Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1627: mode

Soon, 5 minutes!

"...It sounds embarrassing to say, but I don't know how to tell the south, east, and northwest."

The red flames leaped, casting lights and shadows on Lin Sanjiu's face. After being baked by the high temperature, the fat oozes out of the meat, making a tempting sound, and some drops fall into the fire from time to time, and the flames immediately rises high.

"Plus I was not familiar with this place, so I didn't expect that I jumped 300 kilometers to the south and landed directly on the bottom of the sea." At this point, Shen Lianqi gave a bitter smile and touched very distressedly. A pair of shoes in hand. "Although this is an old version that has been discontinued in the arsenal, the price is still very high on the black market. I didn’t expect it to be destroyed by soaking in sea water... Well, probably when the arsenal was designed, no one expected to wear it. Jump into the sea."

Lin Sanjiu didn't expect that she would meet Shen Lianqi at a depth of 10,000 meters.

And...this is Shen Lianqi.

——After all, the two are first acquaintances. Would it be too rude to directly ask "that matter"?

Lin Sanjiu worked hard for a while, and finally looked away from him. She pretended to be nonchalant, and turned around the half-cooked meat in her hand--because there was no iron drill or wooden stick, she simply peeled off some long fish bones instead, and skewered the meat piece by piece on it. -Then he asked without squinting, "...You have been living on the bottom of the sea for a month?"

"Yeah," Shen Lianqi said with ease, "Here is a deep trench. Without escape shoes, it is too difficult to climb out of a cliff of nearly 10,000 meters. Fortunately, there are some mutated marine creatures, hungry. Immortal, and for a long time, I actually think that life under the sea is quite leisurely."

"Then the strange big fish just now... has mutated?" Lin Sanjiu frowned and thought for a while, "but why did I see a McDonald's?"

"Have you heard of a deep-sea dragon fish? There is a light-emitting device on the chin to lure prey to approach..." Shen Lianqi said, and gestured on his chin, "When I first came here, I was lucky. , This dragon fish didn’t find me, but instead turned to another mutated...Ah, who knows what it is, started. The illuminator lit up, and the other thing didn’t know what was going on, as if being fascinated. Yes, I walked stupidly into the arowana's mouth step by step...Looking at how excited it was at the time, I guess, in the eyes of the other party, the head of the arowana fish may have become a female nest, attracting It went in for joy, and the dragon fish bit it into two in one bite."

With that said, Lin Sanjiu also remembered. She had indeed heard that some deep-sea creatures would use light-emitting devices to trap their prey, and immediately fought a cold war. Compared with those creatures, she was too small, and the dragon fish didn't need to bite her, otherwise she would be finished in one bite in the state of her confusion.

"Speaking of this, Miss Lin, you are too powerful! Such a big dragon fish died in a few seconds..." Shen Lianqi sighed, "You said it was because of...'Usu Poison'?"

That's right—Lin Sanjiu nodded.

When I walked into the "McDonald's", the glass door opened automatically, and she stepped in without touching anything. It was not until the floor was tilted that Lin Sanjiu fell to the ground at once, and his skin made direct contact with the "McDonald's", which is the mouth of the dragon fish; therefore, after six seconds, the dragon fish died of 【Wu Su Du].

"It happened so fast, I haven't reacted yet." She smiled embarrassedly.

"Haha! I think your grilling fish is not slow!" Shen Lianqi chuckled and smacked his lips as if it was a pity: "Hey, this fish was poisoned to death by you, and only you can eat it..."

Lin Sanjiu moved uncomfortably.

Why are you still thinking about eating fish now? This sentence rolled over from her heart, and did not ask aloud when she resisted.

"By the way, you can wear this top of mine. Although there is no one here, a girl can't be without a top." Shen Lianqi took off his shirt and said with a smile; "I use it anyway. Not on."

Lin Sanjiu hesitated for a moment, but took it and put it on him. Suddenly, a thick sea smell filled her nose.

The fish was almost grilled, Lin Sanjiu grabbed a handful of sea salt and sprinkled it on the meat, and suddenly a salty smell of meat came out from the fish. The deep-sea arowana is very ugly, and the meat is rough and hard to chew, but when eaten in the mouth of Lin Sanjiu, who has not eaten meat for almost a year, it still feels fragrant and delicious.

After eating a kilogram of fish in a row, Lin Sanjiu finally stopped--not that she was full, but facing Shen Lianqi like this, she really couldn't eat it anymore.

After thinking about it, she finally made up her mind, and opened her mouth to ask the question that had been occupying her mind.

"Shen Lianqi, why... why have you become a fish?"

——It may not be appropriate to say that it is a fish.

