Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1776: No truth

Hello everyone, I have been stuck and dragged this chapter, and I can finally post it today...

As the faint roar in the sky faded away, the giant whale-like spacecraft broke through the clouds and waves, like a messenger summoned by a **** and embarked on a return journey, finally disappeared completely at the end of the sky. No matter how many times I have seen it, the shocking shock brought by this giant spaceship can still stay in people's hearts for a long time.

Lin Sanjiu retracted his gaze from the sky, and remembered the guess that he had floated when he boarded the ship.

...No matter how she thinks about it, she thinks that guess is too incredible. Maybe she was so whimsical that she guessed wrong at all?

Anyway, it's important to rush to the orangery first.

She suppressed the turbulent thoughts floating in her heart, and looked around. The model of the spacecraft she took this time, perhaps because of its size, never landed on the ground, and passengers had to go through a long sky tunnel to get on and off; perhaps because of the use of anti-gravity materials, the spacecraft seemed to never be in a hurry because of the use of anti-gravity materials. Yu, even when it was parked, it was hovering high in the sky.

The evolutionaries who came down from the sky tunnel with her dispersed as soon as they landed, and walked towards the plain ahead in twos and threes. Several winding paths pass through fields of wild flowers, spreading in all directions; sunflowers as tall as a person, dense clumps of wild roses, mixed with vines and weeds, are blown by the breeze under the blue sky Slightly swayed.

The smell of earth transpiring after being exposed to the sun, the flowers, fruits, and plants recurring with the smell of blooming and wilting, and the moist wind blew on the cheeks, so leisurely it hardly seemed to be part of the apocalyptic world.

The evolutionaries have walked up the various trails, and soon were swallowed up by the flower field. They don’t need to be familiar with the terrain, even Lin Sanjiu—because there are several huge hand-shaped signs standing far and near in the flower field, and they don’t know that they were removed from the facility; they are facing different directions. On the index finger, there are still a few road signs.

"This road leads to the orange grove..." Lin Sanjiu approached a big hand, looked at the sign on his index finger and said, "World Classification Area."

The big-hand street signs are obviously from a zoo before the end. If you carefully identify them, you can see a few lines of blacked-out words such as "Panda Pavilion".

But... the world classification area?

She looked up and found that this trail was very popular, and there were more evolutionaries walking ahead than any other trail. She hesitated for a moment, did not walk up the trail, and stepped up to the other big hand; the index finger was pointing in an almost completely opposite direction.

"This road leads to the orange grove, the character classification area."

What's this all about?

Before she came, she originally planned to investigate the information about the Orangery, but the fact that she was projected by the entity was instigated and came here unpreparedly. In addition to the "world" area and the "person" area in the Orangery, there are also an "event" area, an "ability" area, and a "delusion" area. Among them, there are the fewest people on the trails in the delusion area. , Is often hurriedly and covertly.

When Lin Sanjiu wanted to call someone to inquire, she found that all the people who got off the spaceship with her had already gone. After thinking about it, she simply chose a trail leading to "other areas" and walked into it. In a large calamus bush.

Anyway, she doesn't know anything about the orangery, so which way she chooses is the same.

The trail was long, and the soil mixed with gravel and stones was stepped on very smoothly; after she walked for a while, the clumps of greenery, puddles and wildflowers on the side of the road gradually became thinner, replaced by dense forests— —Finally, Lin Sanjiu paused beside a wooden sign.

"Orange orchard, other classified areas." The wooden sign is very rough, like a table board that has been broken down: "Please note that after you cross this card, you will be the orange orchard replica area. This organization is only responsible for orange orchard management and oranges. Growing is not responsible for any incidents that occur in the orange grove."

"Wait a minute," Lin Sanjiu couldn't help being taken aback, looking at the dark and silent woods ahead, he stepped back two steps in a row: "Is this a copy?"

She remembered that it was not marked as a copy on the map, why--

"Be careful! Haven't you been to the orangery?"

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly stopped, and when he looked back, he almost ran into another evolutionary behind him. In terms of the sensitivity of her five senses, she did not discover when the girl followed up—the girl was small and round like a doll, and she had a pair of black deer-like eyes, but she was originally very cute. On his face, at this moment, he wore an extremely disproportionate and provocative expression, which seemed to be a bit contradictory.

"Don't get in the way," she raised her eyebrows, with some inexplicable arrogance: "I'm the most annoyed of you kind of trash fish that break into the twelve realms because of occasional luck. If you don't know what an orange garden is, don't Go in, no one wants oranges from trash fish like you."


No, no, who is a trash fish?

Lin Sanjiu stood still on the spot, not only did not give way, but blocked the path instead.

This girl looks terribly young, with unbridled energy; with such a temperament, Lin Sanjiu has only seen people born in the twelve realms-probably because of the lack of normal human social education. The child is very temperamental, and seems to know nothing about politeness.

But Lin Sanjiu wasn't angry at all.

