Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1628: Mortar

five minutes! Good soon!

"I'm **** you shameless guys! I'm in the car, the car...Turn on the air conditioner and let us suffer! Huh?"

Accompanied by a dull crash on the car door, a slurred angry shout suddenly sounded from the street—Lin Sanjiu frightened the dark shadow and lost her direction. She hurriedly stepped the brake to the bottom. , The car made an unpleasant creak, which at least did not hit the guardrail on the side of the road.

Looking back, he turned out to be a shirtless, sweaty man. At this moment, he was clutching a few bricks and smashing at the red Mazda frantically. While smashing it, he cursed: "You, you are not good things." ...Get out of me, get out..." Without finishing a sentence, he fell back and fainted.

Obviously, I was suffering from Chiyu just now.

Taking a breath, Lin Sanjiu retracted his gaze from the rearview mirror, still a little frightened. Crazy mania, coma, and sometimes hallucinations, these are all signs of severe dehydration under extreme heat——

She took a deep breath, accelerated under her feet, and drove straight to the community where Zhu Mei lived.

She had been to Zhu Mei's house many times-20 minutes later, when the car's headlights were shining on the words "Rongjun District", Lin Sanjiu slowly stopped the car and turned it out. Taking off the key, putting her bag on her back, turning on the flashlight, she walked towards the gate of the community.

The location of the residential area is a bit off, and there are usually no people nearby. At this time, it is as quiet as a dead city. However, just when he was about to walk to the front of the big iron gate, Lin Sanjiu suddenly trembled and stopped.

I looked around, and there was nothing unusual-she waited cautiously for another two minutes, and she was slightly relieved to see that there was still nothing unusual.

It seems that this "keen intuition" is not 100% accurate.

The Residential Quarter is an old building from the 1990s. Like all old buildings, there is also a guard at the entrance of the district. Because this area was not very safe, the iron gate was locked after 12 o'clock in the evening. But if someone comes back late at night, just knock on the iron door and the security guard on duty at the doorman will open the door with the key.

Looking at the watch, it is exactly two thirty in the morning. Lin Sanjiu stepped forward and shook the tightly locked iron door. The heavy brass lock banged the iron door with a creaking sound-the sound was so harsh that it gradually disappeared after a while. However, the surroundings were still quiet, without a trace of popularity.

"Brother Security, are you there? I'm here to find someone in Unit 2, please open the door for me!" Her clear voice spread far in the quiet night. But regardless of the hope in Lin Sanjiu's voice, there was still no echo in the guard's room.

Sigh, this is also expected. Lin Sanjiu looked up at the iron bars above the iron gate to prevent climbing, and his head started to hurt--don't look at the old community. The iron gate was newly installed recently, so it is not a fluke.

Lin Sanjiu hesitated and put his hand on the iron gate.

"keep it!"

As she whispered, a white light lit up in her palm again. But this time, the white light seemed to be a little powerless, and it flashed several times in the palm of her hand, and the iron gate still became me. This is the first time that Lin Sanjiu has tried to transform something so big and so heavy. She only felt that her heartbeat was gradually speeding up, and gradually she couldn't breathe, and her muscles began to sore.

Feeling as if a few thousand catties of iron were falling on his body, Lin Sanjiu's arms began to shake. Just when she was about to lose her support and withdrew her hands and gave up, she didn't know which white light was extinguished with a "pop".

The iron gate disappeared, turned into a card and fell on the ground. On the kindergarten level crayon drawing, there are two iron doors in a mess, and the lower corner of the card says:

【iron gate】

Two iron doors installed in the Rongjun District in 2012. There is no advantage except Shen.

Function: Nothing special, can't stand up when not installed in the wall.

... Lin Sanjiu is almost accustomed to this kind of useless broken cards, she slid into her pocket and hurriedly ran towards the 2 buildings where Zhu Mei lived.

The guard room behind him was still quiet and dark.

When Lin Sanjiu stood in front of Room 401, she was already panting into a cow. The moment that I put away the iron gate just now took her too much energy. Just now, she climbed the fourth floor in one breath. At this moment, Lin Sanjiu felt that his voice was shaking: "Zhu, Zhu Mei! Are you here... open the door? , I am, a little wine!"