Although Shen Lianqi’s cheeks gave birth to two pieces that looked like fish gills; one pair of feet became two fish tails, and a piece of bluish-white fish scales spread along his calf, making his The legs looked like the lower body of two diverged merfolk-but after all, he still retained his human form.

"Haha!" Shen Lianqi touched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "I was not used to it at first, but after a long time, I found it really convenient!"

No, this is not an inconvenience problem for Fang... Lin Sanjiu watched him blankly and raised his hand, revealing a fin under his arm.

… Obviously half of his body has almost turned into a fish, but somehow, I always feel that compared to when he was on the dock, his personality seems to have changed a lot-more cheerful, calm, and smart but flexible. The very timid impression is quite different.

"By the way, your question reminded me. Come, I will show you where I live. Maybe I can still meet my friend." Shen Lianqi suddenly stood up-two replaced feet The fish tail, looking very strong, supported his body firmly.

friend? Under the sea, where is your friend?

Lin Sanjiu was full of doubts, but still stood up. She converted the several large arowana meats into cards and put them away, and followed Shen Lianqi to the water's edge.

"Behind this area of ​​water, there is a sunken ship that happened to be stuck in the rock. The hull of the ship was not damaged. I live there now."

With a plop, he jumped into the water, Lin Sanjiu was digging with her hands and feet; she was not very good at swimming, she started to float up and down after a while, and choked up a few salivas—Shen Lianqi couldn’t see it, and motioned Lin Sanjiu to use his shirt. A knot was tied on his waist, she grabbed the other end, and the fish tail slapped, and the two slid out smoothly in the sea.

"Look, I said it's very convenient for me." He smiled a little smugly.

Lin Sanjiu simply didn't know what to answer him.

Shen Lianqi seems to feel very natural about what he looks like now-so it seems that it might be his own choice to become a murloc. Maybe he used a magical prop from the "Twelve Central Realms"?

In the darkness, there was only the sound of water crashing when the waves were split. Lin Sanjiu was dragged and swam in the dark sea for a while, only to hear Shen Lianqi suddenly say "here", and then she called out [Ability Polishing Agent], and held the small bottle high above her head. The light suddenly spilled far away.

In the cold light, there was indeed a huge white passenger ship, sandwiched between two rocks, half of which was exposed in the air crookedly, and the other half was sunk below the black water surface. This passenger ship was probably sunk by the waves. Although its skin has been dilapidated, its style is still very new. It seems to be a tourist cruise ship.

The two stopped under the rock, climbed the stone to the top, and jumped onto the deck of the passenger ship.

Shen Lianqi lived here for more than a month. Two fish tails swayed back and forth. He told Lin Sanjiu familiarly, "...The guest rooms are basically submerged in water, and the captain's room and restaurant are still exposed outside. Oh. By the way, I also found a lot of bottled fresh water in the cab, enough for the two of us to drink."

Lin Sanjiu's eyes lit up: "Great! I was worried just now, thinking I have to drink fish blood to live."

The precious bottled water had already been taken out by Shen Lianqi and stored in the captain's room. This is a foreign passenger ship, and the water is also a foreign brand. The shape of the bottle is quite novel, but the labels are soaked. Lin Sanjiu couldn't wait to unscrew a bottle, and the cool mineral water flowed into her body along her esophagus, and suddenly felt that the internal organs were moisturized.

It felt like she hadn't drunk water for a long time-she couldn't bear to put down half of the mineral water she had drunk, and after carding it easily, she walked onto the deck with Shen Lianqi.

"You go shopping here first," he said with a smile, "I'm going to find my friends."

He probably saw her expression, and he added another sentence: "Don't worry, they are all good people. After I came here, I relied on them for a lot of help. Look around, I'm leaving. !"

...Is it other human beings who have fallen to the bottom of the sea for various reasons? Lin Sanjiu had a question in his mouth. Before he could ask, Shen Lianqi had already plunged into the water.

No way, just like he said, look around—Lin Sanjiu walked back and forth on the boat twice while holding [Abilities Polishing Agent].

The freshness of seeing the sunken ship for the first time gradually disappeared.

After one person was missing, the surroundings fell into a deadly silence, and the darkness gradually enveloped her like the substance. Every time you take a step, the sound of footsteps will arouse long echoes in the empty iron boat. Lin Sanjiu's mood would become empty and lonely when he thought that he was at the bottom of the 10,000-meter ocean floor.

Did Shen Lianqi spend a month alone like this? It really takes a little willpower.

Not wanting to leave, she put away the ability polisher and called out the mineral water card. Just after removing it from the card, Lin Sanjiu suddenly "Huh?", as if he felt something was wrong.

But before she could think about it carefully, Shen Lianqi's a little excited voice came from outside the ship: "Miss Lin, my friends are here!"

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