Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1592:

The new chapter is currently only a thousand words, you go to bed first, if you are bored, you can read the short story of IEP

What is the difference between the temperature at 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock at night?

If it is usually, almost no one can feel it.

But it is obviously different tonight. The sun has long disappeared, but the burning sensation in the air seems to be gradually warming up with each minute; even worse, there has been no wind blowing for several days. It's not the air floating outside the window, but the hot, suffocating hot sand that is ready to pounce on your face at any time.

Just like someone conveyed the instruction, the last small part of the city who did not turn on the air conditioner for various reasons, the outdoor unit also turned up in succession. People who don’t have air-conditioning can’t hold on to it. Bars, 24-hour convenience stores, company units... wherever there is a hint of cool air, go wherever you go.

Thirty minutes later, with a soft click, several night vision lights in the apartment on the 38th floor suddenly went out. There was absolute darkness in the house-the slight "buzzing" sound that had been lingering in the bedroom all the time, quietly stopped somehow.

The central air conditioner no longer blows.

Not long after the air-conditioning stopped, Lin Sanjiu turned over anxiously in his dream. Without the 26° air conditioner, she quickly got a sticky sweat on her body. This sweat was like an airtight hood, and she was awakened by heat after a while.

Um... the remote control seems to be on the nightstand...

The thought flashed through her confused head, and she was about to reach out and suddenly felt something was wrong. Lin Sanjiu was so excited that he immediately stopped his hand and did not move at all. After a while, he quietly narrowed his eyes and looked up.

A snow-white face hung directly above her face, and two black hole-like eyes were staring straight at her in the dark night.

Again! --Again--!

There was a scream in Lin Sanjiu's mind, but there was no sound at all in her dry throat-her heartbeat became more and more anxious and louder-the white face listened slightly, Brushing suddenly approached Lin Sanjiu.

Two weeks ago, she woke up thirsty once in the middle of the night, and she got up and bumped into this face all at once. At that time, Lin Sanjiu screamed in shock, and turned on the lights, and found out that it was Ren Nan.

Ren Nan didn't know when she was sitting next to her, a face was expressionless in the dark, and I didn't know how long she stared at her like this-just like tonight.

Ren Nan said at the time that he had been sleepwalking since childhood.

If it wasn't for Lin Sanjiu who had doubts, maybe she really believed it. At this time, she could bear the fear, pretending not to be awake, reaching for her eyes and rubbing her eyes, and asked with a trembling voice, "Ren Nan, are you sleepwalking again?"

Ren Nan's face cracked silently in the dark, and his teeth were clear: "Yeah, I'm sick again. Didn't scare you?"

"Yes, a little..." Lin Sanjiu almost got out of bed and stood at the door-the illusion of being able to escape at any time made her calm down a bit, and then she felt the steamer in the room again. temperature.

"Why is it so hot? You turned off the air conditioner?"

Ren Nan didn't speak, just stretched out his hand, and the heavy curtains quickly receded to both sides, revealing a floor-to-ceiling window. Through this window, Lin Sanjiu usually sees the bright night view of half a city. Only tonight, this city has lost the light that never went out before, even the starlight has disappeared consciously, and some are just dead black.

In the house with closed doors and windows, it was sultry and breathless.

"The power burden is too great, it seems that the city is out of power." Ren Nan's voice still smiled, revealing a good whole. As he said, he slowly stood up, walked around the foot of the bed, and walked toward the door step by step.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly had a great alarm bell in his head. Before he approached, he suddenly turned and ran to the living room. In the past three months, the arrangement of this apartment has finally provided her with a little reward: in the darkness where she couldn’t see her fingers, she still rushed smoothly into the entrance of the living room, and before a breath, she snapped. Reached down the elevator button.

The expected red did not light up-such an expensive apartment, there is no backup power system?

"The back-up power supply only supplies the corridor lights, elevators-especially private elevators, they don't care." She heard a voice from behind for six months. Ren Nan was still so gentle, but while biting the words, Lin Sanjiu heard a trace of water. As if... Ren Nan couldn't control the saliva in his mouth...

In the dark, the fuzzy silhouette representing Ren Nan paced towards her, and finally stopped in the middle of the living room.

Lin Sanjiu only felt dizzy in his head. Her sixth sense is right-she felt a surge of regret in her heart: "You... what do you want to do?"

"You are quite awake," Ren Nan took a sip of water, "I should have felt it already? But you should still learn to listen more to your intuitive opinions... Otherwise, you won't come back here with me. Coming. Over the past few days, you have probably also done a lot of psychological struggle... I really appreciate your trust in me."

