Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1634: Dispose of

The text will be ready soon, and you can wait...too sleepy. I have just boiled for 30 hours. It is said that without sleeping for 24 hours, the brain state is almost the same as the state containing 5% alcohol. In other words, I am driving under the influence... …

After the fire was gone, the deep trench returned to its former silence, and fell into a cloud of invisible fingers, as if it had been in such darkness since ancient times. The faint sound of water waves became more and more deadly here-until a soft voice broke it.

"It's been so long? I almost waited to fall asleep."

As soon as the female's calm and steady voice fell, a cloud of silver light came up, dying the shape of the speaker from the darkness. Under her slightly messy short hair, there are a pair of amber, non-emotional eyes-either because of the look on her face or because of the white bandage around her neck, she is exuding a faint sense of killing. .

The sound of footsteps on the other side seemed a bit stunned.

Lin Sanjiu stood up and looked at the figure in front of him, with a smile on his lips: "Isn't it weird? You are coming to do it tonight, how would I know, right?"

Under the shining of silver light, there was no expression on the three puffy and pale faces.

After a long while, Hina spoke in a low voice. "Miss Lin, have you never trusted us?"

"...Because of this." Lin Sanjiu laughed and shook the mineral water bottle in his hand.

[AnotherWay's Mermaid Nutrition Liquid]

When you were with many people and crowded in the bus like sardines, you did not get off work until after seven o'clock. Do you feel tired?

Sitting in the ruins, gnawing on the moldy biscuits, I think that my family members are dead, and I am the only one who is still struggling for some reason. Don’t you feel at a loss?

Being born as a human is really painful and involuntary.

If someone can offer you a different path, a more relaxed, happy, and simple way, would you accept it?

……The above is the propaganda word that Mad Scientist A came up with for his latest laboratory work. As the propaganda suggests, this bottle of mermaid nutrient solution can gradually replace human body cells with adult fish cells at the cellular level. If you drink this nutrient solution for a long time or in large quantities, it can eventually become The mermaid is completely body.

Introduction: Mermaid is a more advanced and superior race than human beings. (Crazy scientist A said in 6958.) Mermaid almost completely abandons the negative thoughts and emotions in the human mind. Therefore, mermaid is an eternally peaceful and happy creature, without suspicion, suspicion, and desire. After becoming a mermaid, you will live freely in the deep sea from now on, without any worries.

History: The Mermaid Nutrient Liquid was banned in the second year after it was successfully developed. Since then, it can only be seen occasionally in remote places.

PS: After eating the full body of the mermaid, you can get a stronger and more sensitive body, a hundred years of life span, and a more flexible mind-these effects happen randomly. If you want all three, then eat three. A different mermaid is just fine.

"This thing is obviously a special item generated in the new world, not the stored water on this passenger ship. As the passengers on this ship, you should have known it. Are you not good friends? Why not tell him In fact, he desperately led him to drink water?" Lin Sanjiu said with a mocking smile. "Because you all can't wait to turn him into a mermaid and eat his meat?"

The three fallen species on the opposite side were silent for a few seconds.

After a while, Hank spoke, in a puzzled voice: "How did you know? I have obviously soaked all the labels in water..."

It turns out that these mermaid nourishing liquids were labeled before? This actually explains why the fallen species understand their characteristics-Lin Sanjiu didn't answer, and snorted softly.

"Really, I knew I shouldn't take it slowly. Just stepping on the neck and filling the whole box, we've already eaten the mermaid meat into our stomachs." Hank complained.

Henna’s gentle voice rang softly. If you don’t look at her face, it’s really as comfortable as a breeze: "Miss Lin, it’s a pity that you are poisonous, otherwise we can make you look like a mermaid. Live for a while... after you go to that world, don't blame us."

With a "clam," her voice fell, and there was a crashing sound in the distant darkness, as if someone had hit something.

Hina quickly turned her head, and while a piece of tissue on her neck fell off, Shen Lianqi's white face also emerged from the darkness.

Several fallen species never thought that he was listening, and suddenly seeing him show up, he couldn't react for a while. Lin Sanjiu laughed and shouted at him: "Did you hear what you said just now?"

In the dim light, Shen Lianqi nodded, his expression unclear.

"Ah, haha."

There was such a low voice from the other side. What Lin Sanjiu never expected was that Hank's eyes curled up and he actually smiled.

The current Shen Lianqi is not completely complete, the plan is equivalent to saying that it has been exposed, what is ridiculous?

Her doubts came to her mind, and she understood in the next second.