It's not because she has a very good self-cultivation, but past experience tells her that she is born with such a person.

"Do you know what's going on in the orangery?" Lin Sanjiu asked slowly.

"Nonsense," the girl was obviously born agile and gentle, with an indescribable arrogance floating on her face: "Quickly get out of the way, I'm in a hurry!"

Lin Sanjiu held his arms as if he hadn't heard it, and smiled: "Then you can tell me about it, I just don't know."

"Are your ears decorated? Who wants to tell you?" The girl frowned in disgust, seeming to look down on her very much: "A middle-aged man like you is ugly, I don't even want to beat you. If you are A woman was beaten out by me a long time ago."

Lin Sanjiu just remembered that she also wore [Mask] on her face-she recently had a soft spot for middle-aged men's masks, and bought several of them from this series.

"Hey, you have a bad temper." She still held her hands together and smiled nonchalantly: "I felt very kind when I saw it, because I used to know a girl with a bad temper like you. You don't even have a bad personality. So no character."

The last sentence was a bit convoluted. The girl was stunned for two seconds before finally regaining her taste, and her face was flushed immediately-before she showed the intention of doing something, Lin Sanjiu asked first: "You heard Do you cross 300 roads?"

The girl was startled, and then reacted, her face suddenly changed: "How is it possible for you to take mine...?"

Almost everyone who was recruited [Have you heard of 300 Road] had similar reactions.

"Don't worry, this is my ability. I can kidnap special items. In fact, I don't want to do anything with you, I just want to talk to you, and I will return your special items to you after the chat."

The girl opened her fingers in disbelief, and a large string of clinking bracelets rolled down her wrist. She seemed to be testing her special item. After realizing that she couldn't call out any item, she clenched her teeth tightly, with blue veins floating on her forehead, and it took a while to reopen her mouth.

"Without special items, I can run you to death with my ability," the girl smiled coldly, her mouth twisted with anger: "I don't believe that this ability is still effective when you die!"

"Are you stupid? You can tear up the ticket before I die."

Lin Sanjiu didn't mean to fight with her at all, and slowly scratched her chin-this action seemed to irritate the girl more and more, but she clenched her fists tightly, but she never attacked. It seemed that she did. Reasonable, dare not take risks with full wealth.

"That's right," Lin Sanjiu clapped her applause, "impulse is the devil."

"Your mother is the devil."

"Too unfamiliar." She didn't get angry at all-she also forgot when she had accumulated experience, knowing that the less angry she is, the more angry the other person will be: "Don't look at you because you have a bad temper. Big."

"I don't—I—do you know who I am!" The girl was so angry that her voice was sharp, but when she was about to utter her name, she swallowed the second half of the sentence abruptly.

"I don't know, you seem to be a miscellaneous fish." Lin Sanjiu said honestly, "and I have no interest in who you are. You might as well tell me what's going on in the Orangery, and I will put it back to you after the chat. Special items."

The girl bit her lip without saying a word, her eyes flashed with cold light.

"Why do you have to have trouble with her?" Teacher Yi asked abruptly, "If you anger her, the answer you get may not be the truth."

Lin Sanjiu tilted his head and thought for a while.

Obviously it was something that could be solved by letting the girl go first, and she didn't know why she wanted to stimulate the other party; this seemed to be her subconscious action, which naturally angered the other party, and the technique could be called a familiarity.

Why on earth...?

Just as she couldn't help but become confused, she saw that the girl suddenly got low waist, and she didn't know what to grab a handful from the ground; Lin Sanjiu was in awe, and when she hurriedly stepped aside two steps, the girl stared at her suddenly. Opened his mouth.

"Yourshadowatmorningstridingbehindofyou, oryourshadowateveningrisingtomeetyou..."

It turned out to be so!

Lin Sanjiu shuddered all over her body, and even she didn't expect that she had exploded at such an astonishing speed; in a flash, the shadow she had jumped into the air had already caged the girl.

Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, and you can receive them as long as you pay attention. Please seize the opportunity for the last benefit at the end of the year. Public Account [Book Friends Base Camp]

"Iwillshowyoufearinahandfulofdust——" The girl hurriedly backed away without stopping her breath, but accelerated her speech; the wind rolled up from behind her, as if something was taking shape and growing in accordance with her voice. It is brewing and ready to come out.

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly closed her face with one hand, and the other side twisted her head sharply, only letting her fingers slip over her cheek.

But this is enough [Flat World] to activate on the girl's face.

As soon as he felt a card started, Lin Sanjiu fell back to the ground with a thump; she shouted loudly and rang together with the verse that the other party hadn't finished singing: "[Bard]!"

The girl's voice finally came to a pause for the first time.

After Lin Sanjiu took away the card, a long silky bright brown curly hair slipped from behind her ears like a sea wave. She hurriedly flirted her hair, and the countless jewelry on her wrists and ears suddenly rang softly and pleasantly. .

"Hey, Bohemia!" Lin Sanjiu's eyes lit up, "It's me!"

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