Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1759: Three wines

This is a face that Lin Sanjiu will never forget in this life.

For a moment, the sense of fear that was completely suppressed and struggling between life and death many years ago made her tremble all over. At that time, she had gift bags, Kiyokuruu, the Great Miko, and even a stab at her side. Also with Si Lu; now she is just alone, facing the same desperate enemy.

Compared with many years ago, the old woman no longer seems to be superimposed by several blurry pixels, and even the edges are gelatinized; now her face and body contours are much clearer and more stable, as if they were still The imperfect pixel paintings gradually became a person.

But Lin Sanjiu knew very well that the old woman was not a real person.

She is just a product created by someone with a trace of consciousness, just like the brain form that she had created at the Ruyue Station in the first place. The difference is that this consciousness product is also equipped with an evolutionary ability that is almost impossible to resist from the consciousness master, [Concept collision].

Last time, because of the abilities carried by the old woman caused the end of the world, she could just use [Nostradamus Card] to put away the other party; this time the old woman has nothing to do with walking in the clouds and will no longer act The doomsday factor has been absorbed, she has wasted a second or two, she must hurry up-eh?

When countless thoughts swept through his mind violently, it was this one that made Lin Sanjiu hurriedly stopped his hand that was about to put away [facial hair].

A second or two has passed, but the other party hasn't done anything yet. And the sentence "So there's one more", it sounds like... the old woman didn't recognize her.

"It's your turn soon," the old woman turned her eyes away from her, her dry and hoarse voice suddenly rang, her tone as if she often gave a command in Pingping. "It's fine if you want to run. It doesn't matter whether you catch death or alive."

As she said, she tore off the cloth bag on her back, opened the mouth of the bag casually, and swept her head toward the three ordinary people sitting side by side on the ground-just a blink of an eye, when the cloth bag was raised again, Several people disappeared, but the bag looked loose and empty, the same as before.

Could it be... Ordinary people disappear like this? Have all been taken away? But what do you catch ordinary people for?

Lin Sanjiu was half confused and half stunned, and at the same time realized that the old woman really didn't recognize herself.

Is it because [Facial Hair] makes her look like an ordinary person? Or did the old woman forget her appearance after too long?

She is standing still on the spot now. In the eyes of the old woman, she may seem to be an ordinary person who is completely frightened and stupid, so she doesn't need to pay more attention...So, she shouldn't act rashly at this moment.

The Great Witch was killed by [Concept Collision] and has not been able to recover; but she doesn't even know who is behind the old woman. Today’s situation, if you can use it carefully, you might be able to discover the truth about the disappearance of ordinary people, find out the true body of the old woman, and most importantly, rescue the Great Witch. Together with this idea, Lin Sanjiu’s heart suddenly heated up. , I was so excited that I even had a short breath.

What should I do?


At exactly this moment, the thin man poked his head into this straight city road. He probably noticed that Lin Sanjiu's posture was different. He yelled out guard from a distance: "What's the matter, why is there no sound-eh, So, who is that?"

The old woman looked at him and took a step towards him. The old-fashioned cloth shoes were silently pressed against the floor tiles.

When the thin man touched her, he was so shocked that the can in his hand fell off, and immediately turned his head and ran away without saying a word.

Perhaps it was because after losing 94% of her combat power, her own reaction was more sluggish; Lin Sanjiu only felt that a burst of sickness suddenly passed in front of her eyes, and the cut air was so sharp that her heart almost exploded--almost. At the same time, the thin man screamed for a while, and was suddenly pinched off.

On the distant city road, the thin man was gone, leaving only the silhouette of the old woman crouching.

If there is anything different from the time when ordinary people were taken away, it is this time, a piece of blood has been smashed from the bottom of the cloth bag-it looks like the blood is leaving the cloth bag and dripping into another place. It was like; the small smear of blood was quickly "dripping out", and the cloth bag was restored to be exactly the same as before. If it weren't for Lin Sanjiu's eyes, he would have thought that he had an illusion.

...Even if the combat power is not there, she can still feel the fresh death in the air. In comparison, when ordinary people were put away just now, it didn't look like someone had died.

"only one person,"

When the first word rang, the old woman was still far away, and when the fourth word rang, she had already stepped past Lin Sanjiu. Compared to the previous year, this product of consciousness seems to be more difficult to deal with. "It still costs me a trip..."

Although the combat power has been weakened, it is not a simple matter to hold on to his instinct to fight. The blood flow of the muscles in Lin Sanjiu's body seemed to feel the powerful enemy in front of him, clamoring to gather strength to fight against it; this was always her first reaction when meeting a powerful enemy.

Just suppressing herself from moving, she was almost exhausting her effort-especially when the old woman's cloth bag came over her head.

Everything shows that the old woman will only kill when the target is about to run... right?

When Lin Sanjiu's eyes were dark, she was secretly rejoicing: Fortunately, Li Bao and Yu Yuan were not with her, so she didn't have to risk her life with her.

Even if her vision fell into darkness, even if she suddenly lost her center of gravity, her mental consciousness was still clear. She felt like she had fallen from a high altitude, and her limbs swayed into the air, even though the place she had fallen into seemed to be just a cloth pocket; she felt the blood flow all over her body suddenly accelerated and hit the palm of her hand. Sweating, and her heart beating like a drum - she fell straight into the darkness, knowing that what she was doing was an extremely reckless thing, but she didn't feel any fear at all.

It seems that she has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Lin Sanjiu didn't know what she would encounter when she fell into the deepest place; she was not even sure whether she could see the sky again. It’s just that even if she guessed dozens of times, she probably wouldn’t be able to guess. When the white cloud below quickly greeted her and swallowed her, she would fall into

Wait, what is this place?

From the absolute darkness, Lin Sanjiu, who had lost 94% of his combat power, suddenly ran into a bright white light. She involuntarily squinted her eyes; she only felt her body bumping against some kind of wall, and finally "slapped" to the ground. She fell on a crawler that was sliding forward - she hurriedly looked up and was stunned.

I fell into a... giant factory?

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