Lin Sanjiu didn't realize it by herself, but her hands clenched into a fist, and she was still shaking.

"Small wine, do you sweat so much in such a hot day?" Ren Nan suddenly asked with a concern that Baganzi couldn't beat it.

Lin Sanjiu was stunned and touched his arm subconsciously. She only sweated a little—but—what is this doing at this time?

Ren Nan was very satisfied and nodded in the dark. "Small wine is awesome! It’s not a waste. I trained you for half a year..."

What the **** is he talking about-he can't understand anything!

Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, only to find that his teeth were fighting fiercely. The thought that floated in her heart for several days made her ask a sentence that she once thought she would never say: "You... want to eat me?"

The dark figure gave a satisfied praise: "How intuitive is this intuition."

Lin Sanjiu was irritated by his attitude-fear, indignation, confusion, and emotions mixed together, she seemed not so helpless, the next words spewed out like a tide: "Don’t kidding, you Who the **** is that! Why did you find me? I tell you, don’t mess up, all your friends know that I live with you..."

She deliberately raised her voice, secretly hoping for someone to hear it, and quietly touching the open kitchen on the side of the living room.

Ren Nan sighed. "Anyway, you have been with me for six months, and I will give you a clear death." After all, he raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.

Suddenly "booming", a glass wall in the living room suddenly shattered into thousands of pieces-accompanied by the blurry screams from far outside, a heat wave that Lin Sanjiu had never experienced wrapped the glass fragments , Swept into the apartment. The last bit of coolness that was left by the central air-conditioning of Fangcai was instantly swallowed up.

Why, how can it be so hot? It's as if someone put the whole city on fire!

Before waiting for Lin Sanjiu to react, Ren Nan's gentle voice has sounded again: "From this evening, this world is no longer the earth you are familiar with. In this new world, according to your measurement method, It’s...oh, fifty-six degrees Celsius."

Lin Sanjiu was silly. Fifty-six degrees Celsius is enough for ordinary people with severe heat stroke and dehydration to die back and forth a few times-together with this idea, she busy touched her back neck. Unexpectedly, Lin Sanjiu did not sweat much.

"Look! I have only raised you for a few months, and you have evolved the two of "high temperature adaptation" and "keen intuition"...I really deserve the high-potential seeds I saw at first glance. If not for the new world Too early, I really want to raise you for two more years, and then eat..." Ren Nan's tone is a bit regretful. He took a sip loudly and walked towards Lin Sanjiu. "Small wine, I haven't eaten a good kid with high potential in a long time."

After the glass wall broke, some light shimmered in the living room. With this little light, Lin Sanjiu clearly saw Ren Nan's face at this moment.

The facial features of the male models in the past, which were generally Peugeot, have been gradually squeezed out of sight by the mouth that he has opened wider and wider. The clear saliva was not clamped down, and it continued to flow down the corner of the mouth-and at this time, Lin Sanjiu had been forced to retreat to the corner of the kitchen.

"I, I still don't understand! What the **** are you? Why should you eat me? Also, what evolution, ability-you are not going to give me an understanding, tell me!"

Even if it delays for another minute, there is still a chance! Lin Sanjiu quietly reached out to the knife holder on the back of the counter by the shouting effort.

The big mouth paused, smaller, and some of Ren Nan's original features were revealed. "Ah... why are you so stupid? Of course I am human, Ren Nan is my name-but I am different from you backward species. I come from another'new world'. Humans who survive in the new world , Will evolve different abilities... I have the ability that you dare not even think about."

Ren Nan wiped his wet chin. "I advise you to put the knife down, my eyesight is very good. Let me eat it obediently, I promise not to hurt--"

"Fuck your mother's fart!" Lin Sanjiu, who was frightened and angry before he said anything, was already holding a sharp knife and rushed up with anger.

Yinliang's boning knife was extremely fast, and a bright line was pulled out in the dark-when he saw the tip of the knife about to pierce Ren Nan's chest, he only took a light step aside, Lin Sanjiu Emptied. She stumbled under her feet, stepped on a piece of glass, and failed to keep her balance. She fell heavily on the ground.

A mouth that split to two cheeks did not give her a chance to stand up, and the wind rushed towards Lin Sanjiu-she was only able to turn her body in a panic, and slammed her boning knife. Threw it out. Ren Nan hid a bit unexpectedly, but was still cut by a knife with a shallow wound.

With a choke, the knife fell into the distance.

Annoyed, Ren Nan pressed Lin Sanjiu to the ground, and the black eyes staring at her almost shrank to the point of the needle. "The steak should look like a steak!"

In the low light, Lin Sanjiu watched Despair desperately at his throat.

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