Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1636:

How are you smart? How about a thorough plan? Do you think you are defending your homeland and fulfilling justice, so what?

...In front of the bullet, you are nothing.

After Xie Feng floated up and down in the water, coughing and choking again and again, and even seemed to be in a coma for a moment, when she thought she was going to explain it today, she finally struggled to swim to a scaffold outside the warehouse.

The dark rainstorm started again.

The strength of the whole body was gone, and it seemed to be washed away by the dirty yellow sewage along with the tears. She finally climbed to a high place and got out of the water. She was blown by the sea breeze and beaten by the cold rain. The body wrapped in the wet cloth was trembling, and her teeth seemed to be shaken off.

what time is it now? Qiu Changtian should have gone back, right?

They drove the yacht out of this submerged harbour, naturally much smoother than her.

When the security soldiers circled behind the ship, Xie Feng had already squeezed out of the railing at the back of the ship, holding on to the engine, and slowly sinking into the dirty water.

She was naive, thinking that she might be able to hide under the boat, grab somewhere, and when they started the yacht to go out, she was also taken out by the way, and she could also avoid their gaze searching for the surface of the water—— It's like the little fish that catches the big fish on TV.

As a result, she knew it couldn't be done when she hit the water.

In order not to be discovered, Xie Feng could barely open her eyes in the muddy water full of impurities, and dive deep; there were iron shelves on the ground not far from the warehouse, and she swam behind the iron shelves, using its cover. , Dare to come up quietly to take a breath.

On the yacht at that time, Qiu Changtian was losing his temper.

He has experienced a lot today, especially the violent emotional fluctuations: after being kidnapped suddenly, he couldn’t help but calm down and stabilized his position. He believed that the kidnapper was trying to question his companions. When he fell, he probably thought that he had the situation, and just let go, but Xie Feng struck him horizontally, showing his feet in surprise.

After that, the situation began to take a turn for the worse. He felt that his official career was about to end, and that he was about to lose his life. He cursed for a while, begged for a while, promised and intimidated for a while. His appearance was really not good-looking. After being rescued by his subordinates, Qiu Changtian's emotions seemed to be all Found a vent.

"A few little boys! Can knock you both down! Where is this security awareness? Is it ridiculous to claim to be a security soldier? Are the rules and regulations done? Just do the work?"

His anger echoed loudly under the ceiling of the warehouse, Xie Fengyao heard it, and he felt humming in his ears. "It's fine now. I missed one of the thief. This place is full of water. Where can the woman go? I must have jumped into the water. I can't look for it!"

Xie Feng didn't know if it was cold or afraid, so he gritted his teeth and didn't make a sound.

On the yacht, the security soldier whispered something. Both of them were standing on the deck at this time, and the driver was sitting half prone and half aside, bowed his head and dared not say a word under the anger of Qiu Changtian.

"If you let you go, you can go, you can be reimbursed if your injury worsens and you are hospitalized!"

"I didn't hear the sound of diving, maybe she just left..." The security soldier's voice was a little louder.

Qiu Changtian fell silent and looked at him.

"...I'm giving you a chance to make up for it. You can consider it."

The security soldier dared not speak anymore. He leaned on the railing and took off heavy objects such as boots and coats; his "thumping" sound of jumping into the water made Xie Feng, who had hid in the water first, heard it, and his heart tightened.

At this time, it was too conspicuous to go to the warehouse door. She really had no other way, so she had to squat under the water, and secretly prayed that she would not be found.

However, this was just a false alarm.

Such a wide warehouse, even if it is not soaked in water, it takes a long time for a person to walk around it alone; the security soldier has injuries and has to swim, and he has to dive and search every corner. In fact, anyone who thinks rationally will Knowing that without luck, he was unlikely to find Xie Feng.

Once, Xie Feng even watched him pass by from a river not far away. It was not so much looking for someone, as it was going through the scene.

After the security soldier boarded the ship two or three times and was driven off two or three times, Qiu Changtian also seemed to realize that this method was not realistic. Naturally, he wouldn't admit that he was just venting his anger. After training the security soldier with his head and face, he did not forget to slap and rub him, boasting a few good words and making some promises.

