Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1761: Lin Sanjiu in the toilet

This chapter is very fast, it can be published in about fifteen minutes!

"Have you heard?"

There was silence in the carriage, except for the sound of the engine, only the swish of countless dense raindrops hitting the roof and glass.

Lin Guoyun suddenly slapped the steering wheel and laughed uncontrollably: "You heard—you heard. God wants to communicate with people, how to communicate? I don’t know about others, but he always rains on me. The roof of the car... tells me that I am going to kill someone, kill someone."

Lin Sanjiu turned his head, staring at him pale. The car door is locked, and the buildings emerging from the dark outside are less and less like London in the 19th century—signboards with "Tianbao Restaurant" and "Chen's Western Medicine" written in traditional Chinese characters are layered on top of each other. The piles of ground stick out from the crowded buildings, covered with a layer of fog by the rainy night, and still look colorful.

……With the streets of Hong Kong in the 1980s, Lin Guoyun’s Cantonese accent gradually became clear.

"Don't worry, it will be here soon." When he spoke, he still didn't look at people, his eyes were bright: "Hong Kong has many mountains, let's find a mountain road—"

Before he finished his words, Lin Sanjiu rushed forward and punched his temple. She has not received systematic martial arts training, but has been instructed by Heosawaji several times; but because of this, although every one of her moves is not very beautiful, she is ruthless and simple, and they are all dead-but this book As soon as Ying's punch was out, she screamed badly in her heart.

She is now as vain as an ordinary girl who hasn't exercised much.

Lin Guoyun turned her head, raised her arm, and stopped her hand, as if she had just caught a small flying insect, pushed hard, and threw her back to the passenger seat; the car crooked, There was a short rubbing sound, and the direction was immediately adjusted.

"What annoying you!" His face turned gloomy, and the car was filled with loud roars: "Before you get to the place, you think I will kill you, don't you!"

Lin Sanjiu's head knocked on the car window with a "boom" sound; she was stunned for half a second in pain, almost subconsciously, her question came out: "You always kill in the car?"

With the sound of rain rustling, Lin Guoyun drove for a while, still pointing straight ahead, but slowly turning his eyes towards her.

"Yes," he replied softly. "I thought Jack the Ripper killed in the carriage, but now it looks like he was in the alley."

At this moment, Lin Sanjiu fought a violent cold war and suddenly understood.

After entering the game, although her physical stamina has dropped sharply, at least she can protect herself, and she has always had a fight when facing Jack the Ripper the first two times. Only in two places did she suddenly degenerate into the strength of an ordinary woman-one in the alley where Jack the Ripper was encountered, and the other in the butcher's taxi in the rainy night.

These two are their "scene scenes".

This game restores every detail of the serial homicide, the location of the murder, the murderer, the historical background, and even the weather...Similarly, the role of the "victim" should also highly simulate historical facts-no matter who is trapped in the "victim" "In this role, I'm afraid it will be restricted and become like a real dead person in history.

"You... why did you choose to kill me?" Lin Sanjiu asked as he searched the carriage quickly, hoping to find something to make her self-defense: "Also, how would you know about the dungeon? ?"

Lin Guoyun smacked his lips and asked with a smile: "I have always wanted to ask you, why do you guys keep talking about copies? What is a copy?"

Suddenly raising his head, Lin Sanjiu was a little at a loss: "You don't know? You said it yourself once, in this ‘game’—"

"Yeah, you have been talking about this game," Lin Guoyun shrugged, "Do you think it is a real-life game? After hearing you say it so many times, I will just follow it. "

The car was still driving smoothly. Lin Sanjiu swallowed, only to realize that Lin Guoyun had never mentioned the words "evolution ability" or "copy"-he had always been, only after others had finished saying it, lowering it. The head does not speak.

"Women like you, the world is clean only when you die." Lin Guoyun suddenly laughed poisonously and softly, and his voice was tied into a thin line by some uncontrollable excitement: "Tell you. , That is not a real-life game, nor is it a copy—how can there be such a real game! That is actually arranged by God. God has led me and you through history. He is telling me that I am a contemporary Jack of mine—no, I have to be better than him—and a woman like you, I was destined to kill."

"A woman like me?" Lin Sanjiu pressed against his belly full of anxiety and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

"Chicken," he cursed impatiently.

"That's just the role assigned to me-isn't it the same for you!"

The car slammed to a halt, and inertia almost threw Lin Sanjiu onto the windshield; amid the sharp creak, Lin Guoyun still stepped on the brake deeply and slowly bent over.

"I'm not the same as you." The corners of his eyes were narrowed into two slits, and he was full of disgust: "When I suddenly discovered that I was free to walk into London, I knew that it must be God's will. I observed for a long time in secret, and found that besides me, there are several other people who are not local, indicating that others can also go in. The brothers have arrived long ago, and a man came after me."

