Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1638: jaws of death

Xie Feng is a little dumbfounded now.

She was so anxious just now that she took the risk of being recognized by the taxi-driver and hitchhiked. Only when she waited at the door of the hotel did she realize that she had the face of a wanted criminal and there was no way to get in.

She originally thought she could mix with other guests or enter from the staff passage. However, due to heavy rain, there were too few guests coming in and out. After a long time, only two or three stars scattered; she walked around the hotel two times far away , Found that no matter which door, there are several motionless cars.

Even though he didn't dare to look more, Xie Feng noticed that there were people sitting in some cars all the time, and seemed to bring walkie-talkies.

A woman of the same age and figure as the wanted criminal would attract the attention of surveillance personnel even if she walked into the hotel openly? They only need to give a prompt to the hotel and ask the internal staff to check their documents-no, even if it takes a second look, Xie Feng is finished.

She naturally hoped that she had been worrying too much, and they would not check everyone who entered the hotel, but she also knew that she was not eligible for fluke.

On the other hand, in the downpour, a drenched woman wandered around holding an umbrella, looking like a water ghost coming for revenge, but also eye-catching-where can she go? She can't even buy a pack of masks in a convenience store. You must know that the next person who sees her may not be as kind as the last proprietress.

How can I get into the hotel without arousing suspicion?

There were few people walking at the back door of the hotel, and it was connected to a secluded alley. Xie Feng hid under the trees in the alley, and finally he was not shivered by the intensive rain.

On the side of the alley near the door, a few cars were also squeezed and squeezed. In the front one, it was obviously the plainclothes for surveillance. The driver was sitting in the car alone, staring at the road boredly, only Xie Xie When the wind approached, his vigilance rose slightly and he glanced at her several times.

Xie Feng's heart was about to explode.

She couldn't even hold the umbrella anymore, not knowing whether it was because of the cold or nervousness, she couldn't stop shaking with her fists. When she approached the plainclothes car and reached out to pull the passenger's door without saying a word, she even wondered if she had a problem with her brain and would do such a whimsical thing.

The car door was locked, and she did not open it.

The plainclothes seemed to be stunned. It should have been unexpected that a woman would suddenly come by, and he would open his car door without saying anything-before he could respond, Xie Feng raised his hand, knocked on the window several times and shouted : "Open the door!"

After a few seconds, the window of the car slowly lowered a gap, as if even the car was saturated with the owner's hesitation.

"What are you doing?" The plainclothes asked warily, "Who are you?"

Xie Feng always stood in the rain, which meant that she always had to hold an umbrella to cover half of her face; plus she was standing on the side of the co-pilot and did not completely bend down, so the plainclothes did not realize that Women are wanted.

"Are you here to pick up my driver," Xie Feng complained in a series of complaints, and immediately blurted out: "What's the matter, why are you not punctual at all? Look at the time of my appointment. It’s been a delay of ten minutes. I waited ten minutes in such heavy rain and I was soaked! Open the door quickly. Do you have tissues in your car?"

Her nervousness is also good, her speech speed is much faster, and it seems reasonable to say that she is angry.

"No, no!" The plainclothes waved his hands vigorously in the car, obviously trying to argue that he was not the driver of the private car she had appointed; but Xie Feng ventured over, but there was a task to complete—the message she should output. It's not finished yet.

"Ten minutes, really. The location you said on the phone is not accurate at all. I got out of the hotel on time. I went around the hotel for several times and didn't find you, so I was always in the rain! Look at me. If I fell into the river, someone would believe me!" She pretended not to hear what she said in plain clothes, and finished what she was supposed to say.

"I said I'm not the driver who came to pick you up," the plainclothes became impatient, and his tone became a bit bad. "You can find it elsewhere!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the window closed again.

Listening to the sound of rain hitting the earth, Xie Feng paused before turning around.

She didn't dare to breathe out a long trembling breath slowly until then, and couldn't believe that she had actually successfully passed the first level.

She walked away from the car, turned her back to the car, and looked around for a while, as if she was really waiting for someone.

Feeling that the heat was almost over, Xie Feng gritted his teeth, turned and walked towards the back door of the hotel, and walked into the hotel under the plainclothes gaze.

Looking out of the corner as he turned, he didn't seem to move.

......Also, the car owner waiting for the hotel guests also didn't come, and went back angrily. There seems to be nothing wrong, right?

Xie Feng was too nervous, but his mind started to flutter, as if everything was not real.

She couldn’t say why. When she entered the door, her gaze caught the camera in the corner of the ceiling of the hall—the flashing stone. Xie Feng, who was about to put away the umbrella, naturally tilted the umbrella and clamped it on her neck and shoulders. In between, the umbrella slid down until it was held by the back of her head, completely covering her face and blocking the "sight" of the camera.

As the umbrella slid down his shoulders, Xie Feng also squatted down, pretending to tie his shoes with his hands.

Taking advantage of the time of untying the shoelaces and tying them back, she quietly looked at the hotel from under the umbrella, and suddenly "cuckled" in her heart.

