Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1770: A strategy

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"Come and see if those two women are alive!"

After blocking the entrance, a group of fallen species began to search the underground temple inch by inch. The temple secretary did not move--it gave an order on the spot, and a degenerate species came over lazily and kicked the pregnant woman on the ground.

"It's dead," the sound of this degenerate species is soft and moving, and it sounds very good, like a bird singing from its white head without facial features: "No, wait, this seems to be..."

It grabbed the head of the pregnant woman who had been stabbed several times and hadn't died completely. Unexpectedly, when she got stronger, her neck bone broke with a "Kala", and the pregnant woman suddenly dropped her neck.

"Oh, it's dead now." The faceless Degenerate shrugged and dropped the pregnant woman.

The woman who was squeezed by the throat of the degenerate species suddenly uttered a sneer full of sarcasm with a bit of difficulty.

Diansi's head turned to the back.

"Where are the people we just caught?" it asked in a low voice, its voice suddenly softened. "...You have to know that even if you are pregnant with a divine fetus, we can deal with you as much as possible..."

"Hit", a **** sputum was spit on its face.

Lifting up a tousled hair, the woman revealed a face with high cheekbones and a thin yellow face--probably only her straight and tough nose is still the same as before: "I wish you would kill me!"

The answer seemed naive to make Diansi want to laugh a little, its head tilted on its back, and looked at her. After watching for a few seconds, the temple secretary softly asked the fallen species beside him, "Where is the child she gave birth to last time?"

"In the childcare area, take it out and ask you what she gave birth to."

The woman was taken aback, and then she twisted her face - an expression that looked nauseous and fearful, and instantly trapped her face.

The temple secretary "tsk tsk" twice, smiled with satisfaction, his voice greasy: "After being separated for so long, don't you mothers want them? Especially your daughters, when they are about to be dedicated to God, Such a glorious and great thing, I think you must want to see it with your own eyes..."

The woman couldn't control it anymore, and there was a grunt in her throat, and a puff of acid water leaked from the corner of her mouth; if it wasn't for her neck being pinched, I'm afraid she would have vomited.

"It's disgusting." The temple secretary took a step back and put his hand like a dead branch: "If you don't want to be taken by us to find your child, just cooperate a little. The effect of the divine light has clearly not disappeared. How did they run away?"

After a few hissing breaths like a bellows, the woman finally spoke.

"This is ability." She was still pinched, her eyes flashing, her expression a little crazy: "One of their abilities is to reduce or immunity to abnormal states. The effect has long since disappeared..."

The Temple Secretary suddenly sank--the layers of broken dry skin were folded together, and a somewhat serious expression could be seen; it turned hurriedly, and screamed at the fallen species in the temple: "Don't look for it, I'm afraid those two girls have already ran out! Close the temple and go out and search!"

"Then what will she do?" A woman who shook her hand in a fallen species.

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"Bring it on," Diansi's dry eyes rolled around, "...Take her to find her child."

Amidst the woman’s sudden scream and struggle, a group of fallen species also filed out from the densely packed idols; the temple secretary had a gloomy face, and when the fallen species dragged her forward, he suddenly felt unconscious. Wrinkle, one foot stepped on the iron chain between her feet-with a "plop", the woman's belly hit the ground.

Where she fell, she happened to face a statue of God-the woman glanced at the statue, then lowered her head, struggling to get up on the floor with her hands.

Diansi's two eyeballs rolled. It turned its head and said to the fallen species around him, "...After going out, find a few people and help the gods up; this is all over the place, and the mother **** will be unhappy if she knows."

The fallen species could not speak, but opened its face, revealing a row of metal, standing teeth from forehead to chin; the mucus came out, and the right to answer.

Probably realized that the situation was urgent. So many fallen species walked clean in a blink of an eye-they extinguished the torch on the wall when they went out, and when the entrance at the end of the stairs heard a heavy iron door closing sound Later, the underground temple was shrouded in absolute darkness.

......Lin Sanjiu took a sigh of relief, but the anxiety in his heart did not relieve at all.

The strange woman gave the two of them a chance to survive, but she was escorted and she didn’t know where she was sent; although she didn’t understand the details, from the conversation just now, she was afraid that her next ending would not be good. Lin Sanjiu eagerly tried to move her fingers, but her body still seemed dead, and did not respond at all.

This **** **** light, how long does it take to disappear?

"This is a rare opportunity to regain consciousness; you shouldn't have ventured out until your consciousness is at least half restored!" Teacher Yi seized the time and said again in her mind—it sounded like A noisy bird.

Although she couldn't see it, she still knew clearly that the gift bag was not far away, lying quietly under the imitated [primary environment color] just like herself-this made Lin Sanjiu a little relieved. .

No matter how anxious she was, she couldn't move her body.

Lin Sanjiu only felt that his heart was being squeezed by anxiety, but he couldn't do anything—the sound of "dongdong" footsteps above his head was getting louder and louder, and he didn't know what happened; the sound accompanied by the sound. With the shock, the dust in the stone slab on his head was thrown down in clusters of earthquakes-after suffering in this way for an unknown period of time, Lin Sanjiu suddenly moved in his heart.

With a somewhat frightened expectation, she slightly tried to lift her finger.

The fingers, which were hanging on the ground like a dead fish just now, slowly and laboriously lifted into the air-as if a lock was released by this action, the fingers just lifted off the ground, Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt When she shook her whole body, her mobility returned in an instant, quickly filling her hands and feet-her heart thumped, and she put away the [combat items], then immediately turned over and jumped up.

"Gift package, can you move?" She cried out in the dark, and then called out [Ability Polishing Agent]. The silver light immediately filled half of the space, reflecting the countless faces of the mother goddess, faintly lit up in the dimness. It seems that every mother **** is laughing.

"Let's get out quickly—"

She didn't finish a word, turned around to take a photo, and the second half of the sentence was stuck in her throat.

Ji Shanqing also stood up - but although he also recovered his mobility, he did not stand up on his own initiative. There was a long granular sprout on his face, and he couldn't open his mouth to speak; his body was also tightly wrapped, with only one pair of eyes exposed outside, glowing with anxiety and fear.

"You didn't wait for us to find you, you jumped out," Yin Guang turned, and the withered and cracked face of the Palace Secretary lit up in the dim light. It smiled and said, "...oh, you saved us a lot of things."

(Thank you for your rewards such as Stealing Han Bridge, Sunfish, Flowing Water Leisurely Sky, Fat Birds, Stupefied Barbecue, Begonia Dazzling, Water Source Limeng, etc., and phx718, Manmanli, ToYassB, Han Sanran, Yanyan. Waiting for your monthly pass!)

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