dig out something; at this time he heard his cry, and did not know it was because it was broken. Identity, because I recognized the house Yi Liu, suddenly couldn't help but stunned.

His stunned look seemed to be slowed down countless times, and every tiny muscle rose and fell, and Yiwu Liu saw it clearly.

"There is danger," he shouted quickly, "Sister Huanzi asked me to come, some people called a lot of helpers, and the cameras were all robbed!"

"What?" The visa officer looked startled, "All, all?"

His first reaction was to look down at the clapper board in his hand.

It's this moment that Yiwu Liu waited.

When the visa officer's eyes fell on the board, Yiyaru's body also fell on him.

He seized the moment when the visa officer was distracted, and had enough energy to hit him. Using his body as a weapon and a barrier, he overwhelmed the visa officer, and immediately knocked the other party over and balanced, the two together Thumped and fell to the ground.

The visa officer was thrown straight on the face, knocking on the ground with a "bang" in the back of the head, and then slammed out of him at the moment; Yiyaliu's reaction was extremely fast, the person had not completely landed, and his hand had been stretched out quickly. One grabbed the clapper board that fell to the ground and was still beating back and forth.


After all, the visa officer is an evolver, even if he is a weak one, he won’t be able to climb for a while because he was knocked to the ground like an ordinary person; he just screamed and raised himself The house on his body was suddenly anxious, and he used his head to move forward, just to give the visa officer a heavy head.

He didn't expect the visa officer's head to be so hard. This time he just hit the concrete brick. The visa officer didn't know how, but Yiliu was hit by a dizziness.

But even if it was a flower in front of him, he still grabbed the clapper board and didn’t let go, struggling to roll aside, hoping to escape-there was an extra hand on his ankle, and his right leg was back Tugging, he fell to the ground again.

"Who the hell? Who is your mother?" The visa officer scolded, and staggered up, reaching for the clapper board. "Are you an ordinary person?"

At this moment's time, Yiyaru's gaze had swept through the most conspicuous lines of text on the field board.

Name: Fake copy

Number of cameras: six

Content: Transform the evolver through peaceful evolution

"Give me!" The visa officer's hand had grabbed the clapper board. The power of the worst evolver is not comparable to that of ordinary people; Yuichi Liu grasps it tightly with both hands, even the power of feeding is brought out, and the clapper board still can't stop the momentum of getting out of his hands. He was so anxious that he shouted, "The number of cameras, one!"

The visa officer was stunned, and his hands were still not loose, and Yau Liu shouted again: "Look up and look at the trees!"

Even if he does not look up with the visa officer, he knows what the other party will see.

He put the camera up with bricks, and both of them rolled to the ground again. As long as he looked up, he would see the black round lens sticking out from the branches and leaves of the trees. In other words, they are all in the lens.

As long as Yiyaru starts now, the visa officer will become a copy of the creature-when the visa officer realizes this, his body inevitably stiffens.

It is this moment that Yiyaru waited for.

He knew that the visa officer would fight even harder after he responded. He took the opportunity to knock him off with his shoulders and pulled the scoreboard out of the opponent’s hand again. At the same time, he spoke quickly. Tongue bite: "Name, individual is a copy -"

The words on the clue board really changed.

Name: Personal copy

Number of cameras: one

Content: Transform the evolver through peaceful evolution

The visa officer recovered and thrashed again-both of them were forced to the edge of despair, fighting in the most primitive way, making him look like an evolutionary.

Yau Yiliu didn't see clearly. Where did he get hit, but blood suddenly splashed from his fingers and jumped into the air.

He has never experienced such severe pain in his life, but he still hasn't let go of his hands.

Even if he died, he thought, he would die on this board.

"Content, the evolver itself is the end, and it will infect the evolver -" When he said this, his hands had been pulled out of the upper half of the board. The strip-shaped board was pulled apart from the board where the text message was written.

Time has slowed down.

Yiyaru gently let go.

When the clapper board rose from his eyes, he slapped his backhand up and snapped the clapper board together.

It started in front of the camera, and the character in the camera is just an ordinary person and an evolver.

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