That's right-Lin Guoyun is just a copy creature, and that man is the real third evolutionary!

In other words, when Lin Sanjiu entered the game, Jack the Ripper only killed one person.

But, does the game start before the fourth evolutionary enters?

She didn't have time to ask this sentence, but Lin Guoyun spoke again.

"He was obviously very young, but they all thought that man was a fifty-year-old tailor. I don't know what happened. When asked about his attitude, he was also very annoying. They even questioned me and asked why I didn't know. Evolutionary, so I just killed him." Lin Guoyun smiled lowly. In the shadow, he could only see his long chin, which slowly pointed. "Then, I endured a stronger desire to kill, walked on the street, walked, talked to those **** and told them that I was also a fucker... If they didn't say that, they wouldn't believe in an East Asian at all. It."

"I was confused, why did God allow me to enter London? Does he want me to see how Jack the Ripper accomplishes his work? But then I saw you—I understood immediately."

The space inside the car was dark and narrow, and it was rainy and dark outside. The headlights didn't illuminate far, and only the road and the rain were illuminated. In such a quiet gloom, Lin Sanjiu could almost feel the heavy breathing of the opposite person.

"...Understand what?"

"Understand why I am there. You are the only woman from outside, and it must be the goal that God arranged for me." Lin Guoyun said in an intoxicating tone: "When Jack the Ripper kills those locals* When **, let me kill you... This is a rainy night duet of a metropolis killer."

"Later, the facts also proved that you really are a prostitute NV."

"You killed Annie too," Lin Sanjiu murmured. At this point, she has straightened out the context-the dead body she saw with her own eyes was actually only the second victim, but was mistakenly identified as the third victim. If Lin Guoyun does not kill Annie, then when Jack the Ripper kills Annie logically, there will be a flaw: the woman who was originally the third victim died in the fourth homicide. For one thing, it is likely to cause Lin Sanjiu's doubts.

If she looked back at this time, she would immediately find that there was a deceased person in front of him who was not a *** at all, and the method of death was also incompatible with Jack the Ripper's crime-Lin Guoyun could not take this risk, let her first doubt herself .

Lin Guoyun smiled upon hearing this, and sat back, but Lin Sanjiu's nerves suddenly tightened.

He tilted his body and didn't know what he was digging out: "Yes, because I am also very interested in the identity of Jack the Ripper, because when I saw the old ***, I couldn't help but smash her identity. If I didn’t say that much at the time, and there was nothing to follow—"

Without waiting for a word to finish, he twisted his body and rushed forward, the rope in his hand was already set towards Lin Sanjiu. Fortunately, she was prepared in her heart, struggling fiercely, but did not let the rope surround it; however, it was Lin Guoyun's murder scene after all, and Lin Sanjiu's strength could hardly be countered. After several beatings, she was caught He grabbed his neck and pressed it to the car door.

Lin Guoyun quickly put her hands and feet on the rope and squeezed her tightly; however, Lin Sanjiu's support time was shorter than expected, and after a while he collapsed softly and stopped moving.

However, the young man was still uneasy, and tightened the rope a few more times, panting heavily, and suddenly sat down in the driver's seat. He listened to the sound of the car being hit by the rain, calmed his heartbeat for a while, and suddenly sat up suddenly.

...In the yellow aperture of the front headlights, two men, one tall and one short, walked out. They had similar faces, and they were all amazed at this time, and they looked back and forth as they walked - they saw Lin Guoyun in the car at a glance, and the two hurried over a few steps.

Lin Guoyun thought for a while and rolled down the car window. The woman collapsed on the seat, and they couldn't see it.

"Hey, I said, what's the matter?" As soon as the window opened, the raindrops came in; the younger brother squinted against the rain and asked, "Didn't you say it was London, England? How did it all change? "

Lin Guoyun lowered his eyes-he still didn't like to look at people: "I, I don't know."

The younger brother snorted, obviously not believing it. When he was about to speak, suddenly there was no sound. His two round eyes suddenly passed Lin Guoyun and looked straight to the back——the young man's heart shuddered and he turned his head abruptly, and then he was in the taxi. There was a harsh scream.

Lin Sanjiu panted hard and used all his strength, for fear of being thrown off by the struggling young man—her right hand was holding the glass holder holding Lin Guoyun’s work card, and the sharp corner was stuck in his. In the corner of her eye, a thin stream of blood was sliding down his cheek; when she couldn't bear to eat anymore and was about to be thrown off, she desperately sent the sharp corner of the glass, and then she was in pain. Hu Li hurriedly unlocked his car and rushed into the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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