Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1609:

The text has not started to write, I feel very tired today, you guys go to sleep first...

Lin Sanjiu's "temporary" word can't shake Chen Jinfeng's enthusiasm at all-he slapped his slap abruptly, and said in a passionate tone: "That's right! Believe me, everyone in the oasis will become history in the future. Part of it left an indelible reputation."

The few people who had been standing by the gate of the factory now saw them all the way and knew they had joined; they couldn't help but cheered and rushed to Lin Sanjiu, clapping one by one. Not a single person **, everyone used a lot of strength; soon, the thunderous applause attracted more people, and more palms clapped together.

"Welcome new members!"

Faced with such an enthusiastic crowd, Lin Sanjiu was even a little at a loss. She turned to look at Luzer and Mather, and found that these two white-skinned guys were so embarrassed that the roots of their ears were red. Luzer noticed her gaze and hurriedly whispered embarrassedly: "They really Enthusiasm... I have never been so welcomed in my life."

Lin Sanjiu snorted and felt the same way.

Chen Jinfeng made several downward gestures in a row to stop the noise of the crowd.

"My compatriots, the most important thing for the new members at the moment is to familiarize themselves with the environment. The sun has come out, everyone should go back to sleep first, and wait until the evening, we will clean the dust for the new members!"

This remark immediately evoked another round of applause.

"Xiao Yu, you go to the cafeteria to give an account. We have three new members. Remember to give them extra meals tonight!" Sister Li gave a smile, and immediately a girl with a ponytail responded and ran back. The factory. The others were persuaded by Chen Jinfeng, and they all nodded and smiled at Lin Sanjiu, then dispersed.

It seems that the people in Oasis have also figured out the law: in the daytime under the sun, no matter what you do, you must risk your life. The best way is to hide and sleep.

Sister Li then said to several people: "The factory dormitory building is too hot during the day, so we made the two basement floors into compartments and moved the beds in the dormitory building... You come with me now, Allocate the beds."

"Where would it be better to park the car?" Don't ask, it is Lin Sanjiu who has long been determined to offend people and is not afraid of raising this question.

"Come in! There is a vacant lot inside, just to stop." Sister Li didn't see any upset this time, and smiled gently.

The three people responded, returned to the car and started the car, drove into the factory area, and parked the car at a corner.

Walking inside, Lin Sanjiu realized how big the oasis covers an area. The walls of four or five neighboring factories have been demolished, opening up a vast area. There are a dozen buildings in the oasis, each with two floors underground, and they have now been converted into residences for the members of the oasis. Each building was covered with a large area of ​​reflective cloth, glowing with a white light under the dangerous sun-a few people walked on the road for a while, and even felt unable to open their eyes.

Sister Li also squinted her eyes, glanced at everyone, and then smiled embarrassedly: "We will be there soon-have you seen the building marked 42? The other buildings are full, only there is there. It's vacant."

"Since there are no people in the building, why are you putting up reflective cloth?" Lin Sanjiu asked puzzledly.

"Professor Bai is doing an insulation experiment, hoping to reduce the indoor temperature to below 50°. When the temperature drops, we can all live in the building, and we can also carry out soilless cultivation in the room... .." Sister Li said as she said, she suddenly sighed: "If it passed, once I heard 50°, I wouldn't be scared to death! Thanks to the medicine developed by Professor Bai, everyone has become more resistant to heat."

"What?" After hearing this, the three people turned their faces and looked at Sister Li.

medicine? What is she saying?

Lin Sanjiu hesitated for a moment, and just about to ask, Sister Li had led them all to Building 42. The girl named Xiao Yu with a ponytail just now was standing at the door, beckoning to them with a enthusiastic smile: "Sister Li! I have arranged the bed, and I took some pillows and sheets from the warehouse and replaced them. Sister Li came and took a look. ?"

"No, I don't worry about your work." Sister Li responded, then turned her head and smiled at the three of them: "You will follow Xiao Yu, and she is responsible for life in this building. You go in first, and I will talk to Xiao Yu. Say a few words."

The three nodded and smiled, feeling like they had entered a boarding school-they opened the door and entered the corridor.

As soon as I entered the building, I immediately felt that the temperature was much lower, and the skin pores that had been fainted by the high temperature could also start to breathe-although judging from the physical sense, it should be more than 50°, but the difference is not far; Compared with the outside temperature that can kill people, the progress of the heat insulation test of Professor Bai seems to be quite amazing so far.

Lin Sanjiu was the last to come in, and she retracted her back foot, and Xiao Yu pushed the door behind her. Facing her somewhat surprised look, Xiao Yu hurriedly smiled and motioned them to go inside and wait. Lin Sanjiu nodded, turned around and was about to leave, suddenly thinking of something, and then stopped again-the white light of her hands hidden behind her appeared, and an intercom was added.