From their words, Xie Feng understood how the security soldier got away: On the way here, she had already thought that the security soldier actually went to the garage and drove, but did not expect to search for his car keys— -At that time, the situation was pressing and there was no time for a careful body search; and no one expected that a multi-function saber was hung on his car key, and he slowly sharpened the rope with a thin blade.

"As for the nonsense about the end of the world, you don't have to go to your heart." Qiu Changtian said to the two subordinates as if they were soothing: "They didn't let me explain, so they confirmed the matter first. The video was indeed cut off. It’s a small part, but that part has nothing to do with our planet and does not affect the overall situation. You know this confidentiality and sensitivity..."

Xie Feng's ears were erected high, and he dared not let go of any of the next words.

not related?

Morning Star and Wuxing are two human planets with similar conditions. Why are they so confident? Some factors in the morning star’s end must have nothing to do with Wuxing?

But being able to explain these two sentences is enough for Qiu Changtian to condescend and condescend, so naturally the two of them did not dare to ask more, and even nodded, the topic would be over.

... After they finally started the yacht and left with a roar, Xie Feng was already so cold that his head was dizzy, and the iron frame was a little bit unable to hold it.

She didn't know how she struggled to get out.

She was not familiar with the port at all, and she didn't know where the exit was; she finally found a scaffold to rest on, looked around in the heavy rain, only to see the flood control belt from a distance.

Although difficult, she can always get out from here. What really worries her is the school bag she put on the yacht - and the mobile phone inside.

Xie Feng knows the precautions and has never stored personal information of himself or his friends in his mobile phone; but if you follow the chat group and follow the vine...

She had to go back to the city to find a way to issue a warning, but the entire Ministry of Security might have been activated now, looking for her throughout the city.

Are you going back to the net? What if I don't go back? Why did she fall to this point? Is it all her fault?

In the turbulent flow of thought that hit her mind, she had only one point of comfort: Qiu Changtian is now in good condition, and Dong Luorong will not be affected by it.

After Xie Feng climbed out of the flood control belt, under the cold and heavy rain curtain, dragging her body step by step on the road, each step felt like the last step she could take in this life. She had never been so exhausted and frustrated, as if the whole world was about to collapse and bury her.

Occasionally a car would fly past her on the road, splashing high water. Whenever he saw one, Xie Feng waved his hand vigorously, hoping that the other party would stop and take her; however, none of the cars were willing to stop—think about it, it seemed natural.

One car slowed down. Xie Feng looked at the man driving, but he didn't dare to get in the car. The other party asked "Are you not going up?" several times, she just shook her head in refusal; the man kept a low speed and walked with her for several minutes. He couldn't help but glanced out at her until the car came back. gone.

Xie Feng was trembling all over, he wanted to faint, but he dared not faint.

After she had been trekking in the heavy rain for an unknown period of time, and finally saw the hotel where Dong Luorong was located once again, Xie Feng suddenly shed tears at that moment.

She really wanted to go back to the room Dong Luorong had opened for her. She was wrapped in a thick bath towel like last time and cried and confessed to her in a low voice; asked her if she did something wrong, and asked herself what to do next . If you are tired from crying in her cool, wine-like breath, then go to sleep slowly.

More than two years later, Xie Feng realized for the first time that he was a minor, maybe still a child.

At this time, the torrential rain continued, painting the world into a dull and hopeless gray, and there were almost no people on the road. She was sitting alone in the rain and crying, and no one came to care about her, and she had nowhere to go; she cried for a while alone, her head was so dizzy and dizzy that she felt really shameless, and got up again.

Although he didn't know what to do next, Xie Feng's feet seemed to have his own idea and slowly approached the hotel. When she reacted, she couldn't help being surprised and stopped - why dare to go there? Qiu Changtian's subordinates might have sealed up the hotel for inspection.

She stood on the street opposite the hotel, sheltered from the rain under the roof of a convenience store, pretending to look at the poster on the window, and glanced at the hotel behind her from time to time. She longed for it again, but she didn't dare to approach it. She knew she should go, but she couldn't make up her mind to go.

