Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1608:

Now I just opened the document, go to sleep... By the way, I am a bit unable to read books recently, so I started to read standcom...

In the scorching sun, everything in the world is blazing. As soon as I got out of the car door, the hot heat immediately made it difficult to breathe; there was still wind in the extreme temperature hell, but it was not as good as there was no one—every gust of wind was like a pot of burning coal, covering my face. The ground poured over the people.

After getting out of the car, Luzer and Mather immediately frowned and covered their mouths and noses. Since the green plants and trees were all gone, the soil has been deserted under the high temperature. The thick yellow sand is blowing in the wind, and it is constantly raging in the world. The eyebrows and eyelashes are covered with sand. I couldn't open my eyes, I could only keep squinting to see things.

As soon as Mather spoke, she choked and coughed several times by the yellow sand. Then she reluctantly said, "...Are you sure? I was at the end just now, but I didn't notice that there was a car behind."

When Lin Sanjiu got out of the car, he grabbed a T-shirt and was tied to her face as a mask at this time. It was better than the other two. The hot yellow sand kept hitting her exposed skin. Lin Sanjiu endured the pain and said in a low voice, "I'm sure, that car has followed us all the way. But because the sand is too dusty, it's far away. So it appears from time to time... wait, here it comes!"

The voice just fell, and as expected, a slip of smoke rose not far away, and a Citroen that was too dirty to see the color rushed out of the rolling yellow sand——

Unexpectedly, seeing the three big cars in front stopped, Lin Sanjiu and the others were standing in the middle of the road again. The Citroen suddenly braked, and then turned the front of the car as if it were about to run.

But at such a short distance, it’s not what it says can be run-Lin Sanjiu runs a few steps, then accelerates under his feet, before the Citroen turns around, the whole person is already jumping like a leopard. On the front of the car.

As the front of the car sank, Citroen seemed to panic, the tires creaked, and the people in the ground faintly yelled something—Lin Sanjiu was shaken by the car and hurriedly stabilized. I got out of my body, leaned on the front of the car, and shouted into the car: "Get off!"

In such a blink of an eye, Luzer and Mather have also rushed up, forming a siege to Citroen.

The car stopped and the engine stalled.

Through the dirty windshield, Lin Sanjiu could only vaguely see a figure sitting inside. He didn't know whether it was a man or a woman, whether it was old or young—I really can't figure out how this man drives under such a line of sight. of. She waited, knocked the windshield with the baton impatiently, and signaled the driver to get off again.

If she read correctly, the car has followed from the shopping center.

The door in the driver's seat opened, and a man in a rumpled Brazilian suit stepped out of the car while wiping the sweat on his head.

This man does not look like he is in his twenties, he is not tall, his skin is rough, he has a round flesh face, and his white shirt has become dirty yellow and black—don’t know why, Lin Sanjiu always thinks If he put on a beard, he would definitely look like a field mouse. Although the material on his suit looks good, it seems to be very unfit: the trousers are long and pulled up high, revealing the gray and gray high-waisted socks inside.

"Who are you? Why have you been following us?" Mather asked, frowning.

The man who looked like a field mouse rolled his small black eyes in panic, glanced at three people, and then stammered, "I, I didn't mean it."

Luzer suddenly "chirped": "Then you accidentally followed us all the way?"

Lin Sanjiu jumped out of the car and stood in front of the car without saying a word, holding the baton.

The man seemed to be very afraid of Lin Sanjiu's appearance. When she got out of the car, he immediately moved a few steps in the opposite direction, away from her, and at the same time hurriedly explained: "No, no, listen to me, it's like this. Yes... I have known you a long time ago. I have no ill intentions. I was doing medical equipment sales, and I finished socializing with the client that night. On the way he sent me back, the power went out suddenly and we were stuck in the shopping mall. ..."

"Speaking of the point!" Probably because of the wind and sand outside, she lost her temper, and Mather exaggerated and shouted.

"Ah...Yes, yes, in short, we have been stuck in the shopping mall, so we didn't dare to get off the car, so we relied on a box of drinks in the car for two days... I saw you, several times, in and out Come out, you guys seem to get used to it quickly, it's amazing!" The man said he didn't forget to flatter him. Seeing that there was no response from several people, he took a sip of the sand in his mouth and continued: "Oh, one night, a pretty good-looking woman came and said that she had water to drink and called My client got out of the car and fetched water with her. As a result, I didn't pay attention to it for a while, and my client was gone! The woman went to the next car again!"

