Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1760: Six percent Lin Sanjiu

Is she getting smaller, or is this factory too big?

Lin Sanjiu sat on her back on a black rubber track. For a few seconds, she didn't know where to set her eyes first, so she swept under her blankly.

The track was covered with white scratches, and with the temperature of the movement, it was transporting her forward in the buzzing and trembling-except that it was as wide as four roads, it was almost indistinguishable from a normal track.

No, there is one more important difference.

On the track running smoothly in front, at this time, one person after another was sitting on the ground. At a glance, she saw several familiar shadows, all of them ordinary people who were walking with her just now; behind two sitting motionless backs, she also saw the thin man—or rather, the thin man with smeared blood. Back of head.

It turned out that both life and death came to the same place...

A silver metal clip about the size of a crane suddenly landed straight down, plunged into her field of vision, and accurately clipped it on the front crawler; when it rose again, Lin Sanjiu also lifted it up with it in a daze. Gaze.

The thin man's lifeless body was clamped softly in a metal clip, with his limbs hanging down; he secretly picked up the stuff stuffed in his jacket, and at this moment all fell out, the Swiss army knife, fog ball, canned food... They smashed on the track and rolled down from both sides. The thing he had looked at very precious just now left him and fell into the abyss on both sides of the track, but no one noticed it anymore.

Lin Sanjiu stared at the skinny corpse and was removed from the track. The clamp was loosened slightly. The corpse suddenly fell into the lower side of the track, making a faint "plop".

When the caterpillars took her past the place where the thin man fell, she hurriedly climbed a few steps, came to the edge and swept down, but only saw another caterpillar running in a different direction tens of meters below. , The thin man was gone-blood was stained on the track, with bright red and dark black layers overlapping; as Lin Sanjiu was taken further and further, he happened to see another pale-faced corpse being transported from the track below She came out, was pushed in the opposite direction, and quickly disappeared from her gaze.

If you look down from the probe, you will see more giant machinery, pipes, tracks and gears, which are so deep that they can even engulf your eyes. Lin Sanjiu was suddenly reduced to some kind of raw material with a big palm. It just fell into the belly of a giant factory, and was about to go through a complicated process, but he didn't know what he was going to become in the end.

What is going on with the old woman and this factory?

Lin Sanjiu raised his head. The same crawlers one after another are like ribbons that are staggered across the sky. Their long, cold, silver luster intersects and traverses each other, moving forward in an orderly manner amid the sound of the steady movement.

When she looked back again, she saw where she had fallen: it was a plastic cylinder with a diameter of 20 to 30 meters, the end of which was open in mid-air; the person who fell from the old woman’s cloth bag, It seems that they all fell into this plastic cylinder and hit the track again.

...Her doubts are now like a vast ocean, enough to drown herself.

"It's better to take off the [facial hair] first," Teacher Yi reminded her, "This place is very weird, it's best to be careful. It's strange, the ordinary people in front of you are as if they have lost their souls. , I haven't moved for a while..."

It may be that the old woman moved something.

It seems that only her group of people have lost their souls; if Lin Sanjiu listens carefully, he can still distinguish the faint human voices from afar from the sound of various machines—it's just that the sound is too far away and reverberates. Most of the sound quality is lost in between, and only the remaining panic can still touch people's nerves.

Even she was surprised, suspicious, and unclear. So, let alone an ordinary person who lives in a stable life and doesn't even fight often?

She raised her hand while thinking, and when she touched her eyebrows, she was shocked: she had never touched so much hair on her face, like a large squirrel tail, even her fingertips were swallowed.

How much hair does this have? When I touch it with my hands, I can hardly feel where my eyes are.

Lin Sanjiu picked out the [facial hair] in the right eyebrow with a few clicks, and immediately felt the power in his body rush upwards, as if he had been suppressed under the water for too long, and couldn’t wait to rush up and take a breath. Similar.

"It turns out that you can recover a part of combat power by removing a part of Mao," Teacher Yi sighed.

Just as Lin Sanjiu was about to continue to reach out and pluck the left eyebrows, a sharp electronic sound suddenly screamed, shocking her whole body. "Detected by the evolver!" The urgent and sharp sound suddenly filled the invisible factory, and was accompanied by a sound of alarm: "Detected by the evolver! A04! A04!"

She cursed a mother in her heart, and she understood.

The track you are currently on must be A04, right?

The [facial hair] in the palm of my hand was not covered with heat, it was hurriedly pressed back into the eyebrows by Lin Sanjiu, and he was so nervous that he even held his breath-in the item introduction, only said that it can pass every eight hours. The way to re-pick and put on, try to change a weaker combat power ratio; as to whether part of the hair is kept in the original state after being repeatedly put on and put in a short period of time, it is a vague area.

"Ah, okay, okay,"

When the sense of powerlessness once again loosened her muscles and strength, she heard Teacher Yi breathe a sigh of relief and said: "It's good luck, and it has recovered to a 94% weakened state."

This time, Teacher Yi was sincere.

There are always many ambiguities in the use of special items; perhaps because they are all "living", there will be ambiguities and room for growth. Lin Sanjiu sat on the track holding his breath and waited for a few seconds. Seeing that the alarm was sounded for the first time, he didn't repeat it. Now there is only an echo, and he can't help but feel a little scared: "It turns out that I have six percent of the combat power... …It happens to be a level that this factory cannot detect?"

"It should be," Teacher Yi replied, "isn't the detection range usually with error values?"

She gave an "um"—then both of them fell silent.

The track was still moving forward steadily and at a slow speed; it sent the figure in front of it into a square metal cover in the distance, and when the figure got closer, it was swallowed by the shadow. After the sirens completely disappeared, the factory still didn't seem to be disturbed. Everything was running step by step, perhaps because she responded quickly and the alarm ended early.

"That... Speaking of combat power..." Teacher Yi said first, "Did you think about it too?"

Lin Sanjiu let out a long sigh.

How could she not think of such an obvious misunderstanding until now?

Lin Sanjiu always feels that when she encounters a crisis, she only needs to wipe her hand to put her [Facial Hair] away in [Flat World]; just now she took off [Facial Hair] because she was not in a hurry. ——Just thinking about it now, she immediately realized that carding the [facial hair] on her face might not work.

[Flat World] Isn’t it also a part of combat power?

Being part of it means that it has also been weakened by 94%, right?

She can still understand at a speed of 6 percent; the real problem is that when facing 6 percent of the [flat world], 6 percent of the [painting style mutant version, jingle], and 6 percent of the air vortex ...What should she do?

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