Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1645: Reunion of old friends

Under the continuous downpour, whether it is afternoon or evening is actually no big difference. Regardless of whether this small supermarket is open or closed, the empty road under the rain also prevents guests who will enter the small supermarket.

The local boss was still sitting in front of the computer and playing cards with his feet on his feet, his loose and dim undershirt dangling, as if he hadn't washed it for several days.

There are more promotional posters, like slowly spreading pollution, which has spread layer by layer to the back of the store owner's head, occupying all the walls outside the shelves.

Under the big words "Shunrou Girls' School First Enrollment", a young girl wearing an apron smiled brightly; under "Smash all words and deeds that tried to provoke opposition", there was a huge fist with prominent joints, which was smashing toward outsiders. .

In places they can't see, in some offices around the world, it turns out that some people are still designing posters, contacting manufacturers to print them, and organizing manpower to post them... It seems too unreal to think about it.

After all, it took less than ten days to escape from Xie Feng. For her, the world has turned upside down, and for others, daily life continues.

Dong Luorong nodded to her, opened the door and got out of the car. In order not to be noticeable, the car didn't stop at the door of the supermarket, she needed to get wet to walk in; she buried her head and trot a few steps quickly in the rain, but she didn't know any injuries in her body, so she hurriedly supported the door. Just barely took a breath.

The shop owner is still focusing on the computer screen.

Dong Luorong raised his hand to wipe the water off his face, and walked into the store slowly.

When her shadow was cast on the shop owner's table, the latter finally raised her head lazily. "What do you want--" He stared at Dong Luo Rong for a moment. When he spoke again, his tone became more cordial and kind, but his eyes couldn't be opened: "Miss, what do you want? Smoke?"

Dong Luorong has become accustomed to having this kind of special influence on men--and many women.

"Excuse me," she said with a smile, "I want to buy a ferry ticket. Chen Qingqing introduced me."

This time, the boss's stupefaction seemed to have a different meaning again.

"Ah? Chen Qingqing... when did you introduce you?"

On this point, Xie Feng had already discussed with her carefully before letting her in. Since Xie Feng ran away last time, the snakehead would definitely be worried that she would call the police and might give up this contact point. If he even changed his phone number, then he can only say that they are out of luck; but if the shop owner can still contact the snakehead, he must put the time of "Introduction by Chen Qingqing" before Xie Feng's accident.

"It's been at least half a month," Dong Luorong sighed faintly, "I thought for a long time and made various preparations before finally deciding to buy a ferry ticket."

The shop owner was hesitant. "Actually... he hasn't contacted me for many days, and I don't know if he can do it yet..."

Dong Luorong drew a large banknote from his wallet and swiped it. On their way here, they picked an ATM in the opposite direction and emptied their deposits. "Money is not a problem for me. Boss, please help me with this."

Even if there is no money, few people can say no to such a face. The boss nodded and smiled and collected the money, and made a call-no one answered the first time, no one answered the second time, and finally it was connected the third time.

"Oh, she said half a month ago..." He turned his back subconsciously and said to the phone, "I think you should still take a look... Just as doing this beauty a favor..."

Dong Luo Rong pretended not to be listening, looking at the street under the pouring rain outside. When she walked towards the supermarket, Xie Feng got out of the car as planned. At this time, she probably had already made a circle and approached the back door of the supermarket from the back alley.

Fortunately, the snakehead finally did not resist the temptation of the prey delivered to the door, and asked the owner to tell her that he would come soon.

As long as he is willing to come. Dong Luorong watched a figure rushing closer to the door and smiled slightly.

She is different; as long as the other person sees her, one glance is enough, it is impossible to let her go.

As for the snakehead's reaction when she saw her, she was tired of seeing the man's face, nothing new. To human traffickers, Dong Luo Rong is no different from a walking lottery winning lottery; but even this kind of greed, she has not rarely seen it in the faces of others before.

In a world where everyone thinks that beauty is a resource, beautiful people themselves will gradually be seen as resources instead of human beings.

"Is there a place to talk?" Dong Luorong looked around and said, "I find it inconvenient for people to come in here to buy things anytime."

"Yes, yes!" The snake head diligently compared to the back, and asked the shop owner: "Is the door unlocked?"

After getting the affirmative answer, he hurriedly led Dong Luo Rong in small steps, keeping a polite and kind distance from her-obviously he had used his brain and was unwilling to scare Dong Luo Rong away.

In this way, she saw the room Xie Feng was almost attacked on that day.

Dong Luorong's fingers slid across the wooden table, rubbing away the dust, and pretending to be looking at the room, he turned a few steps and walked to the back door.

"So there is another door here," she said, putting her hand on the door. Very strange, she felt that she could clearly feel the warmth on Xie Feng's back through a door.

"Yes, don't worry," the snakehead said earnestly. "It's safe here. When do you want to leave?"

"The sooner the better," Dong Luorong smiled back at him and said, "I have enough money. If I can leave tonight, then I can give you money now."

"I haven't said the price yet..." Snake's head was sitting on the edge of the bed, and his eyes flickered when he turned to look at her.

"As long as it's not too much, you can have enough." Dong Luorong said calmly, "I took out all my husband's deposits."

The snake head couldn't hide his excitement, and even his cheeks were flushed. "Oh, it's a bit difficult," he said, inhaling, "our latest sailing schedule, we have to wait until next week..."

"I'm leaving tonight," Dong Luorong demanded nonchalantly. "It's six o'clock in the afternoon, and there are at most a few hours left. Can you arrange it? If not, I will find someone else to find a way. "

"I have to try, make a few phone calls, and get some favors." The snake head looked embarrassed, "This price, it must be different from ordinary ferry tickets... You know, all outbound behaviors are severely imposed. Prohibit, the risk of temporary arrangements is high..."

Dong Luo Rong endured his impatience. After watching him perform for a while, he finally settled on a plan: he has opened up his joints and can borrow a small boat to take Dong Luo Rong out to sea overnight; after going out to sea, He will personally accompany Dong Luorong on board a fishing boat and protect Dong Luorong all the way to the nearest foreign port before he will return.

"Thank you really," Dong Luorong smiled, "How long will it take to arrange?"

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, it won't take that long. I can definitely let you go tonight." Snakehead also smiled, "The main reason is that the step of borrowing a boat is special. The path after going out to sea is what we often take. "

He stood up, as if he wanted to lean against Dong Luo Rong, and held back—probably he didn't want her to be alert.

"My little brother is dealing with it, don't worry," said Snakehead. "A woman like you is amazing! She is courageous and decisive, unlike ordinary girls who are more thoughtful and hesitant. I am a man. I admire it."

There may be silly girls in the world, and they feel sincerely happy when they hear men praise her "you are different from ordinary women". But it's a pity, Dong Luorong thought to her, this is no different from barking.

She gave the snake's head a smile back, walked to the back door and knocked on the door while he was looking at her without blinking.

Snakehead's smile was frozen on his face, but at this moment, he still didn't understand what was going to happen right now.

"Come in," Dong Luorong said softly, "he said things are almost arranged."

With a "clam," the doorknob shook violently, and it was brutally broken from the outside. Dong Luorong stepped back two steps and watched the wooden door kicked open with the snake head who was too shocked to react.

"Hi, meet again."

Xie Feng stood under the eaves and asked with a smile, "Do you remember me?"

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