Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1769: Shop around

"you're so dumb?"

Hina's loud voice broke the silence again, and said to the man with short black hair: "What are you talking about? Don't everyone have to watch out for you now? Anyway, I definitely won't believe what you said."

The man with short black hair was obviously aware of the mistake he had made, and he stammered "No" a few times with an ugly expression. He seemed to want to repent, but he couldn't squeeze any good explanation; he finally fell heavily on the sofa, The people who were staring at him asked: "That's it? I have no experience, and I haven't entered the dungeon... If you miss a word, everything is over? Then, what should I do now? I can't get enough microphones. People, what will happen in the end? I forgot..."

Everyone glanced at each other. "I don't remember anymore," Guan Nan said in a low voice; Dr. Chen also shook his head and said, "I have no impression."

"I don't think it is mentioned in the rules." Duck down recalled with a frown.

"I didn't say it," Lin Sanjiu said in a deep voice, "I paid special attention to it when I listened. The rules only say that a person with four microphones can pass the level successfully, but it doesn't say what will happen to the loser."

This is the truth; but the reason why she chooses to tell the truth at this time is selfish.

The rule introduction says that when you are proving your honesty—from another perspective, that is, when people think you are telling the truth—credibility will increase.

What was not mentioned in the introduction was how much an "event" was needed to increase credibility; what Lin Sanjiu is doing now is a "test" to increase credibility.

Seeing that everyone nodded and recognized the point that "the rule does not say that the loser will end," Lin Sanjiu looked at the small white number representing credibility in the upper right corner of his vision-as if sensing her expectation, the number moved.

"It's gone up," Teacher Yi's surprise deflated before half a second, "How did it go up by 0.058?"

After all, you have to divide by 12.

Lin Sanjiu frowned and settled in his mind—the rule introduction said that when she makes a person generate trust value, the smallest unit should be 0.1; if a person’s trust value to her is lower than 0.1, it doesn’t count. Up. If you multiply 12 back, it shows that the sentence just now only allows seven people to agree with its authenticity, and it produces the minimum trust value.

"At least we know that the trust value a person can generate from a truth is 0.1," she said to Teacher Yi, "I will try again to see if this theory is correct."

While everyone was still discussing the rules, she thought about it and added: "This scene is not mine."

"Isn't this taken for granted?" Hina seemed to be the type of person who pours out whatever she has in her heart. She looked at Lin Sanjiu's expression, obviously thinking that the latter's mind was not very good. "He—what's your name? Wan Fu Te? What strange name. Anyway, Wan Fu said it himself, this is his scene."

Lin Sanjiu didn't pay attention to what she said, and almost missed the name of her short black hair-because of the movement in the upper right corner of her vision.

This time, 0.358 jumped twice: the first time, it jumped to 0.391. Before she was happy, the number jumped again, becoming 0.291.

"I rely on it," Teacher Yi swears vulgarly, "This shows—"

Before she had time to make a careful calculation, she heard the woman with a makeup-like face coldly saying to Hina: "You should think about it again. She said that this scene is not hers, and Wan Fu said that this scene is him. The choice has two different meanings."

Henna was taken aback for a moment, and the bewilderment of "what are you talking about" on her face quickly turned into a layer of anger. "Pay attention to your tone of voice, and make it clear if you want to speak."

Whether it was her height, body shape, or her voice and temper, she was very deterrent; when she stretched out her two arms, she felt like she could fold it out of the window for any adult man.

Even the faintly upright woman had to slow down and said: "The hair girl said that her scene is not the current hotel. The probability that this is true is 12/13, but Wan Fu said that his scene is exactly This, the probability of being a fact is 1/13...understand?"

The hair girl is talking about her? Lin Sanjiu touched his eyebrows, and thought to himself, this woman not only has a clear mind, but also knows how to name her. She is also a microphone and a hairy girl, all very appropriate.

Henna obviously still didn't understand. But she seemed to hate the other person a little, and she didn't want to ask any more, snorted, and asked Wan Fu, "What is the'mystery' in this scene of you?"

"That's it," Wan Volt replied very quickly, raising his hand-everyone looked at his fingers and saw a large stack of newspapers placed against the wall in the reception area. Judging from the thickness, there were twelve copies. Up.

You know what Media is without even looking. Could this guy just tell the truth?

"I think... he may be telling the truth."

The duck down happened to have a piece of it. She was not confident enough. Under the eyes of the woman with makeup, her voice became smaller and smaller: "If he is telling a lie, then the real master of the scene will immediately know that he lied? It will be deducted. The effect of 0.1 credibility...If others are only half-believing, they will neither increase nor reduce their credibility... Once they come up, they will lose 0.1. I think this, this, I feel at a great disadvantage. Of course, I just thought about it for a moment, and maybe there are other possibilities..."

Lin Sanjiu pondered and sat down on the sofa.

Her second sentence "This scene is not mine", calculated from the numbers, only made four people believe her-one of them should be the woman who was born with makeup-she just added 0.4 divided by The credibility of 12, but because a person immediately distrusted her, she deducted 0.1 alive.

It's not half-belief, non-committal, hesitant wait and see... They are not enough to detract from his credibility; the person is confidently convinced that she is telling lies.


Is it because of duck down again? If Duck Down doesn’t believe her every time she says a word in the future, her credibility will probably be deducted if there are three scenes—you have to think about what to do.

"Yes, it's all in vain." Teacher Yi concluded.

"No, at least my inference is correct..." Lin Sanjiu murmured in response, "A truth, or when they think I'm telling the truth, the trust value generated is 0.1. But this approach is risky. It’s not small. If one person thinks I’m lying, it can offset the trust of the whole group.

However, there may be a way to remedy the lost 0.1.

