Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1762: Physical examination package

The method of replacing the in vitro microbial community is as simple and rude as the disinfection procedure: the countless strong water jets from all directions swayed Lin Sanjiu, who had lost his consciousness, and his skin hurt, let alone open his eyes. She could even breathe in a piece of water from her nasal cavity—it was almost like a petrel in a storm, and even the question of "why should we replace microorganisms" was punched out of her mind.

After she finally survived for ten minutes, she was sent into a circle. She had seen a picture of the factory assembly line on TV before. When the machine was pushed down, a plastic bottle sleeve was put on the beverage bottle—Lin Sanjiu is now the beverage bottle.

When the circle was lifted up again, a gray robe appeared on her.

Said it is a robe, it is actually two pieces of thick and hard cloth that are seamed back and forth, and then drilled holes for the head and arms; fortunately, it is loose and fat, but it does not affect activities.

"At any rate, you are a civilized person again," Teacher Yi said. "Why don't you try to get clothes from the card library? No one seems to be in this factory, it's all fully automated."

"...Forget it," Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, but gave up. "Just in case, I still have to be as inconspicuous as possible."

This factory seems to be involved in several things: the whereabouts of ordinary people in Fanjia City, the purpose of the Shadow Palace, the relationship with the old woman, and even the possibility of leading to the great witch...Compared with the truth she might have discovered , It's really nothing to get caught in it.

However, [Pygmalion Collar] had to find a way to cover it.

When Lin Sanjiu was pushed on another track, she took advantage of the time of the track to tear off the bottom of the gray robe and wrapped it around her neck; pretending that she was injured in the process of disinfection and replacement. , It seems to be justified.

"What's the use of replacing it with the microbial community of the evolutionary?" She finally took time to wonder, "The reason why the evolutionary is the evolutionary is not because of the microbes. I am now doubling the microbes, and I don’t see the power. Doubled. If the purpose is to create an evolutionary, wouldn’t it be enough to directly release the doomsday factor?"

"Furthermore, the body inside didn't move," Teacher Yi also had no clue: "I really can't figure out what to do."

Perhaps the answer lies deeper in the factory.

Lin Sanjiu's physical strength is not better than usual now, so he has to seize the opportunity to rest and simply sit down on the track. As the track buzzed forward, the dimness around her body was being slightly diluted; she rubbed her sore eyes, and when she put her hands down again, she couldn't help being stunned.

"what is this?"

The distant and dark front, at this time, is gradually floating in various colors, like water waves that have lost their weight, lingering in the darkness, waves washing toward the shore. The destination in front of the crawler is actually a large expanse of "walls."

Rows and rows of translucent small cells with various colors of light are embedded in the wall, so that people can't see the edge; it looks like a honeycomb floating in the universe that has been magnified countless times. .

Most honeycomb grids are bright with moon white, orange and light red halos, like jewels scattered on black velvet; light emerges from the grid, drifting in the darkness, intertwining and expanding-if not every If there is a black figure standing in the bright grid, this scene can even be called beautiful.

"Quickly enter the door," Teacher Yi murmured to remind.

The caterpillar that brought Lin Sanjiu forward, at this moment, was leading to a metal gate in the center of the wall, and it should be ready to send her into the gate; there were several similar metal gates in the distance.

The tracks are like driving in a dark abyss. The two sides seem to be able to swallow people’s gaze, and the depth is not bottom; Lin Sanjiu squinted and found that the other gates are also connected to the tracks, floating on Perhaps ordinary people are being transported in the dark distance.

Every time the door opens and closes, it is accompanied by the position change between the small grids, and the light beams flicker in the dark; she looked at it and understood: after being sent into the door, people will enter the space between the grids. After the person is installed, it will be removed and replaced with another space.

"I was a little skeptical since I fell, and now I am almost certain. This factory..." She looked around and said in a low voice: "It was made of more than one copy or special items. "

Could this be the final destination?

When she stepped into a small dim room, Lin Sanjiu's whole body became tense. When she looked from the outside just now, she found that the figures in the compartment occasionally moved, indicating that everyone is still alive; but if this is the final destination, it may also mean that she will remove the [facial hair].

As she looked up and down the small compartment that had just lit up her with a yellowish light, the opposite wall suddenly cracked.

The screen, the tube, the metal arm, the syringe, the mask, the small disc... and how many things she didn't recognize and couldn't call her name, the tide surged from behind the wall like a Medusa probe. Out of her head; in such a large swarm of snakeheads, a small spray head was hidden, and she was caught off guard and sprayed a mist of mist on her face.

Rao Lin Sanjiu reacted much faster than ordinary people, and it still leaked a little bit into the nasal cavity; she suddenly felt the muscles and limbs loose all over her body, and in the lazy, warm relaxation, she slowly leaned against the back wall on.

"It's...what annoying place." Teacher Yi said softly. "I knew it, I put [facial hair]...into the nose...for nose hair."

