Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1644: Are raised by his parents

Does evolution really change a person's mind?

She thought it would not; but later when this question came to Xie Feng's heart, she felt a bit bad.

Xie Feng feels that she has not changed. He does not want to eat people like Qiu Changtian said, nor does he want to destroy the world. She is willing to protect and repay Dong Luo Rong at all costs--but when she quietly emerged from the closet, it seemed A brand new state enveloped her, and there was no fluctuation in her heart about what she was about to do.

They are indeed two living people.

The strong one looks in his thirties and wears a gold wedding ring on his left hand. There should be a wife and even several children waiting for him, calling him "husband" and "daddy". The dark and thin one is younger, at the age when his mother will call to remind him when the temperature is cooling down. During the holidays, he may go shopping with his girlfriend to watch movies and argue about whether to watch a comedy or a martial arts movie.

They live to this day. They must be the result of a lot of effort, care, and money. They have worked **** their own before they can pass the assessment and enter the Ministry of Safety. They also have many plans for the future, and do they have ideals that they want to do but have not realized?

As Xie Feng thought, he held up the straight hanger hook and stabbed it into the right eye socket of the thin black man.

He didn't even realize that someone came out of the closet behind him until the sharp and straight metal stick got in. He and the sturdy man both fell down in the corridor together, and they did not fall lightly; before they got up, they were shocked by the sight of the bathroom. After all, this was not a time of war, even if it was a security soldier. No dead people are usually seen.

Xie Feng suspected that these baby eggs raised by equipment, salary and welfare were just good at intimidating and beating people. In truth, they might not be as knowledgeable as they were in the pain.

... let alone those who die in this way.

Amidst the violent screams that suddenly sounded and rushed straight to the ceiling, Xie Feng grabbed his back collar, raised his hand and threw him into the bathroom; as for whether he would knock over the dead body, or hit the floor , And slam the hanger hook deeper into her head, she didn't care about it for the time being.

Because her current position is too advantageous.

Everything happened unexpectedly; when she was standing in front of the closet instead of the black and thin man, the strong man happened to be on her left hand, before she could get up. He had realized that it was not good, and while staring at her crawling back, he reached out to touch the weapon behind his waist, his face was pale and his legs were wide open.

"How ugly," Xie Feng said softly. This is what she had heard so many times since she was a child, and it gradually became a deep-rooted habit. "Girls don't sit with legs open."

Since her third word, her voice was drowned in a painful cry like tearing her throat alive, and no one heard it except Xie Feng. The increase in strength after evolution was remarkable, just by kicking there, she could feel exactly what she had broken.

"Blame yourself," Xie Feng said in a low voice, bent over and grabbed his ankle, and quickly dragged him back into the aisle without letting him see Dong Luo Rong on the bed in the room. "You sit with your legs open, aren't you just inviting me to kick?"

In the bathroom, the black and thin man finally pulled out the hanger hook from his eye sockets. Although the whole crying and screaming never stopped, he reluctantly pulled out the gun; he covered the **** half of his face with one hand, and the other was facing. Xie Feng at the door raised his gun--just as soon as his muzzle was lifted into the air without pulling the trigger, Xie Feng immediately let go and leaped back, hiding behind the wall.

In the next second, several deep pits were dug out in the closet door in the burst of gunfire, cracking like spider web patterns.

It has to be said that security soldiers are still different from ordinary people after all. Even in the pain of ruptured eyeballs and broken sex, the sturdy man lying on the ground still grasped the opportunity The gun from the waist was finally pulled out.

Unarmed Xie Feng confronted two guns, but at this moment she suddenly thought that this kind of unilateral killing was fortunately not seen by Dong Luorong-she didn't want Dong Luorong to be afraid of herself.

Is she reacting faster?

Xie Fengdu had already stepped into the closet, and the strong man had just opened the safety latch. The consequence of his lagging reaction is that Xie Feng listened to the gunfire, and Maoyao walked two steps in the closet. When she opened the closet door again, she happened to be next to the shoulder of the strong man.

The white light from the bathroom door illuminates the middle section of the sturdy man's body, as if the man had been divided into three parts before he died. She could hear the sound of the black and thin man crawling towards the door-the damp sound of churning in a pool of flesh and blood.

The roaring gunfire hit the back of the door first, then turned and hit the closet where Xie Feng had just entered. In fact, if measured by ordinary people's standards, the response of that sturdy man is absolutely qualified; even if he is replaced by another evolutionary who has just evolved, it may be difficult for him not to be hurt or to hang on.

... She seems to be particularly gifted with killing.

"Hi." Xie Feng knelt down and said hello softly.

When the burly man stared round his eyes and turned his head to the side, it was like a movie scene where his movements were slowed down several times. Xie Feng raised his fist, the joints protruding high, and his waist slightly twisted backwards-when punching, you don't just move your shoulders and arms. You need to use the strength of your upper abdomen to drive your fist forward to hit the maximum force; As for when I learned this, Xie Feng can't remember.