At the other end of the hall, in the place connected to the hotel lobby, stood a bellboy in a hotel uniform—beside him, there was a man in casual clothes with a hostile face.

There is more than this person; if you swipe away, you will find two or three men in casual clothes standing at the main entrance of the hotel lobby and in the elevator room. They should all be security soldiers. There is even one hanging beside the front desk far away, like a dog that is not far away tied with a rope, wandering around the front desk.

This is terrible.

It's because she doesn't think well. She saw someone watching outside the door, knowing that the hotel staff would definitely cooperate with the instructions, but she did not expect that there were so many security soldiers directly in the lobby-this is a mistake made by Leicheng talent: logically speaking, the hotel is private property , The civil service department must have a court order to enter, but she forgot that the city of tears was not the city of tears in the past.

......Such strict preservation measures, I am afraid that it is not for catching a fugitive who, according to common sense, will not return, right?

Xie Feng almost seemed to have every hair on his body turned into a small antenna, even under the umbrella, he seemed to be able to feel the sight of the plain-clothed security soldier at her.

"Is it a guest?" The baggage greeted her remotely, "Excuse me, please show your room card and give the room number..."

Lifting the umbrella a little, the tall and sturdy man with his face turned around a long time ago, his eyes pressed heavily on her, waiting for her to put away the umbrella and walk over.

It is impossible to turn around and go out at this time.

Xie Feng was completely cold, it seemed that all the temperature had been taken away by the rain, and only a lump of regret was left, and he was deeply pressed in his lower abdomen.

In the end, they didn't catch themselves, but they took the initiative to send it to the door.

...... It seems that you can't escape the arrest, so please do whatever you want.

Xie Feng knew very well that after being soaked by the rain at this time, his skin turned pale, and it was closer to what she looked like a year ago-she really shouldn't splash hot coffee that day, she should splash sulfuric acid.

Think about it, ascending tens of meters into the air from her head is Dong Luorong.

There is only a half-minute elevator between the two; in another world, on another timeline, they may be able to take the elevator when they want to, or meet when they want to meet. They can hold hands, chat, laugh, and share on the pedestrian street. A box of octopus balls, looking at the endless blue sea.

If she were to be arrested sooner or later, it would be ideal to be arrested in a place so close to her. She would always know that Xie Feng had come back in the future.

Xie Feng's heart was almost desperate, but his body was still delaying time, as if there was still a fluke in his muscles. She leaned on her side, slowly gathered the umbrella, and shook the water-at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the other end of the hall: "Hey, you come and get a condom! It's not easy to make a mistake. Ground water."

Xie Feng was startled and realized that he was calling her. She followed the sound and found that there was a cleaning lady in the corner. It seemed that she was worried about the floor tiles on rainy days; beside her, there was a roll of umbrella bags.

"Oh, good," she replied, walking towards the female worker, and said to the baggage student without looking back, "Wait for me!"

Xie Feng hung his head, wet hair falling from his cheeks, and he didn't know if it would block his eyes. The female worker didn't care what she looked like, only whether she had the umbrella cover properly, and don't mess up the floor she just wiped--Xie Feng had one more thing to do to delay the time, and slowly put the cover on.

In fact, she was drenched all over, and this umbrella was not bad. The female worker looked at her soaked shoes and looked unhappy. Xie Feng suddenly came up with an idea.

When she put on her umbrella and finally walked towards the baggage and security guard, she bowed her head by taking the wallet from her pocket and the room card.

Most importantly, the attitude must be natural at this time.

"1702," she just reported a room number before she walked to the two of them, "Want to check it for a long time? I'm soaked in my shoes. I want to go back to the room and change it soon."

"No, it won't be long," the Luggage student still said with a smile.

At the moment when she was about to pass the room card into Li Sheng's hand, Xie Feng pretended to slip on her feet and could not stand firmly, and the whole person threw herself on the ground. Both of them were shocked; the baggage student hurried up to help, but the security soldiers did not move.

When the baggage student held her arm and helped her stand up, it naturally helped her block the eyes of some security soldiers. Xie Feng quickly took a breath, covered half of his face with one hand, and handed the room card to the baggage student with the other. He vaguely sighed, "I hit my chin to my face. It hurts...I can Can't you go?"

This is really not a clever way. If the other party still recognizes her, she promises to become a joke for the entire security department in the second half of the year.

The security soldier's gaze swept several times over her half-hidden face and her other half's face twisted by "pain".

After all, after a year, Xie Feng knew that he was thinner and darker, and his hairstyle was completely different, because he was beaten by a group of security soldiers and his nose bone was a little deformed. Besides, the photos were not clear enough.

"What about the credentials?" the man asked, "show me."

"I didn't bring it, or I'll take it down later." Xie Feng's tears came as she said-she has been like this for the past two years, and can cry anytime if she wants to cry, and can cry sobbing after a while. Yes, her face is all red, and I can feel her distorting her facial features so much. "It hurts so much, can I go?"

The man frowned deeply.

When a man sees a woman crying—especially when crying ugly or hysterically—they tend to stay away.

When Xie Feng's heart was held tightly, the security soldier lifted his chin a little impatiently and said, "Let's go."

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