Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1764: Thank you brother

Many years ago, before the end of her hometown, Lin Sanjiu went to the theme park several times. In addition to roller coasters, she also likes the kind of project that rides in a car or a boat, passing through the jungle, river or haunted house in the park; tourists screaming and laughing in various scenes, performing a scene Safe mini adventure.

Years later, after being tossed for a long time in a giant factory, Lin Sanjiu found that he was about to start the same "canoe rafting trip" again.

She is sitting cross-legged on a small round inflatable boat.

The boat is very small, almost like a seat, she can reach into the water outside the boat as long as she stretches out her arms. Her boat was swayed and swayed by the current, and every time she was rushed forward, she would hit the wooden fence horizontally on the river and be hit back again.

She didn't expect that the copy pipeline is really a "pipeline" line.

Beside and behind Lin Sanjiu, there are one after another the same round red inflatable boats, and in each boat sits an ordinary person—or rather, a temporary evolutionary person—ups and downs on the water waves. From time to time, the inflatable boats will "bang" together, and then spin and separate again, waiting for the next time the water flow decides to go.

People who have reached this point may not be able to take their attention away at this time, or may have been tired of surprise, fear, and doubt; for a while, there were only dull boat collisions and rushing waves on the river, but No one speaks.

Lin Sanjiu knew without looking. At this time, every pair of eyes was the same as her, staring at the front; they were just like the horse racing before the order was sounded, waiting silently for the guardrail to open and when they were released. .

The only difference with horse racing is that none of them knows what fate is waiting for them.

……At this moment, on the river in front, one glance is full of copies after another; the copies are poking their heads, reaching above the river surface from both banks, and staring at the incoming people unblinkingly, seemingly ready to take them. Opened his mouth.

Even in the loud sound of river waves, Lin Sanjiu still heard the slight whimper squeezed out when someone behind him was too nervous.

"That's all...what..." someone murmured from behind, the voice quickly disappeared into the sound of water waves, and no one answered him.

Ordinary people generally have never experienced dungeons, just because they are in the twelve realms, they have naturally heard about dungeons; but when it comes to seeing the dungeons with their own eyes, I am afraid this is the first time today—not to mention, there are still so many.

On the river 20 or 30 meters away from the guardrail, two huge palms wrapped in snow-white gloves stretched from the river bank to the middle of the river, like a giant trying to block the river with both hands. Something that flows down.

Tree-trunk-like fingers are sometimes raised high, sometimes only one person's head away from the surface of the river. When the spray hits, it even splashes on the glove—but it can't get wet.

As the fingers are stretched, swayed, and overlapped each time, the sunlight reflects on the snow-white gloves, floating reflections like sheets of transparent film, as if the mucus between the fingers has been stretched and opened, just waiting Crashed into it with the prey.

It was the first time that even Lin Sanjiu saw a copy of this form; her gaze followed the gloves all the way out, trying to see what they were connected to, but she quickly fell into the densely packed sides of the river bank. Nothing can be seen in the woods.

Behind the snow-white palms, on the right bank tens of meters away from them, is a tin teapot three stories high. It is like an amusement park equipped with a toy with an automatic mechanism. Every three to five minutes, it will lower its waist leisurely and sink the teapot mouth onto the river; often when the teapot mouth sinks halfway, it seems to feel the river surface. There was no one, so he lifted it up again.

Looking at it, Lin Sanjiu was surprised that he hadn't heard the music of Jingle Bells—it looked like a large-scale cartoon prop.

Not all the copies waiting by the river bank have been enlarged; for example, a lighthouse in the distance is still at a normal height.

It pierced through the dense woods on the banks of the river high up, standing upright in the blue sky with snow white. Even in the early morning sunlight, the light on the lighthouse is still on, staring like an eye in the direction where the group of ordinary people are-just a few minutes ago, the lighthouse hadn't "seen" them, and the light was still It didn't light up.

It felt like it was not far from the time they opened the gate; it was like an unexplainable illusion, Lin Sanjiu could even feel the excitement of the dungeons.