The expressions of the three of them couldn't help but stop--it seems that Kong Yun really didn't let the living people on the street outside.

The man looked at their faces and continued tentatively: "How dare I continue to stay in the car, so I ran to the convenience store across the road. Anyway, I lived to this day... I saw you guys leave this morning. , I am also scared myself, this, this is just following..."

"What's your name?" Luzer got a little impatient because of this person's babbling.

"My name is Tian Minbo, and everyone calls me field mice." The man said with a busy smile.

It seems that he is not the only one who feels this way—Lin Sanjiu laughed in his heart, but his face did not change at all, and asked with a cold face, "What do you want with us?"

The field mouse froze, and said hurriedly: "I have no ill intentions, really...I also have food and drink in my car. I just want to find a companion to go with me... Besides, I have something to remind you."

"Remind what?"

"Your car has been driving for a while, right?" said the field mouse, lingering on several cars, "I advise you not to drive it, and talk to it at night."

"Why?" Luzer frowned and looked around-the place where they stopped was not very comfortable. Originally this was a central park. It was originally a vast forest and green space. It can be said to be the most pleasant place in the city. But this month, the shadow of the park has completely disappeared, only the dust and sand in the sky accompanied by the dry black tree shells, which were blown in the air by the wind. On the horizon, there are still a few shadows that seem to be fallen species looming.

The sky is a thick yellow with no hope, accompanied by hot sunlight.

"This weather is too hot, and the engine will burn out if you drive it on. Don’t believe me, I’ve already reimbursed a car before, it’s a Mercedes, it’s still broken! It almost caught fire! Not to mention you. Trucks and buses..." The field mouse wiped the sand off his face, revealing a sincere expression underneath. "Really, if you don't believe me, touch the engine."

Hearing this, Lin Sanjiu sighed suddenly, and stopped Maser who turned to leave: "No need to go, it's true. Just now, his Citroen was hot to the touch."

When the field mouse heard it, he immediately wailed and turned back to drive the front cover. As soon as the lid was opened, a scorched white smoke floated slowly, and was instantly blown away by the wind and sand. The field mouse fiddled with the engine nervously for a while, raised his head with a lingering expression, and said, "It's dangerous, it's almost impossible."

The three looked at each other, feeling a little helpless—even the French Citroen was almost dead, so their buses must be more dangerous. It seemed that they could only stay here with the voles and wait for the engine to cool down before leaving. However, Lin Sanjiu was very resistant to the surrounding environment.

Because the surrounding area is really empty-after the central park, covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters, is deserted, the line of sight is unobstructed. If there is any danger, they will not have a few living rakes or even a hiding place.

Mather sighed: "It seems we have to wait..."

"Yeah, yes, hey, it's too hot outside, not a place to talk. Why don't you get in the car, let's get in the car and have a good chat? Let's make friends!" Seeing how many people were moved by themselves , The field mouse eagerly opened the door of the car and took out a bottle of water and handed it to Mather. "I don't have a destination, just want to find a companion... Where are you going to go? If you don't mind, let me go with you?"

The three looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

After experiencing Kong Yun, I really had to be more careful; however, they couldn't just stop eating because of choking because of this incident-they always had to deal with other people. Lin Sanjiu thought of this and said, "You can follow us, but you must first tell me, what is your ability?"

The mole's mouth suddenly opened into an "O" shape.

"Don't tell me, it's been a month, you still don't know about evolutionary ability?" Lin Sanjiu deliberately coldened his face, with a deterrent in his voice: "If you don't know you, how can you dare to partner with you? "

Although that is the case... But... Luzer and Mather looked at each other, both faces a little embarrassed. If people really don’t want to expose their abilities, they can’t be wrong...

But unexpectedly, the field mouse nodded without hesitation: "So you already know... well, I'll show it to you."

With that said, he took out a cell phone from his trouser pocket. The surface of the phone is a cheap plastic shell, which looks like a copycat. The field mouse pressed several times on the phone, then turned the screen to the three of them. A call interface is displayed on the screen, and the caller is 110.

"This phone is my ability. 110 is the only number I can dial at the moment. If I get attacked, as long as I dial 110, within 5 to 10 seconds, all attacks will not take effect on me... Of course, the ability is activated much faster than it is now." The field mouse looked a little timid, and asked, "Is this all right?"

Just as Lin Sanjiu was frowning and thinking, Maser next to him took the lead and looked back at her. "I think this is enough, right?"

Then, she stretched out a hand to the field mouse and smiled: "We will help each other in the future."

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