That's too ugly.

Lin Sanjiu's consciousness is still there, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, it feels like a dizzy sense of relaxation when taking a bath for too long; maybe her keen intuition is only 6% left, and she really doesn't feel dangerous-- She looked at a few small probes, sticking them on her head, temples and chest one after another. They were cold and could not give rise to resistance.

Pieces of equipment were attached or wrapped around her body, even her face was covered; there was one thing that I didn’t know what it was, and it hit her neck collar a few times. He didn't crash into it, and found another place to settle down. The screen turned on, and many numbers, images, and pulsating curves floated up-Lin Sanjiu stared at it for a while, and said softly "Ah" in his mind, and said, "Is this giving me a physical examination?" "

"Is there any good thing?"

"That double helix structure... doesn't it look like DNA?"

She herself felt that the conversation between her and Teacher Yi was loose, slow, and a little ambiguous. Apart from not wanting to laugh, it was just like the reaction of people in the past when they were too big.

Fortunately, she inhaled less, and the effect went away quickly; Lin Sanjiu felt that she was gradually "falling" down. The process seemed to last for a few seconds, and she returned to a state of tension, anxiety and clarity.

Xiaogejian obviously didn't expect this, and was about to embark on the main event: a syringe filled with blue liquid was pierced straight on her arm.

"You can stay away from me," Lin Sanjiu quickly turned around and was startled to sweat from his back. The needle was not pierced in the target, but still reluctant, turned half a circle in mid-air, and came to her arm again-she racked her brains in the small compartment and evaded and moved a few times, regretting the moment. Why didn't she call out a shoe; there were still countless tubes and threads hanging on her body, and she couldn't hide her from it, but suddenly she had a clue, and instead met the tip of the needle with her hand.

The needle tip came out between her two fingers, seeming to use the slight resistance as a barrier to the human skin muscles, and finally spit out a thin blue stream of water, following her hand, all dripping to the ground.

Fortunately, she still has some eyesight and speed as an evolutionary, so that she can accurately pinch the tip of the needle with her fingers-changing to an ordinary person, I am afraid that she will undoubtedly be injected into a needle full of unknown liquid.

"The testing procedure begins," the same electronic sound rang.

Let's say it's a physical examination. Lin Sanjiu, who had just escaped a catastrophe, stared at the screen from the opening of the mask's eyes, and thought to himself.

Most of the pictures, texts, and numbers on the screen are the same as the heavenly books to her. She only barely saw that there was a carbon dioxide content test and recognized that all the pictures on the pictures were molecular structures—of course, her understanding was also Stop here.

Waiting a little nervously for a while, Lin Sanjiu found that apart from constantly checking and analyzing her biological information on the screen, there was no other action in the grid.

It seems to be a long process to completely dissect a person's biological information; not to mention that she is actually an evolutionary, and she thinks it must be much more complicated than ordinary people. She waited and waited, and even felt a little bored.

I wonder if I can see other compartments through the walls of the room like frosted glass?

Lin Sanjiu craned his neck, but he could only see the dim light and shadows outside, and could not see or hear other ordinary people. Obviously a large number of them were arrested together, but after they came in, they were separated by the factory. I am afraid that they don't want ordinary people to gather together and have troubles.

Do you want to take advantage of the time now and ask something to come out to defend yourself?

It takes nearly a hundred attempts to order an item, so she may only order one item; it's just that she doesn't know what will happen next, so it's not easy to decide which card to call.

Perhaps it was because Lin Sanjiu was too focused when weighing the props in her mind; perhaps because the face was covering a lot of angles of view, when she realized that there was one more person in the grid, it was too late.

In the depths of the opened wall, the densely packed equipment, pipes and wires suddenly moved slightly; then, a gray head floated out of the darkness—an old woman was slowly drilling out.

A pair of old-fashioned black cloth shoes stepped into the small compartment, and she stopped with her arms folded.

The same old woman in the city road, with a face hanging down at this time, without any expression, from under her loose and wrinkled eyelids, her eyes were staring at Lin Sanjiu motionlessly.

In the air around her, a faint, almost translucent piece of text was lit-it was [Concept collision].

Lin Sanjiu was so familiar with this scene, he gritted his teeth for a while, his heart beating like a drum.

"When you follow the instructions," the old woman didn't seem to care about her, she just opened her catfish-like mouth, and said as if she was chewing, " will temporarily gain an evolutionary ability."


Lin Sanjiu was still standing there at this time, and he almost suspected that he had heard it wrong. When the old woman took a step back and lowered her waist, the original path disappeared in the depths of the walls and equipment, the electronic sound just now suddenly rang again.

"After the test, please select an evolution ability you like on the screen."

I think the starting point system seems to be still pumping, so let's put the text directly today. It is said that I usually have a lot of nonsense, so I just wait to stay in the conversation, but often when I post the text, my mind is blank...

(End of this chapter)

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