"The girl said that the probability of me telling the truth is 12/13, which is indeed the case." She raised her voice slightly and said, "I don't know if you believe it or not, but I won't ask you to pick it up anyway. Nothing in this scene will say anything strange. You are welcome to supervise me."

This sentence increased her credibility by 0.025-that is, three people believed her. Her words themselves should not be so powerful, it should be the "12/13" probability question raised by the woman, which helped a lot.

Anyway, she is now 0.316, which is an increase from the beginning, even if it is a good thing.

"I don't understand," Hina raised her hands and surrendered: "My mind is completely messed up, I don't know who is true and who is false. Anyway, from now on, I will be invincible without believing anyone. "

"It's true or false, it's not that important now. I'll go around and see," Dr. Chen made a gentle rounding, "Say you guys don't laugh at me. I haven't eaten anything since last night. I have blood sugar. Low, I can’t bear to be hungry."

"But, in case..." The duck down immediately raised his head.

"Don't worry, I only touch things with a total of less than 12." Dr. Chen said with a smile.

It means that he is half-believing what he said about Wan Fu; after all, there are at least 12 Media in every scene... This should be used as a way to identify Media, Lin Sanjiu remembered in his heart.

Hina shouted "I'm going too", and then Guan Nan and Wenya left with them. Four people were missing in one breath, and the reception area seemed a lot relaxed. Everyone looked at each other, no one was close to one, but no one went far away.

After Lin Sanjiu thought about it carefully, he understood. If you stay away from others alone for safety in a non-home court scene, what should you do when you get to your home court? Wouldn't it be too conspicuous to approach everyone at that time?

"Wait a minute," a young man who was speaking for the first time now suddenly turned back and forth a few times in his seat. He has a round head and round face, a round nose and round lips. He is simple and honest. It can be said that he was born with a face suitable for this game. Everyone thinks that this person can't lie—"Flowers, flowers, in the vase on the table, There are more than twelve flowers in total..."

"Did you just find out?" The woman who was born with makeup, sat down next to Lin Sanjiu, erected her slender legs, and was very polite: "I suspect that in order to submerge Media's sense of existence, every scene There is more than one thing, and the number is more than 12."

"What else?" asked another man with a sharp chin. His features are gentle and meticulous. Although his facial undulations and shapes faintly resemble some kind of mouse, he can be regarded as a face among men. "Did you find it?"

"Watch it for yourself," she raised her chin toward the front desk in the far side of the lobby. "In the large transparent bowl on the table, there must be twelve of those one by one, right?"

Sure enough, ordinary people after the doomsday did not recognize those sepak takraw **** that should be used for decoration. When she was reminded, everyone except Wan Volt got up and looked around. They soon discovered that there were more than twelve bottles of wine and more than twelve glasses in the decorative wine cabinet; There were hundreds of blank papers afterwards; Dr. Chen and his group walking out of the hotel restaurant also brought almost unfortunate news: there is no one kind of food, and the total number is less than twelve.

"Eating it counts as holding it on your body?" Doctor Chen sighed and asked, pointing to the bags of bread in the dining room kitchen.

Unfortunately, this is another rule no one remembers.

"I said, Media is a newspaper," Wan Fu walked into the kitchen with a breath, and tore open the bag, and said, "If you don't believe me, don't eat it. I will eat it myself."

Everyone watched him open the refrigerator and found a large box of turkey meat slices. His actions were not taboo, and he gradually gained a bit of courage. Ironically, people who would choose to eat with him are unlikely to think that Wan Volt was telling the truth-he probably didn't expect this.

Perhaps human beings will always loosen up and live involuntarily when eating. Soon, people in and outside the kitchen relaxed their vigilance against the plates of food, and the conversations one after another became buzzing background sounds; even that long The man with a primitive forehead and strong arms took the risk to drink a drink—it seemed to be fine.

To gain the trust of others, sometimes it is not necessary to rely on language. Even though the man seemed to be of a muscular and poorly minded type, he found a good entry point; soon, he and the round face and the rat face began to push the cups and change their cups.

Now is a good time to find duck down to solve the misunderstanding.

Everyone is busy, although their eyes are still swimming around the room, at least they are not staring at others as they were just now; but Lin Sanjiu walked around in the lobby and restaurant, but not for a moment. See duck down.

"Who are you looking for? Don't you eat?"

Without looking back, Lin Sanjiu knew who was speaking. She turned her head, looked at the face covered in powder mist, and asked, "Aren't you eating anything?"

"Yes. My name is Jiang Tian," she said in a knowing tone, holding her arms, "what you said just now, you are actually testing how to increase credibility?"

She squinted at Lin Sanjiu-to say what good the big hairy face is, it may be that it makes Lin Sanjiu's expression less obvious-"Actually, I was doing the same thing just now. Me. Increased the credibility of 0.1, how about you?"

You may have discovered that the name Wan Volt comes from the reader’s one hundred thousand volts, and Jiang Tian comes from the fact that **** is sweet... This kind of behavior belongs to the first cut and then the play. The reader feels very interesting when playing the dragon tactics, but when killing the dragon tactics, there will be a great psychological burden...

Report on the second day of useless shampoo: The hair feels too **** uncomfortable to the touch, it feels a bit sticky and greasy, as if it was not cleaned (maybe it was not cleaned); but it doesn’t look big. , Even more fluffy than when using shampoo, I don’t know why. According to the information I have collected so far, I have to hold on until next week to wash my hair again, so in order to maintain the dignity of a civilized person, I now change the name of combing my hair to dry cleaning.

ps: My Q number password seems to have been stolen. I am recovering it. Let me tell everyone who joined the group...

(End of this chapter)

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