Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1635:

No title, sleepable

Lin Sanjiu could be sure that he hadn't read it wrong, that thing did move.

There was only half a bowl of Wisdom Fruit Instant Noodles from the Garden of Eden. At this moment, even the bowl and fork disappeared from Lin Sanjiu's hands. She stood up leaping forward, took two steps forward, and came to the front of the Fallen Seed guarded.

Although the night is clear, the scenery is still trapped in a chaotic and ambiguous shade of light, and it is hard to see anything. Only the luminous light faintly reflected on the "white radish" in front of it, making it look a little blue-the fallen species wrapped in it, as the sky darkened, it was long ago not clear, only one remained. Vague black shadows.

After waiting for a few breaths, the black shadow inside did not move.

When the sky was still bright, Lin Sanjiu's appearance of the degenerate species was also looked at by Lin Sanjiu. The reason why he thought it was a dead thing just now was because it had rotten half of its face, showing A large deformed skull.

Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, called out [Ability Polishing Agent], put the silver light close to the "white radish", and narrowed his eyes.


At this look, she couldn't help being taken aback, and she almost couldn't even hold the [Ability Polishing Agent] in her hand firmly-immediately afterwards, the body reacted faster than her brain, and Lin Sanjiu picked it up for digging. The board slammed into the ground fiercely, and quickly dug out the "white radish" from the soil.

Comparing the distance carefully, Lin Sanjiu placed his hands some distance away from the black shadow, and activated the [painting style mutant version, ding]. Then there was a bang, accompanied by countless slime and thin beards, the black figure of the human figure slipped out from the fracture of the "white radish" and fell to the ground.

"Hey, you wake up!" She suddenly saw a glimmer of hope, and her voice was so excited that she rushed to fish the man out of the slime, and slapped him on the face back and forth: "Are you still alive? Wake up !"

An unfamiliar young man lay in her arms, and the clothes all over her body became wet rags, hung one by one on her body. In this picture, some of the faces that are too small for men have their eyes closed, their faces are covered with mucus and thin beards, and there is no ups and downs in their chests. Lin Sanjiu has not learned first aid, but used to be on TV. I've seen it before, and at this time, I had no choice but to learn that way, putting her hand on his|naked chest and pressing it one by one--to be honest, she didn't know what she was doing.

She rushed to the doctor so badly for a while, but she didn't expect that this man would actually have a reaction--the chest under her hand seemed to tremble slightly, and then the young man coughed suddenly, turning his head and vomiting a bunch of things Something comes.

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly closed his hands and looked up, and found that the pool of liquid was very familiar—mixed with thin beards that could move and resemble long maggots, not the mucus in the "white radish". what?

The young man’s eyes have not been fully opened yet, and he has been tortured into pain by the stuff in his chest and throat. His face is flushed and he is constantly retching, but his hands are still subconsciously pulling from his mouth and ears. In and out of his nose, his long beards looked like frightened insects. They abandoned this nest one after another, swam out of the five holes on his face, and hurriedly turned towards the "white" not far away. "Carrot" swims away.

This kind of hairy scene lasted two or three minutes.

The thin white beard came out of the young man’s nostrils and fled, Lin Sanjiu felt that she would never forget it in this life-she endured the goose bumps all over her body and called out a long knife. The ground quickly swung up.

But compared with the long knives, the beards are too small, and they actually seem to be autonomous, and they are very flexible in avoiding them. After a lot of work, Lin Sanjiu only chopped off a small hand.

"Don't, don't chop," the young man behind him said abruptly, his voice sounded very hoarse, as if his throat had been severely damaged. "Too much to no avail..."

Lin Sanjiu turned around and stared at him tightly, without realizing that her face was full of tension and hope.

"Are you better?" She swallowed her dry throat. "Why are you here? What is this thing?"

The young man lay on the ground and barely got up for a long while, leaning on the stone where Lin Sanjiu had just eaten the noodles, gasping for breath. "Thank you... for saving me. Thanks to you..." He vomited so much that his lips were white, and he didn't forget to thank you: "What's going on in this world, it's like this when I first came up, it's really scary..."

This is the unlucky ghost who fell from mid-air on the way of a group of people.