This is still left by the voles.

I don't know what's going on, Lin Sanjiu really wanted to hear what the Oasis people would say in private when outsiders were away. When Xiao Yu turned around, she silently and quickly put the walkie-talkie behind the door crack, and then quickly walked into the lobby on the first floor. Probably the reason was that they all went to bed. In the hall, only Luzer and Mather took all her actions into their eyes.

After all, they had experienced several life and death games together. Although the two were a little surprised, they didn't say anything, and quickly adjusted their expressions to be very natural. Lin Sanjiu took the walkie-talkie pinned to Mather's waist, turned his back and rang.

Sister Li's voice came from the sound of electric current.

"...Although the police department also came forward this time... but I discovered it first... and took them around..." The walkie-talkie is not a microphone, and there is a door behind it, and the sound quality sounds very bad. The ears of the three people were almost attached, and finally a clear sentence came—"Anyway, the three people should be mine this time?"

The three of them were taken aback, glanced at each other, and moved closer to the intercom again.

Xiao Yu sounded like she was practicing Tai Chi: "...It should be counted as yours in theory...but this has to be done... or you can ask... ...."

"Look for him... a dignified cadre..." Sister Li seemed to complain, and then smiled at Xiao Yu a little wary: "...Don't mention it to the outside world. You. Also know me..."

Xiao Yu nodded in agreement.

"Quickly, put it away," Luze, who had been watching the wind outside the door, suddenly urged: "They seem to be finished."

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly pressed off the intercom, Mather took it and pinned it to her waist, and the three of them quickly moved apart. At this time, Xiao Yu had already said goodbye to Sister Li and opened the door. Lin Sanjiu raised her heart and glanced at the direction in which she hid the walkie-talkie. However, it was too late to retrieve it, because Xiao Yu had already He smiled and said, "Everyone, come with me and take a look at your dormitory in the future. We have spent a lot of effort to make it as comfortable as possible!"

I had no choice but to find another opportunity to get it. Lin Sanjiu deliberately dragged his steps to the end, flashing white light in his hand again, and a card flew over the intercom and turned into a black cloth to cover it.

Fortunately, I didn't notice all this light rain. This is a girl with a round face and a short stature. She felt enthusiastic and straightforward when she first came into contact. However, after a few words of conversation, she can experience a kind of slickness that she cultivated prematurely out of society. But this slickness is hidden in her smile, but it is not annoying-Xiao Yu led a few people down to the negative floor, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Because the downstairs is cooler, it is full. You guys. I’ll just live on the ground floor!"

With that, he pushed open the iron gate of the negative layer.

The original purpose of the two floors underground is no longer visible at all--

The negative floor covering a vast area is divided into small single rooms by countless white building materials. On the building material board in front of each single room, a rectangular gap was opened to act as a door, and colorful curtains of various colors were hung.

The crowded rooms divide the space into several large pieces, and the aisles are cut into narrow strips. Although there are lights in the basement, it is energized, and the narrow and crowded aisles appear even darker. In some rooms, there was a slight snoring sound, mixed with the smell of the crowd, and the space was filled with a strange and sleepy atmosphere.

"Come on, Miss Lin will live here." After walking for seven or eight minutes after entering the door, Xiao Yu pulled up the curtain at the door of a single room. Lin Sanjiu looked up and saw the number: 1629 written on his private room.

Lin Sanjiu glanced inside.

The iron canopy bed is not big, with a thin cushion. The pillow was flat, and a bed sheet was folded up, probably used as a quilt. If this condition were to be placed in a slum before the arrival of the new world; but for Lin Sanjiu, who had slept on a hard floor for a month, it was already very good.

Luzer and Mather’s rooms were arranged far away, one in 1734 and one in 1736, and it took more than a hundred rooms to get there. Xiaoyu said it was because there were more and more people in the oasis, and the room was tense-"If Professor Bai’s insulation test was completed sooner, we would all be able to move into the building. I will definitely put you three together. "She said with a smile.

"Then you go over first, I'll settle down first." Lin Sanjiu said to Xiao Yu quickly—this is a perfect opportunity to get the walkie-talkie back.

Xiao Yu responded, exhorted a few words, and took Luzer and Mather away. They left with their front feet, and Lin Sanjiu immediately turned around and returned to the lobby on the first floor.

Pushing the door open, she looked around a little nervously-just like before, half of a person was naked.

She rushed toward the door quickly, but she didn't expect that behind the door was empty, the slightest trace of the intercom.

She was startled, and couldn't help but whispered "Huh?" Her eyes moved back and forth-at this moment, a hand suddenly fell on her shoulder from behind.

"What are you looking for?"

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