Her fist was unbiased, wrapped in the wind and fell on the sturdy man's ear. The head suddenly seemed to be flying out, and it was raised obliquely and far behind. Her neck was stretched and her eyes were still open.

So far, Xie Feng's three attacks have all landed on parts with a certain fatality rate; but I don't know whether to say that the two men's luck is good or bad, and they have not fainted.

She simply lost patience.

Xie Feng quickly landed another punch on his temple. When his upper body fell to the ground, his knees immediately pressed his carotid artery; she reached out and fished it forward, and she almost slipped the gun from his hand. He fished it into his own hand and aimed at the bathroom door.

The sturdy man was close to the brink of death, and couldn't make a sound. The person in the bathroom suddenly stopped moving, as if realizing what was waiting for him outside the door.

"Come out," after waiting for a few seconds, Xie Feng urged almost gently: "For me, shooting is meaningless, but for you, it is a happy death. Your colleague may wish to change positions with you. Where's the son."

After a long period of silence, a whimper and cry came out.

"Please...please..." The thin black man's voice was vague, and it took some thought to understand what he was talking about. "I, I didn't see you at all, please... let me go, I will definitely not talk nonsense... I don't want to die..."

Xie Feng had no reason to kill this person who had never met before and had no grievances; but from a practical point of view, a dead person was more convenient for her.

"Or, just let him go?" Dong Luorong's voice suddenly rang in the room, trembling slightly, as if he was shocked, as if it would fall to the ground with a slight tap. "If you... if you feel safe, you can tie him up and tell him not to warn...then we will leave quickly."

"Miss Dong!" The man seemed to be energetic all at once, and hurriedly cried and pleaded: "Please, Miss Dong, you know me, I have never disrespected you, please, save me... I am the only one in my house. Son, my parents are in the country, and it's hard to come by..."

Xie Feng did not speak. The man under her knees is undoubtedly dead, it's not a problem; but this one is still alive, really want to let him go?

"Guns, cell phones, car keys, wallets...throw everything out of you." She thought for a while and ordered calmly.

"Okay," the thin black man saw hope, and in a rustling sound, guns, wallets, and mobile phones were all thrown out. "The car key is not on me, on another person."

Xie Feng sighed in his heart.

Killing is much easier and faster than tying people. She knows **** him, but she finds it troublesome to subdue him and tie him up-but Dong Luorong is different from herself after all. She is an ordinary person who has always been respectful and superior. Dead bugs are rarely seen; she still needs some time to adapt, not too irritating.

Before letting him out, Xie Feng searched the dead man's body and took the car key. In addition to the wallet and the like, leave a souvenir for his wife.

"Come out," Xie Feng took his position and ordered, "Climb out."

When the black and thin man showed his head, she kicked his temple-his head hit the door frame, with a muffled sound, and then slipped softly.

Xie Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It would be nice to be able to faint, which saved her a lot of things.

Apart from shock and fear, Dong Luorong was also a bit guilty; she understood that her soft heart had caused additional trouble for Xie Feng, but she did not seem to regret it.

"The lamp has expired," Xie Feng tore the sheets into shreds and tied the man into live rice dumplings. He looked at the lamp and threw it aside. "how do you feel?"

"It's better than usual." Dong Luo smiled palely, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Xie Feng also gave her a smile, but he didn't know how to make her shattered by the trauma of the accident, so he could calm down a little bit. "No matter how good the soundproofing of this hotel is, I'm afraid some people have heard the gunshots. Maybe someone has called the police...We have to go quickly. Can your body support it?"

"No problem at all," Dong Luorong borrowed her arm to help, and barely stood up, and said: "Your movements are very fast...It has only been a few minutes since they entered the door. We should still have time."

According to her instructions, Xie Feng rushed back to Dong Luo Rong’s room and hurriedly collected some of her things-the two of them will flee all the way next. They need cash, cards and precious jewelry, and then they have to take a few pieces. Clothes, don’t let Dong Luorong go out in a night skirt.

Anyway, it was a matter of time before they were exposed. The two simply chose the fastest elevator, went all the way down to the parking lot, and found the sturdy man's car. Fortunately, Dong Luorong could drive, and her demeanor and clothes didn't look like an ordinary person. She drove out of the parking lot smoothly and got on the road.

"Where are we going now?" Dong Luorong asked, turning his head.

This car will soon be used as a tracking target and cannot stay for long. They must abandon the car as soon as possible. Fortunately, Xie Feng already knew where to go.

"Do you still remember the place where you saved me in the first place?" Xie Feng smiled at her and said, "I was chased by a trafficker who pretended to be a snakehead. I think it's time to find him again."

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