When a wave hit Lin Sanjiu's inflatable boat again and hit the wooden guardrail, she stretched out her arms and grabbed it, and held it firmly; even if only 6 percent were left, she was better than ordinary people. The strength is much stronger, and he can withstand the pouring river with one hand, leaning against the wooden guardrail, and finally avoiding the need to be hit back and forth.

"Please, whoever pushes me," someone finally broke the silence, begging to whom, "I want to go ashore, I don't want to go forward..."

It seems that even ordinary people feel that the situation is not good?

"Where did you go ashore?" An older man immediately replied, "Look, there are woods on the banks of the river...Is this still a walk in the clouds?"

"Even if I live in the woods in the future, it's better than... better than..." Another trembling voice rang.

"Um, I think," a female voice said hurriedly, not too confident: "The dungeons on the river bank can't be endless. They have to have heads? If we can hide and not be caught by the dungeon next to us, won't we? ……can……"

This person has some eyesight; Lin Sanjiu looked back and looked at the sound, and his eyes fell on a girl in her twenties with a pair of phoenix eyes.

She was obviously not comfortable with being watched by several people at the same time, waiting for her to speak, she suddenly felt a little panic and stage fright. When someone questioned her "how do you hide", she hurriedly said: "We have a boat. , The rowing boat hid from underneath, that...I think the glove is like this..."

Indeed, from the performance of the gloves and the teapot, it seems that if they want to catch people into the dungeon, they must have close enough contact-an ordinary person who has not entered the dungeon can still notice this right now. easy.

However, sometimes this is the case, even if you are saying a truth, if you are as unassuming as this girl, or even a little incoherent, no one will take your words seriously-the opposite is also true.

"What, it won't work, can you still pass the copy?" Someone murmured; everyone turned their attention away.

The person who asked for help first seemed to hear nothing, and kept whispering to the people next to him to push him ashore; finally a loud and powerful voice answered him with a "I push you up"——Lin Sanjiu He turned his head in a hurry and was about to make a sound. At this moment, the wooden guardrail suddenly opened to both sides.

The long-gathering river finally waited for an opportunity to wash away everyone; the white waves rushed away from the inflatable boats, and everyone was spinning and drifting in exclamation, all involuntarily being swept forward.

...Except for Lin Sanjiu.

With the opened wooden fence, her inflatable boat turned to the side of the river; she was gritting her teeth at this time, and she could only use one hand to firmly grasp the wooden fence and resist the flowing river water. With the other hand, she could not Don't vacate it to be a "cushion pad"-whenever someone's inflatable boat hits her, she must be able to stop the boat and push it away quickly, so as not to be knocked out together.

Amidst the splashing waves, the sound of crashing water, and the screams of exclamation, she couldn't see and hear anything for a while, just like a machine, staring at every ship that hit her.

When Lin Sanjiu stretched out his hand to a red inflatable boat again, only a voice called "Wait!" - she looked up in the hitting water wave and found that it was the girl with the crested eyes just now.

"Don't push me away," she yelled again and again, the inflatable boat swaying between the currents, but never rushing forward. "I also grabbed the guardrail..."

Her strength is far inferior to Lin Sanjiu, even if her hands are tightly grasping the guardrail, she is still very strenuous, her face is blood-red, but her hands are scary white. If Lin Sanjiu had been pushed again just now, she would probably be swept into the river along with other inflatable boats.

Lin Sanjiu nodded at her, and the next time an inflatable boat hit the Fengyan girl, she stretched out her hand to support Fengyan's boat, and finally did not tell her to be knocked out.

The inflatable boats spun around the two of them and rushed out; occasionally someone was inspired to reach out to grab their boats, but they were washed away because the round plastic boat was wet and slippery and there was no place to start. Up.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, hugging the wooden guardrail, both crane their necks and look towards the river-the red inflatable boat that was washed away first looks like red donuts floating on the river. . The huge palm beside the river bank seemed to have aroused an appetite, suddenly opened and grabbed on the river surface, and several red boats disappeared in the snow white.

"My name is duck down," the phoenix-eyed girl yelled out of breath in the sound of the water waves, "thank you, brother!"

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