Room 401 is also quiet. Lin Sanjiu's heart suddenly sank into her stomach-if Zhu Mei fainted in the room, she really didn't know what to do. Since 12 o'clock tonight, she has transformed three things: Ren Nan's body, hair, and iron gate. Today there is only one place left, but Zhu Mei's house has two doors!

Lin Sanjiu yelled unwillingly, slamming the door constantly, feeling extremely anxious. ——She noticed when she got out of the car just now. The temperature seems to be constantly rising. Judging from her annoying body sensation, the temperature at this moment is definitely more than 56°. Zhu Mei, an ordinary person, can survive... …

After shouting for a while, Lin Sanjiu felt smoking in his throat and had to stop and take a few sips of water. Putting the water bottle back in her bag, when she was about to raise her hand and knock on the door, she suddenly squeaked and the entrance door of Room 401 opened a crack.

"Zhu Mei, how are you--" Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly shone it with a flashlight.

However, the person who opened the door was not Zhu Mei, but a middle-aged woman who was about fifty years old with an oval face. The woman was suddenly illuminated by the bright light, and was busy blocking it with her hand-but even in such a moment, it was enough for Lin Sanjiu to see clearly.

With a "pop", Lin Sanjiu's phone fell to the ground.

She stared fiercely at the half of her face exposed in the crack of the door. It took a while before she had a reaction. She hurriedly touched her phone-the trembling flashlight hit the door again, and Lin Sanjiu finally found her. Voice: "...Mom?"

She only felt that her brain was muddy. "Mom, why are you... why are you here? Are you okay...? What the **** is going on?"

The middle-aged woman was almost crying, she hurriedly opened the door, "Come in, come in! It's great that you are fine! Mom is going to be worried..."

Lin Sanjiu was dragged in the door by her in a daze, and stopped in the hall. All her thoughts were hovering in her mind for a while, but she didn't know what to say; she was stunned, Lin Sanjiu swept away, and saw that beside her was a waist-high white shoe cabinet-this shoe cabinet she was too Familiar, it was she who bought it back with Zhu Mei.

A question came out instantly: "Mom, why are you at Zhu Mei's house? Where is Zhu Mei?"

Mother Lin wiped a tear, pulled a chair, and signaled Lin Sanjiu to enter the house and sit down. Seeing her sitting down, she choked and said, "...Since the weather has become so unusual, I have been worried that you are terribly worried. Tonight I heard that the power grid here is paralyzed, so I came here quickly... …I couldn’t get through with you, so I had to come to Zhu Mei first to see if I could wait for you. But...but Zhu Meihua doesn’t seem to work anymore..."

Mother Lin sobbed a few times and said, "She is a good boy...I know that you have a good relationship. Don't be too sad."

Lin Sanjiu sat still and was silent for a while, but turned off the flashlight on the phone. The room plunged into darkness again.

"I was mentally prepared on the way here... God has no choice but to accept her. Fortunately, Mom, you have nothing to do. This is better than anything..." In the dark, Lin Sanjiu wailed. Talking.

Mother Lin knew her daughter could not see, so she nodded. She wiped her face, smiled and said, "Your dad is okay, he is resting in the house. I'll call him—" After that, she turned and left.

"I'll go too--" Lin Sanjiu quickly stood up.

Mother Lin nodded as she walked, and reached out to push the bedroom door: "Hey..."

She just started talking, only hearing a gust of wind hit her head, Mother Lin was caught off guard, she was already hit hard with a "clam" on her head, and she immediately softened and fell to the ground, revealing Lin Sanjiu's behind her. Stature.

Lin Sanjiu held the chair high with arms that could hardly support it, and hurriedly put the chair down-but after putting down the chair, she did not let go, but instead held the handle of the chair tightly, as if facing an enemy Staring in the direction of the bedroom. For a while, in the quiet room, there was only her own heavy breathing.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of footsteps behind the bedroom door, and with a sudden jerk, the bedroom door was opened. A tall man with wide shoulders stood in the doorway, staring at the scene in front of him in shock and anger-with a little bit of outdoor light, he could barely see his look like a cool Xiao Lin Sanjiu.

"What are you doing?! That's your mother!" he roared.

The face on the opposite side that looked very similar to him had a cold expression at the moment.

"I hope she is my mother more than you." Lin Sanjiu took a deep breath and felt the muscles in his arms and thighs jump and jump due to fatigue. "My parents died in a car accident ten years ago. I did everything from corpse recognition to burial....Who are you two? Where is my friend?"

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