Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1692: The experience of Lin Sanjiu and bee needle poison

This chapter is almost done

The glass door of the sub-game was broken on one side long ago, and only half of the sharp glass stubble remained on the right door, which shimmered in the night. It was the first time in this life that Lin Sanjiu saw that the Public Security Bureau would be so ecstatic. She slammed open the door with her body and shouted at Hu Changzai: "Quick in!" The Fallen Seed that came up kicked away fiercely, and a wound was cut on his leg at the same time.

Hu Chang rolled into the lobby on the first floor half-stumbled, followed by sharp buzzing behind him.

"You go find something to block the door, I'll block it for a while!" Lin Sanjiu said, holding the iron rod in his hand and blocking the gate. When Hu Chang knew it was not polite, he dragged his injured leg and rushed into the room on the first floor. After a while, he pulled out a conference table.

To be honest, facing the degenerate species that surged like a sea tide, Lin Sanjiu even turned her calf--seeing Hu Changzai was back, she hurriedly knocked off a mouthpart that hit the front door, and quickly Jumping over the half glass door, he blocked the door with a conference table together.

The table under the palm of the hand was immediately shaken back and forth by the "bang" of the mouthparts.

"No, this table won't last long...Let's go upstairs!" Lin Sanjiu shouted. Although I can't escape upstairs, this is the only way I can go.

Hu Changzai did not dare to delay, and limped after her up to the top of the stairs—just ascending to the second floor, only to hear a crash downstairs, and the table was overturned.

The two looked at each other, and both felt that their chests were tight.

"Hidden in the room?" Hu Changzai lost blood all the way, his face was pale and scary. At this time, he couldn't run anymore: "...maybe you can escape from the outer wall."

It had no choice but to—Lin Sanjiu nodded and rushed into the corridor first.

The first room in the corridor is a water room without a door; the second room is a department of the household registration department, but the door was destroyed by some unknown reason, and it is of no use. She glanced at it and found that the door of the third room was still intact Yes, it was hiding, revealing a seam. She immediately exclaimed, "Here!"

Immediately after a few steps, he rushed up and pushed the door open.

In the room, two tall and corrupt species turned their heads at the same time? They cast their eyes on her.

For a moment, both of them stopped moving as if frozen.

These two fallen species were both males before they were alive, and each was taller than 1.8 meters; I don't know how many humans have been sucked? The flesh is full, the muscles are tight, and the mouthparts are stoutly stout. They look much more dangerous than their counterparts outside—as long as they take a mouthpiece at this distance? Both of them will lose their lives...

However, the next second? The two fallen species turned their heads at the same time, never looking at them again, but staring at each other closely.


In just a blink of an eye? Lin San's back was already drenched with cold sweat. She calmed down? Only then did she find that the two fallen species in the room were facing each other with a fierce anger? Her eyes were not willing to go in their direction.

Among them? An overturned desk, blood-stained documents all over the place? And... a gold-orange collar. The collar exudes a warm glow on the dirty floor, lining up all the dilapidated and dying surroundings, it seems so out of place.

She immediately understood what it was and why these two fallen species behaved like this. An anxious light slammed through her mind, and then she made a move that shocked Hu Changzai's jaw--

"Come in? Close the door." Lin Sanjiu stepped into the room in one step? He gave him an order without looking back.

"You are crazy" just about to squirt from the tip of his tongue? Hu Changzai suddenly discovered that the two fallen species were still motionless. The room is not big? When she walked in like this, she was only a few steps away from the one at the door-but the fallen species didn't even turn her eyes except for the muscles tightened? Still staring at each other. .

"The ones on the ground are'special items' unique to the New World... It seems that these two fallen species want to take this collar as their own, for fear of being taken advantage of by the other party. I am afraid that we will not care about us at this time. "Don't look at Lin Sanjiu's usual wisdom, but the more critical it gets, the more eager she gets. She didn't even think about lowering her voice at this time, but smiled openly: "Two, let's come in. Hide, don’t know how to do it. Don’t worry, go ahead!"

She spoke beautifully, but her body was at the top of her guard—holding the iron rod tightly, Lin Sanjiu had a solemn expression, and slowly walked to the side of an iron file cabinet against the root of the wall.

The degenerate species with a tiger tattoo on the opposite arm gave a cold snort, but still didn't move.

Hu Changzai also noticed this: Lin Sanjiu was right. He closed the door immediately and stood carefully beside her.

"Get out!" The one closer to them couldn't stand it anymore.

Lin Sanjiu looked at its motionless back and whispered softly: "Two, you can also guess that we have no choice but to come in-if we don't come in, we will have to die outside. You continue to confront you, I also understand. As long as you are a little wrong, maybe things will be taken away by the other-if we can get what we need, I promise not to affect you."

This courage... If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, Hu Changzai would almost like to compliment her on the hero of the female middle school.

Lin Sanjiu listened attentively, and there were already messy footsteps in the corridor, and the peculiar "grumbling" of the sticky skin of the fallen species walking.

The eyebrows of the two confrontational fallen species were twisted tightly.

"The chasers behind us are coming soon. They swarmed in. You are not easy to do it? Now what should we do? They are all degenerate species, or you tell them, no one is there?" she said in a tone. It was a bit of a rogue, and then raised his chin to Hu Changzai: "Ah, you bandage your leg."

She was sure that these two fallen species would not let such a large crowd from outside rush in.

Sure enough, as soon as her voice fell, the door of the room was slammed by a mouthpart from the outside. Immediately afterwards, the two fallen species in the house made high-pitched and sharp buzzing sounds almost at the same time-a few faint calls suddenly came from outside the door. The buzzing sound continued for several minutes regardless, and when the room was quiet again, there was no sound outside.

It seems that just like the difference in combat power between evolvers, the fallen species are also hierarchical.

"Get out now!" Although he still didn't look back, the tone of the degenerate kind became a lot more violent.

"Okay, okay, when my companion's legs are wrapped, we will go right away..." Lin Sanjiu said as he squatted down to see Hu Chang's injury on his leg. Hu Changzai raised his head gratefully: "I'm fine, let's go first, this is not a long... stay."

His tone suddenly slowed down because he found that Lin Sanjiu was silently lip-syncing to himself.

"You run first and go downstairs."

She repeated her mouth several times, and finally made him nodded suspiciously.

"Okay, your legs are wrapped up." She lifted up Hu Changzai and said aloud. "Thank you for your help, then we can leave."

Naturally, neither of the two fallen species responded, and they didn't even move their eyes away from each other.

Lin Sanjiu pursed the corner of his mouth, and pressed back the tension in his heart that seemed to be about to walk a tightrope. The look on her face was only noticed by Hu Changzai beside her, and his heart immediately thumped.

After opening the door, there was indeed no corrupted seed in the corridor outside.

Lin Sanjiu gently pushed Hu Changzai, and the latter immediately understood and ran towards the stairs without delay.

"Um... I'm just curious to ask." She turned around and felt sweat in her palms. "What did you do just now, why did the other depraved seeds disappear in a while?"

A degenerate "hissed" impatiently. Although it still didn't move, what Lin Sanjiu wanted was not an answer, but a little gap in their minds where there was a flaw in their minds——

A card quickly blasted into the air, and when it reached the top of the collar, it slammed upwards, and then fell heavily.

The collar was hit by this movement and instantly turned into a kumquat light spot in the sky, which quickly melted into the card. Then, before the Fallen Species could react, the card flew back to Lin Sanjiu's direction. As soon as the card started, she immediately ran away--all this, she had practiced countless times in her heart, but she didn't expect to actually get the collar!

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