The entrance of the underground parking lot was sealed with yellow tape, but the side entrance of the hotel seemed to be able to enter and exit. There were a few cars parked on the road nearby. Xie Feng couldn't say whether it was plain clothes for surveillance.

...It's too dangerous, let's go. Besides, going to see Dong Luorong now may only drag her down.

Xie Feng sighed in his heart, swallowed his dry and thirsty throat, pulled his gaze from the bread shelf in the store, and turned around to leave.

"Why are you so embarrassed every time I see you?"

When this voice rang from behind, Xie Feng almost suspected that he had hallucinations.

How could it be possible, when did she come out? When you pretend to watch the poster?

But when she slowly turned around, it was indeed Dong Luo Rong who was standing under the rain holding an umbrella.

The rain fell on her feet, stirring up a mist like white smoke, floating into the dim world. In the rain, the red umbrella half-hidden her face, only her particularly pale skin was visible; her lips, like the umbrella, were dark red as if blood was dried up.

Why every time I see you is when I need help the most?

Xie Feng tried several times before reluctantly raising the corners of his mouth, but he didn't know if he was forcing a smile.

"You, are you okay?" She whispered, "I'm leaving now... Don't be seen talking to me."

Dong Luorong stood quietly under the rain, making no sound for a while.

Xie Feng bit his lip, didn't dare to hang around any more, turned around and prepared to leave. This feels too weird, as if someone stepped on a skirt corner from behind when wearing a long skirt. She felt that her whole mind and soul were all stepped on by Dong Luorong behind her. To turn around and walk away, but so hard.

"Enter the store and say," Dong Luorong's voice softly chased up her ears.

...... Is that okay?

Xie Feng is still not at ease, but his body has already walked into the store obediently. Before entering the door, Dong Luorong smiled slightly under the red umbrella, as if approving her for being obedient.

Walking into the bright shop from the dark rain curtain, it feels very surreal. Especially for Dong Luo Rong, when she put away her umbrella and walked into the shop, she was a little out of tune with the real world full of fireworks-Xie Feng kept a few steps away from her. Seeing that the clerk behind the cashier did not pay attention to them, Then he said in a very low voice: " you know everything?"

"They didn't dare to be 100% sure for a while, whether he left by himself or was kidnapped." Dong Luorong looked at the refrigerator in front of him, his expression as if he was just deciding which ice cream to eat. "The driver he arranged for me was quite alert and went to your room quietly to take a look."

Xie Feng was shocked.

"After discovering that you were missing, he asked me if you had anything to do with this incident." Dong Luorong opened the refrigerator door and stood in the air-conditioning, without looking at Xie Feng, and continued: "I said, I don’t know if you have anything to do with this incident. You might just go out to do something. With your absence all morning, can you be sure that you are involved in this incident?”

Xie Feng clutched the corner of his clothes tightly and couldn't make a sound.

"...I heard just now that he went back again, back to the Office of the Ministry of Security." Dong Luo Rong still looked very cold, and closed the door with a "bang" without taking anything. "What the **** is going on, I haven't heard any further news. But one thing, if you don't go back to the hotel, then the driver must first explain me out. You help me get the driver over, and then you It’s all your business where you want to go."

Xie Feng wanted to cry and laugh again.

How could she always find a reason, as if Xie Feng was helping her when he went back.

"The parking lot camera...may have recorded my face." Xie Feng said in a low voice, "There are cameras everywhere in the lobby, in the elevator, and I can't let people see you appear with me. go. , I’m fine alone."

Dong Luorong finally looked at her directly. Her schoolbag is gone, her body is drenched, and her hair sticks to her face, saying that her embarrassment is already light.

After a few seconds, Dong Luorong put a small coin purse in his hand on the shelf and sighed while looking at it.

"Good luck," she whispered as she walked by Xie Feng, "when you know what's going on with the evolutionary, remember to tell me."

... When Xie Feng slowly turned around, she had disappeared in the heavy rain outside the door.

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