Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1691: The homecoming adventures of Lin Sanjiu and Miss Feng

This chapter will be ready soon!

The current "Feng Qiqi" is not himself.

After coming out of the Consciousness Mechanics Hall, Lin Sanjiu, who was already overdrawn, fell asleep almost immediately. I don't know how long she slept. When she woke up, it was time to get up again; as soon as she opened her eyes, the thought came out of her heart without any hesitation.

"Small wine, did you get up too?"

She opened the curtain and just took a step when she happened to meet Fontaine who came out next door. Lin Sanjiu's eyes quickly swept across her body, and as soon as he tried to call up the subconscious materials, he immediately understood the meaning of the "teacher".

Her eyes, ears, skin... are receiving a lot of information from the outside world all the time, she has almost terrifying observation power combined with her excellent five senses. It is like opening a fan for her that she never knew in the past. door--

"So I don't like people, just say it straight." When a few pieces of unconsciously collected information flowed through Lin Sanjiu's mind, these words somehow blurted out.

"Ah? You, what did you say?" Fang Dan's face suddenly turned red.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at her: "Even if you go with me, your suitor might still get caught up."

"Eh, eh? Why... why, would you know?" Fang Dan was immediately taken aback, and stammered.

The answer is actually very simple.

When Lin Sanjiu was still awake, there was no movement in the next room; as soon as she hit the ground, the bed next to the floor suddenly creaked, and then the sound of Fang Dan's footsteps rushed to the door, indicating that she had been waiting for Lin. Three wines come out.

At this time, Lin Sanjiu is like a center for giving instructions. When one thought goes on, even the information that was remembered by the body just when he slept has appeared-let alone the moment when the door curtain was opened, Lin Sanjiu saw the ground. Throwing a pink card, judging from the vague handwriting on the card, it was from a persevering suitor; and she insisted on walking with herself, probably indicating that the suitor was waiting nearby. Dan.

Just after a few scenes and enlarged details flashed through his mind, Lin Sanjiu had to stop and slow down—[Consciousness Mechanics Hall] was just taking shape, the so-called "consciousness" It's still pitiful, and doing a little bit seems to be in danger of "run out of fuel".

Fang Dan was almost stupid: " do you know I don't like him?"

"I wake up late, almost everyone in the building has finished eating? You are still waiting for me to go with you hungry... is it obvious?"

A rectangle bulged slightly in Fontan's trouser pocket, which was her own chopstick case. The chopsticks were still on her body, obviously she hadn't eaten yet-looking at her dumbfounded? Lin Sanjiu added: "Right? Tonight is your least favorite mushrooms boiled in water."

"Ah! Didn't you just wake up? How did you know!"

Because... Oasis’ chef skills are not very good, and the smelly smell of mushrooms when they are boiled in water can be smelled by anyone who has eaten. But Lin Sanjiu stopped saying these words? Because she just called up such a little information again? She fainted in front of her eyes-obviously it was very exhausting.

Just like after a person puts on clothes, the brain will forget the feeling of skin contacting the cloth. What she just heard and heard? The brain has filtered out before the change-otherwise a few days later? The amount of information can be easily Burst any supercomputer.

But now? She feels that all the information and materials are under a kind of powerful coordination? It runs smoothly in the depths of her mind; if her consciousness is stronger, she must be able to call and call out more things.

...If it weren't restricted by the "fuel" of consciousness, this would be an amazing ability.

Feng Qiqi and the two seemed to have gone to eat first; when they walked towards the door, Lin Sanjiu glanced at Fang Dan, who was like an enemy, and smiled: "Hey, I will help you solve that man. Drop? Do you do me a favor too?"

Fontaine is very grateful? I don't know why I hate the poor suitor so much: "You say? I will go through fire and water? I will do it!"

"While eating, you go to Mather and say you have a headache? Let her take you to the infirmary to prescribe medicine. Isn't it simple?" Lin Sanjiu said, narrowing his eyes. "If you ask me, just say I went to the well team to fight."

Fang Dan didn't notice anything. Although he was a little confused, he nodded, "No problem!"

After speaking, the two had already left the house. Sitting on the steps, a man combing his head and brushing his head saw Fang Dan, and he ran over with his eyes glazed at once—he was stopped by Lin Sanjiu before he even reached the front.

The cold eyes and the snow-white bandage around her neck mixed into a breathtaking aura, causing the man to swallow back what he had just said.

"Give me to stay away from her today."

Any animal has a natural instinct for a powerful opponent—Lin Sanjiu is very satisfied, and this middle head obviously did not throw away this intuition; he paused, even though his face was so ugly that the veins appeared. Still stopped, did not follow.

Fang Dan was taken aback. He was surprised and didn't waste time, so he hurried to the cafeteria; Lin Sanjiu did not follow, but found a quiet place to wait quietly.

Twenty minutes later, Mather came out of the canteen with a painful look of Fontaine.

She did not move, and continued to patiently monitor the entrance of the cafeteria.

Before long, I saw Feng Qiqi picking his teeth while walking out.

Thinking about it carefully, this might be the first time in a few days that Feng Qiqi was alone-he looked very leisurely, walked around, yawned and dragged his feet, and walked towards the building where he lived. Somehow in the past few days, there has been no team mission, and several of them have almost become idlers for nothing.

Lin Sanjiu was as agile as a black cat in the dark, and started silently.

The distance between the buildings in this factory area is very narrow. Feng Qiqi humming without noticing it, when he just walked past a building, he was kicked heavily on his back and his feet were unstable, and he fell into two buildings at once. In the path between the buildings.

Before he could scold him, a cold hand grabbed his throat and lifted him up against the wall.

"Ahem, ahem, who is..." The trail is dark, and he hasn't seen the attacker clearly yet.

Lin Sanjiu provoked an unsmiling smile, and Bai Sensen's teeth became the only conspicuous thing in the night. She said softly: "If you can't see clearly, just take out your phone and take a picture-Tian Minbo."

The man under his finger was silent for a second, then he threw his legs and said: "Little, little wine? What are you talking about...I, I..."

"Shut up. You thought you were turned into this way by Feng Qiqi, so I can't do anything with you?" Lin Sanjiu approached, and his words sizzled between her teeth, "...not as good," I just stabbed you and see if your body will return to its original shape."

The man stopped talking, just struggled desperately-the field mouse was also a natural evolutionary with physical strengthening, Lin Sanjiu would not let him resist like this. The silver light of the metal flashed, and the chef's knife in her hand was already resting on his neck. He didn't move immediately-in the hot air, the slight coolness on the knife's body clearly penetrated into the skin.

"I'm not intimidating you." Her tone was extremely calm. "It's too late for you to call 110. I have no reason to keep you alive."

The murderous aura that rushed towards his face finally made him collapse. "Feng Qiqi" suddenly softened, crying and shouting: "Wait, wait... It was not my idea to become like this to lie to you... "

Even if he begged for mercy, the field mouse still kept Luze's appearance, and it seemed that he could not take the initiative to lift the deformation. Lin Sanjiu was so tired of him, and he smiled softly: "You don't have to kill it. If your leg breaks, I'll hand you over to Heize Ji."

The field mouse's face instantly became as white as death—he didn't expect that Lin Sanjiu would have known Heizeji. It's better to die in her hands than to hand it over to Kurosawa Ji-he was shaking all over, "You can't do this!"

"Oh why?"

He finally took out a piece of paper from his pocket and raised it softly. "Because I am a visa officer!"

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