According to Yingxue Spring, he must have been on a very high terrain before the teleportation. As a result, he fell unconscious as soon as he was teleported. Before waking up, he was involved in the "white radish" until now. I opened my eyes and saw the world.

"Do you know what this is?" Lin Sanjiu was almost killed by him. If the other party still had a collar, he would have stepped forward and grabbed it: "Also, how did you get here? The place that disappeared is far away from here; besides, I saw clearly just now that you are not in this position, but a degenerate species!"

The young man was taken aback. Hearing two more explanations from her, he realized that the two had met when he was in a coma-he coughed a few times, his expression relaxed a lot, and explained: "What is this thing? I don’t know what it is, it’s just that there are so many things like tentacles drilling into my nasal cavity and throat...the air content is also very thin, even breathing is extremely difficult. As for why I am here Here, because of my ability—"

【The Great Moving of the Universe】

The name is taken from a certain part of the famous martial arts master Jin X, and even the functions are very similar, which makes people wonder whether the master of this ability usually lacks the sense of innovation.

Role: This ability has been upgraded once, and can currently exchange positions with any target within 250 meters. No matter it is an object or a creature, as long as the size of the target is similar to your own, it can be successfully exchanged. Just be aware that if the opponent is a human, and the human has never heard of this martial arts master, the exchange cannot be successful.

In other words, it all depends on the fame of this martial arts master in billions of parallel spaces...

...Ling Sanjiu also felt that it was a little unbelievable that this young man didn't know if it was because she had saved his life, he actually revealed his abilities and counts as soon as he came up.

"Originally, my mind was not clear due to lack of oxygen...I didn't dare to open my eyes, for fear that those things would go down my eyeballs. While enduring the itch of them crawling into the nose and ears, I forced myself I can’t faint and use my abilities constantly..."

This young man named Qianzhengguan still had lingering fears when he mentioned his experience in "White Radish". He had a pale face and an expression that he couldn't vomit.

Lin Sanjiu listened patiently to a few words, and finally couldn't help but interrupt him: "I have nine friends missing here. I suspect that I encountered the same situation as you. Think about it again. , When you activated your ability, did you detect any signs of living nearby?"

"No wonder you are digging here!" Qianzhengguan exclaimed in surprise: "It's nice that you have so many friends, unlike me-oh, I know, don't worry, let me think about it... …"

This guy seems to be a slow person, and the degree of divergence in his thinking can be said to be the most divergent among people Lin Sanjiu knows-he will digress if he is not careful, and he must always bring his attention back to make her anxious enough .

In the "white radish", Qianzhengguan has been activated dozens of times, so it takes a lot of effort. Finally he finally remembered: " seems to be one time, probably between the 20th and 30th. I felt that there was someone within 250 meters and wanted to change positions... but the other person didn't seem to have heard of it. Jin Yong's reputation has not changed. Could it be that he is a foreigner?"

Lin Sanjiu jumped up and said, "Do you remember where it is?"

Qianzhengguan’s face was dazed just now, and when he saw her expression, he was immediately frightened back: "I can walk backwards and follow the vine, maybe I can find it. But now there are two problems..."

"what is the problem?"

"The slime in it will flow, and it keeps pushing me forward. Even if I find a place, I don't know if the person is still there..."

For Lin Sanjiu, this is not a problem at all: "Then I have to try too! What is the second question?"

"This thing is too scary," Qian Zhengguan's little face was full of fear, "I activated my abilities inside, but I couldn't exchange it outside. You said just now that you would get involved when you touch it. I'm afraid I— —"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Sanjiu grabbed his arm, before he could react, Qianzhengguan had discovered that the sky was hanging upside down in his field of vision-he was a man of more than 1.70 meters, covered like a pig. Lin Sanjiu was carried on his shoulders.

"You show the way!" Lin Sanjiu shouted, and in his scream of "Ah", he jumped on the "white radish".

Qianzhengguan, whose heart almost slipped out of his throat, closed his eyes abruptly, and realized that he was fine when he opened it again. He said in Lin Sanjiu's ear with a trembling voice: " seems to be going to the are you all right? Well, yes, I exchanged with a dead man here..."

Lin Sanjiu felt that she had never run so fast since the evolution of the game - and after the guy on her back said slowly, she was able to speed up again.

"Well, it seems that the slime is a little bit corrosive... My clothes are not originally like this."

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