Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1626: Short film

It will be well soon, my schedule is no schedule

After driving for nearly 20 minutes the first two times, Luzer walked for almost an hour.

According to Li Zhijun's intelligence, that degenerate species will often cruise around the building where he lives, looking for pedestrians who are alone. But Luze walked a few laps five hundred meters away from the building, and he didn't see the shadow of the fallen species——

"It seems that the guy is quite cautious and refuses to go far." Lin Sanjiu's thoughtful voice came from the intercom. "Then, you can get closer! Remember, you must hide when you find it, and then you know what to do?"

Lu Ze said with a "um": "Don't worry, I have experience in this area."

"Okay, keep in touch."

After pressing the call, Luzer put away the walkie-talkie and walked slowly towards the building where the corrupt partner was. The "Eagle Vision" ability was maximized by him. In this range, as long as there is something wrong, he can immediately notice.

After breathing out slowly, Luzer's heart was beating.

In today's battle, the highlight is actually on him, and the pressure can be imagined.

As he approached the building cautiously, Luzer did not forget to find a cover to cover his whereabouts. It would be too wrong to be shot by the woman upstairs before discovering the Fallen Species... But in that year in the war world, Luzer learned a lot of hidden skills, so it was easy to do.

The building where the sniper is hidden can be said to stand out in the neighborhood-probably the demolition has not yet started, and there are still many six or seven-story self-built buildings. On the street where there were many small shops, it was as if dead at this time, and even the body was turned into ashes.

A man’s figure dragged a long black shadow, and suddenly came out from the corner without warning, and dragged his foot slowly-Lu Ze was shocked, and immediately shrank aside and hid in a block. Behind the signboard covered with yellow sand.

Observing this distance visually, the Fallen Species should not be able to hear his own voice, and Luzer turned on the intercom.

"I saw it." How low and how low is his voice, "Little Jiu, are you sure last time he said that the sniper was'his woman'?"

"Yes, I'm 100% sure."

"Okay, then I'll start!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Ze stared at the degenerate looking very leisurely in the distance, and said "girlfriend" silently in his heart.

In almost an instant, Luzer saw a waterfall of long black hair hanging down his shoulders. ——No matter how many times he transformed, every new image still made him feel very fresh——He reached out his hand and touched the smooth hair, touched the small and smooth face, and found that his two hands had become too. White and tender, with a very expensive bracelet on her slender wrist.

"I succeeded... I said, this guy's girlfriend still looks like a white and rich girl." Lu Ze smiled softly at the intercom. "Slim hair with big chest and waist, very good..."

The two women on the other side of the walkie-talkie made a "chirp" at the same time. Maser seemed to mutter "adolescence" in a low voice, and Lin Sanjiu's helpless voice was also very clear: "You can't be serious? Okay, hurry up and get out... Hey, the lord of li, li, What are you doing--"

After her surprised voice was a murmur, it sounded like the walkie-talkie in her hand had been taken away, and then only Li Zhijun solemnly shouted: "Don't go out!"

A foot wearing red mid-heeled shoes that Luze had just stepped out suddenly froze.

Li Zhijun's anxious voice continued: "I have seen that sniper look, not pretty, she is an ordinary woman with short hair! You are out of shape! Hey? Hey! Have you heard--"

No matter how he shouted, there was no answer-because Luzer had silently turned off the intercom.

Li Zhijun's reminder was still one step too late.

Lu Ze took a step just now, and by coincidence, he just ran into the sight of the Fallen Seed. Just as the Li Zhijun was speaking, the Fallen Species had already rushed in this direction with all excitement-at this speed, the two could come face to face in less than ten seconds.

Luzer suppressed the tension, did not move, and quickly put away the intercom. Immediately he picked up his shoulders and yelled "Ah" in the woman's voice as if terrified.

Sure enough, when he was about to rush to his eyes, the Fallen Seed stopped abruptly, and even the long mouthpart could not conceal the surprise on its face: "Meiye?"

Lu Ze raised his head in horror, revealing his current beautiful and delicate female face, with tears on his tender face.

The next sentence of Depravity immediately asked Luzer to confirm: Lin Sanjiu's intelligence was correct, it was a **** mistake—"Miye? Why are you here? Where is your boyfriend?"

I X. Suddenly, Luzer had only this sentence to say.

