Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1763: Evolution ability buffet

...What happened just now?

Lin Sanjiu watched as the old woman sank into the depths of the wall and disappeared into the clumps of wires, pipes, and equipment. Then, she reacted with agitation, and immediately followed a few steps, but was dragged by the equipment she was holding on her body. She simply stretched out a leg and tapped the electrical conduit deep in the wall with her toes.

The grid was small, and her legs were long, and she quickly saw the depths of the wall clearly: everything seemed to protrude from the inside of the wall, and there was a large board behind it, and there was no passage for people to come in and out.

This also shows that after releasing the [Concept Collision], the old woman must have regained her consciousness, and walked away from the gap between the grids.

[Concept collision] How much consciousness has the owner released outside? Every touch of consciousness can be transformed into an old lady, who can release [Concept Collision]... How does this make people fight? If the old woman can give herself repeated evolutionary abilities, where is there any possibility of confrontation?

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help thinking more and getting colder; it was like kicking off a small stone while walking on the edge of a cliff, his eyes rolled down the abyss with it, and disappeared into the dead silence wrapped in dense fog. I don't know how many tyrannical people she has seen, but no one makes her feel so quiet, distant and terrifying.

"Please select an evolutionary ability you like on the screen," the electronic voice cried out again, asking her to regain her consciousness.

She took a deep breath, settled her mind, and quickly walked back to the screen, and found that all the data and images just now disappeared, turning into pages of evolutionary ability descriptions.

It is the first time since the [Notebook] was taken away by the gift bag that she has seen so many evolutionary abilities; their information is rich and detailed, and even their strengths and weaknesses, and suggested uses are written, as if she smashed into something selling evolutionary abilities. Like in a big shopping mall.

The old woman made it very clear that she gained the ability to evolve only temporarily; but even if she knew that it would not last long, Lin Sanjiu still couldn't hold back a heat in her chest - I'm afraid that if she changed to any evolver, she couldn't resist it The temptation to read the information again, she is no exception.

"At least, we understand why the factory doesn't directly release the doomsday factor to ordinary people," Teacher Yi murmured, "The people behind the factory don't want them to become evolutionaries... They only hope that ordinary people can temporarily show evolution. Look like a person."

Is it to lie to someone?

If she goes through the journey of ordinary people after entering the factory, she will surely discover the purpose of the factory sooner or later. Lin Sanjiu flipped through the ability information and said in his mind: "I avoided the syringe just now. It shouldn't affect my ability to evolve, right?"

"It shouldn't affect," Teacher Yi also agreed, "Obviously, the reason why you can use your ability is because of the old woman's [concept collision], not because of anything else."

So, what kind of ability should she have?

Although the electronic sound prompts her to choose abilities every minute, in fact, the process of choosing abilities has no time limit-on the contrary, it is full of the compulsion of "you can't go if you don't choose one".

Lin Sanjiu didn't feel anxious when he saw it. After thinking about it, he simply looked at it carefully and carefully.

"Teacher Yi," she not only watched slowly, but when she encountered more special abilities, she also asked: "If my consciousness is only 6%, can you still remember this ability information?"

"If the number is not large, it should be possible. I will try to remember as many as possible." Teacher Yi replied.

Lin Sanjiu was a little relieved. She doesn’t know what situation she will encounter next, just in case, what she should do is still to do-in the face of all ordinary people, the ability information given by the factory should be the same; if you have the ability to evolve next Ordinary people, if they have to start fighting with each other, those who can remember and recognize the abilities of others will naturally have an advantage.

Her experience and vision are naturally unmatched by ordinary people. Most of the abilities on the screen are quite satisfactory—something like [King Kong Banza], [Heart is higher than the sky], [Secret Chamber Murders] and other abilities—maybe it attracts the attention of ordinary people, but she has seen it After that, it will only turn over without reluctance.

In the years of struggle and battle in the apocalyptic world, she has unknowingly realized—not a summary, but akin to instinct—the more advanced, rare, and potentially huge abilities, the less clear it is. Clear rules and regulations.

【King Kong Banza】As the name suggests, it is an ability that makes the body indestructible and replaceable. But even if the body cannot be destroyed, there are many ways to defeat a person. [Heart is higher than the sky] It gives people the ability to move, levitate and move at high altitudes. It is a good match for side dishes. When there is only one ability, it is a waste to choose it.

[Secret Chamber Murder Case] ​​Lin Sanjiu took a few more glances. It is essentially a long-range attack ability, rarely seen, with "absolute power": that is, it ignores the limit of the potential value of the launcher, and it ignores the resistance of the target. Once it strikes, it can make the target Absolutely death.

However, its activation conditions are too tricky; two of the most important ones are that one must wait for the target to feel safe enough, and the other is that it can only take effect in a dozen specific environments-in the factory, I am afraid that Don’t go to places like "library/study" or "George/Victorian mansion".

