Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1616: What to do when you get lost in the mountains

five minutes! Lan Niang waits for me, Chen Lang will be here soon!

The building where Chen Jinfeng's office is located is right next to the factory entrance. When the three of them came out of the cafeteria, Oasis had already started a day's work in the night-under the light of searchlights, busy and orderly figures came and went everywhere, letting Lin San walk leisurely. The wine group looked particularly eye-catching.

Of course, the leisurely gait is mainly due to Feng Qiqi. He is very interested in everything about the oasis, slowly as if he is sightseeing, and no matter how big the opinions of the other two are, he must look carefully at everything. When he walked near the gate, he suddenly made a soft "Oh?"

"What's the matter with you?" Mather gave him a blank glance. Feng Qiqi smiled disapprovingly, and lifted his chin toward the door.

Lin Sanjiu followed his gaze and looked over.

Even on an ordinary day like today, there are still three or five men with big waists sitting at the gate of the oasis. They guarded the gate, with Erlang's legs upturned, chatting one after another, and two of them were leaning on an axe. Just as Lin Sanjiu looked over, someone happened to draw a cigarette from behind his ear, touched his pocket, and then cursed, "I didn't bring fire!"

The other man sitting beside him smiled and said something, and moved his index finger up. In the night, that finger became redder and brighter—then the cigarette **** lit up, and a burst of smoke rose.

Others didn't even lift their eyelids, and seemed to have long been used to such things.

This should obviously be a good phenomenon--it shows that there are many people who have evolved naturally in the oasis--but Lin Sanjiu suddenly understood what Feng Qiqi meant. Don’t talk about anything else...what are you putting so many people at the door?

While turning this doubt in her heart, she went upstairs, found 306, and knocked on the door.

"Ah, someone is coming again!"

A laugh suddenly sounded behind the door, and the door was suddenly opened by a strange boy, and the three of them were taken aback. The boy was tall, 1.9 meters tall, and he looked about the same age as Luzer. Under a blue hoodie, he had the physique of an athlete. He greeted a few people into the house very familiarly: "Are you new to join? Welcome, we have to take pictures of each other in a while!"

Lin Sanjiu walked into the room in confusion and was immediately taken aback. They really didn't expect that there were so many people in Chen Jinfeng's small office.

A brawny dark man who looked like an iron tower, wearing a sleeveless shirt, holding his arms in the corner with his eyes closed. Sitting next to him was a woman with a graceful figure. She couldn't tell her age. A big wave seemed very enchanting. She had a little girl in her arm. She seemed to have just started elementary school, she was just eight or nine years old, she still combed. With a pair of croissant braids. There is another familiar face among these people, and it is actually Hu Changzai. With the addition of Lin Sanjiu and the others, these eight people filled the room of about ten square meters, and it was a little difficult to turn around.

"That...Are you all here waiting to arrange work?" Lin Sanjiu asked in a low voice, seeing that the tall boy was very talkative.

"Oh, Xiao Lu, you guys are here too? Okay, now this team is all here!"

The boy just nodded, and Chen Jinfeng's passionate voice suddenly rang from the crowd. Lin Sanjiu swept his gaze around and didn't see his figure, until the tower-like man moved around, she saw Chen Jinfeng squeeze out from behind him with difficulty. He walked to the center of the room, shook the paper in his hand, and said loudly: "Attention everyone, let me explain this work first!"

The noise in the room quickly lowered, and eight pairs of eyes were cast toward Chen Jinfeng.

"From the report of the investigation team last night, the small group of fallen species in the west has wandered to the original Longhua Road. It only takes 20 minutes to walk from Longhua Road to our factory area. This pair of oasis It's a very dangerous distance-so today, your mission of the action team is to attack west. After finding this small group of fallen species, you will immediately eliminate this hidden danger. I will hand over the specific investigation report to the captain in a moment. , The team leader will lead today's action. Now, do you have any questions?" Chen Jinfeng looked at everyone.

The task is not difficult and the process is very clear, so no one raised objections. The room was quiet for a few seconds. Hu Chang looked around and found that no one around him was planning to speak. He was embarrassed for a while, or finally raised his hand and asked, "Well, who is the captain?"

Suddenly something inexplicable flashed across Chen Jinfeng's face. Immediately he coughed, looked down at the paper in his hand and said: "...Then I will introduce your captain Xu Xiaoyang to everyone. She will take the lead in today's action."

Xu Xiaoyang... classmate?

Lin Sanjiu just a little bit of doubt about this name, only to see the little girl with croissants stood up, nodded to everyone, and said crisply, "Hello everyone, I am Captain Xu Xiaoyang. Action for a while. , I have to ask everyone to help."

The room was quiet again.

To say that Jing was just because no one wanted to show off, now everyone is completely dumbfounded. The only ones with the same expression are probably Chen Jinfeng and the enchanting long-haired woman——

The first one who couldn't hold back was the dark brawny man. He stood up suddenly, with a gloomy face, staring at Chen Jinfeng and asking, "This yellow-haired girl is the captain? Cadre Chen, are you kidding me?"

Chen Jinfeng lowered his eyes and didn't even look at him: "Why would I make a joke about this kind of thing. This is what we decided after researching, Iron Knife, you have to cooperate with Captain Xu's work."

The brawny man named Iron Knife uttered "Ha" immediately, and his voice was full of hostility: "I respect you as a cadre, don't really take yourself as a dish. Ask me to follow a yellow-haired girl's **** and be obedient, I His mother will never do it—"

Chen Jinfeng's expression turned ugly when he heard "Pan'er dish", and then he quickly glanced at Xu Xiaoyang, who was standing with his head down.

This glance fell in Lin Sanjiu's eyes. Before she could figure out why she wanted to see Xu Xiaoyang, she heard a loud "bang" in the room. The thick and strong iron knife was already like a rag. , Was slammed against the wall heavily, the wall shook violently, and the earthquake dropped a large piece of reflective fabric.

In the falling dust, even the iron knife himself was shocked, forgetting to get angry.

It was the silent, slender long-haired woman who threw him against the wall.

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