Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1637:

Just a little more money, Xie Feng's situation was suddenly different.

Dongluorong's coin purse contained not only a lot of coins, but also a stack of crumpled banknotes that were rolled up randomly. There were also several large denominations, which seemed to be enough for her for the next week.

Xie Feng called a taxi, and finally no longer had to walk in the rainstorm on her legs; she sat in the back seat dazedly, stroking Dong Luorong’s coin purse with her fingers repeatedly—and a spare hotel she pulled out of her bag room card.

Dong Luorong must know that Xie Feng would not be safe for himself if he returned. But she still left a way for Xie Feng-when the Ministry of Security launched a search across the city, the place they were unlikely to find was the place where Dong Luorong lived.

Xie Feng used to read books, especially in martial arts novels, when describing two heroes when they met for the first time, they would write about how they met each other and became daring brothers; but she had never seen any two female characters between them. Had the same experience.

Now she knows, it's not that there is no, but no one writes.

"This rain is really **** annoying," the taxi-driver complained as he watched the wiper sway desperately. "I have lived for 30 to 40 years. I have never seen such a heavy rain recently. It's raining endlessly!"

Xie Feng hummed absently. She was thinking about how to confide in the news and not let the friends in the chat group be caught by the security guards. The capsule hotel where she stayed last time should not have entered the security department's view; she was going to go back to see if anyone she knew was there, and borrow a mobile phone.

The driver didn’t care if she didn’t respond, and complained to himself; he babbled a lot, his family was hospitalized, was accidentally strayed by the security guard, and the child’s school was closed because the courses were not approved by the Empire. , It costs a lot of money everywhere, and so on—"I want to take my children to the neighboring star for the money I saved for a long time. It's good now, the neighboring star is gone, and the money is gone."

"I wanted to see it before," Xie Feng recalled, thinking of his childhood wishes. Speaking to the driver like this, it's as if her world hasn't fallen apart, everything is a normal and a bit unfortunate day.

"Yes, I have only watched that red maple on TV. It is beautiful and tall..." the driver exclaimed.

The huge red maple that rises straight from the ground, as if to touch the universe, has always been the unique scenery of the morning star. It is said that when people walk in it, they will have the illusion of returning to the prehistoric era——

Xie Feng suddenly straightened up.


That's right... The two planets are so similar, if something is unique to Morning Star, but there is none on Wu Star, isn't it the Red Maple Tree?

It and the general maple actually belong to two subjects. The red maple forests that can be seen everywhere are extremely magnificent and shocking even when viewed on TV. There are even cities built entirely on the red maple trees and become famous tourist attractions. If the end is related to the red maple, or it is the cause of the extinction of the morning star, then the empires will certainly not worry about it!

As for how Red Maple could cause the destruction of the planet, she didn't know.

But how can the evolutionary explain it? Where did it come from? It's not like Qiu Changtian is lying. There are evolutionaries on Morning Star. What does they have to do with Red Maple?

Xie Feng thought for a long time, but couldn't think of an answer, the car had reached its destination. She paid for the car, and the driver gave her an umbrella, which was said to have been dropped by other passengers-under the heavy rain, when she walked to the capsule hotel holding the umbrella, she almost felt that she was back in the past.

Fortunately, there is another friend in the hotel that I met on the street. Although not familiar, Xie Feng borrowed his mobile phone and sent out the warning as comprehensively as possible-she was completely exposed, and she hoped that besides herself, it would be better not to have anyone affected.

"Don't let people know that you and I know," Xie Fengxiang told the boy when he returned the phone, "Otherwise not only will I be in trouble, but you will also be in trouble."

The boy hesitated for a while, and understood the weight of the matter, and asked, "What about you? Do you have a place to go?"


Even if there was nowhere to go, Xie Feng still did not dare to wait for a moment. Even if the torrential rain outside seemed to wash away the whole world, she still walked into the rain with the weak umbrella that was shuddered by the rain. That umbrella is almost useless, and when the wind blows, people are like walking in the waves.

There seems to be nothing to worry about, she thought.

It was an unexpected joy to meet with Dong Luorong. Now there is no need to worry about other friends, Xie Feng actually relaxes. Anyway, there is nowhere to go. It is a day to escape one day. If the end of life suddenly comes, she will be ready.

With this feeling, she entered a restaurant and ordered a warm curry rice. She was sweating. After the meal, Xie Feng spent more than an hour holding the hot tea provided by the store for free-the heavy rain outside the store was endless and continuous, making the world dark as if it was going to night, and it was hard to imagine it was the afternoon.

The security guards wanted to search for her in the rain, but she sat comfortably in the dining room, a little bit amused after thinking about it.