Since she didn't know if this ability was copied from a real evolutionary, Lin Sanjiu also paid special attention to it - fortunately, there was no "spaceship" in the specific environment in which it took effect.

After she was scouring the sand, after ten minutes, she sorted out a list of candidates.

"It would be nice if the old lady could go in the wrong place and come again a few times," Lin Sanjiu liked the more these candidates were chosen, and no one would be willing to give up, and said with regret, "I think about all of them. Want to... Do you think I can call her to try to get her back?"

"Let's pull it down, I'll kill you if I come back," Teacher Yi said nonchalantly, "choose one quickly."

[Signal and Decoding]: Some people say that human history is a history of decoding. Those who acquire this ability also acquire the ability to decode. In addition to encryption methods such as passwords and passwords in the narrow sense, the decoding ability can also be extended to cover people: a person's words, actions, and expressions are all unclear signals that he releases, even including himself. Think of it as a piece of encrypted information-after all, few people live in the world without disguise. Like all evolutionary abilities, it has its own set of limitations, advantages and disadvantages, so please take it into consideration when using it.

[Aftermath]: It is probably the easiest thing in the world to comment on characters in entertainment works such as "why don't you do this" and "the fool go there" when you know the progress and results of the plot. A person who has acquired this ability can hear such a "post-shot" when his situation is halfway through, and use it as a guide for his next action-but the launch conditions are strict, and the chance of a post-mortem is not 100%. One hundredth, after all, sometimes it is necessary to allow the plot to take a turn and develop unpredictable consequences.

【Adult Re-education】: Re-education specifically for adults. If a series of activation conditions can be met, the target (must be a person over 18 years of age) can gradually change his mind and accept the cognitions, ideas, or opinions that the ability initiator instilled in him/her. The potential of this ability is great, so it is very restricted, and when it falls into the hands of different people, it will also exert different powers: someone can persuade the goal to leave and give half of the property to himself; someone can do it The target’s slave owner; some people can only make the target change from drinking milk to drinking soy milk in the morning.

[Michelangelo]: Those who are possessed by the master sculptor can sculpt, increase or decrease, reshape, and transform others' evolutionary abilities and attack methods. Like many rare abilities, it also depends on people's cooking; for some people, other people's abilities will be like a mass of mud, and for others, it may only be given to others. The ability to "color up".

When he discovered it, Lin Sanjiu watched [Michelangelo] several times, and his heart gradually brightened: "This type of ability is definitely not the only one! After I leave the factory, if I can find a similar purpose Some items or abilities may be a way to deal with [concept collision]."

She also understands that this is just a way of thinking, in which there are still many variables; not to mention, if the potential value of the owner of [Concept Collision] far exceeds her, then even with [Michelangelo] Ability, I am afraid that its impact is very limited.

But at least it seems that [Concept Collision] is not completely invincible anymore.

This is the doomsday world that fits her perception: there are no absolute gods and no permanent falling dogs; balance is just a seesaw. In the dynamic crisis and chaos, there are opportunities, justice and Achilles’ heels concealed—as long as You know how to find them, and you have the tenacity, courage and wisdom to find them.

With this newfound confidence, Lin Sanjiu looked at his chosen abilities again just like seeing his own children. [Michelangelo] It was on the last few pages of the ability information page. After finding it, she thought she would not find the same level of evolutionary ability anymore. However, she was lucky enough to be on the penultimate page. , Another one was found.

[StreamingService]: This ability itself does not have any power. Its essence is the same as streaming media service; streaming media is the real-time transmission of multimedia data to the terminal through the network. This ability can capture the ability existing in the surrounding environment (not limited to the evolution ability) and transmit it to the capable person in real time. use. Of course, it also has many requirements, and will develop different degrees of restrictions with the power of the grasping ability. In this sense, the capable person becomes a kind of "reflection" of the surrounding environment.

"How is it?" Teacher Yi asked, "have you decided which one you want to choose? Unfortunately, there is no [concept collision] here."

"The master of the old woman would never allow [Concept Collision] to appear here, right." Lin Sanjiu looked at the screen, hesitated for a while, and gently tapped his finger on the screen.

The various instruments that have been connected to her seemed to quickly capture the changes in her body—the grid shook slightly, and it began to slide; Lin Sanjiu hurriedly supported the wall and stabilized his feet, hearing the electronic sound steadily Said: "The next process, the copy assembly line."

There is no anti-theft chapter today! This chapter can be summed up in one sentence, "Lin Sanjiu chose an evolutionary ability and was sent away", but actually wrote more than 3,000 words... Is this also hydrology? But I think it's quite interesting.

By the way, I recently changed an input method. It’s absolutely amazing. I obviously set lsj as a shortcut phrase. As a result, no matter how many times I type Lin Sanjiu, Lin Sanjiu will never be the first one. One, what time, the old driver, Los Angeles, Secretary Lu... It's OK, and the protagonist of Doomsday Paradise will be renamed Secretary Lu.

(End of this chapter)

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