Shen Lianqi hurriedly walked towards several people, and explained to her: "Miss Lin, I believe there must be some misunderstanding in the middle. Don't criticize Brother Hank and them..."

The tone was firm and soft.

"... Didn't you hear the conversation just now?" Lin Sanjiu's eyes widened.

"I heard it." Shen Lianqi nodded, and then looked at Heina gently. "First of all, I believe Big Brother Hank is not that kind of people, don't I understand their hearts and minds? Secondly, even if they really want my meat, just cut a piece for them. I won't die..."

Hank laughed "haha" again, with an unpleasant smell in his voice: "Miss Lin, these things you do are useless, just give up. He is already a 70% mermaid. To this extent, his way of thinking is basically the same as that of a mermaid."

Lin Sanjiu had to admit that what he said was very likely to be true—because after he had said something in front of Shen Lianqi, the latter not only did not have the response he should have, but nodded in agreement. , Smiled and said "I like my current state."

This is called mermaid nourishing liquid? She couldn't help but cursed in her heart, she could actually brainwash people like this!

Hina on the side suddenly reached out and held Shen Lianqi's hand, and said in a low voice and softly: "Xiaoqi, Miss Lin just said that she wanted to go out, we will send her there. You go to sleep in the house and wait for us to come back. it is good?"

It was almost as if the brain had been taken away. Shen Lianqi nodded and responded with affectionate "OK"; he turned his head to Lin Sanjiu and said, "Miss Lin, if you want to go out, I wish you good luck. Have a good journey. You see how nice Brother Hank is to you—"

Before he could finish his words, a black figure suddenly jumped up, and Shen Lianqi was caught off guard. A heavy boot had already kicked on the back of his head, holding a heavy weight, and kicking him to the ground with one kick.

When his body fell on the deck, Lin Sanjiu angrily cursed: "I'll be angry when I hear you!"

The strength of this foot was too great, and Shen Lianqi fainted quickly under the severe pain.

Henna glanced at him and smiled softly: "It's a lot easier."

Her words were like a signal, and Hanke's mouthparts immediately shook his waist. Lin Sanjiu just wanted to retreat, only to hear the sound of water behind him, and then there was a smell of water. Dade took the opportunity to go around behind her just now.

If this is the case, then just don't avoid it. The mouthparts are also part of the body of the depraved species. As long as they come into contact with his own skin, Hank is also dead—

However, when her mouthparts were close to her eyes, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. She kicked her feet and wiped her sideways by Dade; the latter's mouthparts immediately followed, and Lin Sanjiu hurriedly rolled to the ground. Dodged dangerously.

Stopped and took a closer look, only to notice that their mouthparts were different from before: some distance from the end up, they were all covered by something black, which looked like The shell of something gleamed like a knife at the edge.

When the three fallen species missed a hit, Hank kicked Shen Lianqi into the water, and immediately formed an encirclement. In such an encirclement, Lin Sanjiu wanted to avoid their mouthparts. To their bodies, it became an almost impossible task.

"Really, I think you are tired from struggling like this." Heina said softly.

Lin Sanjiu said something lowly.

"What?" Hanke didn't hear clearly, and together with Dade, two mouthparts flew towards Lin Sanjiu. "Don't beg for mercy, keep you, we are useless!"

Lin Sanjiu hid and smiled: "I didn't beg for mercy. All I want to say is—"

While talking, she bowed her head, avoiding Hina's sneak attack from behind.

"You are really too earthy." Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but smile. "But I can't blame you. After all, you are in this dark seabed since you opened your eyes."

With a few degenerate gazes, she moved her hand, and a large tape recorder shaped in the 1980s was already in her hand.

This is one of the eight prizes she won in the red and white competition. The name is [Recorder]——

Introduction: tape recorder. There is a tape in it for recording. Except that it can be used without a battery, it has no other special effects.

If this thing falls into the hands of anyone in this world, it is a proper waste product. But only in the eyes of Lin Sanjiu, its value cannot even be described in words——

"Ahem, okay, I'm the first one to say, don't grab it." After pressing the PLAY button, the brown rabbit's serious voice came from the recorder. Several fallen species were stunned.

With a rustle of radio waves, the rabbit slapped his paws and said: "The ability to freeze! Freezing rays are shot out from the eyes, and anyone seen by Xiaojiu will become an ice sculpture! Hahaha, how is it, buddy my imagination Not bad..."

Lin Sanjiu smiled at the corner of her mouth, and the Pygmalion collar under her bandage began to heat up slightly.

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