There were no customers in the store, and the lady boss didn't come to chase her; Xie Feng sat alone, and hadn't slept all night, and didn't know when he fell asleep on the table. When she felt that someone was pushing her arm gently, she woke up with a sharp spirit and almost bumped her head on the person's head.

The lady boss was also taken aback by her and took a half step back.

"What, what's wrong," Xie Feng asked as he stood up. Is she not letting herself sleep here?

The lady boss didn't say a word, she first looked at the continuous rain curtain outside the glass door, and then pointed her finger at the TV hanging on the wall of the dining room.

Under Xie Feng's doubts, he glanced back.

On the TV screen with emergency news, a portrait was hanging; it was vaguely cut, and it seemed to be cut from a magnified photo. Although the picture quality is not very good, the details and facial features belonging to Xie Feng can be recognized by anyone who knows her.

Xie Feng had seen this photo once: on the high-speed train, the fat man who grabbed her handful showed her this photo.

She wanted to smile bitterly: if she knew this, she would not pour that cup of hot coffee for fun.

The fat man had a grudge against her, and he must have submitted her photo that day; Qiu Changtian's description of her corresponded to the information already available in the Ministry of Security, so the wanted news came out so soon.

Wait, does this mean that the camera in the parking lot didn't catch her?

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better for the Ministry of Security to want her to be wanted with screenshots of surveillance video; after all, one is what she was like a year ago and the other is what she was like last night.

The proprietress canceled the TV mute, and the voice-over was the standard imperial word of the news host: "...Among the rioters who participated in a terrorist activity this morning, there is still a woman who is currently on the run...provide effective clues and help catch The arrested citizens can receive bonuses..."

"It's been a few minutes, and kept repeating it." The lady boss whispered behind her in a local dialect, "They want every store on our street to install a camera, I haven't installed it yet. I won't call them. On the phone, but you better not stay with me anymore, you can go."

Xie Feng was already nervous. He grabbed the umbrella and walked to the door. When he was about to go out, he remembered, turned around and said softly to the boss, "Thank you!"

The lady boss nodded silently.

This street can’t be stayed, and other businesses may have surveillance video. Fortunately, with this continuous rainstorm, in the dim sky, it is difficult for others to see exactly what the person under the umbrella looks like; besides, under this kind of rain, almost no one on the road can see it.

Xie Feng didn't dare to take a taxi again, so he could only walk slowly in the downpour, and soon he was completely wet again. She intermittently heard a lot of news from the TVs of several stores: It turned out that two of Acheng's group were not dead. At this time, they were seriously injured in the hospital. She also showed a picture of the hospital being guarded by layers. The mayor’s daughter-in-law cried and thanked Chief Qiu. Not only did she catch the habitual offender, she also found her own yacht. The son was embarrassed to show up again.

Some people from all walks of life have been interviewed and commented, but Qiu Changtian himself has not appeared on TV.

This person usually catches several suspected evolutionists who have to talk about it for a long time on TV. Such a big political achievement, he does not show up? He was not injured, and he was full of anger when scolding his subordinates in the warehouse.

Xie Feng was puzzled, but suffered from not being able to stay in the same place for too long—she could only stand at the door and listen to the TV news in the store because she did not dare to close the umbrella. She endured her anxiety and walked another street. Perhaps God pityed her and told her to finally see an electrical appliance store.

On the large-size HD display TV in the window, the same news is all being broadcast.

"Chief Qiu's resolute and intelligent means and the will not to be afraid of danger not only got rid of the crisis, but also caught the criminals... At present, he has been checked and is resting. Everyone can feel at ease." A male host said sadly, "This It is the mainstay of those who suppress the evolution and stop the doomsday! Who is so frantic, leaving the whole city in disregard!"

If the red maple was the real cause of the end of the morning star, then it would be correct to say that the autumn long sky was the mainstay-a pillar was erected in the river, and water passed from both sides.

Xie Feng sneered, then stood in the rain and watched the news for a while. The more news she reads, the faint feeling in her heart makes her very uneasy. This feeling has no solid basis, more like Cup Bow Snake Shadow's suspicion.

So why did Qiu Changtian choose this time to rest?

Didn't he not show up to encourage speculation and rumors from the outside world?

He is not accepting admiration, building up an image, killing chickens, and creating prestige. Is it really just to lie on the bed?

Dong Luorong said that her driver was suspicious of Xie Feng; if the driver told the Ministry of Security, or rather, told Qiu Changtian directly...

She stood on the street for nearly twenty minutes before waiting for a taxi. When Xie Feng jumped into the car, he reported the name of the hotel before he even closed his umbrella, and said hurriedly: "Hurry up, trouble!"

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