...His ability has one of the biggest flaws that Lin Sanjiu didn't know. When Luzer activates his abilities, he must say that the opponent's relationship can be deformed. However, in reality, he can only become a "person who the other party thinks fits this relationship"-in other words, this fallen species obviously doesn't think that the sniper upstairs is his girlfriend, but this man named Meiye. And a woman who already has a boyfriend can be called his girlfriend.

So, I hate people who mess with men and women! Lu Ze snarled in his heart, but his face was still terrified and pitiful: "I, I and him have long been separated...but you, why did you become like this?"

The eyes of the Fallen Species rolled, looked up and down at the woman in front of him, and then laughed and said, "I have evolved an ability called physical transformation. Don't look at me, although I am not very good-looking, but it is very powerful."

In order to better display his ability to transform, Lu Ze has worked **** acting-even if he heard such nonsense, he still nodded slightly as if he was a little scared, and looked away from his mouthparts. Turned it on, sobbing and said, "This world is terrible now..."

"I said, what about your father? So rich people, wouldn't they even have no future?" The Fallen Species asked casually, and suddenly asked a little eagerly: "Also, have you evolved? Evolved? What ability?"

It turned out to be so. Luze sneered in his heart.

"Our house... has an underground refuge room, and a lot of fresh water is prepared. During this time, I lived in the refuge room... By the way, if you need it, you can also go." Lu Ze Said, while quietly examining its look. Seeing the degenerate species heard the word "water", he was really indifferent-he went on to say: "...As for the ability, except for the ability to adapt to high temperatures, I don't seem to have evolved."

This time, the face of the Fallen Species slowly changed.

If the look that flashed by at the beginning was disappointed, maybe it has turned into a laugh now? The muscles under the eyes of the Fallen Species gradually squeezed together, and their eyes were completely squinted-"There is no evolution... Then why did you come out alone?"

Before Luzer could think about how to answer it, he said to himself: "I think so, you come with me back to my place and I will protect you. How?"

As he said, the uncomfortable half smile became thicker.

Do you want to go back and smoke me again? Still want to eat slowly...? Lu Ze sneered from the bottom of his heart, but on the surface he looked "saved", and said with gratitude: "That's great! Then, I'll go with you—"

The Fallen sorted out the clothes on his body, and unexpectedly made a please gesture, beckoning the lady to go first.

Luze smiled shyly at him like a girl, lifted up his steps and walked forward.

The fallen species immediately followed.

In the middle of the night, only the footsteps of two people echoed unhurriedly on the empty street.

"Do you remember, Miha? When we first met..." Suddenly the depravity behind him made a sound.

Luzer's heart jumped. The deformity doesn't give him any information-so he just hummed.

"Then I saw you for the first time, and I felt that only you are the woman who can be worthy of me." This fallen species is probably due to the fact that there is no shortage of food every day and the body is full of water. At this time, there is still the mind to remember the past : "How happy we were together... Do you remember?"

"Yes, yes..."

"Because you like the beach, so let's go to Boracay, Maldives, Tahiti...all. Thinking about it now, it was really like a dream at that time?" As he said, the voice of Depravity suddenly slowed down. Something else infiltrated the ground: "If it weren’t for your dad to force us apart... Hey, I admit that you took a lot of money when we were together--but I really like you too. ."

Luzer didn't know what to say anymore-he thought about it, so he sobbed pretendingly, and said, "I understand."

"You understand? You understand why you ended up with that rich second generation? You, like your dad, think I am not enough, right?" Fallen kind raised his voice sharply, shocking Lu Ze. No matter it suddenly laughed again, "Miyah, don't you know, this world has become like this, I'm so happy..."

The skin on Lu Ze's back suddenly felt the air shock, and then even a faint wind hit him. He had already put all his attention behind his back and watched. At this moment, when the wind rang in his ears, his body lowered with the trend——

When he jumped to the side shortly, he saw a long black shadow that just swept over his head.

Unexpectedly, one shot was missed, and the Fallen Kin stared at him in surprise.

Lu Ze sneered coldly, kicked out the mid-heeled shoes on his feet, and put on a posture ready to fight. "Meiye"'s tender feet directly stepped on the asphalt road that had been baked at high temperature for a day, and it hurt him slightly-but this little pain made him more sober.

"You... can hide it?"

"It seems that you have eaten too much soft food, and your skills are not very good." Lu Ze laughed.

Before he finished his words, his mouthparts were already drawn heavily towards him.

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