Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1614: Outside the rabbit hole

She... where is she?

When Lin Sanjiu suddenly woke up, a heart was pounding violently, and the palm of his hand was full of cold sweat-it was her heart, her palm, and her body was back. No, it never seems to have left. It's better to say that she perceives her body again.

Before her vision became clear again, Lin Sanjiu had jumped up; when she stood firm, she realized that her neck was still twisted to the right, as if she was still looking at Louqin in that direction.

Turning her head, as her breathing became steady, she gradually saw clearly.

A dozen steps away in front of him, Wu Yiliu was sitting on a big rock among the trees. He leaned forward with his arms on his knees, and his hair was soaked, and a lock of it stuck to his cheek; the mist of pale white water was constantly being beaten from his shoulders and back, like a halo. , Gently wrapped him up.

His face was soaked white by the rain, and drops of water followed his skeleton, dripping from the tip of his nose and chin-although there was not a single bit of rain at this moment.

Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu was slightly startled, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at his arms and bodies, they were indeed dry.

She raised her head, half a thin, faded white moon floated on the sea-like night, and the vast and deep mountains sank quietly on the bottom of the sea.

She is too familiar with this place. Lin Sanjiu just couldn't figure out why she and Wu Yiliu would suddenly return from the Twelve Realms to the mountain forest where the camping hut was located; and there seemed to be an invisible rainstorm that was hitting this mountain forest, but The only thing affected by rain is a willow in the house in front of him.

...This scene is also strangely familiar.

"A willow in the house?"

Lin Sanjiu screamed softly, as if it had been many years before he could move his feet again. "is it you?"

She could feel that it was indeed a willow, although she was not sure about what the willow looked like. During those years, of course, he had looked in the mirror, only the scenes that reflected his appearance, like the trivial things like eating and washing up, were vaguely unclear.

The young man didn't seem to hear her cry. She approached, and in the dim night, she finally found that his thin lips were gently closing and closing, and he seemed to be talking-but there was no sound.

Lin Sanjiu carefully squatted down in front of him.

... She already understands a bit.

She looked down at her hands-no difference from the last time she saw them. Round nails are cut short, with crooked edges and not smooth. Her hair was the same as before, only barely touching the collarbone; the hair cut randomly was divided into two layers, the upper half was short and the lower half was long.

She did not spend many years with Yiliu, otherwise her nails and hair would not be the same length.

"There is a willow in the house," Lin Sanjiu whispered, "Can you hear me? Here...this is your memory, right?"

The young man is still talking silently, ignorant of her existence; although the body is indeed sitting here, it is still like a pale white figure floating in the water, as if reaching out and touching it, he will melt away with the waves .

Lin Sanjiu looked at his lips carefully for a while, and probably restored what he said.

"Professor Qiao was sitting on the sofa with his tea cups in his hands. It looked like the whole house was her temple alone..."

She shivered and got goose bumps.

This is the scene when Wu Yiliu is sitting in the mountains and forests under heavy rain, telling "Abi" about his home world; she once experienced the transformation of the human world with that narration and memory-Lin Sanjiu Tengdi stood up, took a few steps back, and quickly looked around.

This is indeed the memory scene of the house and the willow; I am afraid that the house and the willow sitting on the boulder is also an image constructed from his memory-because when people recall the past, they will not appear like themselves in the perspective of others.

This place... Where is it? has no meaning?

Where did the gift pack go?

In a short period of time, Lin Sanjiu "lived" Wu Yiliu's life for several years. For a time, her original thinking and memory continued to be a bit inconsistent; in fact, it was only now that she suddenly remembered. She was with the gift bag--ah, not just the gift bag, before she was swallowed by the suddenly broken universe, there was also a data body Yu Yuan beside her.

At first, she seemed to have fallen into a street in a city; after removing the space suit, she walked blankly for a while, not knowing why she suddenly entered the memory of the house Yiliu. As for the gift package and Yu Yuan, she didn't even know where to look.

Amidst all doubts, she carefully reached out and touched a willow on the big rock. She had never experienced this kind of touch before in her life: it was not the warm flesh and blood of a real human body, but a kind of novel touch that was soft, light, and separated with the palm of her hand. If the light is made into a bowl of soup, maybe it's the feel.

She should have never seen or touched Wu Yiliu himself, but she didn't know how to survive his memory, and the real Wu Yiliu could be anywhere in the world at this time.

Since it wasn't him, she couldn't ask for Lou Qin's whereabouts.

However, at least she already knew that Lou Qin was in the Twelve Realms-Lin Sanjiu suddenly frowned.


...In which twelve realms?

It's strange, now think about it, in the memory of Wu Yiliu spanning forty months, there is no mention of which twelve world the "driver" copy is actually in. Even a few years later, in the part of his memories when he got the visa, the name of the world was blank-it was like a hole was dug in his memory.

Is this wrong?

Lin Sanjiu looked at the young man. He is still sitting in the invisible rainstorm, and he must experience the past over and over again, enter the copy over and over again, see the deformed person again, and constantly recall the home world.

She suddenly thought of Qiao Yuan Temple inexplicably. The female professor she had never really met, once told Melon cryptically that she was very worried about the house; in his future life, it seemed that some tragedy or disaster was hidden, and the root was his own .

When Lin Sanjiu witnessed Wu Yiliu killing Pence and planning to starve everyone to death, she also shuddered at him; but now she woke up from that past and looked at the entity that didn’t exist. "The house is a willow", but there was an urge to open the umbrella for him to cover the heavy rain.

When he was in the rain, he seemed to have no intention of strategizing and Zhizhu holding; he was thin and fragile, shaking gently in the cold rain, as if he had never left his home world, now A willow in his house is just a shadow cast by that young man.

In the end, Lin Sanjiu did nothing. She just chose a direction where the mountains and forests were gradually sparse, and left behind the "house and willow" under the rain.

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